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Alpha 19 Streamer Weekend


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This is gonna be awesome! And I think the fact we're hitting Steam Weekend with sales is even better, not sure what the USD charge is right now, but here it's equiv to 5 USD which is the lowest I've ever seen it go during any sale. Heck it's lower than the lowest Humble Bundle I've seen too :)


So hopefully that brings in lotsa fresh zombie fodder, gotta feed them hordes to get their strength up!

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What about the rest of us loyal players?  I've logged 3,152 hours and couldn't care less about obnoxious YouTube personalities; I actively avoid them so that I can have a better play through experience adapting to the changes.

There's nothing like knowing that I could be playing this weekend and, instead, it will be available when I have to work and won't be able to dedicate my free time to it.


This pissed me off last time that this happened and it seems that this is going to be a trend of spitting in the faces of people who enjoy the game but aren't narcissistic enough to try to make playing it a career.

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7 minutes ago, Dracula said:

What about the rest of us loyal players?  I've logged 3,152 hours and couldn't care less about obnoxious YouTube personalities; I actively avoid them so that I can have a better play through experience adapting to the changes.

There's nothing like knowing that I could be playing this weekend and, instead, it will be available when I have to work and won't be able to dedicate my free time to it.


This pissed me off last time that this happened and it seems that this is going to be a trend of spitting in the faces of people who enjoy the game but aren't narcissistic enough to try to make playing it a career.

They want to promote their game, the more they promote it the more it might generate revenue.  Thus, allowing them to get closer to gold and move on.


I'm sad that I didn't get on the bug testing team, but meh, I've seen enough of A19 through the Dev streams to know that I want to play it.  And will most likely be like you and avoid watching the youtubers play. 


I was laughing so hard during the the stream where Lathan, Joel and Richard were playing coop, that my wife had to come check on me.  Thanks to Lathan, I'll probably try a fort / brawler build, something I would have never considered doing before as I'm more of a agi / stealth build guy.


But this way they have people with a large amount of followers promoting the updated product and it will hopefully generate sales, and more interest in the game.


Am I happy about it either?  Not really, but I'll wait til Monday, then will be playing it myself hopefully.   Cheers and happy Monday to the rest of us when it gets here.

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1 minute ago, Darthjake said:

They want to promote their game, the more they promote it the more it might generate revenue.  Thus, allowing them to get closer to gold and move on.


I'm sad that I didn't get on the bug testing team, but meh, I've seen enough of A19 through the Dev streams to know that I want to play it.  And will most likely be like you and avoid watching the youtubers play. 


I was laughing so hard during the the stream where Lathan, Joel and Richard were playing coop, that my wife had to come check on me.  Thanks to Lathan, I'll probably try a fort / brawler build, something I would have never considered doing before as I'm more of a agi / stealth build guy.


But this way they have people with a large amount of followers promoting the updated product and it will hopefully generate sales, and more interest in the game.


Am I happy about it either?  Not really, but I'll wait til Monday, then will be playing it myself hopefully.   Cheers and happy Monday to the rest of us when it gets here.

I don't watch any streams; I don't have the time.  I've been working my @%$*#! off due to the nonsense going on in the world these days and barely have the time to sleep outside of the weekend; you try being a mortuary worker who has a 125-hour work week (including on-call time) and having any semblance of a social life.  A Monday release means that I will not have the time to get to playing it until next weekend.


It's a pretty big middle finger to those of us who have been loyal players for years; I got it back in 2014 and have been playing since.  The preferential treatment for streamers is insulting to those who have already paid for it and have been sticking with a game that has been in Alpha stages for over 6 years.  That is going to hurt sales more than these weekend events help; not to mention the fiasco that was the console version.

3 minutes ago, Gazz said:

This is a promotional event.


I know streamers who are very loyal to 7DTD and still didn't get in because this is not a loyalty contest and they did not make the cut.

I'm well aware it's not a loyalty event; with years of play time and thousands of hours logged, I'd say that I'm pretty damn loyal to the game.  It's a popularity contest that says FU to those who are loyal.




What it means to me is that I'm going to have to avoid things that show people playing it and wait another week before being able to play myself because I'm not popular enough to matter.

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1 hour ago, Dracula said:

I don't watch any streams; I don't have the time.  I've been working my @%$*#! off due to the nonsense going on in the world these days and barely have the time to sleep outside of the weekend; you try being a mortuary worker who has a 125-hour work week (including on-call time) and having any semblance of a social life.  A Monday release means that I will not have the time to get to playing it until next weekend.


It's a pretty big middle finger to those of us who have been loyal players for years; I got it back in 2014 and have been playing since.  The preferential treatment for streamers is insulting to those who have already paid for it and have been sticking with a game that has been in Alpha stages for over 6 years.  That is going to hurt sales more than these weekend events help; not to mention the fiasco that was the console version.

I'm well aware it's not a loyalty event; with years of play time and thousands of hours logged, I'd say that I'm pretty damn loyal to the game.  It's a popularity contest that says FU to those who are loyal.




What it means to me is that I'm going to have to avoid things that show people playing it and wait another week before being able to play myself because I'm not popular enough to matter.

If there wasn't a stream weekend, you wouldn't get it any. Its always been released on Monday or Tuesday. Remember on Wednesday because of big bugs.


So keep your panties twisted if you want. Its there game to promote as they see fit. Plus its proven to be good a strategy, so its not going to change.

