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A20 Developer Diary Discussions


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1 hour ago, Mousebots said:

Someone already mentioned and of course been ignored... and i really feel like the developers are a bit of...not so cool... for doing that, thats just my opinion tho.

->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FIX THE DAMN GAME BREAKING BUGS.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-

1. The game is like out nearly a decade and i still keep spawning on wrong beds (specially in bloodmoon) <- Complete game breaking for ANY pvp server as it discovers other peoples bases or even allows you to raid your way out of theyr base, or even if you die, you get to know the location...
2. Vehicles keep teleporting away and duplicate (also with full inventory) <- Complete game breaking for ANY server, because people just duplicate a full inventory of dynamite, rockets or anything else they need... of course this is even worse for pvp servers.

3. Being able to push yourself under the ground with plant pots (or other blocks) and look where peoples base is <- Complete game breaking for ANY pvp server.

These are just 3 of the REALLY GAME BREAKING bugs i quickly remembered that propably have already made a hundred of thousands of players quit your game, well perhabs milions as this game apparently sold 10milion or more times....

Fancy looking @%$# wont fix the issues, it will only temporary attract a few new peoples that ultimately will quit because theres still these bugs that make people lose hundreds of houres of theyr work into what they build, gather... etc.

Also, with removing of the UMA stuff, i suppose serverside vehicles, zombies, etc will all be history.... and thats what keeps me playing currently.

I am the owner of a PVP Server and had on the last map till its wipe arround 6000 profiles of players that played, arround 1000 times ive propably been asked by new people questions regarding these game breaking bugs, if i could fix it etc... my early answers usualy been "Well, the devs propably gonna fix it at some point", but to be honest, after person 500 and alot of time passing... i propably only gave answers like "Well 7days is @%$# coded" as i cant honestly answer to a person with fake or unknown infos anymore.

This is just my opinion and currently nothing is convincing me that the gold version will have the game breaking bugs gone.

Sorry if anyone feels offended, but seriously... how are such game breaking bugs not TOP priority for the next Alphas?

 oh no, an early access game has bugs.. waaaaaaaah waaaaaah. go play fortnight

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You see these complaints in every game. If a developer is working on art or content, it means they arent working on optimizations or fixes. Big derp. Multiple things can be done at once, ya know with a development team.


Its true the game has been in development for a long time. but look how far its come since 2013, its almost unrecognizable. So theres been alot of work done in those years and it runs better than it ever has.

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14 hours ago, EpicSpire said:

 oh no, an early access game has bugs.. waaaaaaaah waaaaaah. go play fortnight

If you name a game "early access", it does not mean game-breaking bugs can or should be ignored for near a decade.

14 hours ago, Guppys Fur said:

Made you would not be ignored if you post in the right forum.


Also your aggressive way does not open you doors.

I dont need a door to open, also literally the only post also mentioning the issues was ignored, neither is this the wrong forum, i want those issues adressed for A20 or even better today and not deal with this every damn day, it isnt even for myself, it is for the players that play the game, - and on my server mainly important, im the admin and can fix issues without help.... so im not speaking for me, im only starting after months of hosting getting frustrated that theres comin updates rather frequently meanwhile, but still not do any about it, instead we get new content or content removed... but the problems stay.

16 hours ago, Arma Rex said:


I'm sorry, did they say they weren't fixing any bugs? Bugs are ALWAYS their priority, right next to optimizations. I'm pretty sure that they said part of A20 is going to be a polish and quality of life update similar to A18. If you have bugs, don't report them here. Report them in the bug reporting thread, with a detailed post. Also, don't act as a spokesperson for people who may or may not have quit the game because of bugs. If they did, well, they should have realized that this game is in Alpha and it will have bugs.

I dont care about bugs that dont cost players hundreds of houres as a result, but when they do, they are game-breaking and should be adressed immediately.
Its been years now, sorry but im starting to get literally old and losing my hair, how long do i need to wait to have these real issues adressed finaly?
Before A18 the bugs existed too, so i dont really wanna talk about how much value i give to updates that dont fix the issue(s).

And at anyone saying "early access", "Alpha" and takes this after years as a reason to cut talk about it off is simple not long enough arround and protecting the devs of the game they love, which is normal, but doesnt help anyone. I love the game too and thats why i posted, i could spend my time better, hell, i couldve played 7 days instead.

Edited by Crater Creator
flaming (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, Yakov said:

You see these complaints in every game. If a developer is working on art or content, it means they arent working on optimizations or fixes. Big derp. Multiple things can be done at once, ya know with a development team.


Its true the game has been in development for a long time. but look how far its come since 2013, its almost unrecognizable. So theres been alot of work done in those years and it runs better than it ever has.

How is the game unrecognizable? I still have the first bug that made me literally quit atleast a year or two in the game, which is basicly that minibikes (back then the only vehicle) keepd disapearing.... which was quite game-breaking considering the time it took to collect all minibike parts with decent tier quality. Meanwhile the issue still exist, but for all vehicles and additionaly we got as a flawed attempt to fix the disapering a "vehicle manager" that is broken and still makes vehicles disapear, or which is quite worse, duplicate the vehicle.

