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fail a night horde. What to do?


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Well, preparing for that and placing sleeping bag in safe-ish room with a chest of backup supplies would help, but if you haven't done that and you don't have bike or vehicle nearby, tough luck.


On the bright side, if you die multiple times, gamestage will get lower and it'll get easier for some time afterwards.

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This is a significant problem this game has and will continue to have with player acquisition.


As the game changes from A16 to A17, you get zombies tearing through weaker material bases like butter....you get dog packs on day 5...you get sprinting night hordes which spawn and beeline to your spot at the time of their spawning...you get deaths at night followed by uselessness for 30m and more immediate deaths.


A new player is going to load up the game with default settings because they don't know any better. That new player is going to die to any one of those near-guaranteed events, and even if they manage to make a base, it'll be gone by day 8. That new player...is going to shut off the game, be angry they can't refund it, and spread bad word-of-mouth to make themselves feel better.

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Well what do u do if you fail a night horde. What do u do if the zomzoms get to you and you die and you respawn somewhere else. what are you supposed to do? Becuase all i can see is you keep dying and respawning :( I see no way to outrun them


You can run faster than zombies. You can set up panic towers outside your base to give you some breathing room to recover stamina. You can make a panic tower with wood frames making stair steps with wood frames and putting spikes on each level. The zombies will hit the spikes as they try and jump up each level. The tower only needs to be 3 or 4 blocks high at its highest point. You access the top level by building a ramp with a diagonal jump to the top blocks. If you set up a couple of these you can kite the zombies around until morning.

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Usually I have my bedroll somewhere else in the first horde nights and the building with the bedroll ist a little bit fortified so that the horde can't get that easy to me. Next to my sleeping spot is a chest with some building materials, one melee weapoin, one bow and some arrows so that I'm not totally naked.

When my base gets bigger and is better fortified, I will move with all my stuff to it, but that usually takes until ~ day 20.


In A17E I died in the first horde night at day 7, but for day 14 I found a way to trick the pathfinding, so they won't attack the blocks of my base. My base is now safe - more or less. Biggest problem for now are the puking police officers.

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This is a significant problem this game has and will continue to have with player acquisition.


As the game changes from A16 to A17, you get zombies tearing through weaker material bases like butter....you get dog packs on day 5...you get sprinting night hordes which spawn and beeline to your spot at the time of their spawning...you get deaths at night followed by uselessness for 30m and more immediate deaths.


A new player is going to load up the game with default settings because they don't know any better. That new player is going to die to any one of those near-guaranteed events, and even if they manage to make a base, it'll be gone by day 8. That new player...is going to shut off the game, be angry they can't refund it, and spread bad word-of-mouth to make themselves feel better.


I second that! But this is still experimental. Hopefully someone will listen and tune things down a bit. That death penalty is extreme right now... What is it at now? 30 min? That's an awful long time to force a player to sit around.


OH! You forgot one thing... If they get infected and don't know about honey - nor use it 'in time' or can't and/or don't have any antibiotics... Stage 3 is like -5 Perception and Agility! That's way harsh! Level 81 day 26 stamina went from like 180 to 50... The 'staggering' of infection seems 'right' in that if you get infected you'll get worse and it'll take time to 'recover.' But the penalties are way harsh!


Lest us not forget about the flu and other things you can catch...


Builders like my wife who just want to build but want to have a little bit of fun with zeds have a hard time with obtaining resources... She tried turning off the zeds and there are no animals... Heck! Obtaining resources without iron tools is hard enough! Even if you have iron tools from the start, you don't have enough stamina in the beginning to be of any effect. Building a base is a bit confused because its hard enough to get enough resources to do anything, much less build a base... Recovery of resources has taken a nose dive.


In my single player I'm at day 32, level 98 or so. I started by taking over the oil refinery, not far away was the steel trailer and also the traitor. It wasn't till like level 60 or so that I was able to get a bunch of cobblestone to put a couple of layers around the steel trailer. I've given up on trying to find an auger! It looks like you can possibly get one by doing the quests from the traitor. I've still got one level 2 quest to do. Right now I've mined nodes exclusively since there isn't much down below and progress with iron tools is still slow. Going out to find those gravel patches and digging down there has proved fruitless... You have to build up some sort of defenses in order to do that... I just found one of those 'mine' poi's and built up some defenses for its concrete entrance, but that won't help if they dig strait down into it...


From my POV:

1.) Death penalty need to drop to like 10 minutes

2.) Resource recovery needs to be bumped up to at least 2X

3.) Zeds need to get a little bit dumber

4.) Bicycles and motor vehicles need a speed bump

5.) Zeds need to be scaled to player

6.) more from others and reserved lol

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This is a significant problem this game has and will continue to have with player acquisition.


