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Jugginator last won the day on December 14 2019

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    Behind a bunch of monitors, Black Mesa Research Facility

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  1. Yup! You've got an error in there, need to figure out how to resolve that one. Doube check you have all Windows updates in the meantime
  2. Hm you don't happen to have a clip on hand do you? Any information would be helpful. We certainly haven't seen this
  3. No it's not that it thinks our files are viruses, it's just it scans all files all the time that aren't excluded. This is normally fine but what it does is add a period of latency where the game can't load files until the scan is done with it, so sometimes things can go wrong. There's a how-to in the stickies up top
  4. Yeah unfortunately the hardware just can't support it, we're pushing the limits as is. A big maybe in the future though.
  5. Yeah more work is to be done yet for that.
  6. If you're on the Xbox S, unfortunately the hardware only supports 2 at the moment. If you have a friend that has an X, you can have them host and they can host up to 4
  7. Have you added the game install folder and save folder to antivirus exclusions? This includes windows security, you'll want to add them to the real time scan exclusions list. This is really odd, may require deeper troubleshooting
  8. Yeah mostly was just something I saw. Honestly at the moment I'm not sure, would you mind trying from a clean slate? Go into the game launcher and click the Open Saves button; dave any games/worlds/prefabs in the 7daystodie or you could just remove the entire folder to back it all up, either way. After you back up whatever you need, delete the entire 7daystodie folder in there. Go back into the game launcher and in the Tools tab, there's a cleaning tool. Open that up Check everything in the cleaner Go back into Steam Verify the files at least 3 times (sounds weird but sometimes Steam doesn't catch file mismatches) You can do this for Stable release too which should be soon, so maybe it's best to wait for that anyway
  9. Thanks for confirming paddy. Good deal!
  10. Im not sure what's causing your corruption yet but it seems your computer is running your graphics through your integrated gpu on your intel cpu rather than your RTX 4060
  11. Nice!! I'm confused as to how xmp would cause gpu memory instability but I've learned not to argue with weirdness when it comes to odd computer issues lately lol. On the latter, that's a bug caused by carrying over an old save. To compensate for now until you make a new one: cm in the console, click the dev block icon up top, acquire a Ticket stack, prob tier 5, and read/turn them in until you get to your previous progression. The bug will likely happen again though in that same save. Won't happen in a new one though, or shouldnt.
  12. You're welcome! Yeah careful with those, they aren't meant to be put into prefabs like that. They won't always cause issues, but they can sometimes.
  13. Starting with a log file is a good place to start
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