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Max Headroom

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Everything posted by Max Headroom

  1. Alrighty. I'm a newb at this so I watched one of David Taylors videos on doing simple things in 7dtd with xml. The following will reach into the tier2_nexttrader quest and changes the default biome filter in the /objective. <set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier2_nexttrader']/objective[@type='Goto'][@id='trader']/property[@name='biome_filter']/@value">pine_forest,burnt_forest,snow,wastland</set> In vanilla form only the wasteland was filtered out. Without changing that I was getting my day-3 self sent to the snow biome no matter what else I did. Just the way my test map fell out, the snow biome was closest. It looks like tiers 3-5 are all based on the tier2_nexttrader quest so I hope this does not mess with them. They do each have (biome) difficulties set which may make the rest of this moot. But since I got snow for tier2 those may not be effective. I'll find out as I do my test play-through.
  2. OOhhh ... The two remove statements are leaving the following in tier2_nexttrader quest <objective type="Goto" id="trader" value="5" phase="1"> <property name="nav_object" value="go_to_trader" /> <property name="biome_filter_type" value="ExcludeBiome" param1="biome_filter_type" /> <property name="biome_filter" value="wasteland" param1="biome_filter" /> </objective> Can't be good.
  3. The relevant section of the ConfigsDump\quests.xml looks like this: <quest id="tier2_nexttrader"> *snip* <reward type="Exp" value="500" /> <variable name="biome_filter" value="pine_forest,burnt_forest,snow,wasteland"> <!--Element appended by: "MaxHeadroom_Trade_Routes_Biome_Progression"--> </variable> <variable name="biome_filter_type" value="OnlyBiome"> <!--Element appended by: "MaxHeadroom_Trade_Routes_Biome_Progression"--> </variable> <variable name="biome_filter" value="desert"> <!--Element appended by: "MaxHeadroom_Trade_Routes_Biome_Progression"--> </variable> </quest> I have a test game saved just before turning in the last tier 1 quest. The "next trader" quest given is in the snow biome. I'm stumped.
  4. Using your biome progression mod as a template I am attempting to force the entire progression sequence from a pine forest start to be: burnt_forest => desert => snow => wasteland. What I've done isn't working. At the conclusion of tier-1 I'm getting the snow biome. What am I doing wrong? Edit: I mistyped. I'm looking for pine_forest => desert => burnt_forest => snow => wasteland. Here's my xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <!-- Remove the existing variable overrides --> <remove xpath="//quest[contains(@id, 'nexttrader')]/variable[@name='biome_filter_type']" /> <remove xpath="//quest[contains(@id, 'nexttrader')]/variable[@name='biome_filter']" /> <!-- Set new variable overrides for the biome filters (type is already "ExcludeBiome") --> <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier2_nexttrader']"> <variable name="biome_filter" value="pine_forest,burnt_forest,snow,wasteland" /> </append> <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier3_nexttrader']"> <variable name="biome_filter" value="pine_forest,snow,wasteland" /> </append> <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier4_nexttrader']"> <variable name="biome_filter" value="pine_forest,wasteland" /> </append> <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier5_nexttrader']"> <variable name="biome_filter" value="pine_forest" /> </append> <!-- You may want the final quest to ONLY go to traders in the Wasteland. If so, un-comment the XML below. --> <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier2_nexttrader']"> <variable name="biome_filter_type" value="OnlyBiome" /> </append> <set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier2_nexttrader']/variable[@name='biome_filter']/@value">desert</set> <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier3_nexttrader']"> <variable name="biome_filter_type" value="OnlyBiome" /> </append> <set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier3_nexttrader']/variable[@name='biome_filter']/@value">wasteland</set> <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier4_nexttrader']"> <variable name="biome_filter_type" value="OnlyBiome" /> </append> <set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier4_nexttrader']/variable[@name='biome_filter']/@value">snow</set> <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier5_nexttrader']"> <variable name="biome_filter_type" value="OnlyBiome" /> </append> <set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier5_nexttrader']/variable[@name='biome_filter']/@value">wasteland</set> </config>
  5. Just tried the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. Hilarious! Makes a hell of a mess of the terrain. One thing: The right mouse button does not pull the pin. I expected to pull the pin and start counting. Instead, one just throws the grenade as one would a rock. It goes off where it lands. Still ... very fun!
