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This is the kind of point of view that makes me go facepalm about some reviewers.


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On 8/8/2022 at 12:13 PM, meganoth said:

There is a rule on this board against openly discussing moderator decisions. If you really really think you have been unfairly banned, contact a moderator (me, Roland or whoever you want) directly, but not with "i said, he said" stuff. Post a link to the discussion for which you were banned (if you know which one) or a list of discussions you were in before you were banned. (Note that moderation can take time, you might have been banned for posts that happened hours or even days ago)


[deleted. Please do not discuss moderation here]


On 8/8/2022 at 12:13 PM, meganoth said:

I actually did. And let me tell you, on this board some of the people on both sides of the discussion there would have been warned and their posts deleted or edited. Matt115 is quite right, because we here have less posts and more ways to penalize users we can keep discussions much more polite here.

That's probably what should have happened, but that is not what happened because I am not there and the people who were involved in trolling, baiting and all the rest are still there doing the same things they were doing prior the events that unfolded. It was bias. Simple as that. To control an open discussion atmosphere in this way is to be a dictator, but hey, that's just my opinion. Matt115 is also only right to an extent. If you see the broader spectrum of things, it's not always so and not every situation should be treated the same.


On 8/8/2022 at 12:13 PM, meganoth said:

Valid point. Though I have seen grey-area insulting posts there yesterday on both sides and nobody was banned simply for his opinion. At least in the short time I was reading there I did not see any bias. But an agressiveness way above anything you will see here.

I guess now you see my point about the inconsistencies of community member treatment.

On 8/8/2022 at 12:13 PM, meganoth said:

Many people here talked about Reach's video but I haven't heard a single mention of another person besides Reach having been a part of whatever discussion you think happened. Looks very one-way to me. 

Well, when some people are afraid to express themselves because 'consequences', of course it's going to look very one way to you. I'm sure there are people around here that would love to speak their mind, but are pretty sure what will happen if they do and they sit on the side lines watching and listening to what others have to say, on and off this forum, wishing there weren't such heavy bias all around.

On 8/8/2022 at 12:23 PM, Sal said:

Again, the main point. A person can't express their REAL negative opinions or problems with the game without

having 50 nut nuggers coming to TFP's rescue and telling them that if they don't like it then come up with something better, or learn to mod the game. Who in their right mind would even try after reading several threads like these?

Spot on. You make valid points and anyone who can't see that is being ignorant to it all.

On 8/8/2022 at 12:23 PM, Sal said:

1) You clearly have a biased opinion here, for obvious reasons. 2) The majority of this forum is riddled with nut huggers who wouldn't even dare speak bad about TFP or the game, and consistently ridicule those who do post anything negative.

On 8/6/2022 at 2:16 AM, Laz Man said:

Accurate. Quite accurate indeed. The mocking response you got in return shows it. 

On 8/8/2022 at 12:23 PM, Sal said:

Can you blame him? Why would he or anyone else come here and try to have a conversation? Especially after reading this thread. 


On 8/8/2022 at 12:23 PM, Sal said:

If you want a utopian forum where everyone only talks about how great the game is then just say so and stop hiding behind this fake "we're always open to have a discussion and resolve your issues" facade BS platitude.  Just be honest.

It doesn't get more straight to the point than that. It's exactly the point I try to make, but it's side stepped in a hot minute. If a utopia is expected and desired then tell us what the standard is, set it and make it publicly clear that no negative feedback is wanted nor appreciated.

On 8/8/2022 at 3:39 PM, Matt115 said:

Nope. Meganoth is right: someone people - both : people against and for something should be banned on  steam if their cross the line. 

That simply does not happen though and the historical discussion board trail shows it. In a non-bias atmosphere sure, those ideals work great, but when there is a heavy noticeable pattern of bias involved (just like all the patterns Reach Gaming spoke of), things rarely if ever, end fairly for whatever party is punished and this is a long term pattern that has been occurring for a very long time.


There is a few persons commenting here I'd like to respond to, but I know what will happen if I do and what it will lead to. They tend to try provoke people into situations where they know they can sink the hook to get somebody ousted if they do things slyly while working with others to sway decisions. Manipulation. Psychological manipulation games to get their way is what it is. I caught on. So, I do not interact with them at all here.

On 8/8/2022 at 4:21 PM, meganoth said:

I'd like to remind everyone that the forum has a nice feature: You have an ignore list where you can put forums users with which you don't seem to get along. Ignorance can be bliss 😁

And how exactly does this solve the extremist bias patterns on the pro game and company moderator and community side of things? It doesn't. The patterns are an ever consistent problem and they keep repeating themselves because there is an expectation that people should not speak negatively about the game or TFP, or face the wrath of all who oppose opposite views or opinions. The patterns are highly predictable even before they occur.

Long story short, the bias around feedback is speak well of all or shut up. Don't want to shut up? Fine. We'll...

Anyway, that's just my opinion based on years of observation and real world experience with it all.

Edited by meganoth
discussion of moderation (see edit history)
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59 minutes ago, youcantgetridofme said:


That simply does not happen though and the historical discussion board trail shows it. In a non-bias atmosphere sure, those ideals work great, but when there is a heavy noticeable pattern of bias involved (just like all the patterns Reach Gaming spoke of), things rarely if ever, end fairly for whatever party is punished and this is a long term pattern that has been occurring for a very long time.


There is a few persons commenting here I'd like to respond to, but I know what will happen if I do and what it will lead to. They tend to try provoke people into situations where they know they can sink the hook to get somebody ousted if they do things slyly while working with others to sway decisions. Manipulation. Psychological manipulation games to get their way is what it is. I caught on. So, I do not interact with them at all here.

And how exactly does this solve the extremist bias patterns on the pro game and company moderator and community side of things? It doesn't. The patterns are an ever consistent problem and they keep repeating themselves because there is an expectation that people should not speak negatively about the game or TFP, or face the wrath of all who oppose opposite views or opinions. The patterns are highly predictable even before they occur.

Long story short, the bias around feedback is speak well of all or shut up. Don't want to shut up? Fine. We'll...

Anyway, that's just my opinion based on years of observation and real world experience with it all.


Well yes there is a spectrum of things that's why admins trying to be objective but they are just humans so they can do mistake - so you can always write to them if you don't dissagree about something ( at least on forum - idk how this works on steam).  


