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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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Learning history allows you to be able to think. I'm not talking about day to day think, I'm talking about the big picture. It allows you to understand the present and the context that you live in. It allows you to understand where we came from and in which direction we are going. It allows you to understand people, societies, cultures, change. History gives answers to a ton of important questions: Why do we do things this way? Why do we have these institutions? Why this kind of government? It gives you perspective.


I know, for a lot of people this doesn't matter. Most people live their life as they were told and don't ask questions. They pay taxes, vote, go to church, because they were told so, but they never truly understand why. Studying history gives you the chance to understand this.


Of course I would change they way that history is taught in schools, at least in my country. Knowing all the names of all the monarchs of europe of 1000 years is useless..


Also I agree that the other useful skills that you mentioned should be taught in schools too.


You make some great points. You should be a history teacher lol.


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You should have first asked gently, and made dinner for romance class. Not take it directly.


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There's only one of us in here romancing stones or rocks.


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Wash your hands before waving them around, young man!


For a second I thought this was a post from snow and not just a reply to one lol...

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Im still wondering why every week a smiley is gone at the top....


Well at the current rate of MF solving, alpha 18 should theoretically be ready next friday (the 20th). TFP went from 38 to 29 in just a few days, and assuming that they'll be a little lenient and let a few slip through in favor of a timely release (rather than artificially extend waiting times by 2 weeks), there's a good chance we'll see streamers playing Alpha 18 next weekend, followed by us playing it on monday. The smiley's are probably a subtle countdown. I'm betting it'll be gone next week.

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for next patch after a18, i would suggest you to make some string-traps, so zeds activate them when crossing the string and exploding, also i think mines need to be fixed, i tried using mines to detonate some zeds, and seemed to make no effect on them, just exploding and passing through like nothing.


also, having subways (i always suggested that idea), would be really cool, as POI without dungeon style or even for transport, as someone said before.

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"they will wreck". Do you have a crystal ball or a time machine? Oh wait, Guppycur told you the password to TFPs repository, right? :cocksure:


If a few demolishers explode in the base and each causes 5000 damage within a 5-block radius then you don't need a crystal ball to imagine the result.


The strongest material available to the player is steel. A steel block has a total of 15000 HP. 3 explosions are enough to destroy a steel block. For a reinforced concrete block with 5000 HP a single explosion is enough to destroy it.


The traps are much more vulnerable. A blade trap has e.g. 2000 HP. An explosion is sufficient to destroy the blade trap. The dart traps can be protected with arrow slits as long as the explosion does not penetrate the wall.


The most important question is how hard it is to kill the zombie without triggering the explosion.

Triggering the explosion is only an option if it is done at a safe distance from the base and not every base design allows a panoramic view.

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Well at the current rate of MF solving, alpha 18 should theoretically be ready next friday (the 20th). TFP went from 38 to 29 in just a few days, and assuming that they'll be a little lenient and let a few slip through in favor of a timely release (rather than artificially extend waiting times by 2 weeks), there's a good chance we'll see streamers playing Alpha 18 next weekend, followed by us playing it on monday. The smiley's are probably a subtle countdown. I'm betting it'll be gone next week.


honeslty agree.

Im super stoked. BUT it is sad that im like "OOO lets load of 17.4 and just do like some sort of RPg with myself and make mini mines across the map etc." I open it up, load a RWG map, play for 30 seconds and go "Wtf am i doing a18 is going to be better"

*leaves game to be mindless in league of legends*

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Since the game is now becoming more and more shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot reload shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot reload shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot click,

and less smack smack smack smack smack smack...


Is there a chance we can get the spent cartridges back? The brass part, that is.

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Here is a pro tip: Start using proper grammar and punctuation if you are concerned about the internet's perception of your intelligence. :) Maybe you are on a phone or in a hurry.


ok sorry madmole if you though I was calling your game bad I wasn't just in case you was wondering I meant like in a way of violence and gore ect.

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If prefer a parasail, but I'll gladly be content with a hang glider! (I actually wanted one badly irl 20 or 30 years ago, when they were Uber popular.)


Hang glider is the only thing that made sense for jumping off buildings other than a wingsuit, which would be difficult to make into a "vehicle". A para sail would look weird sitting there fully fluffed up as you place it.

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Yup built my business into a multimillion dollar business. Worked 7 days a week, 60-80 hours a week for 25 years. It wrecked my health but the business runs with small inputs from me leaving me time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


My son got BA & MA in communications and couldn’t get a job. I had told him that medicine was the field where you would always have a job. So after wasting 6 years and tens of thousands of dollars, he’s working on a masters in nursing to be nurse practitioner...guaranteed employment anywhere. It makes you want to strangle these kids for not taking our advice seriously.


congrats on a successful business! what was it like?

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So go ahead and file a bug report. ;)


here is my take on HP vs AP or FMJ ammo.


