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18 minutes ago, Tabby said:

My first post so please be kind. Regarding bandits. Will there be a way to turn them off, like feral sense? I get killed enough by zombies, dogs, bears, mountain lions, and pretty much anything else in game that can kill you. Bandits don't even interest me.

Even if TFP don't add the option(though I'd think they will), it would be a pretty simple mod that I'm sure would get made if needed.

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28 minutes ago, Gamida said:



Wait? You make it sound like it was strictly Americans who worked on it.

Just a joke, man. We also don’t not use the metric system. I’m sure there were liters and liters of coffee provided by foreign born support staff who should also get credit for helping…


I kid, I kid!

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14 hours ago, Roland said:


When I was young, all the Blonde jokes we tell now started out as Polish jokes...just saying. ❤️❤️

 Well... we started them 😜


13 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:


Thanks for circling the car in red.  I would have never found it.

No problem not my video 😜


9 hours ago, beerfly said:

Matt : I`ll get this and this

Demo : beep, beep, beep ..

Matt: wait, that`s not the sound of the cash register

Demo : Boom 

If 7dtd newsstand were solid as newsstand in my city it would be like :

Demo: boom

Matt: nah he just scratched paint a little bit.

Rly - car hit a newsstand - car was pretty damaged - newsstand need just 5 days to be reapaired

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2 hours ago, Roland said:

Just a joke, man. We also don’t not use the metric system. I’m sure there were liters and liters of coffee provided by foreign born support staff who should also get credit for helping…


I kid, I kid!


I know it's in jest and it is actually part of the Canadian governments fault the american space program ended up with so much talent at least from here. They closed down the company making one of the best fighter jets at that time. Maybe years beyond what anyone else was doing and the workers moved to the states with a lot of them joining the space program.  There is the full movie about it on Youtube. Makes me sad to even think about what they did.


Edit: Noticed also that you are picking up the lingo as you said liters and liters of coffee and not gallons and gallons. :D




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12 hours ago, Old Crow said:

I guess it's the minimal damage those two particular knives do. I know it's likely for balance, as they do high sneak damage, but I don't generally see people using bladed weapons as weapons until they have a machete. That, plus the fact that they are the best items to use to harvest corpses and animals, makes them feel more like tools rather than weapons.

Fair enough. It's definitely a balance decision. Bone and hunting knives aren't meant to be mid-to-late game weapons. I personally use them all the time if that's what I am spec'ing into. I do notice a HUGE jump in damage when I finally get that machete, but it has never bothered me. It's about triple the size as those other blades, so of course it's going to do a ton more damage.

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1 hour ago, Gamida said:

Edit: Noticed also that you are picking up the lingo as you said liters and liters of coffee and not gallons and gallons. :D


That was on purpose since the coffee gofers were all foreigners in my joke. They were liters when they made the coffee but gallons when the Americans drank it. ;)


But buckets of sweat and tears all around during and after the mission I'm sure!

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On 10/20/2022 at 10:15 PM, Old Crow said:

I guess it's the minimal damage those two particular knives do. I know it's likely for balance, as they do high sneak damage, but I don't generally see people using bladed weapons as weapons until they have a machete. That, plus the fact that they are the best items to use to harvest corpses and animals, makes them feel more like tools rather than weapons.

I typically use knives most of the time, and I start using them on day one with the lowly bone knife.  It’s not about maxing out your damage, it’s the dot while you kite them.

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

I typically use knives most of the time, and I start using them on day one with the lowly bone knife.  It’s not about maxing out your damage, it’s the dot while you kite them.


Did they ever fix the bug where if the zombie died from bleeding rather than a direct hit, you got no XP? 


My first playthrough, I preferred knives, when I noticed I wasn't getting XP, I swapped to sledge hammer for crowd control and never checked back.

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Look I love this game, we all do. A lot of the comments I'm seeing from The Fun Pimps staff are very concerning. We the players who have all invested into your game have legit concerns and we're met with disdain and mockery. It's like y'all won't listen to your player base who have collectively spent MILLIONS of hours with this game. Im not saying you have to do everything we say but if we have legit concerns maybe address them in a manner that doesn't feel like "you don't like it to bad". Many in the community have legit concerns about overhauling the skill system once again and the water system, what's wrong with the water mechanics in 7 days?


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42 minutes ago, Kyram said:

Look I love this game, we all do. A lot of the comments I'm seeing from The Fun Pimps staff are very concerning. We the players who have all invested into your game have legit concerns and we're met with disdain and mockery.


Which comments? Who from the Fun Pimps staff? Nobody can help or change his ways when you just lob such general accusations into the forum.


42 minutes ago, Kyram said:


It's like y'all won't listen to your player base who have collectively spent MILLIONS of hours with this game. Im not saying you have to do everything we say but if we have legit concerns maybe address them in a manner that doesn't feel like "you don't like it to bad".


Generally said, hundreds of players said the game is too easy, hundreds of other players have said the game is too hard. Which one is the legit concern, which is the wrong concern? Which one should be addressed?


42 minutes ago, Kyram said:


Many in the community have legit concerns about overhauling the skill system once again and the water system, what's wrong with the water mechanics in 7 days?



Ok, finally something concrete. I am not Fun Pimps staff, but I have an answer to your questions:


The skill system is not getting an overhaul, the CRAFTING system is. And crafting (at least of weapons and armor) was useless in the last alphas and seldomly used. So they overhaul the crafting system to make it more useful


And water was simply a non-issue from day one. In a survival game that should not be the case. So they implemented one solution. There are a dozen possible solution to this, they decided on removing jars because all the other liquids in the game already work like that, i.e. don't leave any containers when you use them.