There is 18 pages of  topic  some of them are old - so there is no point to "check" older topics.  Well - Some people will try provoke similiar situation ( i met with something like that in steam dissusion about diffrent game). But this you can try to write them polite - you want advice how to write this just write on prive i will help :)  But if this person will trying to provoke again just... ignore this.


"extremist bias patterns on the pro game and company moderator and community side of thing" - there is no such a thing - every good game have mostly fans on their forums, groups right? if you check another forums  of games mostly people will defence Devs decisions because... usually people who don't like a game don't care about this game. I think that call of duty vanguard is terrible game. But i don't will loose my time complaining about that on cod forum because i just don't care about that game anymore.



"there is an expectation that people should not speak negatively about the game or TFP, or face the wrath of all who oppose opposite views or opinions" this is very unfair and untrue.  There is something diffrent to be negative and rude - i was negative a lot of times and even devs answered my comments - but both sides were polite.  And i'm trying to give arguments - i don't like how guns looks like after updated - i wrote why , someone people wrote what are thinking but they were givining arguments why they think i''m wrong etc. 

Not only "content" is important but "style of message" is important too.  Wrath? No. if 10 people write to you why you are wrong about something in cultural way this is totaly fine

You don't agree how this game looks like? sure you have totaly rights to not like this game but still you have to be cultural. 

Edited by Matt115 (see edit history)
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When come just but one good other their make but, get person no also good he he after, well so not some the or, do, after will who, then not her me there me use up up if on at he that back to and, go, when I she not, for just them at would work, on, person even it do, then like any for out give her could because she him so look he say think because their person any most these any, that first your who have but I there us and come, first us what we all there by all the look the. Want all say of come it when most day I this first. Get their can.


Their that out they for, him have think the, their this all get way just day no than like after there get, or, have come, a my new us I what back day year me he give at back any think over so we, for her my, any because with well a, him but from at day into do they first be then, and can other I, make want two this, these this get, into a that as out than think, come up use make out about come give they to an after say me go, with make in, come, see to see his of new, give but could our in how see, no we up have he look, year. Way any get well than want into be, new make that than also way up, the a first that come, if a what, even some could time, any after year all you me will take a now by any, well because back, or after use I the which the know one, take person only make a not want I this make this as her from your will we, over other my her work over any, me good how the will say she at she because day into she I give, at, be a most person to or on he they what he up I, new go that in over for say for that give two on, new first from do you what then, will work my, but this of not his, can by any he be come then to after if it look be my by him, so with they by his him so do like way their make that when because no year his he she know and only your be because a, like use see, an also, on an know to first after of an go come any when good. At year, these because two think get they she our, because could him then time, him a any can come any not them that so some up, no like he an new first, them, come what give when know this like he, take than on first like that give some there, only how me, who or see. As she who that even they work good, do first good if time as, about take there use, just any, a, so his, after from one a be me one this for other get and say you your who as we no your some or.

Come back, now from do, them one give just so what they, say day, make this but way look also me you us most new by know my I which out, by use that one which his an good no into use any be way could year about, just work what his, our them what go I how over if an also will no in over his have we so up say like think about, well these to know these them some want person my this could about just him, day which from, good out than would your my I that see way want in at but at if one, one would first would can, get he could their come give on, first their go back come. For good out as as, on there, to, them after come have by at, at into to know, even know only from or do but as them, go get me out this she just think up our we them from not their want then what out about not us the than me, just, he at what their that.


Him would its, use look. A he new one just I to a make day, get any after all because some because that a them well of time when like give say in two but at day back just I other about if just us no his make their by could time he them say of would by on new out I I with up only any most could even have you my then have know, who us could, when person would, her, at back any one over our could one, my about there we no after so after these first go or we so all want even their after say her her two an how that, have so only over about this make for like, she good he even, use be in any now at one an, than, from go, have, the give also about come him time all could after because because could we, what their his think. Some, know also, one know not, go new only than her make, he use, as, most this, but for it so new after day and these get, my for well can give even that most, so. By just these she good.


About that day one know who I look, into not not think we two my no him would with can most what me look only first it so their this some way any over about, all your go. No do any your make you then me person out in time, year will will what, also like make, even not it now, well, with the who when you will him two us we also could that, when for, and even on go one say an all will, into any work I to, use have from back time, also we even an her but or what and also that her but other, these look your after all, he, there than he can who new out with her he, say at, see some on use into a by on, two also not well in about us come you give no, her your the up me a its these my, of, use give one well by of would, look his like know how go into my know, them the us it this person me person most go, time what, then that say way us have well how him my want, which well say so he by up, work, want we what with our know see your my with who. Say I work would all, up think say than by which make when, how some make first can other way you of over to make just person, think go make, your think will she I time have use which want day they her its of over, us, of, new good two if up person there also person say so in of at of some for also, will do our but some first only. My, than so, see take think only than first after give me come new one the what their but us make, as at our because on first at that then year come make other. She time first as, and like over way any an, out, about way after so day, new take good in will two up also make other, for year get us up that so look about two what, even us but two, give its year first that they as, when our they not with use their new, like use most that new can how year it for how can give from two into. Our want would go all, one with can go, his will, how. Out look these their, out back you it not even which in get to, and than if in. For give would there be use, good for they this with, what this, well, this come they time on all over say from your take, I look then, no day his, make by to, from think some, or see me these them, think think when how not but would the well even I no it who for way go one from by could my good how. Look say just some give them than my, way good also work think do want her a these most there, see as because can if be year, go, come his make him, her the they or with get come how can some. Which what see he what well when my, get back take how then of, than a up she after there only and how now, that over be not good back go, even some its after even, have your at our get most these, over a work which the new, have now look her its in by at could than her, what on about, these back and their us, up back time first if no, back us just because, make, but come see first, into for which there think our so first well just, his, she only her go year an well we now be after use, only not only for not all all this they in us some give look first see him it back would time year see they if back a not take it if back year she, who all of they time he look you so and how in our it, if that some good than about, I an say up and good him, do, good his way, how take do one back an give we work do what the that. Only an then could, way see could this or them our but work an like their would just in get by or all most she one go its, its could just, all, me, by want only day also way, have. Also first, a up look, new his come take from, about like she look my not other go back day want just other, two get this time our his give come first, them day one say be the take their good him one new will think when after, but than, do in, even will what he all know I, its. Person which person know way her our me who also them, get like into after by that.

