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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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1 hour ago, Xetsubou said:

So I just updated to b169 and tried to join my server but got the nullreferenceobject console spam keeping me from playing, I don't mind being level 1 again but is there any way to fix this or do I have to start over again?

Lucky you... since the last patch nitrado won't allow me on the  server, nor does it install a new game in experimental....it's not playable at all... 

hopefully it's fixed when the A19 stable comes out

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4 hours ago, madmole said:

Probably, its never in a quantity that I keep, so I toss it out.

and that's why it needs a look.

2 hours ago, faatal said:

I know it is happening to some people. It is just a matter of finding a middle ground that works reasonably well for everyone within our minimum computer specs. This is experimental and that was an experiment. In any event it can't stay how it was before, since Joel consistently would report his FPS dropping to 20 FPS after x minutes of play and having to reload to fix it. He has a high end PC.


The irony is it may be the console warning messages from block prefabs not yet loaded causing a lot of the lag and not the actual loading.

can you temp disable console warnings for that warning and have people test that as an issue?

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8 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

my game froze and i came back and sense i was riding my minibike!



The gods ate my Minibike! 



at least i didn't loses my levels!

You're sure your bike isn't behind somewhere? You checked the map for the bike icon?

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29 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

ill have to check but i don't think its there 



Madmole, Gazz, Faatal and the other Pimp gods just did this to the minibike!

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well i quit out whilst on my bike and it disappeared and then it was outside the trader for some reason same for my bicycle there seems to be some wacky stuff happening when you quit off on your vehicles


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3 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:




i got a few questions for the bow!



1: Will damage be scaled for the wooden bow and compound bow, cuz the compound bow feels... Weak same with the compound crossbow 


2: will bows get a update in any shape or form? like able to put a Sight on it for example 


3: will bolts be removed. (you don't need to answers that if not) 

I am playing an agility character now so if it feels weak we can always boost it. It's main advantage is superior sneak damage to everything else so it isn't meant to really keep up damage wise with pistols. Cheap ammo, best stealth and sneak damage means it is going to have to be worse damage wise than firearms. We are adding core visuals for mods to all weapons that don't have them yet.

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3 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

well i quit out whilst on my bike and it disappeared and then it was outside the trader for some reason same for my bicycle there seems to be some wacky stuff happening when you quit off on your vehicles


well i even checked on the map and its gone!


Oh well! im making a motorcycle now! INTELLECT BABY!!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, Laz Man said:



Any plans to make the inventory "Sort" button more intuitive?  I had a new player tell me that it would be nice if there was feature to auto sort their inventory.  It turns out the "Sort" button is an icon of a backpack and nothing else so I can see why they didn't know.

Any interactive icons "expand" when you hover over them. Perhaps a loading screen tip for that, and this specific issue would be a win.

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1 hour ago, wolfbain5 said:

and that's why it needs a look.

can you temp disable console warnings for that warning and have people test that as an issue?

That would be dumb, we need the warnings to see what the bugs are so we can fix them properly.

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4 minutes ago, madmole said:

I am playing an agility character now so if it feels weak we can always boost it. It's main advantage is superior sneak damage to everything else so it isn't meant to really keep up damage wise with pistols. Cheap ammo, best stealth and sneak damage means it is going to have to be worse damage wise than firearms. We are adding core visuals for mods to all weapons that don't have them yet.

understand able! i do think the Compound bow could uses some more love! when i used a Compound bow IRL, FIRST is was FUN! but it also hurt! they got some kick! (mostly cuz i got Twig arms) while i don't think it should be as strong as say the Sharpshooter Rifle but not 30 damage. 



and while realistically you could put multiple arrows together and Fire it at those Zombies! but thats not part of the game.


6 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

what day are you on?

24! got a level 4 Junk turret (my main gun), a Level 4 Junk hammer and Stunbaton (my main melee weapons)



if you eat the Brain tats and get the Replusor mod! its the best thing in the world! its like this!



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8 minutes ago, madmole said:

I am playing an agility character now so if it feels weak we can always boost it. It's main advantage is superior sneak damage to everything else so it isn't meant to really keep up damage wise with pistols. Cheap ammo, best stealth and sneak damage means it is going to have to be worse damage wise than firearms. We are adding core visuals for mods to all weapons that don't have them yet.

I started agility/bow and thought it was a very good starter stealth weapon. The +200% sneak damage out of the gate was a refreshing touch. I used it thru compound bow. There was a very noticeable time frame where a silenced weapon over-took the bow. When I got a) urban combat 7-piece bonus and/or b) desert vulture (most likely this first) it became the go to over the bow.

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4 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

understand able! i do think the Compound bow could uses some more love! when i used a Compound bow IRL, FIRST is was FUN! but it also hurt! they got some kick! (mostly cuz i got Twig arms) while i don't think it should be as strong as say the Sharpshooter Rifle but not 30 damage. 



and while realistically you could put multiple arrows together and Fire it at those Zombies! but thats not part of the game.