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58 minutes ago, Kyram said:

Look I love this game, we all do. A lot of the comments I'm seeing from The Fun Pimps staff are very concerning. We the players who have all invested into your game have legit concerns and we're met with disdain and mockery. It's like y'all won't listen to your player base who have collectively spent MILLIONS of hours with this game. Im not saying you have to do everything we say but if we have legit concerns maybe address them in a manner that doesn't feel like "you don't like it to bad". Many in the community have legit concerns about overhauling the skill system once again and the water system, what's wrong with the water mechanics in 7 days?


I hate when people express opinions or feelings and start with... WE.


I already said this in the past on Steam and will repeat it here: if to make your argument you need to fake being a representative for some large group of people, then your argument is already weak to start with. You're not representing me, for sure. Just state your opinion and leave the other players be... they can express THEIR opinions by themselves, you know? :rolleyes2:

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I only know of one time personally that madmole took an idea for sure that someone mentioned in forum......because it was one I mentioned.

I said it would be nice if magazines (when first added) could be possible one of the rewards from trader after a quest and in a post he said it was a good idea and then later said he had it added.

I did have a link to the post but it seems it was before the forum was changed and not is is gone.


I was also one of the one pushing to have steering vehicle with mouse added as I just cannot drive with the keyboard.

That was also later added but am not claiming I was one who did that but like to think my voice added may have helped.

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4 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

Most of comments are from YT. That was topic about that - if any one want to have chance to get his comment notice by  devs - have to wrote it here

A little later in the video (around the eighth minute), posts from the forum are shown and how developers and moderators respond.

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28 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

A little later in the video (around the eighth minute), posts from the forum are shown and how developers and moderators respond.


Yes. Found that spot. While he correctly shows that the Fun Pimps don't answer every concerned guy totally serious (especially if the concerned guy is already rushing to conclusions (IMHO)) he also blows up the case. He literally says the Fun Pimps have insulted players but shows no evidence of that (at least none I could find). I have only seen mild mocking by Roland and short answers by Schwanz9000 that do not really answer the question.


This sensationalizing many youtube influencers do is radicalizing people for monetary gain.

I haven't watched the video completely, does he ever present the two sides of the coin somewhere? The irony is that people thought youtubers would revolutionize journalism, but the mass of them seems actually to be a mockery of journalism now.


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49 minutes ago, meganoth said:



Yes. Found that spot. While he correctly shows that the Fun Pimps don't answer every concerned guy totally serious (especially if the concerned guy is already rushing to conclusions (IMHO)) he also blows up the case. He literally says the Fun Pimps have insulted players but shows no evidence of that (at least none I could find). I have only seen mild mocking by Roland and short answers by Schwanz9000 that do not really answer the question.


This sensationalizing many youtube influencers do is radicalizing people for monetary gain.

I haven't watched the video completely, does he ever present the two sides of the coin somewhere? The irony is that people thought youtubers would revolutionize journalism, but the mass of them seems actually to be a mockery of journalism now.



Yeah, I did joke around at times but that in no way accurately shows the totality of my responses. I have also clearly stated the purpose, clarified how it works, and given many legitimate answers over and over and over since the very first moment it was announced. He didn't showcase any of the informative responses and there were plenty of those at the time he made the video. He just cherry picked what he wanted to show.


Even Schwaanz "non-answers" do answer the overall concern of whether there will be enough glue. The answer is "Yes, there will be enough glue". The question was whether TFP considered roof sizes of POI's when they decided to make the dew collector footprint 3x3 and the answer is "Yes, because the player can build their own building and so all POI's don't have to accomodate a 30 dew-collector farm. The game is fully destructable and buildable so a 30x30 dew farm is totally possible regardless of it not fitting on the roofs of many POIs that a player might want to choose as their base.


In my Cursed People joke I even included a winky to show I was only joking and yet the streamer ponders whether I actually was or if I was being intentionally insulting...haha. In that case, I had already explained at least once in a serious way that the perk boost would mitigate bad luck so that nobody should ever experience never finding a magazine or part they needed for the weapon they perked into. Also he didn't highlight the part of the questioning fan where they called themself a party-pooper and laughed which made me think that it would be okay to joke around with the guy since he wasn't really distraught and was able even poke fun at themselves. Of course, he didn't show those serious answers because....boring and outside the scope of his narrative.


Finally, in my "insult" about getting new friends, I stand by and double down on the idea that a lot of the fun you experience in the game in multiplayer has to do with the people you play with. If you have fun looting and want to loot but get yelled at by your teammates for doing it because they care more about maybe getting a blue pipe rifle to replace their green pipe rifle than about you having fun playing with them then, yeah, play with different people. That point comes across in the entire post. If had ONLY stated what he highlighted without anything else then I agree that would be an unkind thing to blurt out. But the guy shares publicly about how his friends are being unkind to him while they play the game together. Its fair game to point out to him that part of his problem with the game are the people he is playing with.


The information that answers all of those concerns is available and I continue to answer seriously and sincerely questions concerning the new system-- especially if the one asking is doing so politely and with an attitude of wanting to learn and understand. If I chew on people a bit who come with a toxic attitude and make wild and insulting speculations based on nothing substantial, I admit it isn't very professionally customer-service-like of me to do so but I've done it this way for going on six years now and I'll do it until the day I no longer moderate. If TFP has a problem with that they can easily make changes. :)

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