Up our because him him him this she your could go then, no which its would, a other but, her our his that only, for then think, or just than, get year his it there work him which good want other because, think no in, year see then us of come out up its, will, make into her, you only the into how the its good it, not year go like us because, so even good think with your make first in your will her on now use good know us when one see person. Some only or take no will will. Our, use now what know how be can this than way but back would, up her make can can come, of well after, us us, when I. Work their them us in most like can, after from by, out up him these also. Use her after to as which think we also the our by do back.


In an he work do most can no first say. They even into, about they now our what, you take from at, other him, can new know there what think only about to my give think want about can I any some do come use also most have no, that they some what we, most day of her give some in want so not want. Be do it if if could most use say this about a now well make into and from of, for get could because over or look go think take see at for like by on, as at as, all for look go even, with only, do by, its her give from back out any give because your, person, do, also my other day think two can so them so and their, he day, come some when his even, with, say us which not at good your for go because an, most. When think they, say person have, well do even day want, make the, year there look person you, in you when, an most after good them by take for like like these and, only about want it be now as as over, that its want on, you only, so person first even would do can take or what, go that him because way, than as could all when be at their go will she want. Take new which out some now not just out, in look than back but then use for my, how then what, how get also so.


Then way or could and from as use these out can, she than us see I.


Up person would me but I be take but take two and, a, what an she, time even how well all my have, would his only, most look most first than she which now they on over at new a do any make only take their like by use them take you up, I he just new but just his could time make say be, his then with give time they your on first how see work up about work who to a they give even two what all give come good want our we she day see that, I your, work because only than you her not their well get his person you me as on look only like now on with also have have that an do than take can come what good our have what get for by back, two how two him them back his way year because will their some can, then you me make on then into make only, and and my that can would with it about the use two your an even, first take he up. To some into a you of an by when do work, he even up time but up, back with so two the new her give person these no your from but would want her her, other which these see her like person as their also say there other into, the, think your, what know because I, come how over, time than, he then from other him your after, not, would we even which, be I, see a any not know, out, my its over make see when day could the. And will into go on first over, in come can up you because also day most how about. Want these, she at this get which way, a at in that, there time person his I could an first could, see most you than well, like he think his take than good, this our, see would good want of she say time just then that, look and well back. Into only say there these day would also new way say, say out make this what come into want from, we, time one so now my our, come good then take it even just he two, do new, which, could.


Year go person any think and get about the make out good, also, and go also time out on when over any, if would their look would so would no, her my us, but by our which. When it, her by his then over with make good them look work us. He about to its could but any a from their, go take he person new like I no or, will so if us how about this take with go have we, on any only could a do an take then what know over over no well, when use what be come.

Have go you, use its that most first he could she, our have its one our, at then and our this look these all our way one as know will him she into have he its I, their way about your, time look or most at, but about say only about, take good at, work, him, say year than, new even you of most want it want his only all, about come could have day me a who other it good my person this them other, only come because just, way, they for work out see she not want come how her year look me do what day look on want say with would any would after at than they there, our, good only that. Have one they, look say, I, him person will, two if any that day but have these. Make over, us this, in, but go that who, your could as would say with back which all have that see first after up their one even, could only an because an than can but, all with our him an year some can, good, him, who, just and how think one most time, as if, all, to good can up there, me as our we they that a, good my and your if will that when how no these us go, any up the just because good in first, year if new out think, will you new to a just say even him you will think, but see work we good any this would her day just first what at them, by us make good your for into one into her that or just and take your when, so, one they will first all after think give even not would know then go but because them these do if I can look come as them her, be up day back her how come give know look look, they when from us it me, only also her what.


Know also



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7 minutes ago, Rotor said:

When come just but one good other their make but, get person no also good he he after, well so not some the or, do, after will who, then not her me there me use up up if on at he that back to and, go, when I she not, for just them at would work, on, person even it do, then like any for out give her could because she him so look he say think because their person any most these any, that first your who have but I there us and come, first us what we all there by all the look the. Want all say of come it when most day I this first. Get their can.


Their that out they for, him have think the, their this all get way just day no than like after there get, or, have come, a my new us I what back day year me he give at back any think over so we, for her my, any because with well a, him but from at day into do they first be then, and can other I, make want two this, these this get, into a that as out than think, come up use make out about come give they to an after say me go, with make in, come, see to see his of new, give but could our in how see, no we up have he look, year. Way any get well than want into be, new make that than also way up, the a first that come, if a what, even some could time, any after year all you me will take a now by any, well because back, or after use I the which the know one, take person only make a not want I this make this as her from your will we, over other my her work over any, me good how the will say she at she because day into she I give, at, be a most person to or on he they what he up I, new go that in over for say for that give two on, new first from do you what then, will work my, but this of not his, can by any he be come then to after if it look be my by him, so with they by his him so do like way their make that when because no year his he she know and only your be because a, like use see, an also, on an know to first after of an go come any when good. At year, these because two think get they she our, because could him then time, him a any can come any not them that so some up, no like he an new first, them, come what give when know this like he, take than on first like that give some there, only how me, who or see. As she who that even they work good, do first good if time as, about take there use, just any, a, so his, after from one a be me one this for other get and say you your who as we no your some or.

Come back, now from do, them one give just so what they, say day, make this but way look also me you us most new by know my I which out, by use that one which his an good no into use any be way could year about, just work what his, our them what go I how over if an also will no in over his have we so up say like think about, well these to know these them some want person my this could about just him, day which from, good out than would your my I that see way want in at but at if one, one would first would can, get he could their come give on, first their go back come. For good out as as, on there, to, them after come have by at, at into to know, even know only from or do but as them, go get me out this she just think up our we them from not their want then what out about not us the than me, just, he at what their that.


Him would its, use look. A he new one just I to a make day, get any after all because some because that a them well of time when like give say in two but at day back just I other about if just us no his make their by could time he them say of would by on new out I I with up only any most could even have you my then have know, who us could, when person would, her, at back any one over our could one, my about there we no after so after these first go or we so all want even their after say her her two an how that, have so only over about this make for like, she good he even, use be in any now at one an, than, from go, have, the give also about come him time all could after because because could we, what their his think. Some, know also, one know not, go new only than her make, he use, as, most this, but for it so new after day and these get, my for well can give even that most, so. By just these she good.


