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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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4 minutes ago, madmole said:

Taking out nerd poling would only screw the builders, people who want to fast track to loot rooms can build ladders, stairs etc and still cheese all day.


If I really was on a "Fetch" mission in real life, you can bet I'd be propping a ladder on the side of that zombie-filled shack where the "hidden supplies" are located "in the bedroom on the 2nd floor".  As for nerd-poles....well, think of them as well-built staging. 😉




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3 hours ago, Laz Man said:

Looks wonderful.  I like the main manor/house and the color contrast so far.  Looks like it would make for a decent player/horde base even :)

What baffles me is all these "experts" chime in on my twitter castles and act like they would be horrid for base defense. I've got two meter thick walls and so may oh @%$*#! towers they would never get to me. No it wouldn't be efficient and repair would take some work the next day, but I would survive without firing a single round if I wanted to IMO.

2 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

But the regular wolf is not nearly the same size. Lots of people are simply seeing regular wolves and calling them Dire wolves. Lots of people are wrong...


The glowing eyes are the dead giveaway because in first person a cow looks small.

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7 hours ago, Goncyn said:

Can anyone expand on this? Does that mean any partial block that you rotate out of its "simple" alignment gets a durability penalty?

Regular poles (ie not poles centered) take 6x more damage against enemy attacks, but only if they are placed sideways. If they are placed vertically, they take default damage, just like all other blocks. I believe this was designed to counter pole wall defenses, which were a staple back in A16 and prior.

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7 hours ago, Roland said:

Huh....I read that as the horizontal poles can absorb 6x the damage rather than get destroyed 6x more quickly. Either way it’s pretty crazy and should be addressed. 

To clarify, poles (not centered, just regular) take 6x more damage if placed horizontally. Again, I strongly believe this was designed in order to counter pole walls, which is fine.

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2 hours ago, Blake_ said:

You are serious. Then you realize that there is no way for RWG to go gold until EVERY single POI is implemented, as there's always elevation and placement problems due to POIs being varied and different in size. Just stating the obvious here, as per my title. 


"Yes, roads might be able to go into a more manageable state so they can be easily tunned in the future, and prop terrain snapping/rotation can always improve ". That's certainly what you meant.



I could agree to rephrase it to a shippable version. Which is something TFP decides is good enough. Of course there will be guys saying this is bad, ugly, garbage whatever, but to us it will be good enough to stop working on it, or only add stuff if we want to, but not have the current problems that we feel are showstoppers.

2 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

what exactly do the difficulty settings do? like do they just make zombies hit harder and the players do less damage?  I feel that isn't really explained when setting those options. unless I went streamer blind and missed it completely.

A number of smaller things too, like zombies rage easier on higher diff.

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Ive been reading this for a while and im just not getting the whole point of the arguments.  Everyone plays differently why should anyone care how you do it? who cares if i nerd pole or dont nerd pole.  you are not in my game so it doesnt matter.  So it doesnt matter how anyone plays. Play your own way and have fun.   I personally love it.  I love the passion everyone on here has shown. I cant get enough of this game. Jawoodle, LIz, Glock, JC, and a zillion others. ALl play differently and i enjoy watching them all.  I enjoy trying to duplicate what they do.  At the end of the day it is a game.  Enjoy it however you like!  Be passionate about your play style but don't come down on others because they dont see it the same way.  best money i have ever spent on a game hands down! 

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6 hours ago, madmole said:

No cloth is, it has zero penalties.

I was talking about a glitch (not sure it's been fixed) with military stealth gloves; when they are equipped, your hands become invisible. Now imagine if, hypothetically, the whole set was bugged like that. In other words, I was making a joke. 😛

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10 minutes ago, madmole said:

What changes? From what I've read everyone loves A19. Any drastic changes are long behind us. People who like 18 love 19, am I right?

Looking good. I think you sould raise those two towers higher than the gate house though, and it would look a lot nicer.

Yeah, I said the same earlier. The two towers on the front look too flat. I like the wall design but the house is a little tight on space so in the proper build I'll be making it slightly bigger. I like the look of the farm but I may put a fence around it.


And to answer your question, yes, we (Me and Laynie at least) are loving alpha 19 

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19 minutes ago, FileMachete said:

While I've no idea how much work it takes to do any of this, I keep thinking that there are a number of different Bear specie, and while they vary in size significantly, their general appearance, other than color, is quite similar.


So what if there were Black Bears, Brown Bears (what's in game) & Polar Bears. Maybe even Cubs.


Green Forest mostly Black Bears. Roughly half the size of Brown Bears. Could ramp difficulty with 'mother and her cubs', or mix in more Browns.


Snow would get Polar bears of course.


Wasteland has Zombie bears.


Possibly Zombie Black bears for Burnt Forest, and maybe a lighter pelt on those for the Desert? "Blonde" Black bears are a real thing and that'd let them blend into the desert, similar to the Cougar.


