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Guppycur's Modlets


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I honestly don't recall where I stopped, when I stopped making the modlet version; I know the key difference between the two versions is you should NOT find "working" versions of the vehicles via spawn...if you do, there is a bug that will have the vehicle repeatedly spawn there.


The block/lootable versions that I think you are describing will be fine.


Either way, glad you're enjoying it. :)

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Oh, well you either have duplicates, because the vanilla spawn entity code duplicates, or you have no working vehicles to find, in which case you'll have to craft them in vanilla or use f6.


Since I've deprecated this version in lieu of the sdx overhaul, that I'm afraid, will be up to users.


There is a sort-of fix that could prevent dupes in most scenarios, giving the spawn block a cloth material so the very weight if the vehicle destroys it, but there's no guarantee on it doing so.

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Okay and thanks again.


Okay, fixed the lootlist (in theory, hadn't checked it) issue with the newer vehicles and changed the spawnblock material to Mcloth, which *should* make it so weak that the very presence of the vehicle spawning should break it. Assuming the vehicle is low enough to break it. I dunno. Like I said, this version is deprecated for a reason; the fun pimps in their infinite wisdom "fixed" the old missing trader bug by having it respawn should it ever disappear. And since I'm using the trader spawn block... =)

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Guppy's Shopping Go Karts


This modlet adds a purpose for the shopping cart you find sitting around; pick it up, and now it's a recipe requirement for the Shopping Go Kart. Drive that bad boy to the store, pick up some stuff, and go back home... mobile storage at its (not) finest!



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Guppy's Shopping Go Karts


This modlet adds a purpose for the shopping cart you find sitting around; pick it up, and now it's a recipe requirement for the Shopping Go Kart. Drive that bad boy to the store, pick up some stuff, and go back home... mobile storage at its (not) finest!




So you did it in the end ....... nice one :)

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