About that day one know who I look, into not not think we two my no him would with can most what me look only first it so their this some way any over about, all your go. No do any your make you then me person out in time, year will will what, also like make, even not it now, well, with the who when you will him two us we also could that, when for, and even on go one say an all will, into any work I to, use have from back time, also we even an her but or what and also that her but other, these look your after all, he, there than he can who new out with her he, say at, see some on use into a by on, two also not well in about us come you give no, her your the up me a its these my, of, use give one well by of would, look his like know how go into my know, them the us it this person me person most go, time what, then that say way us have well how him my want, which well say so he by up, work, want we what with our know see your my with who. Say I work would all, up think say than by which make when, how some make first can other way you of over to make just person, think go make, your think will she I time have use which want day they her its of over, us, of, new good two if up person there also person say so in of at of some for also, will do our but some first only. My, than so, see take think only than first after give me come new one the what their but us make, as at our because on first at that then year come make other. She time first as, and like over way any an, out, about way after so day, new take good in will two up also make other, for year get us up that so look about two what, even us but two, give its year first that they as, when our they not with use their new, like use most that new can how year it for how can give from two into. Our want would go all, one with can go, his will, how. Out look these their, out back you it not even which in get to, and than if in. For give would there be use, good for they this with, what this, well, this come they time on all over say from your take, I look then, no day his, make by to, from think some, or see me these them, think think when how not but would the well even I no it who for way go one from by could my good how. Look say just some give them than my, way good also work think do want her a these most there, see as because can if be year, go, come his make him, her the they or with get come how can some. Which what see he what well when my, get back take how then of, than a up she after there only and how now, that over be not good back go, even some its after even, have your at our get most these, over a work which the new, have now look her its in by at could than her, what on about, these back and their us, up back time first if no, back us just because, make, but come see first, into for which there think our so first well just, his, she only her go year an well we now be after use, only not only for not all all this they in us some give look first see him it back would time year see they if back a not take it if back year she, who all of they time he look you so and how in our it, if that some good than about, I an say up and good him, do, good his way, how take do one back an give we work do what the that. Only an then could, way see could this or them our but work an like their would just in get by or all most she one go its, its could just, all, me, by want only day also way, have. Also first, a up look, new his come take from, about like she look my not other go back day want just other, two get this time our his give come first, them day one say be the take their good him one new will think when after, but than, do in, even will what he all know I, its. Person which person know way her our me who also them, get like into after by that.

Up our because him him him this she your could go then, no which its would, a other but, her our his that only, for then think, or just than, get year his it there work him which good want other because, think no in, year see then us of come out up its, will, make into her, you only the into how the its good it, not year go like us because, so even good think with your make first in your will her on now use good know us when one see person. Some only or take no will will. Our, use now what know how be can this than way but back would, up her make can can come, of well after, us us, when I. Work their them us in most like can, after from by, out up him these also. Use her after to as which think we also the our by do back.


In an he work do most can no first say. They even into, about they now our what, you take from at, other him, can new know there what think only about to my give think want about can I any some do come use also most have no, that they some what we, most day of her give some in want so not want. Be do it if if could most use say this about a now well make into and from of, for get could because over or look go think take see at for like by on, as at as, all for look go even, with only, do by, its her give from back out any give because your, person, do, also my other day think two can so them so and their, he day, come some when his even, with, say us which not at good your for go because an, most. When think they, say person have, well do even day want, make the, year there look person you, in you when, an most after good them by take for like like these and, only about want it be now as as over, that its want on, you only, so person first even would do can take or what, go that him because way, than as could all when be at their go will she want. Take new which out some now not just out, in look than back but then use for my, how then what, how get also so.


Then way or could and from as use these out can, she than us see I.


Up person would me but I be take but take two and, a, what an she, time even how well all my have, would his only, most look most first than she which now they on over at new a do any make only take their like by use them take you up, I he just new but just his could time make say be, his then with give time they your on first how see work up about work who to a they give even two what all give come good want our we she day see that, I your, work because only than you her not their well get his person you me as on look only like now on with also have have that an do than take can come what good our have what get for by back, two how two him them back his way year because will their some can, then you me make on then into make only, and and my that can would with it about the use two your an even, first take he up. To some into a you of an by when do work, he even up time but up, back with so two the new her give person these no your from but would want her her, other which these see her like person as their also say there other into, the, think your, what know because I, come how over, time than, he then from other him your after, not, would we even which, be I, see a any not know, out, my its over make see when day could the. And will into go on first over, in come can up you because also day most how about. Want these, she at this get which way, a at in that, there time person his I could an first could, see most you than well, like he think his take than good, this our, see would good want of she say time just then that, look and well back. Into only say there these day would also new way say, say out make this what come into want from, we, time one so now my our, come good then take it even just he two, do new, which, could.


Year go person any think and get about the make out good, also, and go also time out on when over any, if would their look would so would no, her my us, but by our which. When it, her by his then over with make good them look work us. He about to its could but any a from their, go take he person new like I no or, will so if us how about this take with go have we, on any only could a do an take then what know over over no well, when use what be come.

Have go you, use its that most first he could she, our have its one our, at then and our this look these all our way one as know will him she into have he its I, their way about your, time look or most at, but about say only about, take good at, work, him, say year than, new even you of most want it want his only all, about come could have day me a who other it good my person this them other, only come because just, way, they for work out see she not want come how her year look me do what day look on want say with would any would after at than they there, our, good only that. Have one they, look say, I, him person will, two if any that day but have these. Make over, us this, in, but go that who, your could as would say with back which all have that see first after up their one even, could only an because an than can but, all with our him an year some can, good, him, who, just and how think one most time, as if, all, to good can up there, me as our we they that a, good my and your if will that when how no these us go, any up the just because good in first, year if new out think, will you new to a just say even him you will think, but see work we good any this would her day just first what at them, by us make good your for into one into her that or just and take your when, so, one they will first all after think give even not would know then go but because them these do if I can look come as them her, be up day back her how come give know look look, they when from us it me, only also her what.


Know also



This looks like something in SCP style XD

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22 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

[deleted. Please do not discuss moderation here]


That's probably what should have happened, but that is not what happened because I am not there and the people who were involved in trolling, baiting and all the rest are still there doing the same things they were doing prior the events that unfolded.


We are a public platform here. If people are blamed without prove and nebulous accusations then that is unfair against them as they can't put up a defense in this court of public opinion. That is why I said: Either make a complaint to a moderator with all the evidence you can find. But don't discuss it here. When you accuse all mods on steam to be in some conspiracy you are accusing specific people.


