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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Nice video Madmole! It's good to see a17 is clearly starting to come together. I love what you guys have done with POIs and terrain. I do a good Navezgane playthrough for each Alpha as well as many, many, many random gen games. I'm glad to see that your team continues to work on Navezgane

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I would say the hunger bar should be "burned" to recover stamina loss at full speed and at a much slower speed when the hunger bar is empty. Also a slow constant burn of hunger to represent body maintenance.


Body fat might be an interesting addition. Being between 1-10% BF would be the perfect survival level with no negative results. 3500 calories for a pound of fat is an important thing in survival.


Higher body fat level will begin to reduce stamina and running speed.


There is no more hunger bar. Hunger can now be tracked by the shrinking of max stamina. This is great because now hunger means something the entire time it builds within your character. Up until A17 1-100 fullness had the exact same penalty--namely none. It was only until you hit zero that you started being penalized. Now you can easily see your hunger progress using the stamina bar itself and a separate hunger bar is completely redundant.


Thirst is less obvious but as you play you will notice the recovery speed difference between fully hydrated and completely thirsty. If your stamina is refilling slowly then you know to drink something.


The really great news about this is that max HP and stamina progression is handled through the attribute of Fortitude rather than as a direct result of eating or even worse playing the snow biome binge mini game... Instead eating and how you eat will manage your realtime wellness in terms of current max stamina and staying hydrated will effect your overall recovery rate for both stamina and health.

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There is no more hunger bar. Hunger can now be tracked by the shrinking of max stamina. This is great because now hunger means something the entire time it builds within your character. Up until A17 1-100 fullness had the exact same penalty--namely none. It was only until you hit zero that you started being penalized. Now you can easily see your hunger progress using the stamina bar itself and a separate hunger bar is completely redundant.


Thirst is less obvious but as you play you will notice the recovery speed difference between fully hydrated and completely thirsty. If your stamina is refilling slowly then you know to drink something.


The really great news about this is that max HP and stamina progression is handled through the attribute of Fortitude rather than as a direct result of eating or even worse playing the snow biome binge mini game... Instead eating and how you eat will manage your realtime wellness in terms of current max stamina and staying hydrated will effect your overall recovery rate for both stamina and health.


Ahhhh so we will finally see cooking come in to play as well now? Not just meat stew and golden tea?


Also, thank you for the details on how the stat system works. Was very curious on how TFP will implement it and how it will interact with game play. Some games have attributes in, but very static. From what I understand, this is much more dynamic and interwoven ? Meaning, not just 1 Fort =10 HP.

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On A17 latest video from MM


Check out the new Perishton and silencer weapon mod!


Congrats! A17 is shaping out to be a really great (possibly the greatest ever) release! :applouse:


Please take your time to fine-tune and balance stuff and add whatever you think should be added/changed to it, most of the players want a great new release even if it comes a bit later. "In The Pimps we trust!" lol

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thanks for the video Joel. damn me if it doesn't look awesome!

i hope the next update comes out in the southern hemisphere winter otherwise important things wont get done around here...

i think you fellers have worked out a winning concept and i am behind you 100%

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There is no more hunger bar. Hunger can now be tracked by the shrinking of max stamina. This is great because now hunger means something the entire time it builds within your character. Up until A17 1-100 fullness had the exact same penalty--namely none. It was only until you hit zero that you started being penalized. Now you can easily see your hunger progress using the stamina bar itself and a separate hunger bar is completely redundant.


Thirst is less obvious but as you play you will notice the recovery speed difference between fully hydrated and completely thirsty. If your stamina is refilling slowly then you know to drink something.


The really great news about this is that max HP and stamina progression is handled through the attribute of Fortitude rather than as a direct result of eating or even worse playing the snow biome binge mini game... Instead eating and how you eat will manage your realtime wellness in terms of current max stamina and staying hydrated will effect your overall recovery rate for both stamina and health.


This will work as long as there is a threshold where loss of hunger and thirst has no effect on stamina. Just throwing out a number: 50%. So Anything under 50% for ether hunger or thirst will begin to subtract from your stamina.


For example hunger at 10% (-40% stam) and thirst at 30% (-20% stam) would give you 40% of your potential stamina.


I disagree with losing stamina immediately. I can imagine people running around with IV tubes hooked up to them! Glucose drips for the win!

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Check out the new Perishton and silencer weapon mod!



Thanks for the video. As always, I have my list of feedback.


1. Silencer looks nice. Is the stealth system already properly implemented? Else the silencer might just be eye-candy.


2. You said something about new AI/pathing. But I don't see any changes as compared with A16. At 1:23 (and at 1:34, and at 2:53) I see the spawned zombie not walking towards you. Is this intended? It just looks.. Very poor. Even compared with A16.


