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the thousand hours + club

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I got 3000+ at this moment


Things I like: BaseBuilding, Crafting, Lootsystem, Great modding community to try newer stuff as well, new POI's/Shops are amazing. 


Things I hate: There is nothing I hate, perhaps it's too easy to make money and buy-all-you-want from the traders but that's Under Construction


Would like to see: More POI's, More different/clever Zombies, Ziplines, More cosmeticstuff to decorate your house, Deeper crafting system, more resources/items

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11 minutes ago, Fren said:

I got 3000+ at this moment


Things I like: BaseBuilding, Crafting, Lootsystem, Great modding community to try newer stuff as well, new POI's/Shops are amazing. 


Things I hate: There is nothing I hate, perhaps it's too easy to make money and buy-all-you-want from the traders but that's Under Construction


Would like to see: More POI's, More different/clever Zombies, Ziplines, More cosmeticstuff to decorate your house, Deeper crafting system, more resources/items

The problem i run into: how much of the game is bad balance making it too easy, and how much of it is me being gud? Apparently starvation and dysentery are problems for the noobs. I also find i have buttloads of dukes. this play through i bought two gyro copters, a 4x4, a motorcycle, multiple level 6 solar cells, and all sorts of other stuff, and i still have over a hundred thousand dukes. I have not sold cash, gold, or silver either. If you know how to make money, you can be super rich. I also agree with more furniture. Darkness Falls was great because of the special loot containers it added. having those loot containers not only made the base look nice, but helped sort things out. 

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1 hour ago, Fren said:

I got 3000+ at this moment


Things I like: BaseBuilding, Crafting, Lootsystem, Great modding community to try newer stuff as well, new POI's/Shops are amazing. 


Things I hate: There is nothing I hate, perhaps it's too easy to make money and buy-all-you-want from the traders but that's Under Construction


Would like to see: More POI's, More different/clever Zombies, Ziplines, More cosmeticstuff to decorate your house, Deeper crafting system, more resources/items

same here


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A little over 3,200 hours. There isn't anything in the game that I 'hate' - I love everything about it overall. Some things aren't perfect, but nothing is. I'm excited for bandits probably more than anything else. My favorite thing to do is build bases\outposts and run through POIs with my wife and other family or friends that play with me. We like setting some sort of goal to achieve - like a large base design before a certain time frame, or earn a certain amount of money before a specified time, etc - basically scenarios with some rules and play them out. I think this game would be awesome with a scenario editor (For example: Specify a tiny map with limited resources, a high level gamestage horde is coming in 21 days, put a timer on the screen and you have to build something within 21 days to survive it using all the resources from a tiny 512x512 island) That's kinda what I like to do with things in the game after 3k hours..

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1382 hours since A14


Sadly I've watched a huge group of friends that started A14 with me leave the game over the years. It's only me now, whereas previous to A19 I played 90% co-op with 4 to 5 people. Main reasons I lost players were the removal of LBD, as that gave us purpose and meant we were always busy, the new perk system which we still consider stupid - mine ore all day then spend your xp points getting better at cooking - yuk. But the real nail in the coffin was the revamped zombie AI that made them structural engineers instead of brainless undead. The took so many of the fun base designs we used to love off the table that most of group just bailed.


I've probably quit myself tbh I have little urge to play on, just popped my head back into A19 to see what's changed.

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+/- 1500 hours in. Obviously this game is doing something right ;)


I think the game's biggest draw is also its biggest drawback: the combination of so many aspects from different genres. It offers a ton of potential, but it's a @%$*#! to balance.


I love the basic idea of riding around in a post-apocalyptic world and being able to do whatever I want, as long as I make smart choices and/or have luck on my side. Slowly becoming the hunter instead of the hunted and creating a safe haven in a hostile world is a power fantasy that 7DtD scratches quite well, a lot of the time.


But I find that TFP's attempts at balancing and expanding the many different systems often fall flat, as if done without a good intuition of how they will interact with each other. Frankly it looks like they borrow cool stuff from other games without completely understanding how it will function in the bigger picture of 7DtD. I can't even blame them, because it's a hugely ambitious project and I really do think it's cool they took it on. I just wish they had the experience beforehand to realize the limitations of voxel worlds, for example, which is something that Madmole admitted TFP underestimated.