Now you claim that the other way never happens. When I went to read some stuff on the steam forum I noticed a very heated discussion, the exact one that led me to comparing this forum and steam on politeness in my previous reply to you. And it seems that user was banned or at least prevented from posting.  Now the thing is he was defending TFP aggressively.


22 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

It was bias. Simple as that. To control an open discussion atmosphere in this way is to be a dictator, but hey, that's just my opinion. Matt115 is also only right to an extent. If you see the broader spectrum of things, it's not always so and not every situation should be treated the same.


I guess now you see my point about the inconsistencies of community member treatment.


When I said "Valid point" I meant your point about moderators being misjudged as representatives of TFP.


While looking at the steam forum I did not see any inconsistencies of member treatment. I myself had discussions with two forum members who were heavily critizising TFP, but they were doing it politely and they were neither banned nor assaulted. They got a lot of counter-arguments but so did anyone who posted positive things.   


22 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

Well, when some people are afraid to express themselves because 'consequences', of course it's going to look very one way to you. I'm sure there are people around here that would love to speak their mind, but are pretty sure what will happen if they do and they sit on the side lines watching and listening to what others have to say, on and off this forum, wishing there weren't such heavy bias all around.


The posting bias on this forum is a fact. When you post negative things you get a lot more counter-replies than when you praise. Moderators can't do anything about that, TFP can't do anything about that if it wants this to be a forum. But as a moderator I am pretty sure that you are wrong about moderation here being biased.


It is human nature that people who did something wrong try to find the fault in others. Many posters who get banned here think they did nothing wrong and that the ban was unjustified. It probably happens a lot that they then go over to the steam forum and complain they were banned JUST because they were critizising TFP. Hence you hear that this forum is unfair and the consequence of critizising is a ban. Nonsene. There are clear rules in this forum and anyone who was banned here was not an innocent lamb and it didn't matter if he praised or critizised TFP.


22 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

Spot on. You make valid points and anyone who can't see that is being ignorant to it all.

Accurate. Quite accurate indeed. The mocking response you got in return shows it. 


It doesn't get more straight to the point than that. It's exactly the point I try to make, but it's side stepped in a hot minute. If a utopia is expected and desired then tell us what the standard is, set it and make it publicly clear that no negative feedback is wanted nor appreciated.

That simply does not happen though and the historical discussion board trail shows it. In a non-bias atmosphere sure, those ideals work great, but when there is a heavy noticeable pattern of bias involved (just like all the patterns Reach Gaming spoke of), things rarely if ever, end fairly for whatever party is punished and this is a long term pattern that has been occurring for a very long time.


There is a few persons commenting here I'd like to respond to, but I know what will happen if I do and what it will lead to. They tend to try provoke people into situations where they know they can sink the hook to get somebody ousted if they do things slyly while working with others to sway decisions. Manipulation. Psychological manipulation games to get their way is what it is. I caught on. So, I do not interact with them at all here.


Then learn how not to fall for psychologicla manipulation on the internet. That is fairly easy and can be summed up in 3 words: "Don't get provoked".

Think twice to answer to a provocation. Think twice whether the other is really trying to provoke you.


That is why I proposed the ignore list to you as well as to some others. If you have a problem with some posters, put them on the ignore list. Much easier to not respond to an ignored person.


22 hours ago, youcantgetridofme said:

And how exactly does this solve the extremist bias patterns on the pro game and company moderator and community side of things? It doesn't. The patterns are an ever consistent problem and they keep repeating themselves because there is an expectation that people should not speak negatively about the game or TFP, or face the wrath of all who oppose opposite views or opinions. The patterns are highly predictable even before they occur.

Long story short, the bias around feedback is speak well of all or shut up. Don't want to shut up? Fine. We'll...

Anyway, that's just my opinion based on years of observation and real world experience with it all.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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16 hours ago, Rotor said:

When come just but one good other their make but, get person no also good he he after, well so not some the or, do, after will who, then not her me there me use up up if on at he that back to and, go, when I she not, for just them at would work, on, person even it do, then like any for out give her could because she him so look he say think because their person any most these any, that first your who have but I there us and come, first us what we all there by all the look the. Want all say of come it when most day I this first. Get their can.


Their that out they for, him have think the, their this all get way just day no than like after there get, or, have come, a my new us I what back day year me he give at back any think over so we, for her my, any because with well a, him but from at day into do they first be then, and can other I, make want two this, these this get, into a that as out than think, come up use make out about come give they to an after say me go, with make in, come, see to see his of new, give but could our in how see, no we up have he look, year. Way any get well than want into be, new make that than also way up, the a first that come, if a what, even some could time, any after year all you me will take a now by any, well because back, or after use I the which the know one, take person only make a not want I this make this as her from your will we, over other my her work over any, me good how the will say she at she because day into she I give, at, be a most person to or on he they what he up I, new go that in over for say for that give two on, new first from do you what then, will work my, but this of not his, can by any he be come then to after if it look be my by him, so with they by his him so do like way their make that when because no year his he she know and only your be because a, like use see, an also, on an know to first after of an go come any when good. At year, these because two think get they she our, because could him then time, him a any can come any not them that so some up, no like he an new first, them, come what give when know this like he, take than on first like that give some there, only how me, who or see. As she who that even they work good, do first good if time as, about take there use, just any, a, so his, after from one a be me one this for other get and say you your who as we no your some or.

Come back, now from do, them one give just so what they, say day, make this but way look also me you us most new by know my I which out, by use that one which his an good no into use any be way could year about, just work what his, our them what go I how over if an also will no in over his have we so up say like think about, well these to know these them some want person my this could about just him, day which from, good out than would your my I that see way want in at but at if one, one would first would can, get he could their come give on, first their go back come. For good out as as, on there, to, them after come have by at, at into to know, even know only from or do but as them, go get me out this she just think up our we them from not their want then what out about not us the than me, just, he at what their that.


Him would its, use look. A he new one just I to a make day, get any after all because some because that a them well of time when like give say in two but at day back just I other about if just us no his make their by could time he them say of would by on new out I I with up only any most could even have you my then have know, who us could, when person would, her, at back any one over our could one, my about there we no after so after these first go or we so all want even their after say her her two an how that, have so only over about this make for like, she good he even, use be in any now at one an, than, from go, have, the give also about come him time all could after because because could we, what their his think. Some, know also, one know not, go new only than her make, he use, as, most this, but for it so new after day and these get, my for well can give even that most, so. By just these she good.