As the game changes from A16 to A17, you get zombies tearing through weaker material bases like butter....you get dog packs on day 5...you get sprinting night hordes which spawn and beeline to your spot at the time of their spawning...you get deaths at night followed by uselessness for 30m and more immediate deaths.


A new player is going to load up the game with default settings because they don't know any better. That new player is going to die to any one of those near-guaranteed events, and even if they manage to make a base, it'll be gone by day 8. That new player...is going to shut off the game, be angry they can't refund it, and spread bad word-of-mouth to make themselves feel better.


I totally agree with this. And not only will the new player have to watch all his work being swept away, he'd probably feel the actual 8 days he spent were in fact rather tedious, because one thing is certain about the first few days in A17, they are tedious. Mining takes forever, no forge, killing takes forever with bullet sponge enemies, standing doing nothing waiting for stamina to regen is very very common etc etc. Yeah, I'd ragequit I think.

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1.) Death penalty need to drop to like 10 minutes


No, it needs a re-design. Right now it is too harsh and frustrating early on, and meaningless later (death soon becomes a method of fast travel or a way to remove Infection). Dropping to 10 minutes only addresses the first problem.

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I would say once you die by the hands of a zombie during a bloodmoon there should be a grace period where no more zombies spawn. If its at the point where its just a single zombie spawning then its over. I think the bloodmoons should have multiple waves, increasing in size, with short but varying in length, pauses between. Gives you time to scramble and get some repairs done and deploy some extra defenses where needed. Being grouped up could affect how long the pause is and add in some minimal zombie spawns requiring people to cover anyone at risk.

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Builders like my wife who just want to build but want to have a little bit of fun with zeds have a hard time with obtaining resources... She tried turning off the zeds and there are no animals... Heck!


Since when does disabling zombies also disable friendly animals? Yes the wolves/dogs/bears go away but not the deer/pig(unsure)/chicken or rabbit.

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No, it needs a re-design. Right now it is too harsh and frustrating early on, and meaningless later (death soon becomes a method of fast travel or a way to remove Infection). Dropping to 10 minutes only addresses the first problem.

Agreed. I found that a death late in week 1 basically made my character level 1 again by reducing all stats to 1. It was exceedingly frustrating and is a terrible way to implement a death penalty. Then it lasts for half an hour (it was an hour for me, which ended my play of that version of A17 as I didn’t want to face horde night with no skills).


Many games have implemented an XP debt system that slows down leveling until you pay off the debt. I’d think that something along those lines would be a good way to put a penalty on death without making it to frustrating. I’d also suggest a cap on the amount of debt (probably based on the XP required for your next level so it scales up) so that someone repeatedly dying on a horde night doesn’t get screwed for the rest of their game.

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This is a significant problem this game has and will continue to have with player acquisition.


As the game changes from A16 to A17, you get zombies tearing through weaker material bases like butter....you get dog packs on day 5...you get sprinting night hordes which spawn and beeline to your spot at the time of their spawning...you get deaths at night followed by uselessness for 30m and more immediate deaths.


A new player is going to load up the game with default settings because they don't know any better. That new player is going to die to any one of those near-guaranteed events, and even if they manage to make a base, it'll be gone by day 8. That new player...is going to shut off the game, be angry they can't refund it, and spread bad word-of-mouth to make themselves feel better.


Not just new players. If I die at a relatively low lvl and lose most of my stuff and then I'm unable to retrieve it for some reason like the bag despawning, then I'll just start a new game or stop playing on a MP server. I'm a vet of the game so starting a new game isnt' the end of the world to me but a new player might just rage-quit and uninstall.


I think horde night zombies should all despawn on your death and the horde night should end. For failing you lose the rest of the horde night XP and you have the 30 min death penalty. I think that's fair enough for me.

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Not just new players. If I die at a relatively low lvl and lose most of my stuff and then I'm unable to retrieve it for some reason like the bag despawning, then I'll just start a new game or stop playing on a MP server. I'm a vet of the game so starting a new game isnt' the end of the world to me but a new player might just rage-quit and uninstall.


I think horde night zombies should all despawn on your death and the horde night should end. For failing you lose the rest of the horde night XP and you have the 30 min death penalty. I think that's fair enough for me.


I'd second this, I've only just started to revisit the game since A15 and the change feels huge.


I used to play with "drop everything" settings before, but currently the combination of dogs mauling me and ravens diving on top of that is making that setting too cumbersome to deal with the first few days.