Right now the biggest areas of improvement, for me, would be to focus on making progression less linear and predictable and expanding on late game challenges. I also think the perk & attribute system they went for since A17 isn't really suited to this game, because it hamstrings players that want to use weapons or perks that don't happen to be in the same skill tree. I can still survive with it just fine, but it feels awkward that I can't build a sneaky character that uses sniper rifles without sacrificing quite a bit of efficiency. I get that you're not supposed to be able to do everything, so I'd be fine with foregoing (good) use of pistols or SMG's, for example. But right now that still means I have to invest in perception, which only seems to serve as a gate instead of making my character more.. perceptive. It doesn't feel natural or intuitive, and right now it also means a tree like strength is way more efficient to invest in than something like fortitude, since it covers almost everything you'd want to do in this game. Shifting heavy armor to strength only made that worse.

I hope TFP take another critical look at it, even if it means overhauling it yet again. I don't care about going gold and don't mind waiting if's actually going to extend the replayability of the game.

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3500+ here, I'm a builder, while I don't mind shoveling stuff, I dislike mining.  I'll do it because it's a necessary evil, but I don't have to like it.


Dislike:  Primitive bows, bullet sponges, and Z's that wake up even if I have not looted a darned thing in the house and am moving like a mouse as TFP intended to make stealth work.

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14 minutes ago, Kalen said:

I just passed 4,000 hours.


I'm a builder and a miner.   I loved building massive bases with extensive underground rooms and tunnels.


Oh me too.. Sometimes I'll try to make something simple. But, it virtually always ends up into this massive complex with tunnels, levels, secrets, lol Yah - the building is so addictive and you keep wanting to add more and more to the canvas. One idea, leads to another, leads to another - and before you know it - you've got this gigantic thing you've built and spend time in. Building is what keeps me in this game - for sure - all the other stuff is fun to - but it's the building - that's endless. There is no limit to what you can build. Even after every POI has been thoroughly explored over and over - you can always build..

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6129 hours


Looting, building, exploring. This is the most played game in my library by far. It is always different, always challenging, and just keeps getting better.


I know there are issues, but TFP has consistently addressed them and I believe they are genuinely working to make the game better.


Sometimes I think that the players on these forums forget that this is an early access title.

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3052 hours


I love building, looting exploring, questing, farming, vehicles, having a decorated base with tons of storage all filled up with my well organized goodies... ok i like most everything. I experiment with different perk builds in different games to keep things fresh.


Things i am patiently waiting for and hoping for: more decorative items, more paint textures, dyes for vehicles (mods too but dyes mostly), and as of a19 more primitive weapons.


Things i don't like... post-horde base repairs. My day 2 morning ritual spent walking streets in the town i settle in or near looking for gore piles, birds nests for eggs, mailboxes for chance at books, and looting any garbage piles i come across. Boring, very boring, but i don't feel like i have settled even temporarily til i have a farm growing even if it's just a few plots. I just don't cook anything less than bacon and eggs, so i need an egg supply. Mailboxes and trash piles just because they are there while I am looking for rotten flesh and eggs.



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I've got 3,326 hours at the moment and, in all that time, I have to say that A19 is the best looking but worst playing of them all; vultures suck, early game is a grind, food depletes too quickly, farm plots are still worse than the garden hoe, and the crafting system stopping at T5/not having nearly all the decorative items is discouraging in a crafting game.


It's impressive how the least playable version is the best looking.  That makes it still somewhat enjoyable to play.


I've given up on a base since there are too many zombies that destroy it with ease; exploders, vulture attacks, etc.  Horde night is now just me and my two M60s running around in armor and slaughtering everything; occasionally standing in a sealed-off archway to prevent being jumped while I repair my guns.


I'd like to see a return to base-building as a game mechanic instead of a line of storage boxes on the ground being the most efficient solution.

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5200 hours, this game always has something that catches me, I think that the beginnings, the risks of dying at every step is what I enjoy the most.
Well ... and run like crazy with my big motorcycle running over zombies too !!


Survive, loot, explore, build, kill all Z that moves ... and not die trying.
Much enjoyment! Ohh yes!

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5 hours ago, Hrod Land said:

But I find that TFP's attempts at balancing and expanding the many different systems often fall flat, as if done without a good intuition of how they will interact with each other. Frankly it looks like they borrow cool stuff from other games without completely understanding how it will function in the bigger picture of 7DtD.

I couldn't agree more. It's quite obvious that the person or persons making the design decisions do not actually play the game. I mean *play* it properly with the kind of hours invested that we are seeing in this thread. Despite all the good stuff I've seen added since A14, I have to say the game is a mere shadow of what it used to be. In terms of pure enjoyment I mean.