Just thinking that, maybe, this wouldn't be weeks of work, and it would seem to support the future intent of making the tougher biomes tougher, and add some variance to animal dangers.


Edit: having smaller Black bears (or cubs) might mean they could fit through normal doors, so would increase their danger lvl, even if they might have less HPs.

I love it when realism trumps feature requests. Uh no Arizona does not have polar bears, and computers do not have 100 gig video cards yet so we can't add stuff forever. We're lucky to have what we have, and we're not getting any new animals except maybe a dire wolf model.

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9 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

I was talking about a glitch (not sure it's been fixed) with military stealth gloves; when they are equipped, your hands become invisible. Now imagine if, hypothetically, the whole set was bugged like that. In other words, I was making a joke. 😛

OH ok. I fixed those today actually.

4 minutes ago, Laynie said:

We dropped a molotov through it, but it was hit and miss lol. You need good aim. Toban is going to try the nades now...

Nades should work just fine. What I hate is how bouncy they are off of flesh sometimes they deflect off the zombie by a large margin and you waste the grenade, so the impact grenades are probably best.

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4 hours ago, madmole said:

Can everyone take their toxic little arguments down about 300%. Thank you.


Laz and Toban carry on with nice creative works that inspire us to do something constructive in our personal apocalypses.

Don't be counting out me yet, I've got some plans under my sleeves waiting to be hatched... once stable hits, of course. :)

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9 minutes ago, madmole said:

Can you drop molotovs and nades through those?

Nades easily, very easy actually. Molotovs will go through, but...not so easy haha. Without godmode I'd say you'd kill yourself. If I take my time I can line it up pretty well, but on horde night I doubt you'd want to take 10 seconds to line up the shot lol 

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1 minute ago, Toban said:

Nades easily, very easy actually. Molotovs will go through, but...not so easy haha. Without godmode I'd say you'd kill yourself. If I take my time I can line it up pretty well, but on horde night I doubt you'd want to take 10 seconds to line up the shot lol 

i think you can uses iron/wood Bars to throw Molotovs without getting Burned! 

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9 minutes ago, madmole said:

OH ok. I fixed those today actually.

Nades should work just fine. What I hate is how bouncy they are off of flesh sometimes they deflect off the zombie by a large margin and you waste the grenade, so the impact grenades are probably best.


Sooooo .... if you fixed it today that means you're releasing a new version like right now so I can spend my weekend playing, right? 


(Yes, I'm being silly ... I know it's probably not happening ... but I've had a crap day altogether so I feel a little silliness is good ... no need to quote me and tell me I'm an idiot.)

2 minutes ago, Laynie said:

We tried through wooden bars... Well I tried... I set Toban on fire LMFAO 🤣🔥

 Uhhuh, plausible deniability.  I'm SURE that was a total accident.  That's your story and you're sticking to it.  :D


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Sooooo .... if you fixed it today that means you're releasing a new version like right now so I can spend my weekend playing, right? 


(Yes, I'm being silly ... I know it's probably not happening ... but I've had a crap day altogether so I feel a little silliness is good ... no need to quote me and tell me I'm an idiot.)

 Uhhuh, plausible deniability.  I'm SURE that was a total accident.  That's your story and you're sticking to it.  :D


LMAO we caught it on video, I wish it hadnt been an accident 😛 🔥😈 I had 4 or 6 and he had 20. I dropped my first one and set us both on fire lol. When the horde night was over i decided to try kill him... I dropped all my Mol's and he first aid kitted himself like a chicken 😛 Then he got me with his 20. It was cool, I allowed him to kill me hehe

9 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

i swear that was a thing from A18! 



i guess i am inhaling to many spores i guess 

Maybe I just did it wrong. I didnt try it more than the once. One BBQ Lee is enough for one Horde night 😛

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9 minutes ago, madmole said:

I love it when realism trumps feature requests. Uh no Arizona does not have polar bears, and computers do not have 100 gig video cards yet so we can't add stuff forever. We're lucky to have what we have, and we're not getting any new animals except maybe a dire wolf model.

Okay. I didn't realize that scaling a model to two distinct sizes resulted in them being two completely seperate entities as far as the memory useage went. Or that fur color would do the same.


And yep, no Polar Bears in Arizona other than maybe a zoo or two.

According to Arizona Game & Fish Departments site only black bears are found in AZ.




  • Fur color varies, including black, brown, cinnamon, and dark blond
  • Weighs 125-400 pounds with males being larger than females
  • 3 to 3 ½ feet tall when on all four feet
  • 4 ½ to 6 ¼ feet long


I get that with only two models (z, not-z) in-game bears need to be much larger than this, for gameplay. And I honestly didn't think scaling or coloring a model essentially meant a full new model. I thought it would be much cheaper memory wise.

And having a polar bear would be on the gameplay side vs. reality.

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