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3 hours ago, Damocles said:

TFP run a business with the goal of selling the game.

The streamers do a public promotion of the game for the weekend.

Players get it on monday when the developers can react to serious bugs.

simple as that.

If I do t get it today im going to stop paying my 15 dollars a month.

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If you change PROMOTIONAL to ADVERTISING,  then it should be clear that reaching the widest audience is the goal.

Thus, the follow/subs minimum count. (think ratings on tv)


Has zip, zero, nada about loyalty.  It's an Advertising/Marketing thing.


I'd love to be streaming the game this weekend. Nope, don't even have 500 followers yet, nevermind 5000.

So what, I can wait a couple more days.


We always get the same thing each streamer weekend. (and I'm outta popcorn again dagnabbit!)





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19 hours ago, Damocles said:

TFP run a business with the goal of selling the game.

The streamers do a public promotion of the game for the weekend.

Players get it on monday when the developers can react to serious bugs.

simple as that.

Not as simple as that. Devs on usuallytwitch PAY streamers to stream their games for promotion. There are things called bounties as well. Where streamers who meet criteria are given access to promotional content and get paid for the viewers they acquire during said promotion. Only exception are indie devs and I dont think Pimps consider themselves idie devs with how many copies they have sold, or at least they shouldn't. They certainly dont speak like indie devs when talking about their game.


Look i get that this is the way things are done, but stop acting like this is the best way and its in the best interest of the streamer. I know enough medium sized streamers, and see enough of the bigger ones to understand and see how it works. I get that streamers are grateful for this opportunity but at the risk of drawing Fun Pimps ire these streamers are 100 percent underselling their value to them. Give it another year when the affiliate streamer program becomes more  understood by streamers and they will realize that devs who wish to promote should be compensating streamers for their brand and time.


This applies even more so if youre talking about it being a business. Yeah its a business but the only party thats benefiting from this business opportunity are the devs. The streamers themselves come with the built in audience.

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No ire Jax. I don't know whether I agree with you on the timeline but I absolutely agree with you that there will come a time when streamers will have set prices to advertise. I'm sure there are already some streamers who wouldn't touch our event unless we offered them payment for their services. Right now, the equilibrium is close to equal where both parties see the advantages of partnering up. We get advertising and they get an exclusive and hyped event that can grow their channel.


But... even some of the big channels don't do this ONLY to make money. Neeb's Gaming has a very philanthropic attitude and legitimately have an interest in helping studios of games they like to be successful by doing their show. Despite their huge success they aren't sending out pricing lists to any studios for a certain number of episodes on their game. If they like a game then they play it and show it at no charge to that studio. 


There are other quite large channels that most would agree have "arrived" that were equally excited to participate and never even hinted that if we wanted their 900k viewers we would have to pony up some advertising dollars from our budget to see our game on their channel. A lot of streaming is driven by passion for gaming and not only cash for gaming though cash for gaming is certainly nice. 


Finally, much like gaming magazines, there are ads and then there are stories. If the magazine editor feels like they want to cover 7 Days to Die because it will draw greater readership the magazine isn't going to charge for covering the story they want to do. But if TFP wanted to put a two-page spread in the mag then we would definitely have to pay the ad rates in order to do that. So even if there comes a time that most streamers affiliate and have managers that negotiate payment terms with studios to have their games get covered--there still will be a lot of non-advertising coverage because the streamer will want to do it. Think about it. If Valve wanted to advertise in PC Gamer for their new Alyx game they would certainly have to pay for that. But if they contacted PC Gamer offering an exclusive interview and play session with Portal 3, I doubt the magazine would say, "Only if you pay us x amount of money" They would want the story and print it free of charge because it would help sell copies.


It definitely will be interesting to see how this industry evolves over time as it truly is still in its infancy but growing quickly. 

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I think Streamers are in the unenviable position of not being the creators of the content they are streaming.

You can wear all the funny hats and have all the lights and wizz bangs but they are still using the IP of another.


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In one 3 hour sitting, I watched a streamer make around $500.


That's about the pay of a highly skilled computer consultant for a big company makes.

This gifted person was very good IMO at his "Job" and deserved the money.  


Should any streamer get the same amount of money as him???  Hell no!

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5 minutes ago, Aldranon said:

In one 3 hour sitting, I watched a streamer make around $500.


That's about the pay of a highly skilled computer consultant for a big company makes.

This gifted person was very good IMO at his "Job" and deserved the money.  


Should any streamer get the same amount of money as him???  Hell no!

3 hours of streaming might also entail 5 hours of backoffice. Plus that might be a very active stream that day, and way less on others.

With those income numbers you dont get rich.

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21 minutes ago, Damocles said:

3 hours of streaming might also entail 5 hours of backoffice. Plus that might be a very active stream that day, and way less on others.

With those income numbers you dont get rich.

As supplementary income its good.

Anyone who is only streaming for a life income is confused, or is OK with a low standard of living.


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22 minutes ago, Damocles said:

3 hours of streaming might also entail 5 hours of backoffice. Plus that might be a very active stream that day, and way less on others.

With those income numbers you dont get rich.

Not if you count the hardware, setup time and a team of moderators which at this level can certainly deserve some compensation.

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3 minutes ago, Gazz said:

Not if you count the hardware, setup time and a team of moderators which at this level can certainly deserve some compensation.

Youtube, for example, pays around $1-$6 per 1000 views.  Depending on amount of advertisement.

The people getting 1 million+ views are doing good.

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