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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Heres the steam link for that poi where we ran into day 2 issues.




I asked my wife to confirm, and the kitchen had one military guy, one feral military guy, and a wight. (with a bunch of good loot)


As you are going through the poi, all the walls are metal, and you drop in from the ceiling, so short of a junk turret, there is no where to run. (I ran back into the drop bedroom, closed that door to slow them down, ran into other bathroom and close that door to slow them down, and started chopping at the metal wall with a level one stone axe. luckily a wander horde broke open the wall for me, and I used the junk turret to escape.


Fun times, BUT the hunted us down until they killed us anyway...lol!

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It should I've seen youtube videos of it working.


If you have a wall where it can see both sides then yes, once you get close/within cone it can trigger from both sides, since one cam can see both sides. Now go build a garage using the 3x5 doors and let me know how that goes... the likelyhood of leaving an open enough spot for a cam to do that is slim to none. Possible sure, on a solid base/garage though? Barely if at all. Well I doubt this will get any attention so it looks like I will have to cheese build a peek hole from now on. Sure it can be dealt with, just lamely and barely, which is not good design implementation.


I was just trying to upgrade to the jeep, I have a smaller set of doors that work great with my motorcycle as-is. I was about to jeep it up, built a nice garage for it, but if I can't trigger my doors when leaving and returning then why bother. It was almost cool, all my triggers/sensors work, just can't use them all, so it was all for not.

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Yeah that might be ok, we'd have to brand it a bit and make it feel cool. I mean I already gave the perks flavor so it wouldn't be hard to change the attribute to a flavor name, but people are used to attributes from rpgs I think. Have to think on it.


That would also help teach players that they can't spend their points willy nilly; that they have to specialize, at least in (several) things. Spending your points in A18 like in A17 just doesn't work. :p


- - - Updated - - -


Sorry, to lazy to scan backwards. Incoming patch tommorow? Thanks


Yes, most likely.

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If you have a wall where it can see both sides then yes, once you get close/within cone it can trigger from both sides, since one cam can see both sides. Now go build a garage using the 3x5 doors and let me know how that goes... the likelyhood of leaving an open enough spot for a cam to do that is slim to none. Possible sure, on a solid base/garage though? Barely if at all. Well I doubt this will get any attention so it looks like I will have to cheese build a peek hole from now on. Sure it can be dealt with, just lamely and barely, which is not good design implementation.


I was just trying to upgrade to the jeep, I have a smaller set of doors that work great with my motorcycle as-is. I was about to jeep it up, built a nice garage for it, but if I can't trigger my doors when leaving and returning then why bother. It was almost cool, all my triggers/sensors work, just can't use them all, so it was all for not.


Isn't the garage door too small for the jeep? Remembering the video, what I saw was for vault doors & draw bridges.


Here's Capp's video.


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This input restriction is bigger than on just some garage doors. It's going to be a problem for EVERY new electronic door, if you want to trigger it from both inside AND outside, using only one camera, the reason why should be obvious. And it's an even bigger problem since you cannot walk up and open/close a powered door manually, you MUST trigger it via the one available input.


So you're screwed either coming or going, you can't have both on a secure wall/building. This very heavily reduces the use cases of the new powered doors.

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Madmole, I think the book that gives you 10% more block damage isn't working or my game is bugged. I got the book day before horde night so I could only test it today and coffee effects "on/off" didn't change my damage block at all. I didn't post it in the bug thread because as I said before it could be my game.


About nerfing items quality from traders. I think it's not a bad idea because mid/late game guns like M60 shouldn't be available for sale. I was watching Kage latest video and by day 11 he bought it. I don't know, I got 3 M60 so far: 2 by looting a T4 quest twice and one a T3 fetch/clear. Traders should have less quality and not mid/late equipment/guns, but a bit more and consistenly all types of ammo or at least casing and tips.

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Isn't the garage door too small for the jeep? Remembering the video, what I saw was for vault doors & draw bridges.


The 2 tall by 3 wide is, unless you put it in a 3 tall gap with half blocks at the top, making it a 2 1/2 block hole, which is the clearance that the jeep needs. I did that in A17 just fine, but it won't fit a 2 tall gap, no.


However the awesome, albeit barely usable, new 3x5 door is big enough, AND matches the drawbridge nicely, finally. It it bittersweet though because of this one input/switch/sensor problem.


Would also be a problem for vault doors. The whole idea is to be secure, but if one camera has to see both sides, well, good luck with that. Maybe if you plan ahead of time and do some experimenting, which I likely will do now, you can find a few designs that would work. But it will take some weird peekholes in an otherwise solid base design to make possible. How often will this happen? I imagine most will make a base, and/or convert an existing POI. Then later game, when one can finally make powered doors, you'll discover you cannot, should not, bother using them because the odds that you'll get one camera to see both sides, or find some other way to trigger from both sides with one sensor/switch, will be slim to none.


My point is, as a late game item especially, powered doors are NOT going to be workable far far more often than not, because of this. There is NO way to open any of them manually, as a viable(albeit disappointing) option from either side. I predict MANY will discover this problem in the worst way, after making and installing one of these new doors and finding themselves stuck or locked out from one side.

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Isn't the garage door too small for the jeep? Remembering the video, what I saw was for vault doors & draw bridges.


Here's Capp's video.



