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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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-Why we need to loot steel parts when we can craft iron tools and weapons just fine?


this is the one thing I don't like about A18, by the time I had enough steel parts to craft a T5 anything, I ALSO had a t5 of that thing and often a couple t6's, Either raw parts need to be more common in loot, or Things need to cost less parts to craft. Like I literally had 2 pieces of t6 steel armor and the rest tier 5 before I had enough scrap parts to make some. and Sure I could have still made some for potentially better rolls, but the lack of stats displayed in crafting recipes means I had no idea what was a good or bad roll so what would be a waste to remake or not.

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When it's a bad alpha, the reviews mean nothing... just haters who don't accept change. We can look at the lower number of people playing and the lack of video and stream views and claim it's right where it usually is. We then discuss how statistics are just numbers in the forum and argue against anyone who says otherwise.


When it's a good alpha, the reviews mean so much. A reflection of a job well done. We can look at the number of people playing and the number of people watching the videos and streams to further confirm this and all is good. We discuss the numbers and all their glory in the forum and how it proves the greatness of the game, while arguing against all those who say otherwise.

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just a little question. when im picking the juniper tree (treejuniper4m) from creative menu and want to place it, no tree get placed...just an invisible block(i cant place another block on that same postion after placing. is this a bug with missing texture or did you guys just deleted this treeblock?


have a nice day


It was an xml bug. I fixed it today.

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To be fair the stream and videos barely changed, Gamez was one of the only ones with any issues during 17, so that's not really the issue you're making it out to be.


Also people are WAAAYY more likely to leave reviews when they are butthurt than when they are actually happy. So a bunch of bad reviews mean a lot less than a bunch of good reviews


OK barely, but still better and not worse.

OK, people are prone to do that... now explain the lack of good reviews at the same time there are so many bad reviews.

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Just sitting on a roof for the night when a wandering horde came by..Doing the electric slide....1 out of the nine or so was moving their legs....the tank top guy. I thought all this was fixed??






Coughs * Airpot POI * Coughs


I have a bug ticket for it. Probably Unity turning off animations as an optimization because they are too far or if you are playing as a client it could be network anim messages are not being sent/applied for whatever reason.

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A crawler crawled towards me by my motorcycle and completely damaged it 100% in like 2 seconds.. and worse, it would not repair using repair kits.


I chalked it up to a bug and just replaced it. I'll use the broken one as a lawn decoration...lol! Thats why the game isn't gold yet.. $hit happens.


I fixed that today. It turns out vehicles were getting bleeds and infections from zombie hits. At max infection the vehicle is set to 0 health, so repairs would be zeroed out.

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Yeah, was super popular strat in A17 and also still in A18 to a certain extent. It's the strat where the zombies climb up a tunnel then fall down and back up again over and over again. Watched g4k recent horde night and it seemed too good of a strat still. (Altho there was some zeds that burrowed underneath him)



@ Faatal, is there a way for a zombie to not repeat the same path more then twice? I think that would be a good way for the design to still work but not be as effective without more active defense. I'm sure it's easier said then done...😂


I have some experimental changes I'm working on that change AI unreachable side path handling.

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anyone know when players names where removed from being able to see name over players head?


That is a Unity bug where the font setting gets nulled when loaded. When it decides to break it can easily get into a build. We have to clear/change the font and reassign it to get it to work again.

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Yeaaah... but if you touch texture quality any lower than Full the distant terrain bug appears. If 1080p then shader holy bug. If lower resolution then grey distant terrain+shader holy bug.


If you mean the black distant POI bug from changing quality, that is fixed in the latest experimental or you could just restart the game in A18 stable.

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@faatal A18/A19 feature request: In my opinion, crawler zombies should be faster than the player when set to Nightmare speed. ;)


I don't care for that. There should be some types of zombies slower than the player at any setting and crawlers make perfect sense to be one of them.

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If you mean the black distant POI bug from changing quality, that is fixed in the latest experimental or you could just restart the game in A18 stable.


No, black POIs are indeed fixed.

I meant everything in that post.



My comment was :


Just changing from full to half leaves a shinny halo washing several terrain textures on the horizon (ULTRA settings and HALF/QUARTER/EIGHTH texture size)


In lower resolutions (1280x720, for example) it also produces grey textures on the horizon (in addition to the washing halo) with the exact same Settings (ULTRA and HALF/QUARTER/EIGHTH texture size)


I hope this helps.

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I fixed that today. It turns out vehicles were getting bleeds and infections from zombie hits. At max infection the vehicle is set to 0 health, so repairs would be zeroed out.


Nice I look forward to it. Side note, how well is zombie pathing with ladders/hatches now? I recall doing the waterworks POI a couple of times in A18 and noticed that the zombies in the fall trap near the loot room were unable to climb out using the nearby accessible ladder/hatch and thought that was strange.

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Lemme break it down to what it is. It's not about iron ore.


The ore removal is just yet another example of the dumbing down/simplification that people who have played the game for many alphas and enjoyed it, don't like.


I value your contributions to this forums and they generally are really helpful and offer insight and perspective.


However, in this case I disagree. It's not about iron ore, but in this case not about dumbing down either.


I generally agree that there is a worrying trend towards simplification and a specific loot and gun playstyle.


That said, having production steps for the mere sake of having steps is a pointless grind.


I am all for more variety and I enjoy complexity. I also hope that playstyles other than "loot, trade, shoot" are getting more love again. The variety of biomes and the randomness of their order are an element I sorely miss - but stones to sharp stones and similar steps don't add to the experience. Sure, I can change farming. dig up dirt -> plant seed -> plow again -> irrigate in regualr intervals. Might be more realistic, but is taking away from the gaming experience.


So yes, give us more books, more recipes, more complexity. But it all should add to the game. Iron ore, sharpened sticks ... do they add? If the just left it in I wouldn't have complained either, but if space is freed for other recipes by removing grinding steps, I am for it.

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