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What I like? Multiplayer and PvP communities.  This game has much potential in this area that is untapped.  Gameplay is just OK, easy peasy at this point.


What I don't like?  The lack of the developers to address the multiplayer community in any meaningful way.  The developers introducing new features without addressing old, very game changing bugs.

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1,873 hours vanila

over 2k hours on modded/overhauls


Likes - Building, looting, killing zeds and pvp.  The versatility of this game is great but still, I know TFP have a vision for there end result, so I am looking forward to that. 


Dislikes - I feel the game isn't challenging enough.  I use 8x zombies mod just to get some challenge and even that isn't hard once I find a gun and some ammo.  Usually by day 3 or 4 I am already crafting my ammo needs and have no issues with zeds after that.  I stopped building horde bases in a17 and just run and gun now since the zeds have xray vision and know exactly were to attack my base now, just isn't worth the time for repairs.


Wishlist :

•Better ai

•More variety of zombies (scripted preferably)

•Bandits (and npc raids)

•More pvp focus (A new game mode to avoid screwing up the single player experience)

•Better multiplayer support (Imagine pvp servers with 60-100 players)

•Better building mechanics (Think Empyrion) to speed up large projects

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Nearing 3k, albeit slowly nowadays... like, building - making silly overkill things rarely happens as the grind has gotten real, will need a good stable patch to get a build off the ground, haven't put in the time in A19 yet. Building the minimum effort functional bases where a player can just run through a POI but zeds will cluster for XP is its own challenge and pretty fun as well .. :)


Hopeful for deeper combat mechanics (and a good matching combat AI to boot); at the moment the combat feels haphazardly random at best, monotonous left-click-repeat at worst. Depends a lil on how much you cheese, but doesn't really feel all that great as is, with or without dairy.


The worst of my dislikes are balance issues, which are always changing, so, meh .. not bothering to list them.

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7 hours ago, Ghostlight said:

I couldn't agree more. It's quite obvious that the person or persons making the design decisions do not actually play the game. I mean *play* it properly with the kind of hours invested that we are seeing in this thread. Despite all the good stuff I've seen added since A14, I have to say the game is a mere shadow of what it used to be. In terms of pure enjoyment I mean.

Is there a proper way to play this game? I have a vastly different play style than everyone else, yet i also hear vastly different things: some people have terrible base luck and live a nomad life, others build a giant super fortress starting at day one and never leave, and wipe out 64 zombie hordes. Shot guns are op, shot guns suck,  stealth does not work, stealth is too op. No one takes pack mule. That is about the only common trait i have seen. I realized that there was a communication problem when i saw noobs on steam rage quit because of dysentery and starving to death. Who the hell starves to death? yet a bunch of them do. 

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13 hours ago, Hrod Land said:

+. I can still survive with it just fine, but it feels awkward that I can't build a sneaky character that uses sniper rifles without sacrificing quite a bit of efficiency. I get that you're not supposed to be able to do everything, so I'd be fine with foregoing (good) use of pistols or SMG's, for example. But right now that still means I have to invest in perception, which only seems to serve as a gate instead of making my character more.. perceptive. It doesn't feel natural or intuitive, and right now it also means a tree like strength is way more efficient to invest in than something like fortitude, since it covers almost everything you'd want to do in this game. Shifting heavy armor to strength only made that worse.


Are you on the normal difficulty?  I am finding that only one or two perks in a weapon skill is enough. you can even stop at 4 perks in a melee skill and still kill radiated with one well placed hit. I am also playing with the forgetting drink this play through. In fact i have no points in the archery skill tree, but a well placed shot with the compound crossbow seems to always kill with a stealth hit, though i do have all the book perks for it. I am starting to suspect that the books are definitely something to always buy and read if encountered. 

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20 hours ago, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:

The problem i run into: how much of the game is bad balance making it too easy, and how much of it is me being gud? Apparently starvation and dysentery are problems for the noobs. I also find i have buttloads of dukes. this play through i bought two gyro copters, a 4x4, a motorcycle, multiple level 6 solar cells, and all sorts of other stuff, and i still have over a hundred thousand dukes. I have not sold cash, gold, or silver either. If you know how to make money, you can be super rich. I also agree with more furniture. Darkness Falls was great because of the special loot containers it added. having those loot containers not only made the base look nice, but helped sort things out. 

Oh please share your secrets oh wise one...lol

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