I just watched his video...


Ok, so, you can connect a second cam to the first. Evidentally that works! It makes no sense, but ♥♥♥♥ that idc, because it solves this, and therefor nvm.


(it makes no sense because I would expect the first cam needs triggered to send power to the second, for it to work. But whatever, glad I assumed wrong.)


Thanks for the video clip link Laz Man, it's likely I would've never tried that. Gonna go test now, but it seems as though this indeed a viable solution.

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Talking about the edge of the map. Using radiation there will only confuse players when real playable radiation is implemented. Its better to make an invisible wall and not let you get in there at all than to use "super radiation" because if I have rad gear I would expect to be able to go in there with it. I want players getting a feel for radiation in the wasteland and in some pois, not use it as a barrier. So yes rad zones with equipment is planned, edge of map should be an invisible wall saying "You cannot go that way".


Apologies if it has already been mentioned or this topic is closed, but have you considered a physical barrier, like a makeshift wall or fencing, implying the whole playable area is a giant quarantine zone managed by the military? Perhaps you get some warnings over a loud speaker if you get too close and then they open fire?


Or does that clash with the intended atmosphere/story? It would explain the recurring airdrops inside the zone.

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Apologies if it has already been mentioned or this topic is closed, but have you considered a physical barrier, like a makeshift wall or fencing, implying the whole playable area is a giant quarantine zone managed by the military? Perhaps you get some warnings over a loud speaker if you get too close and then they open fire?


Or does that clash with the intended atmosphere/story? It would explain the recurring airdrops inside the zone.


In the default map, "Navegane" some of the borders are blockaded off with military sigsn that state radiation beyond that point. You can still go around the signs, but it denotes the radiation zone.

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I just watched his video...


Ok, so, you can connect a second cam to the first. Evidentally that works! It makes no sense, but ♥♥♥♥ that idc, because it solves this, and therefor nvm.


(it makes no sense because I would expect the first cam needs triggered to send power to the second, for it to work. But whatever, glad I assumed wrong.)


Thanks for the video clip link Laz Man, it's likely I would've never tried that. Gonna go test now, but it seems as though this indeed a viable solution.


Glad I could help. Thank Capp for the video. 👍

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Apologies if it has already been mentioned or this topic is closed, but have you considered a physical barrier, like a makeshift wall or fencing, implying the whole playable area is a giant quarantine zone managed by the military? Perhaps you get some warnings over a loud speaker if you get too close and then they open fire?


Or does that clash with the intended atmosphere/story? It would explain the recurring airdrops inside the zone.


That sounds like a great RP option.

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Apologies if it has already been mentioned or this topic is closed, but have you considered a physical barrier, like a makeshift wall or fencing, implying the whole playable area is a giant quarantine zone managed by the military? Perhaps you get some warnings over a loud speaker if you get too close and then they open fire?


Or does that clash with the intended atmosphere/story? It would explain the recurring airdrops inside the zone.


That's... a really good idea. Would be better than a pure invisible wall. I hate that in games. Half Life 2 would kill you one way or another if you strayed too far, one with a warning loud speaker coupled with death-turrets or in the water with... death fishies.

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Hi, im having a problem with 7 days performance lately on the new experimental alpha and I dont know why.

Most of the time, both the GPU and the CPU are sitting at 50% usage, with everything on max settings.

This results on me having 30-50fps with very frequent drops which makes melee combat really hard.


My specs are:


Ryzen 7 2700x @stock

Gtx 980ti superclocked acx2.0 @stock

16GB DDR4 3100mhz

650w evga power supply


I ran unigine heaven benchmark 4.0 to see if I could make my card hit 100% usage and it did without any problems. I also checked my power settings on the pc because somebody told me that it could be set for power saving mode or something.


What else can I try? Thanks




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Not sure if you are realizing it, but you keep saying this and that are “useless”. If that’s really the case, why not make them useful instead of removing them? You have already seen the light with crafting, so apply the same logic and make light armour have better reasons to use it.


As for military armour, I already suggested it could be moved to legendary status if it feels too OP. It would work well given that it has its own materials to repair anyways.





I don't think military is OP at all. Its not useless but I feel like its tougher to craft for no legit reason. Maybe if military fiber was used for some more things it wouldn't bother me at all, perhaps some ballistic clothing or mods would round it out nice.

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well, I have leather/military armor, but with advanced muffled connectors on all peices and perked into "from shadows" if that helps. Still get nabbed using silenced pistol in alot, not all, situations


I think it has a 9 meter falloff or something so you are going to wake a few up, but overall I had a lot of fun stealth killing with it.

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So the last two multiplayer maps I've been on has spawned me in the desert. Not too bad for me, as I am trying to do an agility build and all those bones are easy to find.


@mademole, any plans on having RWG spawn POI's on the more distant lands of an RWG map? Unfortunately I don't know the seed name for this particular picture since the admins on the server I play don't give out the seed names. I personally would want it, because I like to explore the maps.




- - - Updated - - -




Yet, folks still go to casinos. lol :strawberry:


RWG is a WIP.

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I don't know why people waste perks on Lucky Looter, all it does is shorten your quest to find good loot by a week or two of game days in the grand scheme of things.


Sounds like a bad design then. ;) Seriously though, if you think its essentially a waste, why keep it?

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