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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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8 minutes ago, Gamida said:

I think I mentioned that a few years ago. Always wondered why it needed a gas engine but no gas.

haha.. it was discussed as soon as it was put in game mentioning rotating barrel and sound thus ticket is still open... not a high priority ordeal yet. :)


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5 hours ago, IzPrebuilt said:

True but a single person generally can't hand-crank 15 cement mixers from 3 towns over so we should assume the ones in the game should be using fuel or electricity.

I actually really like the fuel idea. We have way too much gas as it is.... unless y'all plan on adding that flame thrower ;)



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18 hours ago, meganoth said:


I think he meant that shopping carts on the street should not stop your vehicle but be pushed away.



Sadly I don' think they have a feature to "push" blocks in the game and shopping carts are just blocks. They currently have the choice of it blocking or being destroyed by the impact completely.

Yes, that is what I meant.  And yes, it would make more sense for a shopping trolley to be destroyed than for it to stop dead the 4x4 that runs into it.

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4 hours ago, unholyjoe said:
4 hours ago, Gamida said:

I think I mentioned that a few years ago. Always wondered why it needed a gas engine but no gas.

haha.. it was discussed as soon as it was put in game mentioning rotating barrel and sound thus ticket is still open... not a high priority ordeal yet. :)



several other stuff may be added to that ticket.




-turrets (di%$ puncher and junky...those may get a slot where you have to put a car battery into)


I mean it's a nice qol feature that these work infinitely,

but I guess it wouldn't hurt that you occasionally have to add/replace fuel/battery



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13 hours ago, Chag said:

Really not buying the Bandits will come in A22 since thats pretty much what they say every Alpha, oh its going to be the next Alpha LOL. Almost 10 years since I pledged to kickstarter and your still pushing your goal post vision farther and farther. Besides optimization so the game runs well is a Feature Complete thing right? 7DTD release date, 2033, oh but wait first need to reinvent the game one more time first.


Nope, in the time I was reading this forum (since A15) bandits were never (sort of) expected to be in any fixed alpha except A21. Starting in A16 though bandits were mentioned as being the eventual target for the AI overhaul work done. And even for A21 it was only said to have a good chance of being included.


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35 minutes ago, Vintorez said:

Might be worth renaming miner69er since it pertains to more than just mining tools, give a bit more clarity to it affecting all tools.

Miner69ner is pretty subtle name for this game, how it works though is a matter of balance till gold. 

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8 minutes ago, JebacPis said:

Hi all.

A just Discovery 7days to Die game a few days ago. This game is so awsome best game ever Play.

Im very very gratrfull that game is still upgrade game is real best game .

Big thank for all team who work on it

Hi there and welcome to the forums. 

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4 hours ago, JebacPis said:

Hi all.

A just Discovery 7days to Die game a few days ago. This game is so awsome best game ever Play.

Im very very gratrfull that game is still upgrade game is real best game .

Big thank for all team who work on it

Dude you have just discovered one of the best games ever made. Welcome to the 7 Days forums. 

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14 hours ago, Old Crow said:


Salvage Ops also affects tools though.


There are two types of tools and there is a strong division. Scavenging tools are governed by Salvage Ops, while all other tools are governed by miner69er and motherlode.


The only perk influencing practically everything, from melee weapons to mining tools to scavenging tools "was" Sexrex.


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9 hours ago, meganoth said:


There are two types of tools and there is a strong division. Scavenging tools are governed by Salvage Ops, while all other tools are governed by miner69er and motherlode.


The only perk influencing practically everything, from melee weapons to mining tools to scavenging tools "was" Sexrex.



Right, but I was (poorly) clarifying that Miner 69er doesn't affect salvage tools like the wrench/ratchet/impact driver. Salvage Ops, as I understand it, will have its own baked-in Sexy Rex, as will Miner 69er.

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On 12/26/2022 at 10:33 AM, Callum123456789 said:

Just a question about the newly added vehicle collision system not about how it works but just asking from a cosmetic point of view let's say your vehicle reaches below 30% health are there plans to add a damaged model type for certain points of the vehicles health? It would be a cool feature but can completely understand as to why it probably won't be added.

It is not a new system, just an improvement of the current system.


I would like to see some indicator of high damage. Might just start with particle smoke coming off them.

On 12/26/2022 at 5:28 PM, Games'n'Grumble said:

Hi @faatal I wanted to ask if you have time to answer. Do you know anything about plans to change the models of the character's hands depending on what kind of armor he is wearing?
In addition, I wonder if modders will be able to use some of their custom animations for hands, NPCs in the future?
Thank you for your work and happy holidays to you guys :)

Not sure. I would guess the new player outfit models would change how the arms look, but don't know if that includes the hands.

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  1. Bandits
  2. Armor
  3. Weather
  4. Factions & Story
  5. Steam Workshop Support

I just noticed that this list doesn't mention anything about stealth. Isn't there work to be done? I remember way back when you guys mentioned that you're taking scent out of the game temporarily. I've got to say that I really miss the old stealth that had the eye that would open if zombies detected you. Anyone else miss that? Now it seems inconsistent. I can shoot a gun while a zombie is hiding in a closet and they don't move (I can even shoot the closet door off). And other times they detect me at the faintest creak. 


Please bring the old stealth system back with the detected eye and meat scent, and mix it with the new system to overall improve it. 

Edited by Rabbitslovecactus (see edit history)
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16 hours ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

Replace already working feature instead of extending it. Nice

Well, to be fair, there was a multi-year gap between when smell was cut and feral sense was added. The one isn’t really a direct replacement for the other. They decided they didn’t want smell and cut it and did not replace it with anything. Years later they added feral sense which has some similarities and is as close to what smell did as we are likely to get but it isn’t really intended by the devs as a replacement. The devs aren’t necessarily trying to find a replacement. They simply cut a feature they decided they didn’t want for their game. 

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55 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

Has the A21 been moved to the next Christmas sale?

WHAT... did you not see the notice that is was up for 15 minutes this past Christmas ONLY for those who was fast enough to catch it. it was to see who actually caught onto Roland's clue about the time and day for sneak peak..


oh well... too bad. guess you will wait for the public version whenever that happens.


i sincerely hated to be the one to inform you. :)


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