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Thoughts on 1.0

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New armor is great and you can see gloves... finally 


New zombie models look good and they look dead now


The wasteland looks like the wasteland again and we got the burnt forest again 


Stronger zombies makes them scary again. 


Slower progression is really nice and very much needed. 




It's too bright... even during the night. Like why. 


Some armors are a bit op and should be slightly nerfed while others need to be buffed (I'll make a list later) 



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So how is performance? I used to play on high-max settings with no problems on a 13700K, 32GB RAM and RX6600XT. Apart from the usual drops near skyscrapers, i hope the new method of opaque windows does help here. 


I am still busy in FO76 (yeah, go roast me, we are having tons of fun even though i am already level 690 by now) because Fasnacht event starts tomorrow for 2 weeks, so i can´t check myself as it is an hourly event.

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Some initial thoughts

-I think crawlers and dogs are a little bit too tanky right now

-Very happy with the challenge system. Massive improvement over the journal system.

-New trader progression is great. The traders also make sense where they are biome-wise.

-Some of the character faces look a bit strange.

-The interfaces seem to be somewhat buggy/laggy. A lot of stuff doesn't show up immediately,

-Some sell prices seem a little too disproportionate, like how you buy cooking grills for 600, and you sell them for 4 dukes.

-Not a fan of the news/ad section on launch. That seems like something you'd see in a live service game.

-Since the outfits don't have a seperate top and pants, there isn't too much customization/fashion opprotunity

-There's some clipping with hair or armor pieces (still a major improvement)

-Animations (both third and first person) are much better, most notably the drinking from a water source animation is an absolute massive improvement.

-Third person reload sound bug was fixed!

-Albedo variants add some nice variety. I'm sort of curious how they work, is it like a layer put on top of the normal zombie models? Or is it like a decal?

-New road decals and props are always good

-Trader voice lines add a lot more personailty

-You can place blocks on road lines

-World gen is somehow even faster


Looks like a solid update so far, though I've only played for a few ingame days, so it's fairly early on, and nothing I say really holds any legitmacy. Even if there are problems/issues, I appreciate the devs for releasing this, and I'm sure it was a big and challenging undertaking.  


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4 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

So how is performance? I used to play on high-max settings with no problems on a 13700K, 32GB RAM and RX6600XT. Apart from the usual drops near skyscrapers, i hope the new method of opaque windows does help here. 


I am still busy in FO76 (yeah, go roast me, we are having tons of fun even though i am already level 690 by now) because Fasnacht event starts tomorrow for 2 weeks, so i can´t check myself as it is an hourly event.

For me, with default settings, I was lagging more than in A21.  However, since my settings were changed, I can't say for sure if the defaults were just skewed from what I used before.  But I found that on my lower end computer, I could set Vsync to half (capping FPS to 30) and get very smooth gameplay with almost no FPS loss with pretty high graphics settings, so I think there are improvements overall.




Thoughts on 1.0...


  • Great lighting improvements, but too light at night or in dark places.  I know people complained about it being too dark, but you should need a light source in a dark location.  Right not, you never need a light source in the game and that makes no sense.
  • Toggle for run is wonderful.  It did bug out on me and require a restart in order to run at more than about 10% faster speed but couldn't reproduce it.
  • Bicycle sounds are HORRIBLE.  Please, please, please remove.  The original "clicking" sound of the chain is still there and is fine.  But now we have some kind of thrumming sound that I guess are intended to be you pedaling but is sounds really horrible.
  • Traders opening at 4am is nice to reduce night when you have nothing to do but not really necessary, imo.
  • FSR Ultra settings work well, though the first time I enabled that, pictures on the walls would flicker light/dark as I moved around the POI.  When I disabled it and then enabled it again, it worked perfectly.  Not sure what the deal was with that.
  • Reflections seem to be improved, though they still have a delay to them so that when you stop walking, it'll take close to another second before they stop changing, which looks  bad.
  • I've seen a few new POI and those are nice, though in one of the new (or updated) tier 1 POI that has a wooden beam across the top of the garage to walk across to get a crate, the beam breaks immediately when you step on it, making you need to either jump up and down to break the crate open or else build something to stand on to reach it.  I think the stability of that beam is bad.  I think the POI was Black Bus Mechanical.
  • The tier points per quest and the total tier points displays are a nice addition.
  • Jumping onto ladders seems to be worse than before.  Sometimes, I can't seem to grab a ladder when the ladder is 2 blocks off the ground.  After a number of attempts, I finally let go of forward as I reached the ladder and it grabbed the ladder but I was not against the ladder.  When I pressed up/forward, it moved to the ladder and then up the ladder.  After that, it grabbed each time.  Seems like some issue there.
  • Some paints removed, but no new ones that I noticed.
  • The shared quests only increasing tier points for the quest owner is a pain.  I understand the reasoning that you want to slow down groups from completing tiers, but it makes sharing quests kind of pointless.  The quest rewards are minimal now, so doing only your own quests to speed up your own progression just makes sense now, which I don't think is a good option.


