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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Yep that's how it was done (and works in a17, and would have probably worked in a16... sleepers were a thing then, too, right? I'm old, I forget stuff).

Yah, it should, except for being able to blend the POI surface into sloping terrain - instead of leaving a square that you can see on the map. That became possible in A18.

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I have been following this thread very silently.


It's nice that you are doing this twitch thing. But I am pretty sure that I am not the only one here, who doen't want to get spoiled. I want to be surprised by all the new features.


How is following this spoiler-heavy thread not spoiling your surprise?

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Yah, it should, except for being able to blend the POI surface into sloping terrain - instead of leaving a square that you can see on the map. That became possible in A18.


Oooh. I'm familiar with that square from my underground dungeons in medieval mod. Yes, this means I can have NON obvious pitfalls using terrain block traps into a dungeon below...

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I am the one in charge of AI these days. A lot of AI code has changed, but AI is still setup through XML as it was before I started working on it. There is still AITask-x and AITarget-x properties.


You're the captain now.


I'm super nosy, what's your resume look like? Just curious.

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So my take on the stream: A18 seems waaaay more polished and fleshed out than a17, which is good.


Ore deposits (especially the borg ship lead deposit) is really toooooo gamey. At laest sink them into the ground (had two independent people suggest that in conversations, and it sounds like a good idea) halfway, or cover them up with grass, something to make them not stick out like a giant red quest marker.


...but if that's my ONLY complaint based on what I saw? Damn good job pimps. Damn good.

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So my take on the stream: A18 seems waaaay more polished and fleshed out than a17, which is good.


Ore deposits (especially the borg ship lead deposit) is really toooooo gamey. At laest sink them into the ground (had two independent people suggest that in conversations, and it sounds like a good idea) halfway, or cover them up with grass, something to make them not stick out like a giant red quest marker.


...but if that's my ONLY complaint based on what I saw? Damn good job pimps. Damn good.


Got to agree here, it is looking really solid. Just need to get those MF bugs dealt with and then it's a full grown Kraken.

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Finally, someone who is also following a similar approach to mine! While I have been reading the forums religiously, I've yet to watch any videos, streams, or investigate any Twitter posts regarding A18. For the first time in forever, I'm genuinely trying to stay mostly in the dark about something. :p


Before anyone asks, yes, this forum is very spoiler heavy, but I respond much better to visual stimuli. Hearing about new RWG is phenomenal (as an example), but I've got nothing visual to work off (that I want to see), so it's just guess work for me.

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I'm kinda worried about how washed out and ugly this game is starting to look. I know you are trying to theme the game but can you add a little bit of color to the pois and stop trying to make things deppressing with a washed out color pallets. The clouds look grey like you have sunglasses on. turn up the vibrancy for god sake.

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I'm kinda worried about how washed out and ugly this game is starting to look. I know you are trying to theme the game but can you add a little bit of color to the pois and stop trying to make things deppressing with a washed out color pallets. The clouds look grey like you have sunglasses on. turn up the vibrancy for god sake.


Could be they had the Gamma up really high, it seems to be common on streams to make the game more visible.. Will have to see how it turns out when we get to play it..

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Voxel games don't benefit as much as other games on looking grungy. I shouldn't have to do a Glock 9 house flip to make a poi look somewhat livable. With all these overly dirty grayed out texters. With all the visual noise put into the game it's like we get it we are in an apocalypse but I suggest you guys do another pass of making the game have cleaner/ simpler textures and don't shy away from color.

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Could be they had the Gamma up really high, it seems to be common on streams to make the game more visible.. Will have to see how it turns out when we get to play it..


It's not just gamma it is visually tiring to look at with all these visually noisy textures on every block. Also, they put almost a sunglass looking filter on the skybox.

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Ah ok, I press and hold until I need to reload. I mean, there is no reason to tap unless you have slow reflexes or were trying to scuplt a perfect ramp out of density or something.


I use to tap when mining clay. Not sure why really lol, I just did.

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Look at the Walking Dead, sunshine and nice weather, post-apocalypse, a virus doesn't change weather, end of story.


Enough explosives to cause radiated zones and areas of rubble strewn wasteland might do it :-)


"There is no problem which cannot be solved by a suitable application of high explosives."

- William W. Hughes

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