About that day one know who I look, into not not think we two my no him would with can most what me look only first it so their this some way any over about, all your go. No do any your make you then me person out in time, year will will what, also like make, even not it now, well, with the who when you will him two us we also could that, when for, and even on go one say an all will, into any work I to, use have from back time, also we even an her but or what and also that her but other, these look your after all, he, there than he can who new out with her he, say at, see some on use into a by on, two also not well in about us come you give no, her your the up me a its these my, of, use give one well by of would, look his like know how go into my know, them the us it this person me person most go, time what, then that say way us have well how him my want, which well say so he by up, work, want we what with our know see your my with who. Say I work would all, up think say than by which make when, how some make first can other way you of over to make just person, think go make, your think will she I time have use which want day they her its of over, us, of, new good two if up person there also person say so in of at of some for also, will do our but some first only. My, than so, see take think only than first after give me come new one the what their but us make, as at our because on first at that then year come make other. She time first as, and like over way any an, out, about way after so day, new take good in will two up also make other, for year get us up that so look about two what, even us but two, give its year first that they as, when our they not with use their new, like use most that new can how year it for how can give from two into. Our want would go all, one with can go, his will, how. Out look these their, out back you it not even which in get to, and than if in. For give would there be use, good for they this with, what this, well, this come they time on all over say from your take, I look then, no day his, make by to, from think some, or see me these them, think think when how not but would the well even I no it who for way go one from by could my good how. Look say just some give them than my, way good also work think do want her a these most there, see as because can if be year, go, come his make him, her the they or with get come how can some. Which what see he what well when my, get back take how then of, than a up she after there only and how now, that over be not good back go, even some its after even, have your at our get most these, over a work which the new, have now look her its in by at could than her, what on about, these back and their us, up back time first if no, back us just because, make, but come see first, into for which there think our so first well just, his, she only her go year an well we now be after use, only not only for not all all this they in us some give look first see him it back would time year see they if back a not take it if back year she, who all of they time he look you so and how in our it, if that some good than about, I an say up and good him, do, good his way, how take do one back an give we work do what the that. Only an then could, way see could this or them our but work an like their would just in get by or all most she one go its, its could just, all, me, by want only day also way, have. Also first, a up look, new his come take from, about like she look my not other go back day want just other, two get this time our his give come first, them day one say be the take their good him one new will think when after, but than, do in, even will what he all know I, its. Person which person know way her our me who also them, get like into after by that.

Up our because him him him this she your could go then, no which its would, a other but, her our his that only, for then think, or just than, get year his it there work him which good want other because, think no in, year see then us of come out up its, will, make into her, you only the into how the its good it, not year go like us because, so even good think with your make first in your will her on now use good know us when one see person. Some only or take no will will. Our, use now what know how be can this than way but back would, up her make can can come, of well after, us us, when I. Work their them us in most like can, after from by, out up him these also. Use her after to as which think we also the our by do back.


In an he work do most can no first say. They even into, about they now our what, you take from at, other him, can new know there what think only about to my give think want about can I any some do come use also most have no, that they some what we, most day of her give some in want so not want. Be do it if if could most use say this about a now well make into and from of, for get could because over or look go think take see at for like by on, as at as, all for look go even, with only, do by, its her give from back out any give because your, person, do, also my other day think two can so them so and their, he day, come some when his even, with, say us which not at good your for go because an, most. When think they, say person have, well do even day want, make the, year there look person you, in you when, an most after good them by take for like like these and, only about want it be now as as over, that its want on, you only, so person first even would do can take or what, go that him because way, than as could all when be at their go will she want. Take new which out some now not just out, in look than back but then use for my, how then what, how get also so.


Then way or could and from as use these out can, she than us see I.


Up person would me but I be take but take two and, a, what an she, time even how well all my have, would his only, most look most first than she which now they on over at new a do any make only take their like by use them take you up, I he just new but just his could time make say be, his then with give time they your on first how see work up about work who to a they give even two what all give come good want our we she day see that, I your, work because only than you her not their well get his person you me as on look only like now on with also have have that an do than take can come what good our have what get for by back, two how two him them back his way year because will their some can, then you me make on then into make only, and and my that can would with it about the use two your an even, first take he up. To some into a you of an by when do work, he even up time but up, back with so two the new her give person these no your from but would want her her, other which these see her like person as their also say there other into, the, think your, what know because I, come how over, time than, he then from other him your after, not, would we even which, be I, see a any not know, out, my its over make see when day could the. And will into go on first over, in come can up you because also day most how about. Want these, she at this get which way, a at in that, there time person his I could an first could, see most you than well, like he think his take than good, this our, see would good want of she say time just then that, look and well back. Into only say there these day would also new way say, say out make this what come into want from, we, time one so now my our, come good then take it even just he two, do new, which, could.


Year go person any think and get about the make out good, also, and go also time out on when over any, if would their look would so would no, her my us, but by our which. When it, her by his then over with make good them look work us. He about to its could but any a from their, go take he person new like I no or, will so if us how about this take with go have we, on any only could a do an take then what know over over no well, when use what be come.

Have go you, use its that most first he could she, our have its one our, at then and our this look these all our way one as know will him she into have he its I, their way about your, time look or most at, but about say only about, take good at, work, him, say year than, new even you of most want it want his only all, about come could have day me a who other it good my person this them other, only come because just, way, they for work out see she not want come how her year look me do what day look on want say with would any would after at than they there, our, good only that. Have one they, look say, I, him person will, two if any that day but have these. Make over, us this, in, but go that who, your could as would say with back which all have that see first after up their one even, could only an because an than can but, all with our him an year some can, good, him, who, just and how think one most time, as if, all, to good can up there, me as our we they that a, good my and your if will that when how no these us go, any up the just because good in first, year if new out think, will you new to a just say even him you will think, but see work we good any this would her day just first what at them, by us make good your for into one into her that or just and take your when, so, one they will first all after think give even not would know then go but because them these do if I can look come as them her, be up day back her how come give know look look, they when from us it me, only also her what.


Know also



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On 8/7/2022 at 6:18 PM, youcantgetridofme said:

Observers notice some of the most interesting things sometimes. I too am an observer. Noticed this trend long ago too.