All in all, a good update so far. 

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23 minutes ago, User said:

Crawlers have far too much hp now. I think a lot of the hp increases made sense, but these guys are far too spongey for what they are. Same goes for dogs; you'd think they'd be fast and heavily damaging, but very fragile. I think both of these guys need a hp decrease.


Very happy with the challenge system.


Some of the character faces look a bit off. Definitely an improvement overall though.


I seem to get infected a lot more, but that could just be anecdotal.


Some sell prices seem a bit off, like how you buy cooking grills for 600, and you sell them for 4 dukes.




As for your third point, the new primitive armor comes with a flat 0% critical resistance, so that could be it. :)

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I like it overall.  Some of the changes to progression were absolutely needed. 


One possible concern: the food situation seems like it will be absolutely brutal to a casual or new gamer, particularly given that animal appearances have been cut to 20% of their original rate (my vote would have been for ~50% or so) if my understanding is correct.  That may or may not be a good thing, and I'm pretty much ignoring hunting for now and relying on strategies that feel a little bit gamey to survive early on. 

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27 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


As for your third point, the new primitive armor comes with a flat 0% critical resistance, so that could be it. :)

Right, that makes sense. Thank you!

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31 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Jumping onto ladders seems to be worse than before.  Sometimes, I can't seem to grab a ladder when the ladder is 2 blocks off the ground.  After a number of attempts, I finally let go of forward as I reached the ladder and it grabbed the ladder but I was not against the ladder.  When I pressed up/forward, it moved to the ladder and then up the ladder.  After that, it grabbed each time.  Seems like some issue there.

Woodle was having issues during his streams with ladders as well. The first time was when he was jumping to one 2 blocks off the ground as well, but he placed a block down to climb on and then jump and he still had issues. But it was totally fine later. So definitely something odd with them. He seemed to think maybe they were trying to nerf the 2 block trick. Lol.

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+grafix looks better

+the player characters are VERY VERY COOL, the woman look SUPER (the woman player sound is bad lol, like its 15%faster)

+the burned area

+the bad weather in burned area / wasted land

+the mini Bear

+the car and all motorized things YEAHHHH NICE


+/-0 the zombies all other clothes? nobody has needed this


- all the terrains look boring annoing when u drive in it... all look the same

- green biome 2 much sun

- the distance of the grafix loading is RIDICULOUS small....for what? for iphone users? (yes i made on 2000 max distance)

- sounds are boring (from dog) and creatures other...no natural feeling

- the adversing BEFORE start game + and the "u want to spawn sign" WHAT the XXXX of drugs u have eaten to make this 2 annoying things? lol

- using the fire torch animation is 2 slow

- the hands from players are....so badly..no reflektion/shades/dirt details

- in Burned area is NOT the only place for COAL (why? in a18 only in burned u can find coal) (nitrate as idea u shoud find only in snow area)

- the feeling isnt coming..it looks boring, u run around, all look the same ( its like a SMARTPHONE game)


10min played...it try tomorrow again


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7 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:


It's too bright... even during the night. Like why. 

Are you playing on Linux ? If so, there is a known bug that makes the game appear much brighter under Linux. I have the same problem.

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Good Day to TFP's


Can we Have Back the Random Traders location as Before ... Personally, I think it was a bad move to stick them in certain Biomes only.

I would Like to have my "JEN" back in the Forest Please. 


Thank You and Hoping you are Having a Great week.

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Isk why rekt gets so much hate he is the best trader mainly cause of his @%$# talking. 


Anyways the enemies feel a bit tougher with their HP buff but it hasn't been an issue for me even on warrior difficulty. I will say I always go with my first 4 points and into 3 str and 2 pummel Pete or any other star that gives a damage boost. 


I think folks just tend to try to get by early game and probably into mid game by ignoring damage boost perks. 


My biggest issue is that food and water seems to be even more abundant now. It's like every cabinet I loot has food in it. 


Honestly I'm mostly waiting for the modders to bring out the overhaul mods since those have some kind of resemblance to balance. 

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37 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

I think it's funny personally 😄 


19 minutes ago, Slingblade2040 said:

Isk why rekt gets so much hate he is the best trader mainly cause of his @%$# talking. 


Anyways the enemies feel a bit tougher with their HP buff but it hasn't been an issue for me even on warrior difficulty. I will say I always go with my first 4 points and into 3 str and 2 pummel Pete or any other star that gives a damage boost. 