  6. We're very interested in trying your Biome Progression mod. One question. To make the final trader be in the wasteland we will enable that last section of xml. Should we then disable the preceding section also dealing with tier5_nexttrader ? TIA Max Headroom
  7. Got it. Typo in my loot.xml. 😉 Arramus, if you want this alteration, I'd be happy to sent it to you.
  8. Seemingly the local loot.xml isn't executing.
  9. Creating a new lootcontainer named vehicleMagicBus in the vanilla loot.xml allows me to change the LootListAlive in the vehicleMagicBus entity_class allows me to control storage separate from the 4x4Truck. It works. What I can't figure out is how to move the lootcontainer spec out of the delivered loot.xml and into the mod loot.xml.
  10. OK, the https://7daystodiemods.com/better-vehicles/ mod by Donovan contains an XUi change that controls the number of rows and columns available in the vehicle storage area. Works great up to 13 rows by 11 columns when I make storage size changes directly to Data/Config/loot.xml as stated above. Now he also has a config in his loot.xml in which he overrides the lootcontainer specs for the various vehicles. When I move that over, it does not override the 4x4Truck storage. I was hoping it would, then I could us it to override vehicleMagicBus. Still noodling at this...
  11. Found it. I'd like the storage buff but only for the Magic Bus and not to the base 4x4. Can I create a small loot.xml in the mod folder with a lootcontainer section for vehicleMagicBus and bump it up there?
  12. I have installed this in a SP game I'm playing to test. It appears that the minibike is an ingredient to make the spiderbike, and so forth. Very interesting. I like that it is server-side. I have some questions. Are the speed buffs applied to the vanilla vehicles? If so, how can I turn that off? I'd like the vanilla vehicles to remain ... vanilla. In the Magic Bus, is there a way to swap out some of seats for even more storage? We are a three-person team and this could become our traveling base. Don't need 9 seats. Nice work!
  13. We are doing a play-through where the goal is to run a trader in each biome from tier 1 through tier 5. We have about finished our first trader (Joel in the Forest) and are about to head into the Desert. If the desert trader is also Joel we'd like to set him back to offering tier 1s so we can go through the progression again. I know we can just select lower tier quests but we're hoping there's a way to reset a trader. Using admin options I've tried the Quest Reset function but it doesn't seem to do what I'm looking for. M-M-Max Headroom
  14. I don't particularly mind the reuse of 7dtd mechanics. I am intrigued by the adversarial aspect. The idea that it may require 5 players is really going to limit the prospective audience. I love 7dtd played both MP and solo. I have 2 friends with whom I play 7 Days. Could Blood Moons be played with only 3 or would it be unbalanced with only 2 on defense?
  15. Now that's interesting.
  16. I've begun another no-trader game. I've added a mod to allow crafting the filter and removed the traders from prefabs.xml. Spawned out in the boon-docks. It took me 2 days to find a town. Don't underestimate the value of being led straight to a town. This mod works very well server-side. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/3134
  17. We decided that a good finale for this play-through would be to host the day 56 horde in Dishong Tower. We made very little in the way of changes to the tower. Our game-stages were around 150. Turns out the horde can't get through Dishong. From the top we couldn't even HEAR them. It was ... boring.
  18. I'd like a button or object that would wake up all the zombies in the area. Kind of like yelling "Hey A55holes!". 🙂
  19. My latest challenge is to survive horde night without a horde base. I this case I'm also playing no-trader so progress is initially slow. I managed to get 2 points in parkour and 1 in cardio. I did scout the area ahead of time and made use of things I could get on top of. I had a level 5 pipe machine gun and a level 1 pistol and a fair amount of ammo for each. Learned a few things. Don't reload while running. It slows you down and that's when I got hit. Get on top of something and THEN reload. Try to control your adrenalin. My aim gets terrible when I get too excited. Take a breath. I laid some spike traps around the area in t e hopes that I could lead my pursuers into the spikes, Not that effective. Plus there's the danger of running into the spikes myself. Anyways, here's the fight.
  20. So we just cleared the day 42 horde night. We are operating under a self-imposed rule of using existing POIs for horde nights instead of constructing elaborate horde bases. This time we used a multi-level parking garage POI that featured a long set of stairs running up one side in a series of switchbacks. I think it was five levels high. The structure has steel columns and concrete floors so it's pretty solid. We set up punch-turrets on three of the stairway landings. We fought on the landings, starting with one of the lower landings and falling back to higher landings as the fight progressed. At the top floor things got hairy as the horde pushed us off the top landing and I started to get chewed up pretty bad. I finally had to jump off the building and commenced running around the outside, reloading and applying med kits. At some point I picked up a pursuing pack of zeds that included a demolisher. I managed to shoot him on his button and he took out most of the pack when he exploded. 🙂 We are each around gamestage 115 at this point so the hordes are getting pretty serious. Also true of the higher level POIs we raid. Lots of ferrals and radiated zeds. A particularly nasty prefab is Baslica Cistern by MPLoque. Diabolical! MPLoque has some really interesting prefabs.
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