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Guppycur's Modlets


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Made a new and separate thread for the Vehicle Madness Overhaul mod.




This thread will continue to (very limited) support the Vehicle Modlet, which brings in the vehicles and allows them to spawn via F6.


When I make up dates to the actual vehicle physics for the mod, I will also update the modlet with those files. Right now the Sedan is a hoot taking fast corners. =)

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Anyone use the cop acid mod? ... thinking no, since no one mentioned 17.1b9 broke it... :)


In the last update we starting finding more acid than we knew what to do with.. I think we have like 28 or so stacked now.


IMHO I think they went from making it too hard to obtain, to making it too easy to obtain.

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I can't seem to download your mods from Github Guppy. I've tried about a dozen separate times over the last 3-4 days and can't get more than around 180-220mb at a time then it "completes" (doesn't say it failed but rather finished downloading) and when I attempt to extract, it tells me that it's corrupted (which is obvious considering the size). I know it's not something that is on my end because I downloaded the HDHQ from GitHub with absolution no problems whatsoever (and it is much larger than what I'm able to get when I try to download yours). Also, the mod (in the corrupted archive) that it fails on * every time* is actually Guppy Mobiles (the only other mod in the archive is bloodmoon trickle and it seems fine). I do not know why it's doing this but it simply will not let me download your mod collection in one go no matter how many times I try or what I do and I can not find *any* alternative to download single mods. It's literally all or nothing which makes this incredibly frustrating as you have a few mods that I'm actually really interested in but the way it is set up... I can't get any of them (aside from bloodmoon trickle) due to this.


If you could actually give/make download links to each individual modlets, then that would help immensely as my *only* option is to download *all* of it at once which is redundant due to there being a sdx and non-sdx versions of the vehicle mods which I'm sure are large to begin with, and I can't seem to get any mod of yours aside from the only correctly completed mod inside the failed download (bloodmoon trickle... which is the *one* mod I'm actually not that interested in at the moment but would likely use anyway.... once I get used to the completely stupid retarded move TFP has made from a survival builder to some kind of ♥♥♥♥ty "action shoot'em'up horde mode" crap they have done... so stupid that their best feature is now being completely negated due to this move... (which is a base building survival and exploration in a zombie apocalypse sandbox which is completely made redundant by something that makes aboslutely 0 logical sense in *any* way considering that zombie hands apparently have MORE destructive ability on steel reenforced concrete than actual high explosives could do in the same amount of time for the volume/size/mass equal to the size of a hand)).


... I'd say something positive about your mods but that's a bit difficult to do if I can't get ahold of them to use x_x lol.

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Hm, I just dl'ed the zip myself and didn't have any issue, but I'll put it on a dropbox link as well. I use git because Sphereii's Mod Launcher attaches directly to it, and by the way, that's another alternative download option for you (and would allow you to pick and choose your mods), but I'm uploading to dropbox right now and will have the link in a few.

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Hm, I just dl'ed the zip myself and didn't have any issue, but I'll put it on a dropbox link as well. I use git because Sphereii's Mod Launcher attaches directly to it, and by the way, that's another alternative download option for you (and would allow you to pick and choose your mods), but I'm uploading to dropbox right now and will have the link in a few.


O_o.... Really? Then.... wtf? Does github hate me suddenly or is it trying to perform a backseat intervention on me of some kind? :highly_amused:


Thank you for providing and alternative and Sphereii's Mod Launcher... is that the launcher that downloads/copies 7d2d to a seperate directory (to keep the original unmodified) and allows for various and different mixes of mod/setups/etc? If so, then I didn't like that as I was unable to figure out how to add/download any other mods other that what was already pre-set/loaded.... If that's not it then I have no clue what launcher you're talking about ._.