This is why the dogs are such a huge pain in the behind too; it appears they near-always come with at least two, which makes it a pain to achieve any victory with just the wooden club and a bow :p and *usually* I'd also attain a second death prior to reaching the backpack without mobs near, despawning all the stuff.


If all i'd sacrifice were the exp to be earned on Night 7 i would feel less uneasy about the idea that as far as I've gotten I've barely managed to get any time into finding a proper base (Just a whole lot of houses with much too sloped roofs or single-floor buildings in most cases unless they're smack-in-the-middle of the city.) or gathering the materials to build one from the ground up (especially trying to keep in mind how much more apt the zombies appear at taking down buildings now!).


I think I'm actually going to give it a shot to stay-away from POI's on most nights and see how that may reduce the amount of dogs I run into :)

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One thing i would like to remind people is that veterans and new players think way differently. Even if someone played other games like 7DTD, unless they saw how people played and try to "imitate" the experience without simply thinking for themselves, their gameplay should widely vary from that of people who played countless alphas here. Not everyone will aim for a forge, because they don't know about it and what it brings. Not everyone will aim for steel ASAP. Also, not everyone will play the experimental...


Losing all of your stuff is hard, but it comes down to what you have on you that you will lose. People who play survival games should know about this... Hell, I remember that from Minecraft 6 years ago and things moved forward with so many new games and variations of gameplay. I remember many times losing important stuff that i "found somewhere" and decided not to bring it to my base first, but check out that ravine or cool looking place on the way home. You take the risk, don't expect to have it easy when it blew in your face, but be prepared. I messed up my horde night one peaceful save, but i didn't die only thanks to being prepared, although i still didn't use everything i had on me. Managed to kill every Z chasing me around in circles until it was peaceful. Level 5 without much of any skills, imagine that.


Preparation should always be in the first place, whether you enter a POI or defend a base. I always died when I panicked or wasn't prepared. The game itself can screw you up (because of bugs) or you could be really unlucky, but there ARE things that will make it harder for anyone involved. There are Zs with varying speeds (even when running), with varying strength and HP, just like there are various strategies and many ways for making the game not so hard. A lot of information is there, but you have to read instructions, item/skill descriptions and be creative.


BTW, being low leveled i didn't encounter any animal Wandering Hordes. Perhaps luck or perhaps the Desert letting me go easy. Who knows?

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Well what do u do if you fail a night horde. What do u do if the zomzoms get to you and you die and you respawn somewhere else. what are you supposed to do? Becuase all i can see is you keep dying and respawning :( I see no way to outrun them


There's always restarting or relocating.

If someone is having a crummy game... maybe a restart isn't so bad.



Or this....


As soon as you have a bike Hordenights are easy


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Aside from making sure your shelter doesnt fail with enough spikes and such around + a second level that's sturdy that you can shoot from, and if I'm not playing dead is dead, I like to make a make-shift fallback base nearby with a sleeping bag + a chest with a set-up (such as bow, arrows, med stuff, basic gear, guns, whatever is available). Sometimes it's a ring of iron bars, sometimes a slightly reinforced POI house with a second floor (any access to that second floor gone, pref first floor spiked, bag and such up top of course).


I usually don't leave my bag in my main horde base if it's not completely done, just in case. Also doesn't hurt to have a hog or something at secondary. Also helps to have a tunnel-out if it's a box-ring and not a poi house.

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Well what do u do if you fail a night horde. What do u do if the zomzoms get to you and you die and you respawn somewhere else. what are you supposed to do? Becuase all i can see is you keep dying and respawning :( I see no way to outrun them


Put your bedroll in a tower sort of base (just a simple wooden table with a 5x5 space about 4 blocks up is more than adequate for a quick respawn.


Make a chest and put a club, stone axe, bow, bandages and barbed wire fences in it. Multiple copies.


Then when you respawn, get your stuff, jump down right away so the zombies don't destroy your respawn, and place barbed fences in a sort of obstacle course. Run between them so you get the zombies slowed on it. When you're out of stamina, turn and kill a couple til you've got it back. Then run some more.

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I have a bedroll and for some reason when I die the game doesn't give me the option to spawn on it. Also, the POI I just died at 3 times spawned 6 ferals of various types in one room. That seems excessive. That 6-pack of ferals ate 60 rounds of 9mm, 16 shotgun shells, a dozen or so arrows, and 5 rockets and didn't die either.

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Ferals are a tad tougher than regulars, but considering you get "tougher" with levels, you get additional challenge with regular zombie sleepers changing to feral zombie sleepers.


Your bedroll spawn vanished, i would guess in a similar manner as mine, even though you didn't pick up your bedroll. Don't know what does that, but picking it up and placing down again solves the problem.

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