24! got a level 4 Junk turret (my main gun), a Level 4 Junk hammer and Stunbaton (my main melee weapons)



if you eat the Brain tats and get the Replusor mod! its the best thing in the world! its like this!



oh for me im on day 34 my guys all well rounded like 6 points in each attribute apart from agility because im not really doing an agility focused build and i got a 4x4 and like 25 chests full of random @%$*#! lmfao i just dump things everywhere and i got a giant farm on top of aldoes cabinet 

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Just now, Callum123456789 said:

oh for me im on day 34 my guys all well rounded like 6 points in each attribute apart from agility because im not really doing an agility focused build and i got a 4x4 and like 25 chests full of random @%$*#! lmfao i just dump things everywhere and i got a giant farm on top of aldoes cabinet 

i kinda like to take my time while playing. it makes me appreciate the game more!



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9 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

i kinda like to take my time while playing. it makes me appreciate the game more!



that reminds me at day like 12 i started finding a bunch of tier 5 and 6 blunderbusses and i just put a bunch of em in my hotbar with some mods and before the shotgun nerf they used to be op af 🙂

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Eh, I got that lost backpack bug last night for the first time. Was surprised by a direwolf and my blunderbuss shot missed and he ate me :(. I respawned, the backpack sprite was there and I went to where it was and no backpack. I admin'd god mode and flew up high and way below.....no backpack. I pulled the log file and it stated it was present and hadn't despawned, gave the location.....it is definitely not there. Not sure how much help I can be with this since log says everything is fine. I died on a flat road, one building away from a trader, nothing weird happened during death. This is on a dedicated server, not single player. Stinks....I had the materials for 4 bicycles I was going to make at the trader workbench. Then I rage quit lol. Wish I could give more valuable info.


19T01:01:23 7933.890 INF GMSG: Player 'Star' died
2020-07-19T01:01:23 7933.957 INF 258872 EntityBackpack id 653, plyrId 176, items 40 casinoCoin, resourceLockPick, Start (-830.3, 61.9, -1923.8)
2020-07-19T01:01:36 7946.979 INF 259359 EntityBackpack id 653, plyrId 176, items 40 casinoCoin, resourceLockPick, OnEntityUnload (-829.8, 60.0, -1924.9), markedForUnload False, IsDead True, IsDespawned False
2020-07-19T01:01:36 7946.983 INF 259359 EntityBackpack id 653, plyrId 176, items 40 casinoCoin, resourceLockPick, OnDestroy (-829.8, 60.0, -1924.9)

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A quick feedback for stun baton.


Im on day 10 now and I found my first stun baton in my current game. I tested it and I like it, its now a really nice melee weapon. But at that point in game most people already invested some points in other melee weapons (club, sledge, knife).


Yeah stun baton is nice but why should someone at this stage switch to it and invest points in stun baton? In this game I already have 3 points on pummel pete and have my baseball bat (usually sledge) and collecting parts for the steel one.


You can’t craft early game a stun baton because you need parts for it. Maybe this point needs a rethink.

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This may be an issue people are talking about already, but... 


I've noticed that when I'm inside our base (A repurposed prefab), I can stand still and watch the textures toggle quality in and out every 2ish or so seconds.  Blurry/Clear/Blurry/Clear and it does it over and over.  Outside, no issues that I've seen (I haven't tested that a lot though).


I'm running an i-9 9900K, 1080ti, 32gig ram, game is installed on a Samsung 970 EVO Plus SSD 1TB - M.2 NVMe drive.


No idea if that helps or not, let me know if you need/want any other information.

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8 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

@madmole I believe something that has been going on as of late is removing/buffing numbers of items in loot that players would otherwise scrap or toss away. (Raw brass, candy tins, hub caps, tree seeds, etc. etc.) I would like to add raw lead to that list. Typically one finds between 1-10 lead in loot per group, which is hardly worth keeping around. Might I suggest a small buff of groups of lead found in loot, raising it to around 30-60+? Your thoughts?

The more loot of a scrappable nature you remove the quicker you get better items. Now to the average player and possible Mad Mole this is probably a good thing but i can point you to several seminars on game loot and its importance that states, with data, why sometimes you NEED junk loot. Giving the player something great every roll, or something useful every single time, shortens looting time, removes the arc of progress and eliminates the endorphins you receive when you DO find valuable loot. In essence if everything you loot is awesome then how do you reward the work put in if the reward is given every time.


A lot of peoples complaints that they are seeing too much food or too much ammo is a direct result of filling every container with useful stuff and removing things like filters, hubcaps and raw ores.

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 I officially regret telling friends and online friends that I would be hosting a dedicated server once A19 Stable was out, now have people hounding me for when the server will be up. Realized that if I multiply that feeling by 100x that I might understand what it's like be a member of the Fun Pimps Staff. I sincerely apologize for any hounding I might've done in the past in asking when stuff will be released. 

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5 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:




i got a few questions for the bow!



1: Will damage be scaled for the wooden bow and compound bow, cuz the compound bow feels... Weak same with the compound crossbow 


2: will bows get a update in any shape or form? like able to put a Sight on it for example 


3: will bolts be removed. (you don't need to answers that if not) 

I've only fiddled with it in creative so I don't know how it plays economically or at high GS levels, but have you tried loading up with explosive or at least flaming arrows? Being able to rapid fire bombs with the compound bow feels really strong, but I as I said I don't know how they fair against mutants and irradiated Z's.


Also getting two fairly distinct weapons under one perk is also pretty nice, the compound crossbow is a stealth powerhouse even without perks in bows or hidden strike.

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