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We shouldn't be able to pick up Vehicles

Jost Amman

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20 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

Of course, this also ties into another question that was asked.  That 4X4 in your backpack is why you can't crawl through 1 meter holes in walls  😉


well  do you ever crawl under wood or concret? this hurt a lot so i'm not suprised

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5 minutes ago, Roland said:


I agree. Every time I've ever crawled under wood or concrete lugging a 4x4 along with me it has hurt. A lot.

XD jeez XD btw in flat nearby there was a hole bettwen walls so some kids was going there for fun. some of them was bloody after that. one time a kid stuck there and firefigter were send to help him XD 

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I don't really mind either way because I really only use minibike or motorcycle due to personal preferences in the type of game I want to experience, but if I were forced to choose, I would prefer not to be able to pick vehicles up.
The ability to flip a vehicle if it gets stuck or overturned would be nice enough for me.

I can live with lost vehicles if they end up in water and you cannot reach to break them apart... but in that event, I would want them to eventually despawn (or sink and despawn for immersion junkies) along with everything it might be carrying.


I don't feel this way for the sake of realism. I just prefer the concepts of being careful, suffering consequences, and survival planning wherever they can fit into this game. Since having vehicles greatly impacts the gameplay, I think making it a little harder than simply picking them up brings a better balance.

Vehicle issues aren't strictly a voxel problem, nor because of dynamic terrain. I see the same things happen in just about every open world game even if the terrain is static. Typically, you just flip the vehicle, or you can move them a short distance (which I assume is supposed to simulate that you pushed it out). I can't think of any other survival games at the moment where you can simply just carry a vehicle and pull it out when you want besides No Man's Sky, but there's a lot of sci-fi involved to easily excuse it.

I'm not too concerned about the occasional vehicles falling through world problem. I imagine that is something they will have to get right before full release of the game. I highly doubt they would just give up on trying to fix that.

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I think “no vehicle pickup” would be a nice addition for those that wanted it. Of course, as a moddable thing or a game setting. Having “easy mode” as the default is probably a good thing. 

- the “pick up” is already there, just block the icon. *In theory*, a simple solution as the “pick up” mechanic exists. In fact, I would argue “being able to easily block any radial options on blocks or vehicles” would be a great opportunity for people wanting to “force immersion” for people who want that.  Imagine games where you can’t pick up your workstations or Cars, but can pick up the bicycle? Not being able to open the inventory? Ha!  I think it would be a nice touch if not perfectly immersive and a way to gate certain entities (you could make a low quality vehicle that has no inventory and cannot be picked up, no horn, etc.) yeah some of this can be modded today but that’s not my point.


- picking up vehicles is really nice for casual gameplay, but in a survival voxel game it would be a nice challenge to have to “dig out” a flipped or disabled vehicle that YOU drove into a hole. Might also be a nice PvP opportunity as since we have “loose breakable boards” traps, you might be able to trap someone vehicle in a hole and they would have to abandon or dig it out.


- it might be fun to have a friend/stranger call out for help to get their vehicle back by having others assist digging it out.


- drive into a canyon (like navezgane) … you may have just lost your vehicle as it’s such a pain to get out. Leave it.


- “you can just park your vehicles across the street”: true.  But they’re not safe at your base, especially if the “lock” icon was disabled via mod/option. No longer are vehicles safe from plunder/stealing.

optionally: have zeds target nearby vehicles.  I think all vehicles? “explode” when they get enough damage so an addition to having zeds attack and blow up with your vehicles (in or outside your base) would be nice, especially if you had to find high ground and could hear them getting destroyed.  Optional: every time a vehicle blows up via zed attack: for a brief few seconds all zeds raise their arms, look straight at the vehicle owner. and give them the finger.


- vehicles that cannot be picked up would make driving them recklessly much more of a challenge because you could get stuck or flip.  I’m a fan of any mods that would make vehicles damage easily and have less hit points (and kill zeds when you hit them) but having all that with no pick up would make “having to leave the vehicle in a hole by the side of the road because of that dumb ass” a delightful story to tell over and over.


