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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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In A18 this would be a super simple POI.


A pocket of air with sleepers, y offset to bury it, fill up the top with terrainFillerAdaptive.

Basic POI, no coding needed, undetectable on the surface because there's not the tiniest dent in the topsoil or decorations. =P


Yep that's how it was done (and works in a17, and would have probably worked in a16... sleepers were a thing then, too, right? I'm old, I forget stuff).

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If the loot does not reset then there should be more POIs on the map for T5 quests. I do a T5 quest at least once a week and I often notice that I was already in this POI last week for another quest.


They could be reset when you start the quest or get within 300m distance. Same effect just not noticeable and no double dipping or harvesting stuff before taking the quest.


Would also be nice if they did not delete all topsoil decorations when reset, that just looks odd when a POI deletes all grass growing on the soil in a square.

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Can of worms: Opened.



Coming to the Forums this Weekend: #ChildZombieGate


Next Week: New pregnant mom zombie entity with animated zombie fetus viewable through its chew hole....



A belly-burster would be an awesome addition to the game, something along the lines of the Alien chest-burster. Please, some modder other than me make it so before I have to figure it out.


I think it was the Bad Company zombie pack and/or Guppy that brought us exploding baby zombies. Since then I miss having the little abominations crawling around (that being what the wife and I call them, even before we watched/read the Girl With All the Gifts). I will even admit I was against kid zombies until then, now I'm wishing they were still around.


I will agree that they should probably be optional and or just a mod, but it would be nice if there was some way to bring back the easier way of modding in Zs. I get that UMA isn't coming back, but something like it would be awesome. I'm still a bit surprised that random zombies weren't a thing from the beginning (NOT complaining, just wishing, it can be hard to implement, I get it).

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LOL of course. The idea is something small and terrifying. Could be a mudcrab from half life. I don't know. Cat zombies? But as a cat lover I can't go there lol. I guess I love dogs too but resident evil made them evil enough I don't mind killing zombie dogs. Something small and creepy. Maybe a torso that grew some spider legs or something like the thing. Doesn't have to be kid, but there really I see no problem with something strain ish. We want them popping out of the painting holes and heat ducts.


The bunny is there, waiting to turn.

Just think: Angry bunnies, with big teeth... hopping 4 meters. Did I mention the teeth?


They go for the neck. They always go for the neck.

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Wait, trash pandas. Raccoons, even possum, should be everywhere, at least at night. Maybe they don't attack(unless zombied) but would make noise to attract Z if you messed with them. Not a bad extra night hazard I think. Ha, with coons it would be hard to tell which ones were even zombies, feisty little things. Just realizing there are many realistic options left as far as believable animal types you can add. Just please no more giant bugs or silly stuff like that, no need and makes no sense biologically unless this were the Permian era or something, those seriously broke my immersion, there should be more than enough real world options to choose from that could be had fun with.


My vote would be zombie porcupine so we can get something you DO NOT want to get close to, something you almost have to fight at range (Cops and theoretically the new demolishers count, but I'm thinking something that doesn't explode).


That or a zombie full of nails, like a reverse pinhead from Hellraiser.

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A zombie zoo or circus would indeed be fun.


i wasnt that bad a looking guy/critter back in those days.... and i was drunk as a skunk when that picture was taken.




Wow, you really clean up well these days ;-)

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The bunny is there, waiting to turn.

Just think: Angry bunnies, with big teeth... hopping 4 meters. Did I mention the teeth?


They go for the neck. They always go for the neck.



We need a holy hand grenade in the game to kill the bunny:

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Yep, squirrels win. As I imagine scenarios with each of these animal types being encountered in little feral hordes in different settings nothing comes close to how f-ing scary and hard to deal with than zombie squirrels. Many of these are small and fast, but it's the squirrels ability to stick to walls and even ceilings that will make them instantly soil the undies of anyone they encounter, especially in confined spaces. Ha, make them good diggers and especially sensitive to running augers :p


+1, Bring on the Day 42 Zombie Squirrel Horde!

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That is cool, but what I mean by gambling is more like: Trader Joel stole a lot of crates from the Duke's supplies caravan, and he want's to it sell them fast before the Duke trace them to him. So he sell them for a fair price but nobody knows what that crates have inside.


So you buy crates for lets say 1000 dukes, and the crates drop random loot. Could be tools, recipes, guns, ammo... who knows?


So... you actually want literal loot box mechanics in the game? That's exactly what you just described.


Even if TFP never give you the option to pay for dukes with real money - I'm sticking with my "no" vote.


I don't want loot box mechanics in my games, even if it's only pretending. Most especially not in this game.

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We need a holy hand grenade in the game to kill the bunny:


we have a new in game mini-game now... obtain the charge-pack (c4) and chase a rabbit and stick it to him (the charge to the rabbit damnit)... good luck and when you do manage it... hope the rabbit doesnt want to be friends... that would be an exploding relationship. :)

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Just allow an onDeath event to spawn a new entity and modders will take over...


I was just about to suggest the same thing.


I always like the mods (esp. WOTW) that had friendly NPCs in them, even if they were far from perfect. One thing I would love to see is those friendly NPCs turn into zombie variants after they were killed.


I'm also sure plenty of modders would be willing to put child zombies into the game (which I'm all in favor of), and the ability for living children to get killed and zombified would be great IMHO. Especially if they spawn with friendly NPC "moms and dads" who aren't killed and have to turn on their dead kids.


I always loved that scene in TWD where the little girl zombie ambles out of the barn, months after people had started looking for her, or the one episode where Carol had to put down the teenage girl. That stuff is very powerful.


Obviously that's too much for many players (and many countries' laws) but it would be great to have it available as a mod.

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I'm not against the idea because of developer resources, I'm against the idea for the same reason I am against the trader being such a central piece of the game (especially in A16) and crafting being able to supply you with almost everything you need (especially in A17).


If money gets you everything it doen't matter anymore what you find, any item (except for crafting material) is just representing a value, i.e. what you get by selling it. Ideally any item should be either relatively useless or valuable to you based on your circumstances, i.e. what you need at the moment. You need plastic at the moment? You look for buildings where you might find plastic. Next day you need leather and you look for a cinema ...




Well, 99 other players can stop you but it would be too late.


Lol!!! I get your point of view. It's interesting.

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I checked my character. I have about 2 books in each group on average. I'm not changing it because my agility guy found loads. I got a bad roll and the POIs I've been to are not book bearing POIs.. One game I wanted to nerf it, this one I wanted to boost it. That means its perfect.


Like my other game had this one mansion, that had at least 6 book cases in it. I cleared it out, then went outside and started the quest, resetting the POI and double dipped. Trader sent me to the same place... so muahahaahah 24 book cases to loot.



Wouldn't that be an exploit?

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So I finally built a gyrocopter. And decided to try something. It took over one hundred attempts, but I kind of finally got it.


Finally landed my gyrocopter on the supply plane. But couldn't do anything.


This is 200% absolute immersion killing aspect for ALL players. (Except console). TFP needs to get this fixed right now. Divert all resources. Before A18 is released.


Or is it becasue this is the secret ending?


Do whaaat? I got to see a video on that! :)

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We're talking about small zombies, little 1 meter egress guys. Imagine something like those kid spiders from the strain. Creepy enough you wouldn't feel any remorse shooting it, small enough to cause some scare factor hearing little footsteps creeping around, you couldn't even see it behind a kitchen counter.


If this ever happens I will uninstall!!

You're a horrible person if you want to kill something that looks like a child! :cocksure:

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