Last time i tryd to pick up my bike i had to do this 12 times and had to clean my inventory of all the duped bikes....

I give you the point that it runs better than it ever has, but back when i was playing the first time i was convinced it was my laptop not being optimal for such game. 
Meanwhile i got a good computer and it runs for example games like GTA online in highest graphics with 120 fps.... so we also have here alot of space still, dont we? Of course comparing it to a top game might be harsh, allthough... they sold millions of copys meanwhile too and maybe should stop hiding behind the words alpha or early access, which i found a rather furstrating trend, btw.

Edited by Crater Creator
personal attack (see edit history)
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18 hours ago, Games'n'Grumble said:

I have to ask - everyone saw this moment on stream, right? What's it? Subscribers often contact me with this problem, and all I can recommend is to enter "pois" command in the console. Can the dev-team (possibly @faatal) explain why imposters do not disappear from the location, disturbing players? In Alpha 19, this is a very common problem. It seems to me that this is a RAM problem, and the swap file helps some people, but not everyone.
Tell us if this problem can be fixed in A19, what is it related to, and whether it will be fixed in A20? Thank you very much.





Yes, something is wrong with that stuff. Somehow performance also takes a hit when switching to real assets. Overall performance of the game should improve quite a bit with the new Unity 2020.2 update, and hopefully we will se it in the game by summer 2021. Those artifacts should also improve in speed when new optimizations are in. 

Edited by Blake_ (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

Yes, something is wrong with that stuff. Somehow performance also takes a hit when switching to real assets. Overall performance of the game should improve quite a bit with the new Unity 2020.2 update, and hopefully we will se it in the game by summer 2020. Those artifacts should also improve in speed when new optimizations are in. 

Faatal said this about Unity: "We are moving to Unity LTS releases, so A20 should be on 2019.4. We won't try 2020 LTS until after A20.x in second half of next year."


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42 minutes ago, Frontjunky said:

we have very soft couch or corner sofa, but i want to see me or my friends sitting or laying on it, please implement this! Oh and i wish me a rubber doll....hey i am a lone ranger i have only needs :D

I'd second couch/bed use only if they add some kind of bonus for resting/chilling.

Example: if you lie down for a few minutes you get a bonus to max stamina for double the time. If this could become useful in some way then I'm all for it.


As for the doll... I don't know what you're talking about. :pray2: :biggrin1:

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On 11/26/2020 at 3:17 AM, Blake_ said:



-A little talk about quests. Quests are as per the OP (quest listing so you can pick any of the 5 tiers when you unlock them and also the new Generator quest). They are still ironing out some stuff like "quest bonuses for doing it at night". Nothing is set in stone for that last one.


Mission bonus could be tied to completion %  - "Clear" and "Fetch Clear" could award based on a % scale of clear, from Best(100%), Good (>89%), no bonus for 61-90%, fail < 60%.  Because some large POI's can take a very long time to scour multiple times for every last crawler, or vulture nesting outside on a ledge somewhere.


It would be interesting to have a little more complexity in missions more like the power up generator objective.  I'm trying to keep my dreaming constrained to the limited set of living (traders) and dead zombie models.  So no escorts, boss battles, or go defend the orphanage which would require a lot of investment in models and animations.   I'm also considering only easy to determine clear objectives.  So, nothing like "bring down building"... which would be hard to confirm.



  • turn off the generator... running the POI's automated defenses...
  • take out the support pillar in hard to get to place with a timed satchel charge and escape before it blows
  • destroy a tanker, ship, airplane, fuel depot tank, etc.
  • bring trader back rare resources from a POI (gather in exchange for loot), like super corn seeds for Rekt, ore from a mine...
  • ... have you considered adding a short wave radio that every survivalist would want to have in there bunker?  Maybe tie it to actual player communication abilities.  It would be another way to add objectives beyond the traders without adding more character models.  ...am easy one would be to add some radio chatter 15 minutes before the supply drop, or maybe the ask for a flare to be lit at a location in order to get the drop.  You could overhear survivors being over run and calling for help at a location, and then go there "Check on old Bob at the Misty Lodge" to gather info on the aftermath. 
  • ... inspired by TWD...  a new special "zombie" based on the Whisperers that can do smart things, like wield guns, unlock doors, toss bombs.

I could go on more but I think this would add some variety to PVE without being real difficult to do (except the AI on the last one).


P.S. Thanks Richard, Lathan, Robert and Brad for an informative 2nd Stream.  Random gen looks very good.

Edited by Kandrathe (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, Kandrathe said:


  • turn off the generator... running the POI's automated defenses...
  • take out the support pillar in hard to get to place with a timed satchel charge and escape before it blows
  • destroy a tanker, ship, airplane, fuel depot tank, etc.
  • bring trader back rare resources from a POI (gather in exchange for loot), like super corn seeds for Rekt, ore from a mine...
  • ... have you considered adding a short wave radio that every survivalist would want to have in there bunker?  Maybe tie it to actual player communication abilities.  It would be another way to add objectives beyond the traders without adding more character models.  ...am easy one would be to add some radio chatter 15 minutes before the supply drop, or maybe the ask for a flare to be lit at a location in order to get the drop.  You could overhear survivors being over run and calling for help at a location, and then go there "Check on old Bob at the Misty Lodge" to gather info on the aftermath. 
  • ... inspired by TWD...  a new special "zombie" based on the Whisperers that can do smart things, like wield guns, unlock doors, toss bombs.

