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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Precisely! Not that it will be appreciated but that's the fact. Yet another dilemma removed from the game in order to streamline it into a looter/shooter.

Strange, when I play Borderlands, I’m constantly in my inventory deciding which weapon is better, which to sell, and which to keep for later.


Oh wait, I thought y’all wanted this game to be less like a looter/shooter.

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Lemme break it down to what it is. It's not about iron ore.


The ore removal is just yet another example of the dumbing down/simplification that people who have played the game for many alphas and enjoyed it, don't like.


...cue MM's "stick" comment.


Used to be we'd have to take wood to make sticks. Take rocks to make sharp rocks. Then and only then could we make arrows. Now it's punch a tree and a boulder, straight to making arrows. Seems insignificant and slight to you? Multiply that simplification over dozens of systems, and you have the current generic and boring crafting system, when we once had a complicated one that made you think and plan, and more importantly made you prepare.


"But newbies couldn't figure it out!". Um, then why do you have the fevered fan base that you have? Because newbies COULD figure it out. And they enjoyed it.


...we once had 19 biomes in the xmls. 19. Now we functionally have 3. And they cause a bigger fps drop than the 19.


Jesus, I was actually going to make a list of all the things we have lost, but what's the point. MM et al likes the for dummies version of the game, that's not going to change, so why bother.


Y'all have fun.



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You're forgetting removing the scrapping penalty. That was the big difference between the chunks and scrap iron. The penalty lead to decisions like, "Do I keep this Iron Axe to melt down or scrap it here and lose a big chunk of the burn." All the while you hear a zombie getting closer and closer.


It made the player slightly uncomfortable which added a sense of conflict. It added decision making in looting/mining, especially on MP servers where you couldn't just chuck what you couldn't carry into a chest in the middle of the road. Now it's just another dumb watered down system. But, I guess anything that takes a precious second away from shooting and looting is "clunky" anymore.


(Also, that wasn't sarcasm, it was hyperbole. Good try though big guy. :) )


The scrapping penalty for items is still in the game. Just tested it, 150 iron for scraping an iron axe, 200 iron if smelting in a forge.

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The dust is a particle effect. I looked at one and toggled it off/on and FPS was the same.


You would need to remove this line in biomes.xml to stop it from spawning, but I doubt it will do much.

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_sandstorm" ChunkMargin="7"/>


Type "gfx af 0" in the console. If that makes a big difference, then your terrain textures are probably in system RAM, so texture filtering is running very slow. In that case try decreasing Texture Quality in Video settings.


Last time I removed those I got a Null reference error spam, I changed the number of the Chunk margin to 99 and it worked.

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as an example

Then if the parallel doesn’t matter, it was a bad example.


Also, I asked earlier (elsewhere?): When are you running around with chunks of iron such that you need to decide to scrap them or ditch them or keep them? You only get them from mining, and mining is a focused expedition when you aren’t likely to have an inventory full of all kinds of loot. More likely still, you have a chest near your mine where you stash what you mined.

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The dust is a particle effect. I looked at one and toggled it off/on and FPS was the same.


You would need to remove this line in biomes.xml to stop it from spawning, but I doubt it will do much.

<ParticleEffect prefab="ParticleEffects/p_sandstorm" ChunkMargin="7"/>


Type "gfx af 0" in the console. If that makes a big difference, then your terrain textures are probably in system RAM, so texture filtering is running very slow. In that case try decreasing Texture Quality in Video settings.


Yeaaah... but if you touch texture quality any lower than Full the distant terrain bug appears. If 1080p then shader holy bug. If lower resolution then grey distant terrain+shader holy bug.

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Strange, when I play Borderlands, I’m constantly in my inventory deciding which weapon is better, which to sell, and which to keep for later.


Oh wait, I thought y’all wanted this game to be less like a looter/shooter.


Funny, they just added that exact "feature" of constantly needing to compare weapon stats to 7dtd. Thanks for making my point even more obvious. My opinion stands, they are moving towards looter/shooter.

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Then if the parallel doesn’t matter, it was a bad example.


Also, I asked earlier (elsewhere?): When are you running around with chunks of iron such that you need to decide to scrap them or ditch them or keep them? You only get them from mining, and mining is a focused expedition when you aren’t likely to have an inventory full of all kinds of loot. More likely still, you have a chest near your mine where you stash what you mined.


"Mining is a focused expedition". Maybe in your playstyle it is. Do you think we all play the same? Personally with the iron nodes being everywhere I chop them off the surface as I am out doing other things and rarely even have any need to dig down for more. I do have a mine location marked out close to base for when I start going deep but I am not going to run past those easy to grab chunks without grabbing em.

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Its a great idea, but it's already been discussed about 50,000 times. Once I can confirm we are adding tier 3 rare firearms I'll ask for a list of cool weapons, and you gun nuts can kill each other over which one is best, until then it will just derail alpha 18 balance.



Great, I'm going to that day with a lot of enthusiasm, follow this good path, A18 was bestial, now we want A19 to overcome it :rockon:

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"Mining is a focused expedition". Maybe in your playstyle it is. Do you think we all play the same? Personally with the iron nodes being everywhere I chop them off the surface as I am out doing other things and rarely even have any need to dig down for more. I do have a mine location marked out close to base for when I start going deep but I am not going to run past those easy to grab chunks without grabbing em.


So then, have you ever scraped iron ore?


If yes, wold you say the total number of iron ore you scraped in all your time playing 7D2D was a single digit number, two digits, three digits ... ?

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As a mad hoarder it does save inventory space, smelts faster, and we can use it right away. We've had raw iron in since A15 which isn't a big loss, if this small cut results in a leaner 7DTD that gives us more content through freeing up resources then who are we say otherwise - maybe adding in more PIOs between towns so that it isn't completely empty for a mile, or closing the distance to other towns, making 6K map the new default for performance reasons. There is certainly too many trees in the game, I'd cut back on the amount of plants in the wilderness again for performance reasons since they're everywhere.


I have a lot of respect for the direction of this game, sometimes it's like watching Bob Ross and saying he's ruined it, most of the time it turns out brilliantly and that was the reaction of A18. Encore une fois :victorious:


You would think more people would trust TFPs after how well received A18 has been in the fun department. I agree with you 100% As long we are getting awesome additions then the subtractions are worth it. People just want it all regardless of the cost. I am glad TFPs are the ones driving and not some of the extremist here on the forums. 😂

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