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Which is the more important main feature of the game IV


Which is the more important main feature of the game IV  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the more important main feature of the game IV

    • The Behemoth
    • Zip Lines

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This one has already been a subject of discussion just as a natural result of the announcement of their discontinued development. But let's say the Pimps decide they have time and resources for only one of them.


Which would you want to see returned to the To Do list? And why?


Behemoth or Zip Lines? Let the battle commence.



(I don't need to wait to put my vote in on this one.)

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I say that behemoth is more important over zip lines, but I would prefer more special zombies with unique ability's and larger numbers of zombies. The game is pathetically easy with the small numbers of zombies, and I feel like the behemoth would just be really annoying.

"yaar!! Ima come and punch big holes all over your base and then one shot ya because that's the only thing that makes meh different" -Behemoth

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Ziplines sound cool on the surface but the real wish is only to make the game easier.


Now the behemoth could throw spiders and zombie dogs behind your walls, making your life more exciting!


Or he could pick you from the battlements and throooooow you. (queue

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But it would be cool to have an entity that could grab and throw stuff, bullet sponge or not.

Just think of all the things we could do with an entity that can throw other entities and objects ;)


Stationary catapult.

Oger picking up boulders and throwing them.

Zombies that actually will grab at you instead of slapping you around.

>.> Flying dragon has another attack and swoops down, grabs a player/npc in it jaws or claws..


;) xD

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Ziplines sound cool on the surface but the real wish is only to make the game easier.


Now the behemoth could throw spiders and zombie dogs behind your walls, making your life more exciting!


Or he could pick you from the battlements and throooooow you. (queue



Come on now. Ziplines have appeal beyond making the game easier. Ziplines (and to be clear to everyone we are talking about ziplines, as demoed in a previous video, not grappling hooks) wouldn't be any easier than the minibikes we already have, let alone the new vehicles. But they'd definitely be a mode of transportation unlike any other, fulfilling the needs of a different use case.


The Behemoth didn't get me excited, because when we got word about the Behemoth as a base wrecker, we didn't hear the corresponding talk about improvements to zombie AI that would make it work. We know by now that the types of bases that are impenetrable won't become penetrable with a scaled-up zombie that does scaled-up damage. What will excite me are new zombie behaviors and abilities. The Behemoth to me is just a potential vehicle for those abilities. Otherwise, he's as toothless as the rest of them in the wrong circumstances.

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Behemoth all the way. With the new systems coming the behemoth would not have to be a bullet sponge at all. In fact you could make him and other variants more of a challenge and most of all, fun. One variant (we'll call him Big Blue) would only take damage from large caliber rounds; 7.62 or .44 and would fall in about 4 head shots. His attack would only damage one block at a time (like other zombies) but he can attack much higher blocks. To make him interesting to fight we can make him where if you shoot him anywhere but the head it will still damage him but also increases his running speed by a set amount each time, up to a cap and his hits drain your stamina.


See, no bullet sponge but still scary as hell to come up against one and arguably more interesting.


Another example (Big Red we'll call this one) is slow as a walker, but can spit fire vomit. His attacks are weak against blocks but he causes the foggy conditions of the burnt forest biome as his aura, making it hard to see especially if he has other zombies with him. To kill him you have to shoot or bash all of his limbs off. About 1-4 shots each depending on the caliber/type of melee weapon.


I can go on and on. The way I'm thinking is when you encounter one, or he decides to visit your base it's an, "oh ♥♥♥♥" moment. We should have more of those. Plus it's a great way to spice things up, especially late game.

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The behemoth , cause as they say above, I really focus on the "zombie" side on this game and right now as it is is pretty unattended (no offense).

Zombies don't scare you and are pretty easy to handle in this game (except when you are new, but that "sensation" of fear disappears almost instantly) when you see they ignore you, they smash doors but they can't get in, when they finally go in but they wont go up or down stairs, and even if this where working as it should, they are still pretty non agile, ergo non fearless, and this allows you to grow your base quick, and once you do that zombies can't get in anymore when you have 20 layers of concrete, so yeah, a Behemoth would do.

BUT (And I know this is not what the post is about) I believe you should find a workaround to cap somehow some stuff like "spikes" for example and other things the player can just "spam" around their bases and no long worry about zombies anymore, cause its really that easy and feels bad.

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The arguments for the behemoth all seem to be predicated on the idea that he will have magical powers and be able to do cool, unexplainable wishlist stuff.


In that same vein, I'm going to suggest that we need ziplines, because then they could program the ziplines to tie up your enemies after lassoing them, as well as setting up horizontal lines that running zombies will behead themselves on.


...and I doing this right? Am I taking the original scope of the poll and extrapolating a wish list and voting based on that?


Come on folks. The B is just a dumb looking giant bullet sponge and you're voting for that vs a new mode of transportation that is both fun and impactful to the game.

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I have to vote "none of the above"

I'm with you on this one. Both zip lines and behemoth sound like dumb additions to the game. With zombies already tearing through the defenses like tissue paper and requiring a ridiculous amount of headshots to kill most of them, a behemoth would just make ppl cry about difficulty so much more. And what's a zip line going to add to the game? Sure, you'll get away for about 5 seconds while the zombies follow you and GPS to your new location... pointless.


The 2 suggestions mentioned in this thread however "https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?81469-Which-is-the-more-important-main-feature-of-the-game-III, those sound like awesome additions to the game. In fact, you may remember me suggesting having underground threats countless times throughout the years, even going back to Alpha 1.


they could program the ziplines to tie up your enemies after lassoing them, as well as setting up horizontal lines that running zombies will behead themselves on.

Why do I get the impression you watch too many movies? lol The horizontal lines could be interesting though, even if it's just a tripping hazard to slow them down.

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The arguments for the behemoth all seem to be predicated on the idea that he will have magical powers and be able to do cool, unexplainable wishlist stuff.


In that same vein, I'm going to suggest that we need ziplines, because then they could program the ziplines to tie up your enemies after lassoing them, as well as setting up horizontal lines that running zombies will behead themselves on.


...and I doing this right? Am I taking the original scope of the poll and extrapolating a wish list and voting based on that?


Come on folks. The B is just a dumb looking giant bullet sponge and you're voting for that vs a new mode of transportation that is both fun and impactful to the game.


So when Gazz and other devs explained some of the workings of the new mod/trigger system he was talking about "wishlist stuff"? I just based the idea that we will probably not get either but if there is a slight chance then creating the behemoth with the new system would theoretically be possible right? Same with triggers for ziplines which you could make electric or decapitate zombies if the new system is robust enough.


All this is conjecture anyway as both features were never fully fleshed out and only have placeholders or a video showing them. So the "scope of the pole" thing is a misnomer. I agree the art for the behemoth is kinda left field for this game though.

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I have to vote "none of the above"


I wanted to vote "None of the Above" as well, but there's no option to do so.


But then it occurred to me - if Behemoths were put in the game, I'd have to deal with them or mod them out; whereas if Zip Lines were put in the game I could simply ignore them and never make or use one.


So I'm voting for Zip Lines, but it's really a vote against the Behemoth.

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