A thought: an optional “middle ground”? Like workstations, make it possible to make picking up a vehicle take time. Then you can set that time to “an hour” or something really long. it could Make PvP dangerous to pick up vehicle, make “friendly or team play” just hilarious (“keep the zeds off of me! I’m picking up my vehicle!”) or at least encourage a solution that’s not picking it up. 

but what about “I lose my vechicle on server restart/chunk reset/etc?” Well, it should be fixed, but let’s pretend it “cannot be fixed”.  There was mention of having a parking space or a “special place to put the vehicle/repair it/etc. ok, make it so *if* you have this nearby you can pick up the vehicle . Like a land claim block for vehicles so you can store it in a box since the game kills them sometimes. Then modding can make those blocks really expensive  to craft or you can just have 1 active at a time, etc. so what if you can’t park and store your vehicle as you’re far from home!? Well then, trust someone else to store it or… pray it’s then when you return.





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7 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Of course, this also ties into another question that was asked.  That 4X4 in your backpack is why you can't crawl through 1 meter holes in walls  😉



So... is that a 4x4 in your backpack or are you just happy to see me?

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You need to be able to pick up vehicles because it is possible for you to get stuck. It's up to you, if you want to be a hardcore player and you get your motorcycle or your truck stuck, just leave it there.


Even in a hardcore environment, you should be able to pick up the bicycle and the mini bike no matter what. IRL you can do that

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On 8/29/2021 at 11:41 AM, pApA^LeGBa said:


That´s multiplayer, with 4 people. 


I deduce 4 very hefty people given the space required for the four of you to move about comfortably and that the only furniture present denotes food consumption is one of the main activities.

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On 8/26/2021 at 1:21 PM, Jost Amman said:

Do you guys agree, at least in principle, with my feeling on this?


I do. When planning and careful behavior is not possible, FAFO should be the rule. Sorry about your 4x4 at the bottom of the canyon bro. Better start digging it out...sun's goin' down.




We take full advantage of the Bag of Holding nature of 7D2D's inventory system, but if they made motorized vehicles non-storable in any container, including other vehicles, I'd murmur "well played, pimps, well played" and adjust accordingly.

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4 hours ago, Roland said:


I deduce 4 very hefty people given the space required for the four of you to move about comfortably and that the only furniture present denotes food consumption is one of the main activities.


Well that furniture is what survived the demolotion of the POI that once stood there (including a floating courier satchel). And we have snufkins vehicle mod installed, we actually can fill the space easily.

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I, personally, like to build a garage, or some sort of parking spot for the vehicle, but don't have a problem with picking it up and storing it in a car-pocket (that's just an upgraded "horse-pocket") if need be..


On 8/27/2021 at 6:46 AM, Crater Creator said:

There would be an exploit opportunity in respawning your vehicle to bring home loot instantly.


Unless it respawned empty whenever you did that..

I mean loot go poof.. not backpack left at the scene..

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On 8/28/2021 at 2:39 AM, AtomicUs5000 said:

I can't think of any other survival games at the moment where you can simply just carry a vehicle and pull it out when you want besides No Man's Sky, but there's a lot of sci-fi involved to easily excuse it.

Recently, a truck was added to the game "The Infected." You can flip it when it lands on the roof and if it gets lost or is stuck you can teleport it back to the garage.

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6 hours ago, 12pack said:

Unless it respawned empty whenever you did that..

I mean loot go poof.. not backpack left at the scene..


I think that would throw the baby out with the bathwater, since the context of that idea was to "improve the experience with disappearing or stuck vehicles."  If players get mad about losing their vehicle, they sure as heck will get mad about losing the stuff in the vehicle.

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2 minutes ago, Crater Creator said:


I think that would throw the baby out with the bathwater, since the context of that idea was to "improve the experience with disappearing or stuck vehicles."  If players get mad about losing their vehicle, they sure as heck will get mad about losing the stuff in the vehicle.

well that's why venicles is problem in open word games : honestly TFP make a good job with vehicles but they need to work with terrain because venicle can stuck somewhere

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13 hours ago, Matt115 said:

well that's why venicles is problem in open word games : honestly TFP make a good job with vehicles but they need to work with terrain because venicle can stuck somewhere

which might be intentional to make people decide between the easy roads and the bumpy shortcuts. There were also plans to make vehicles break down faster when they travel off-road.


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