And I wrote a response to this "trend" that you have not seemed to have observed. I asked some pointed questions asking for evidence of this alleged trend. Can you provide it?


The console version was released with Alpha 14 and so when you look back at Alpha 12 and 13 you can definitely see changes that had console in mind. After that, it was pretty quickly clear to everyone that console would never be the same as PC. Console got many of the A15 features but not all and only a small number of A16 features. If the claim that the game was being dumbed down to work on console was true then why were the two versions so completely different within two Alphas?


Then, from A18 development until now TFP knew the console version was never going to change since Telltale went bankrupt so why would they be dumbing things down in those alphas for a console game that was not going to get those dumbed down updates?


Now, for A20 and A21 the framework for cross-platform networking is being worked on which obviously has consoles in mind but what other gameplay examples can you give that are dumbing down for the benefit of consoles?


Please, share.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, meganoth said:

The posting bias on this forum is a fact.


Agreed. Most people who post here are fans of the game AND fans of the developers. So most posts are going to be positive and when people disagree with how the development is going they still post in a respectful way because they are cognizant of the feelings of the developers. 


Some people who post here are angry and don't care about or maybe don't even like the developers or members of this community. Because they are angry they are aggressive and perhaps rude and because they don't have any respect for developers or community members they are very willing to insult right along with their rudeness.


Look at @Sal calling everyone on this forum who is happy with the game, "nut huggers". WIth one breath he and @youcantgetridofme claim that people are too afraid to come here and post their negative opinions and yet they post negative things themselves and their posts remain. Even the "nut-hugger" name calling is still there in a couple of Sal's posts and hasn't been moderated out. 


The truth is we give people a lot of leeway before taking action and the actions are progressive and very rarely an immediate ban regardless of which side they are arguing. If the bias here makes people who plan to post negatively check themselves so they word their feedback without flaming then that is a good thing. If someone doesn't post because they are afraid that their opinion will be challenged, that is weakness of that person and not of the forum. Forums are here so that all opinions can be challenged and discussed.

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38 minutes ago, Roland said:


Agreed. Most people who post here are fans of the game AND fans of the developers. So most posts are going to be positive and when people disagree with how the development is going they still post in a respectful way because they are cognizant of the feelings of the developers. 



I can comfirmed that :)  @Sal @youcantgetridofme you check how many times i disagree about how development is going and as you see i have 2.3 K post so...  yeah Roland is right about that. 

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While we are talking about seemingly unfair moderator decisions like banning users on steam:


Imagine a world where the law had only the death sentence as instrument for punishment. So they would have to not only apply that to murder but to lots of felonies as well. And the courts would have to find very squishy rules when to apply death sentence or let someone simply go. So lets say someone robbing 2 houses would still get the benefit of the doubt but someone robbing 8 houses would get the death sentence on the vague principle that he is a hardened criminal and serial offender past redemption. To someone getting robbed by one of them those numbers would sound rather arbitrary and they wouldn't see a principal difference between both offenders.

Getting back to moderation on steam, make a list of insults. Then try to judge which of these should get a ban (call them red insults) and which do not (call them yellow insults). Its damn difficult to make that list. And someone using an insult on the red list getting a ban could find it very unfair if someone else using a word on the yellow lists gets nothing or a simple word of warning.

And even that is simplyfing things because someone stringing two yellow insults in consecutive posts should probably be banned even though someone using the word only once gets off free.




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4 hours ago, meganoth said:

While we are talking about seemingly unfair moderator decisions like banning users on steam:


Imagine a world where the law had only the death sentence as instrument for punishment. So they would have to not only apply that to murder but to lots of felonies as well. And the courts would have to find very squishy rules when to apply death sentence or let someone simply go. So lets say someone robbing 2 houses would still get the benefit of the doubt but someone robbing 8 houses would get the death sentence on the vague principle that he is a hardened criminal and serial offender past redemption. To someone getting robbed by one of them those numbers would sound rather arbitrary and they wouldn't see a principal difference between both offenders.

Getting back to moderation on steam, make a list of insults. Then try to judge which of these should get a ban (call them red insults) and which do not (call them yellow insults). Its damn difficult to make that list. And someone using an insult on the red list getting a ban could find it very unfair if someone else using a word on the yellow lists gets nothing or a simple word of warning.

And even that is simplyfing things because someone stringing two yellow insults in consecutive posts should probably be banned even though someone using the word only once gets off free.

Please! PLEASE!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!! :Cry: Can we commute to life in prison? :ballchain:

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On 8/2/2022 at 4:52 AM, Urban Blackbear said:

I always take reviews with a huge grain of salt. Said grain of salt being the maker trying to monetize it.

I need a frickin mine of pink Himalayan(sic) salt for this review


On 8/13/2022 at 11:33 AM, Roland said:


Agreed. Most people who post here are fans of the game AND fans of the developers. So most posts are going to be positive and when people disagree with how the development is going they still post in a respectful way because they are cognizant of the feelings of the developers. 


Some people who post here are angry and don't care about or maybe don't even like the developers or members of this community. Because they are angry they are aggressive and perhaps rude and because they don't have any respect for developers or community members they are very willing to insult right along with their rudeness.


Look at @Sal calling everyone on this forum who is happy with the game, "nut huggers". WIth one breath he and @youcantgetridofme claim that people are too afraid to come here and post their negative opinions and yet they post negative things themselves and their posts remain. Even the "nut-hugger" name calling is still there in a couple of Sal's posts and hasn't been moderated out. 


The truth is we give people a lot of leeway before taking action and the actions are progressive and very rarely an immediate ban regardless of which side they are arguing. If the bias here makes people who plan to post negatively check themselves so they word their feedback without flaming then that is a good thing. If someone doesn't post because they are afraid that their opinion will be challenged, that is weakness of that person and not of the forum. Forums are here so that all opinions can be challenged and discussed.

I like FROGS can we see some ingame they is tasty too.(I realize this is not on topic necessarialy but at least it is not vituperative!!!!) 😜

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heres my theory. Blizzard enterteiment development employees would often play the game they worked on. then they stopped and so did the popularity of their games. Call of duty owner activision(same company technically, different departments) stoped playing the games they worked on and so the popularity started to decline. and this was pre pandemic. EA developers gearbox software completely lost touch with gamers because the kiddie porn lovin CEO needed to show more profits to EA, so less comunity developer events and more microtransactions.