I could go on more but I think this would add some variety to PVE without being real difficult to do (except the AI on the last one).


P.S. Thanks Richard, Lathan, Robert and Brad for an informative 2nd Stream.  Random gen looks very good.

Hi Kandrathe. Love some of those ideas. Especially the radio. Ever since playing We were here (2 player cooperative where you both needed radios to communicate), I've loved that idea and it could be tied so well into the game, although I see the strengths mostly through mods.


Other ideas I'd love to see would be to

  • retrieve a password (and have a dialogue box upon return of trader or bandit or someone else)
  • Remove some radioactive material (at obvious danger to you but a worthwhile prize) so a NPC can live in their house again. 
  • If you could add a camera into the game, take photo evidence of something, maybe a dead body to show the house owner had perished.
  • I'd also love it if the retrieve the satchel could be made into a detective game. Like find post-it notes around the place with possible locations, maybe computer password so you'd have to get power to the place, activate the computer with password to read a document about the location... 
  • When NPCs get in, save a person and escort them to safety. Would be fantastic if you could make friends with a group of factional bandits if you saved a member's sister/friend/relative. Of course then make more of an enemy of another faction...

That's what I love about this game. So much potential! And I don't expect many of these things before going gold, but I'd definitely pay more for these types of additions to the game.

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9 hours ago, Jost Amman said:
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Exactly. I know when someone talks about animal that can possibly be ridden alot of companies freak out because they automatically assume people will want to be able to ride them. But I am honestly not suggesting that and I know that would be hard to implement. But to me it seems like an old western town should have horses or the such around. I think it would make the old western town districts like they were talking about even more cooler to go check out. Whats the old west without horses lmao

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On 2020/11/22 at PM3点22分, Roland said:



谢谢您联络我们。很高兴您正在玩游戏并将其展示给9000+粉丝。将来,Alpha 20将会有一个活动,您可以在此向您的关注者展示。我们将在适当的时候宣布它,您只需要在我们接受申请时与我联系,我将与您合作进行注册。在此之前,请继续观看A20开发日记的第一篇文章以获取信息。本周三将有一个新的信息视频播出,我们将发布所有发现的信息,欢迎您与您的关注者分享。

Hi, Mr Moderator. Sorry to bother to your work again. I just want to ask, A20 the latest issue of the live video uploaded to the Internet? If you have finished uploading, you can give me a website? In this way, I can find it directly.

Do you know? In China, using VPN is illegal. And we these 7 d2d Chinese fans are calling A20. Some fans asked me to give you mean something like this: even if for a period of internal testing of the video, after all, this chip cookies.

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22 minutes ago, bilibili-wayne said:

Hi, Mr Moderator. Sorry to bother to your work again. I just want to ask, A20 the latest issue of the live video uploaded to the Internet? If you have finished uploading, you can give me a website? In this way, I can find it directly.

Do you know? In China, using VPN is illegal. And we these 7 d2d Chinese fans are calling A20. Some fans asked me to give you mean something like this: even if for a period of internal testing of the video, after all, this chip cookies.

If you're looking for the links to the streams, just type in "7D2D A20 Stream 2" in either YouTube or Twitch. It's not that difficult to locate them. If you cannot access them, then that's Chinese censorship for you.

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5 hours ago, bilibili-wayne said:

Hi, Mr Moderator. Sorry to bother to your work again. I just want to ask, A20 the latest issue of the live video uploaded to the Internet? If you have finished uploading, you can give me a website? In this way, I can find it directly.

Do you know? In China, using VPN is illegal. And we these 7 d2d Chinese fans are calling A20. Some fans asked me to give you mean something like this: even if for a period of internal testing of the video, after all, this chip cookies.



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7 hours ago, Baddasse said:

Exactly. I know when someone talks about animal that can possibly be ridden alot of companies freak out because they automatically assume people will want to be able to ride them. But I am honestly not suggesting that and I know that would be hard to implement. But to me it seems like an old western town should have horses or the such around. I think it would make the old western town districts like they were talking about even more cooler to go check out. Whats the old west without horses lmao

The problem with horses, and to be honest with ANY other domesticated animal, is that they were used to trusting men before the z-apocalypse. That's why you see so few of them in TWD series (and I agree with the authors on this choice), because they'd probably try to get near the zombies at some point thinking they were regular people and get eaten. :hungry:

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3 hours ago, Roland said:

Really thank you very much! I want to say is that I am not a stretch hand to the party. In China, such behavior by Chinese netizens degeneration of I address is: stretch hand to the party. Means: straight question, ask for the answer isn't thinking about myself. However, in the face of China's "green dam" project, Chinese netizens, including me, really helpless. Even if I hung the VPN want to turn on youtube's home page, need at least 5 minutes... It's pity to 56k moden dial-up s.

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