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Guppycur's Modlets


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Hello, big bug ( Green Eyed Radiated's )

when I play I have error messages in my console, unplayable, sad ....


Log? Works fine on my end.


The log can be found in the following folder \Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data


Look for the most recent file named output_log


This is an example from my game logs output_log_2019-02-01__12-44-43.txt



Then post contents to here then maybe Guppy can see what is happening ..

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Damn. Gonna have to do it myself then. lol just kidding, I know how hard you worked trying to avoid that. I discovered my serverprovider have the option to install some SDX mods in the mod section of the controlpanel tho, so gonna check with the owner if I can get yours added to that :) Then it will be available to everyone that rents 7dtd servers from them aswell :)

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We got errors after latest Mobiles update


2019-02-03T12:10:40 17.661 WRN XML patch for "blocks.xml" from mod "Guppycur's Vehicle Madness" did not apply: <remove xpath="/blocks/block[@name=cntCar03SedanDamage2]/drop[@name=khelldonNutsAndBolts]"

2019-02-03T12:11:57 94.895 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed

Exception: Class 'BlockMortSpawner, Mods' not found on block spawnerMaster!

2019-02-03T12:12:05 102.308 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'items.xml' failed

Exception: Unknown block name 'wallTorchLightPlayer' in use_action!


It looks like the last errors are other mods, but caused by Mobiles. Any idea?

I do not have khelldonNutsAndBolts installed.

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Not on his github atleast. And newest version I have downloaded is maybe a week old, so missing some updates probably. But it had to go SDX because of some limits with what you can do in the game with modlets. Couldnt be completed the way he want it to be, which is to bad as I really like the way the vehicles there are integrated. Having many more vehicles spawning around in the world with some broken down and some that can be fixed :) So I'm trying to get my server host to integrate it into their mod manager.

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Not on his github atleast. And newest version I have downloaded is maybe a week old, so missing some updates probably. But it had to go SDX because of some limits with what you can do in the game with modlets. Couldnt be completed the way he want it to be, which is to bad as I really like the way the vehicles there are integrated. Having many more vehicles spawning around in the world with some broken down and some that can be fixed :) So I'm trying to get my server host to integrate it into their mod manager.


We doubt about chaning to SDX, but is it cheaters friendly for a server? And for now, we've been doing good with only modlet's. Also client downloads but no SDX.

Won't SDX be replaced with Steam Workshop?

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I'm gonna branch it to have two versions, but the main features of the vehicle overhaul will be sdx.


If you use the latest version of the mod launcher, it should launch and compile sdx for you, just the server side will need to be updated.


Branching in a few minutes.

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Okay. I made a Modlet - NON SDX version, which is just the files I had going on right before I started to work on the SDX Spawning stuff.




...but, I won't be pursuing that version anymore. If you are interested in running the vehicle mod as it was a few days ago, where you can just spawn them in via the entity spawn menu, it's all yours. =)


In the meantime, I'll continue working on the overhaul version.

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