I think folks just tend to try to get by early game and probably into mid game by ignoring damage boost perks. 


My biggest issue is that food and water seems to be even more abundant now. It's like every cabinet I loot has food in it. 


Honestly I'm mostly waiting for the modders to bring out the overhaul mods since those have some kind of resemblance to balance. 


I think it's just funny that you go from the worst Trader in terms of attitude to the best one

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12 hours ago, Riamus said:

For me, with default settings, I was lagging more than in A21.  However, since my settings were changed, I can't say for sure if the defaults were just skewed from what I used before.  But I found that on my lower end computer, I could set Vsync to half (capping FPS to 30) and get very smooth gameplay with almost no FPS loss with pretty high graphics settings, so I think there are improvements overall.




Thoughts on 1.0...


  • Great lighting improvements, but too light at night or in dark places.  I know people complained about it being too dark, but you should need a light source in a dark location.  Right not, you never need a light source in the game and that makes no sense.
  • Toggle for run is wonderful.  It did bug out on me and require a restart in order to run at more than about 10% faster speed but couldn't reproduce it.
  • Bicycle sounds are HORRIBLE.  Please, please, please remove.  The original "clicking" sound of the chain is still there and is fine.  But now we have some kind of thrumming sound that I guess are intended to be you pedaling but is sounds really horrible.
  • Traders opening at 4am is nice to reduce night when you have nothing to do but not really necessary, imo.
  • FSR Ultra settings work well, though the first time I enabled that, pictures on the walls would flicker light/dark as I moved around the POI.  When I disabled it and then enabled it again, it worked perfectly.  Not sure what the deal was with that.
  • Reflections seem to be improved, though they still have a delay to them so that when you stop walking, it'll take close to another second before they stop changing, which looks  bad.
  • I've seen a few new POI and those are nice, though in one of the new (or updated) tier 1 POI that has a wooden beam across the top of the garage to walk across to get a crate, the beam breaks immediately when you step on it, making you need to either jump up and down to break the crate open or else build something to stand on to reach it.  I think the stability of that beam is bad.  I think the POI was Black Bus Mechanical.
  • The tier points per quest and the total tier points displays are a nice addition.
  • Jumping onto ladders seems to be worse than before.  Sometimes, I can't seem to grab a ladder when the ladder is 2 blocks off the ground.  After a number of attempts, I finally let go of forward as I reached the ladder and it grabbed the ladder but I was not against the ladder.  When I pressed up/forward, it moved to the ladder and then up the ladder.  After that, it grabbed each time.  Seems like some issue there.
  • Some paints removed, but no new ones that I noticed.
  • The shared quests only increasing tier points for the quest owner is a pain.  I understand the reasoning that you want to slow down groups from completing tiers, but it makes sharing quests kind of pointless.  The quest rewards are minimal now, so doing only your own quests to speed up your own progression just makes sense now, which I don't think is a good option.


All in all, a good update so far. 


We are aware of the ladder issue.  Thanks for the feedback so far.

Wait until you guys meet trader hugh....he's a new favorite among several folks around the office.. 😅

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Yo guys! Chin up! Most of us understand the pressure you're under right now. Game looks great and we are all sure you will sort out the issues soon enough. You have made a game that has kept my wife and I interested for years and I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I am sure that I can speak for the community when I say thank you for creating this world that we can all lose ourselves in. Thick44 forever!

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What is wrong with the lighting?  Too bright!! On top of a mountain looking over the town it look like a haze and the colors are washed out, no depth of color.  No problem with 21, colors look rich and deep.  I'm using the Linux version and have a RTX 3060.  Adjusting the brightness does almost nothing.  

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I guess vegetable stew will have to be my new primary food source.  Meat stew is out of the question since I haven't seen a single animal in the forest biome in the first 7 hours of playing.


I think the spawn rates of animals need to be tweaked a bit.


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13 hours ago, 7daysOfFun said:


+/-0 the zombies all other clothes? nobody has needed this



Must not have been looking at the community. People have been complaining about the lack of diversity forever.

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53 minutes ago, rockwv said:

What is wrong with the lighting?  Too bright!! On top of a mountain looking over the town it look like a haze and the colors are washed out, no depth of color.  No problem with 21, colors look rich and deep.  I'm using the Linux version and have a RTX 3060.  Adjusting the brightness does almost nothing.  

There is a known bug that causes that. I managed to lower the brightness a bit by enabling dynamic resolution. Don't ask me why this works but it is a bit more bearable.

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I've not managed to get some solid game play in yet to grasp all the changes but one thing is for sure... This game looks bloody fantastic now!


I've noticed a FPS drop overall since the previous version of the game but my frames feel a lot more stable so far, possibly a result of the new rendering system for structures?

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