I have fired 1000s of rounds of ammo in my life including 100s of HP/JHP and FMJ but not anything greater then a 460 Weatherby Magnum, although my Winchester 458 500gr DGX Bonded ammo will pretty much devastate most things but at $100+ for 20 rounds I don't use it often, besides the game in Texas is pretty small (not all things are big in Texas)


Basically what will happen if you shoot a "Zombie" in self-defense with FMJ is this: That bullet is going to go straight through your target and continue on to whatever may be behind it. If it’s a wall, it could go right through that as well and keep going.


Instead, if you use a JHP round for self-defense, the bullet is designed to open up upon impact in order to expand. This expansion creates a wound cavity and will also slow the round down so that it’s likely not to continue beyond your target with much force, if it makes it out at all.


One of the most dangerous things that can happen if using FMJ for self defense, or in 7DTD is hitting another person/player that happens to be beyond the zombie. With FMJ rounds.


Since pictures are fun here is my Win 458 and as well as FMJ and JHP ammo.


PS: my "home defense" loads are a mix of both FMJ/JHP +P rounds.








maybe I will post a slow motion video of the Kick from the 458 or my 7mm loads. :)


Not sure if TFP implemented multiple target support/tracking with AP/FMJ ammo.

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Since the game is now becoming more and more shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot reload shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot reload shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot click,

and less smack smack smack smack smack smack...


Is there a chance we can get the spent cartridges back? The brass part, that is.


Even better, just give us unlimited ammo!! Amirite?

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ok sorry madmole if you though I was calling your game bad I wasn't just in case you was wondering I meant like in a way of violence and gore ect.


Ok. Sorry Madmole if you thought I was calling your game bad. I wasn't, just in case you were wondering. I meant, like in a way of violence and gore, etc..


I think we need zombie grammar teachers in the game.

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If a few demolishers explode in the base and each causes 5000 damage within a 5-block radius then you don't need a crystal ball to imagine the result.


The strongest material available to the player is steel. A steel block has a total of 15000 HP. 3 explosions are enough to destroy a steel block. For a reinforced concrete block with 5000 HP a single explosion is enough to destroy it.


The traps are much more vulnerable. A blade trap has e.g. 2000 HP. An explosion is sufficient to destroy the blade trap. The dart traps can be protected with arrow slits as long as the explosion does not penetrate the wall.


The most important question is how hard it is to kill the zombie without triggering the explosion.

Triggering the explosion is only an option if it is done at a safe distance from the base and not every base design allows a panoramic view.


Let me rephrase that: "Hey, when I do everything like I did it in A17, I will probably get into problems. But I don't even want to see if I really get into problems and I don't want to look for solutions by playing it, I want you to fix it now". Please correct me if that isn't the gist of what you and the OP are saying?


Yes, the demolisher will be a new problem once he surfaces, for everyone. And especially for you, as the most obvious solution is contrary to what you set as your personal goal. Most bases I had built in A17 will probably have the same problem, by the way.


When the new AI was introduced it also was a new problem that meant we had to adjust. I imagine the same happened when the cops and the spider first turned up. If you only want to solve problems you already solved, there is always an old version of 7D2D to play.


I'm quite sure TFP is not interested in you telling them "I think I'm gone have problems". TFP is likely interested in you playing A18 and THEN telling them whether you and others have found a solution or no viable and fun solution was possible. Know and accept what we all are, guinea pigs.

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On that bullet thread, I think they SHOULD be able to penetrate and if a player is in the way so be it. lets say the HP or whatever round penetrates 3 zombies, well if it hits 2 and then a player is behind it well sucks to suck. that little realism is needed IMO


Um, *friendly fire: on* should work.

Faatal or madmole I think, recently said that bullets will penetrate multiple zed if they align one after another. Would be fuun.

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Hang glider is the only thing that made sense for jumping off buildings other than a wingsuit, which would be difficult to make into a "vehicle". A para sail would look weird sitting there fully fluffed up as you place it.


True. Did someone manage to get it in game? >Hope!<

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Yes grade school is useful, I must have forgotten to say HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY.


Of course civilizations are build on the shoulders of previous work. None of that has to do with high school history classes, which teach nothing useful. I at least learned some useful skills in high school and took mechanics, welding etc once I got that bs out of the way.


I'm saying finance, speaking classes, computer basics, relationship with peers and romance would be 1000x more useful than knowing who was the 34ths president, who invented electricity (who gives a crap, turning on a light switch is all you need to know and was lbd by every 2 year old on the planet alredy). Wars over tea... who cares? How is that preparing me for my first job interview or helping me decide what to do with my life?


I agree with this comment, both in the value of a practical education and that public schools do not teach whats valuable in knowing history. The greatest value in knowing world history is at the macro level, not dates and names. History tends to repeat patterns at the macro level, and if you do not understand how those patterns occurred and resolved in the past then you cannot productively engage when that pattern reemerges in your time. For example, many times in history wealth became concentrated into the hands of too few, which when allowed to continue to the extreme, led to bad outcomes for all, especially the wealthy. Present day USA shows this same pattern. Curious what history says will eventually happen if this continues unchecked? There are historical patterns in Economics, religion, government and morality that history can reveal to the reader. An informed citizenry is critical for the viability of any republic. I recommend this 130 page book to anyone who would want to know more: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/143914995X

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