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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Nope. The greatest game sells more copies. There are games with 10% of the content we have outselling us like the forest and subnautica.


MM, is it possible to say that 17 Alpha has only 10% of the content from the release version?

What is the approximate percentage of content that Alpha 18 has in your estimation?

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MM, is it possible to say that 17 Alpha has only 10% of the content from the release version?

What is the approximate percentage of content that Alpha 18 has in your estimation?


Lemme try...


"17 Alpha has only 10% of the content from the release version"


...yes, it is possible. :)


/Here to help

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When A17 was coming out the forums had the progress bar of completion. Can that be brought back for A18 to give us a better idea of progress?

The A17 progress bar was a meaningless woobie - A18 is in the realm of Soon™. Nothing is going be more accurate than that.

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IDK I really like Leisure Suite Larry with its pixelated nudity and its CGA graphics.


I wrote Lunar Lander in Basic on a PDP-11 back in the late 70s using Basic and also discovered Oregon Trail and loved Adventure games since that time.


ROFL: '79 I also did an ASCII char based Lunar Lander on Dec PDP-11. HP System 3000 too. Had done a few text versions a few years earlier. (owned over a dozen different kinds of personal computers (at the same time) - and still have a few)


Also was a Tandy Radio-Shack computer salesperson early 90's (only computers - not retail). We sold tons of them because although Tandy's were IBM compatible, they had 16 color graphics to IBM's 4, and a 'elementary' synthesizer chip. (Most of my sales were to families for gaming systems with some accounting on the side...)


A couple friends and I were so enamored with Sierra Quest games (LSL, Police Quest, Space Quest!, King's Quest, etc.) that we each bought a Roland MT-32 for 'REAL' kick ass sounds and music. (They were $500 plus at that time!) I still have mine.


There were a few times we would play in store after it closed - and be there when it opened the next day. Great memories. Thanks.

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I feel MM got disappointed in voxels, they bring all that trouble with bad graphics and performance and I'm afraid his next game would be no voxels. Which saddens me. To combat all those top selling games you really need to be special PLUS have a miracle luck to hit that elusive string that no one can put a finger on. Lets hope you will succeed, but my point is:


From a business point of view, making a plain sequel, 7d2d-2, with voxels again, but on a new level, with all the accumulated knowledge and the dream team you are having now, would be a guaranteed success. And it will not take all those years again to make it.


But that is a view from my sofa..


I agree.


A competitive voxel game is similar to the guy in a wheelchair keeping up with the pack in a marathon! No, he's not up with the front runners, but guess where the TV crews would be, guess how many people would cheer that guy on?


It would be a shame to drop everything TFP learned about voxels and just do what every one else does. BUT, we all must make our own choices in life and live with the results...

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why in the world would animals level up, what's next, they gonna have gear and perks? That just makes no sense, a person learns, gets better, but as a hunter, I have never seen adult deer get better at being a deer. they dont run faster after reaching adulthood, they dont get noticeably stronger. and their hides dont become tougher.


There are quite a few things in the game that are not 'reality'. As MM has stated a few times: "Gameplay and design trump realism."


I can even think of a few ways to justify it in a world of zombies - maybe some animals were mutated by being tougher, faster, more intelligent, etc. (Planet of the Apes like seems like it could fit if TFP's story went that way...)


(btw - either is fine with me. I will play whatever TFP throws at me and learn by doing. Whoops - I mean LBP: Learn By Playing.)

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There are quite a few things in the game that are not 'reality'. As MM has stated a few times: "Gameplay and design trump realism."


I can even think of a few ways to justify it in a world of zombies - maybe some animals were mutated by being tougher, faster, more intelligent, etc. (Planet of the Apes like seems like it could fit if TFP's story went that way...)


You can justify pretty much anything in games somehow. If necessary with unscientific science or magic.


If I understood the OP correctly then he actually wanted it to be more difficult to hunt when you set a higher difficulty level. That's already given by the fact that you deal less damage at a higher difficulty level.


However, the HP of peaceful animals like deer are very low so there are hardly any differences between the difficulty levels. Only with more aggressive animals with more HP like e.g. the wolf one notices it.

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