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- - - Updated - - -


Yes, that's the launcher in question; he's improving his UI and has created a HowTo video, I would recommend checking it out again. =)


Thank you for the link :D. I checked out the how to video (wasn't clear to me as I tried to do what was said and got nowhere and ended up with 3 seperate copies plus the original with no options anywhere (that I could find) to download any mods that weren't preinstalled in which ever option I chose). Also, it had to update 3 times in a row once and every time I updated, I had to apparently remake the shortcut even though it was the same otherwise it'd get stuck in an update loop, and other issues so I dropped it lol... At least that was my experience with it (and that was less than two weeks ago).


However, with all that said... I'll give it another shot but I'm going to wait quite a while first as it feels like an alpha alpha version to me right now with how it acts. I do want it though as there's a few sdx based mods I'd like to use/give a try but I'll wait until the updates aren't daily and it's not so difficult to add mods not listed though the UI/program instead of having to do it all manually (especially since I currently am using/testing/have 108 seperate modlets in use ranging from UI to gameplay lol). So... likely i'll give it a shot in say.. A month or 2 and see how it's moving along. While my experience with it so far has been rather unpleasant, I see it's potential and application and thus I am really looking forward to when it becomes less confusing and opaque to use (and I'm no novice or beginner when it comes to modding games).... If anything, I'd love to see something like an Mod Organizer type mod laucher as that was (still is maybe?) an insanely powerful and useful mod manager.

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I also saw someone post (Stallionsden?) a pic of a browser extension that allowed for individual downloads on git... Not sure what that's about.


Think it was him (saw it post as I read through almost *every* page of this thread) but it was code rather than a link to an extension... Which I wouldn't get anyway because it'd only be used once since this is the only time I've had issues with it. Also, I don't like excessive extensions/addons/etc as the more you have, the more it can be destabalized (browser) and the more memory it will eat which in turn can make it unresponsive/sluggish/etc. That's just a personal choice though as it's what was happening to my browser awhile back until I cleaned out the unused/excess extentions.


I have no doubt what he posted is good though, as I've been using his mods since I first started playing 7dtd back in alpha... 10? 11?


on another note... I just tried to download his prefab collection (all-in-one) and... I got the same issue which is *really* puzzling because I tried HDHQ (on github) after I tried getting your mods from github and that downloaded fine even though yours didn't before or after... Now the same problem happened with his prefab collection.... AND now I'm wondering if I actually got the full HDHQ mod downloaded (though it didn't say it was a corrputed archive when I extracted it and recieved no errors) and if the issue is actually on my end (though rather subtle)... but the dropbox link you posted is downloading just fine so far with 0 issues (i have crap speed... only 1.5mbps download speed (about 190 kilobytes per second max) which means that it takes awhile). I may try restarting my browser (and router) to see if that works.


.... I'm so confused now because this doesn't make sense as I am downloading everything fine, all *except* for GitHub stuff and only 2 of them at that, everything else has downloaded without issues, problems, or corruptions. Already past 50% downloaded of the dropbox link you posted (which I might add is more than I was able to download at any point from github) and no issues whatsoever so far.

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Best thing about the mod launcher now, is that it's a git gui, so that when an author updates their mod, the launcher will only grab the changes (just like git) when you run it.


Oooooh... that is definitely nice... except that has one tiny flaw. I hope you can turn it off or control when it updates as I have a tendency to mod the mods themselves to make my own changes and while that function sounds awesome, it may have a tendency to completely undo any changes I make which are usually to for compataiblity with other mods, a few recipies to make the better suited or easier but more expensive (because who wants to spend 6 hours trying to find the right item to make something else you need or sacrificing something that is very difficult/rare and needed in order to make a different needed item), etc or to various elements to better suit my personal gaming style and so on (mostly quality of life type stuff and make things easier in one way but more difficult in others). Mostly personal flavor stuff.


- - - Updated - - -


update: The dropbox link worked perfectly (thank you again). It completed and extracted with zero issues whatsoever (which makes me even more confused as to why the github won't work correctly for me... but everything else does).

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