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Guppycur's Modlets


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Yeh that's the whole reason I switched to Sdx; the spawnTrader block code is hard coded to respawn the entity if it disappears, and that's the block I'm using for spawning them.


It was tfp's way to "fix" disappearing traders.


So, the options are to disable that spawn block or move to the sdx version or accept the respawns. It's why this version is deprecated.

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So, I had pushed out an update a while back that changed the material of the spawn block to cloth, which SHOULD be causing the vehicles to immediately destroy the spawn block when it spawns, but I'm thinking that the truck in particular is too high to actually touch the block.

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So, I had pushed out an update a while back that changed the material of the spawn block to cloth, which SHOULD be causing the vehicles to immediately destroy the spawn block when it spawns, but I'm thinking that the truck in particular is too high to actually touch the block.


Ahh okay,....


Thanks for the explanation...

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Thank you for the blocks modlet!:applouse: More small decoration blocks that should be around but aren't would be nice. Clothing, either folded or hanging on racks. Shoes and accessories, we find these in loot, but never see them out in the world. More food and pots and pans. Toys, toy boxes. And some mannequins:tickled_pink: I feel like I'm making a list of things I want from Santa:star:

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At 50% health; you can get there pretty quickly with an iron club, even on day 1.


In the buffs.xml look at:


<requirement name="StatComparePercCurrentToMax" stat="health" operation="LTE" value=".5"/>


...that .5 is the 50%, so change it to .9, .75, .99, whatever.


- - - Updated - - -


Thank you for the blocks modlet!:applouse: More small decoration blocks that should be around but aren't would be nice. Clothing, either folded or hanging on racks. Shoes and accessories, we find these in loot, but never see them out in the world. More food and pots and pans. Toys, toy boxes. And some mannequins:tickled_pink: I feel like I'm making a list of things I want from Santa:star:


Exactly what I'm looking for, thanks! If I can find decent quality models for free, I will bring them into the game.

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...so apparently, I have NOT been pushing my mods to git, as git decided to say "yeh you have a public key, but it doesn't work anymore for random reasons we're not going go tell you about". Combined with gitKraken not saying a DAMN thing when pushing updates (no errors, everything looks like it works) I just didn't know the pushes weren't being made, until I didn't see the new blocks mod.




Git sucks SOOOOO BADLY. I have no clue why people think it's great. It's not intuitive, it's unnecessarily difficult, and it's broken a good 30% of the time, i.e. something goes wrong that worked fine on the usage before.


What a piece of junk implementation. Brilliant concept, crappy implementation.


And now, I'm over the file size limit for github... not because the files are too big, but because it stores every iteration of prior builds, pushing the file size over the limit.


Moving to gitlab.

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Exactly what I'm looking for, thanks! If I can find decent quality models for free, I will bring them into the game.


Thank you! And add: basketball hoops(The ones that people have over their garage doors), traffic lights, slot machines and blackjack tables, because the game has casino tokens and the Duke was the owner of a casino.

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Long ago Jax had working slot machinces on his server. don't know if he took them out because they were OP and people got too many dukes playing or that people played them so much they stopped exploring and killing zombies (just like would happen irl lol)

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I remember casino games on um... ♥♥♥♥, what was that server... Bartertown. The concept was okay. But yeh, I like the casino block ideas.


Haha you guys. We have a working slot machine exactly like what Gam mentioned coming in 5.1 of Ravenhearst. Ill gladly take more models though :)


Good times Gam. That was awesome when we had it in our town.

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...and I made a REALLY crappy "how to" video on bringing these in...




SWEET! Ok I have to ask, you know you see those packages of Unity slots UI's and poker games as well as Lockpick Mini Games. Ive browsed. Ive wondered. Is this something that one day someone could conceivably "rig" in to the game?





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No scripts in unity can be imported currently... They must be rewritten as sdx scripts and that is WAY above my pay grade. Sphereii, Hal, Stompy, tormentedEmu, Morte, Manux...


...but no guppy. :)


Probably be cool though if one of them made it so unity scripts could be imported...

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