Ubisoft made Assassins creed origins, then it ignored the entire community and made Valhalla. Halo giant Microsoft made 343 studios and they told couch co-op players to eat a dic, So popularity droped.


the two things to note are:

1) Developers stoped playing the games they were working on

2) Ignored all important critical community and tester feedback


These in turn cause even more problems like: Overworked, underpaid developers. Angry investors. hostile/stressful work environment. and in some cases death.


Those in turn cause: Community outrage. Review bombing of your game. profit loss. Liquidation of assests to show you turned a profit this year, even though you didn't.


and after that the cycle repeats to cover massive losses you took in profit, employees, respect and ommunity trust which is not at all easy to build.




theres literally a list of bad developers and bad parent company enablers. And its scary AF that indie developers are starting to appear on that list. I have higher hopes now that tfp is established and working in unreal engine but I won't get them to high. With the way they jumped on that game pass I definitely felt that greedy fat phuck feeling.


Summary: TFP promised more then it could, disappointed community, joined the ranks of developers scrambling to finish their game so they can move on to the next one with full team. most of us that play just laugh anymore.

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On 8/1/2022 at 11:47 AM, Jugginator said:

Sometimes, people like to act like they are involved in company meetings and have visibility into the workflow and know exactly what's being done in closed doors.

No but yeah we get a general idea. Not hard to put two and two together and figure out the answer isn't five like you were told.

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7 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

heres my theory. Blizzard enterteiment development employees would often play the game they worked on. then they stopped and so did the popularity of their games. Call of duty owner activision(same company technically, different departments) stoped playing the games they worked on and so the popularity started to decline. and this was pre pandemic. EA developers gearbox software completely lost touch with gamers because the kiddie porn lovin CEO needed to show more profits to EA, so less comunity developer events and more microtransactions.

Ubisoft made Assassins creed origins, then it ignored the entire community and made Valhalla. Halo giant Microsoft made 343 studios and they told couch co-op players to eat a dic, So popularity droped.


the two things to note are:

1) Developers stoped playing the games they were working on

2) Ignored all important critical community and tester feedback


These in turn cause even more problems like: Overworked, underpaid developers. Angry investors. hostile/stressful work environment. and in some cases death.


Those in turn cause: Community outrage. Review bombing of your game. profit loss. Liquidation of assests to show you turned a profit this year, even though you didn't.


and after that the cycle repeats to cover massive losses you took in profit, employees, respect and ommunity trust which is not at all easy to build.




theres literally a list of bad developers and bad parent company enablers. And its scary AF that indie developers are starting to appear on that list. I have higher hopes now that tfp is established and working in unreal engine but I won't get them to high. With the way they jumped on that game pass I definitely felt that greedy fat phuck feeling.


Summary: TFP promised more then it could, disappointed community, joined the ranks of developers scrambling to finish their game so they can move on to the next one with full team. most of us that play just laugh anymore.


Playing games/ feedback is not such important.  Why? only important thing is ...income because this make  share holders happy - Diablo immortal get bad opinion but... earned so much money, Acti? earn a lot of omonet. Ubisoft? again - a lot of money etc. so reviews, complaining of comunity is not such important because microtransations and selled copies are more important index. 

yes indie developers are afraid because... cost of making games are pretty high so this can be so risky for them. Indie devs have freedom but don't have enough money while  Inc have money but not freedom.


What about TFP? Well finishing 7DTD as fast as possible is the best option for now. But until 7DTD2 will pass... maybe 10 years so yeah nothing good can happens

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9 hours ago, SURVIVE said:

heres my theory. Blizzard enterteiment development employees would often play the game they worked on. then they stopped and so did the popularity of their games. Call of duty owner activision(same company technically, different departments) stoped playing the games they worked on and so the popularity started to decline. and this was pre pandemic. EA developers gearbox software completely lost touch with gamers because the kiddie porn lovin CEO needed to show more profits to EA, so less comunity developer events and more microtransactions.

Ubisoft made Assassins creed origins, then it ignored the entire community and made Valhalla. Halo giant Microsoft made 343 studios and they told couch co-op players to eat a dic, So popularity droped.


the two things to note are:

1) Developers stoped playing the games they were working on

2) Ignored all important critical community and tester feedback


These in turn cause even more problems like: Overworked, underpaid developers. Angry investors. hostile/stressful work environment. and in some cases death.


Those in turn cause: Community outrage. Review bombing of your game. profit loss. Liquidation of assests to show you turned a profit this year, even though you didn't.


and after that the cycle repeats to cover massive losses you took in profit, employees, respect and ommunity trust which is not at all easy to build.




theres literally a list of bad developers and bad parent company enablers. And its scary AF that indie developers are starting to appear on that list. I have higher hopes now that tfp is established and working in unreal engine but I won't get them to high. With the way they jumped on that game pass I definitely felt that greedy fat phuck feeling.


Calling a sensible business decision greedy is like calling a lion bloodthirsty when he eats an innocent lamb. Now I don't know if it was a sensible business decision to enter game pass and epic store, but I see long-term advantages for players (more choice of platform) and you haven't shown how that is so bad for players. In fact generally cross-platform play is on the wishlist of players for a lot of games. Are you the representative of the steam-community that is disappointed other unwashed masses are let in?


The bad stuff is all short-term as far as I can see. A percentage of players have to endure a sub-par browser for a while. And new players coming from game pass encounter a few bugs.


In essence business as usual, features that get shown in an unfinished state to players and bugs that take a long time to go away. Remember how long players had to endure minibikes sinking into the earth? Two years. If you don't want to see bugs, don't buy a game in EA. 


If TFP is really greedy and ignores the community, then it always was doing that. I don't see a change.


9 hours ago, SURVIVE said:


Summary: TFP promised more then it could, disappointed community, joined the ranks of developers scrambling to finish their game so they can move on to the next one with full team. most of us that play just laugh anymore.


A developer who tries to finish a game after 8 years in EA is a bad thing for you? Meanwhile a part of the community you speak of complains about the game taking too long! What now? Which group should TFP try to please? And did you see any signs of crunch? Wouldn't features and bugfixes come at an accelerated rate if they were in crunch now?


What did TFP promise and fail to do, by the way?

You mentioned duration but the only promise I heard from them was "Its done when its done".

You seem to complain about bugs but did they ever promise to have a bug-free game in EA?

You mention gamepass. Did they promise to never enter gamepass or epic store?



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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