3. The ragdoll-effect-upon-stunning looks.. Fake. It just plops over and even moves on the ground (at 1:48 and at 2:42, and at 12:50, and at 13:23, and at 13:45, and at 15:44, and at 19:06, and at 19:22, and at 19:49, and at 21:24). Is this intended? How about him jumping into the air at 2:16? Or at 11:20? or at 11:29? Or at 17:02? Or at 17:33? How about him doing some sort of Jesus-move at 13:49? Or the guys getting stuck at 14:40, and his weird-looking leg? The stun animation seriously needs to be redone.


4. Adjusted walking speed. Meh. That was not one of the major issues in the game, was it?


5. I kinda see where you wanted to go with the blacked out portion of the health/stamina bars, but in stead of sleeping recharging it (like in many other survival games), you went with eating/drinking? Meh.


6. Over 70 new dungeons for this build? I sincerely hope not all houses are converted into these dungeons..?


7. New model of Trader Joel looks nice.


8. Why is it that you can hit a tree with a jeep with full speed, and not damage the jeep? The trees falls down.


9. Oh, now A17 is getting close to Beta? Make. Up. Your. Mind.


10. Got rid of the Plains biome? Why. Why. Why? Yeah that's what this game needs. Less diversity.


11. Got rid of the Maple forest biome? Oh jeez... So there's only 5 biomes left in the world? Lol. Monotomy ahead.


12. Perishton looks nice, I have to admit. Please tell me that not all buildings are dungeons. Please.


13. The AI is gonna blow us away when it is in, you guys. Trust me. Believe me. Guys.


14. Dead-drop quests sound nice.


15. The health kit seems bugged.


16. #completelynewgame


17. You said you have new terrain tools. Will we get them?



All in all I'm afraid I can't rate the video more than a 5 or 6 out of 10 man.

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Maple forest is just forest... plains is just basically desert nobody is losing anything really other than these can be sub biomes now. Anyhow the new terrain shader can only handle so many textures so something had to give and this will help the game run better. Trust me the new art will make you quickly forget about the old stuff. One gorgeous forest is better than two ♥♥♥♥ty ones.


Lol this is a weak argument man. Maple forest is just a forest. Sure. And zombies are just zombies.

There goes my hope of ever seeing more biomes in the game.

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All in all I'm afraid I can't rate the video more than a 5 or 6 out of 10 man.


I look forward to everything, also the biomes are sub-biomes now, why can't ya read what he said lol. Changes to the AI were made but not polished and balancing will happen before release of A17. They already said they are getting close to beta but A17 is still alpha, you probably took the April Fools joke way too seriously. Your opinions of this game seem to also be completely biased towards disliking it for some reason, what reason might that be? It's superior to almost every game in this genre. All in all I can only rate your "rating" about a 1.6/2.3 out of 10. Honestly, they update the game and all you do is wanna ♥♥♥♥ on it, why don't you please go develop your own game to meet all of your requirements. I'll finish up mine and we can have fun seeing who did it better :tickled_pink:

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Maple forest is just forest... plains is just basically desert nobody is losing anything really other than these can be sub biomes now. Anyhow the new terrain shader can only handle so many textures so something had to give and this will help the game run better. Trust me the new art will make you quickly forget about the old stuff. One gorgeous forest is better than two ♥♥♥♥ty ones.


Madmole for me the Maple forest had the most beautiful forest and even temperature and I loved the rain. The Pine forest felt like just a snow biome with non snow times in between. The plains biome I agree was just a grassed up dessert so no loss for me.


Those mountains look fantastic its just sad the zombies will just mess them up with constant tunnels tunnelling around the bottom if you chose to make a mountain base with a view.

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I look forward to everything, also the biomes are sub-biomes now, why can't ya read what he said lol. Changes to the AI were made but not polished and balancing will happen before release of A17. They already said they are getting close to beta but A17 is still alpha, you probably took the April Fools joke way too seriously. Your opinions of this game seem to also be completely biased towards disliking it for some reason, what reason might that be? It's superior to almost every game in this genre. All in all I can only rate your "rating" about a 1.6/2.3 out of 10. Honestly, they update the game and all you do is wanna ♥♥♥♥ on it, why don't you please go develop your own game to meet all of your requirements. I'll finish up mine and we can have fun seeing who did it better :tickled_pink:


Lol. So if I don't like some of the showcased changes, I should make my own game? I guess if I don't like the food in a particular restaurant, I should set up my own restaurant? That's a flawed argument, my friend, and you know it.

Yeah, I know about sub-biomes. They are tiny patches in another biome, like they exist already in A16. Do they equal the currently existing biomes? Not by a long shot.

The last video MM said A17 = beta. Now he says A17 is getting close to beta. Why the vagueness?

And 7 days superior to all other games in its genre. What other games in it genre?

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I'm also hoping that not all of the POI's have been turned into dungeons. What happened? Was there a sudden fad for home improvement inspired by the "Saw" films just before the apocalypse?


If about 10% of buildings had been changed to dungeons that may have been okay, 20% would probably be a bit much, although that would mean 450-700 new buildings would now have to be added to keep the ratio. My first level character is going to have to crawl through a trap infested domicile that's supposed to be a challenge for a hardened veteran while looking for their first cooking pot?


I'm pretty sure someone will collect together a bunch of normal buildings to add alongside the existing ones and it may be for the first time ever that a modded version of 7dtd will be my standard setup just to keep it immersive.

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I'm also hoping that not all of the POI's have been turned into dungeons. What happened? Was there a sudden fad for home improvement inspired by the "Saw" films just before the apocalypse?


If about 10% of buildings had been changed to dungeons that may have been okay, 20% would probably be a bit much, although that would mean 450-700 new buildings would now have to be added to keep the ratio. My first level character is going to have to crawl through a trap infested domicile that's supposed to be a challenge for a hardened veteran while looking for their first cooking pot?


I'm pretty sure someone will collect together a bunch of normal buildings to add alongside the existing ones and it may be for the first time ever that a modded version of 7dtd will be my standard setup just to keep it immersive.


If I hear him correct he said 70 new added, so the old will still be there. There are some of the old rubble buildings that has no use they could remove. Walking into a building shotgun blasting will wake every zombie nearby so he was asking to be rushed like that. Going in crouched and taking headshots as they sleep is the way to go with silenced weapons like a bow. It would be advisable to level up a bit on zombies outside the towns or do hit an run attacks first.

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12. Perishton looks nice, I have to admit. Please tell me that not all buildings are dungeons. Please.


Why not? I mean, I'm pretty sure things like sheds won't be dungeons, but why wouldn't you want all other somewhat big POIs to be at least more interesting to loot than what we have now? Let's admit it, we're all pretty tired of looting the same generic house layout in every town.


If new quests will make us explore POIs in search of specific items, better make them as cool to explore as possible.

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I'm also hoping that not all of the POI's have been turned into dungeons. What happened? Was there a sudden fad for home improvement inspired by the "Saw" films just before the apocalypse?


If about 10% of buildings had been changed to dungeons that may have been okay, 20% would probably be a bit much, although that would mean 450-700 new buildings would now have to be added to keep the ratio. My first level character is going to have to crawl through a trap infested domicile that's supposed to be a challenge for a hardened veteran while looking for their first cooking pot?


I'm pretty sure someone will collect together a bunch of normal buildings to add alongside the existing ones and it may be for the first time ever that a modded version of 7dtd will be my standard setup just to keep it immersive.


Yeah exactly. Some dungeon-style buildings might be nice once in a while, but it will erode a lot of immersion when all buildings look like that. And I think with 70 dungeons added, we are getting close to there.


Plus I'm wondering what RG worlds will look like with only 5 biomes? Quite monotonous I reckon. These changes just come out of thin air, you know?

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Who has ever starved to death in this game? You have to mod it to avoid having stacks of clean water to keep you hydrated from all the canned goods you get from zombies and cupboards.


I nearly did back when I was playing 9.3. But that was because I was AFK. :)

I still did not die either. But all my bars were on the floor and could barely move.

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I don't really like how these biomes are going away.


I would really like to see what TFP's do to reshape the remaining biomes.


You and I both, mate.

This talk about representing them as a 'sub-biome' is by far nothing like the original biomes.



Ps. Roland, you haven't mentioned the removal of the biomes in the first/second post?

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Why not? I mean, I'm pretty sure things like sheds won't be dungeons, but why wouldn't you want all other somewhat big POIs to be at least more interesting to loot than what we have now? Let's admit it, we're all pretty tired of looting the same generic house layout in every town.


If new quests will make us explore POIs in search of specific items, better make them as cool to explore as possible.


I would agree with you if there was more to Navazgane than initially meets the eye (or the random "Navazgane" map) that the game plot ends up revealing.


Meaning "Killer of Monsters", was Navazgane part of a secret, last stand effort to combat the Apocalypse? They never had time to finish everything. Maybe you will pick up the torch for humanity and complete that which no one else could and do what no one else could: turn the tide against evil! :)

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This is one video... and many people have been asking for a video. This is NOT a view of a complete A17 ready to play as was obvious from the video. I'm going to give you 1 out of 10 for attitude and general comprehension of the world around you.

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Afternoon all.

First time poster here

Had this game for years now and i've loved every second of it

Alpha 17 is looking awesome and i wait in anticipation for all the improvements to terrain and POIs :02.47-tranquillity:


Speaking of the POIs, anyone who perhaps is a bit curious about the dungeons. I think MadMole & the Pimps mean dungeon in the old JRGP term: an area where you go room to room clearing enemies and getting loot. I believe at the "end" of the POI dungeons there is a box containing better loot then usual. As for the state they are in, since when do zombies use doors XD

Apologies if i'm stating the obvious but the discussion above made it seem that people thought Jigsaw was in charge of local housing

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