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Ravenhearst Mod


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tnx for the mod


i have a question, i downloaded "Ravenhearst_3_1_21DayEdition-master" and "ZombieTextureOverhaul" from the link on the launcher

i unzip the first and place the files on 7dtd folder but i didn't know where the second go(resources.assets.7D2DPatch)

someone can help me?

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Just uploaded the 3.1 files to my server, started it up with NO issues, Noticed I cant loot anything, Stumps, toilets, sinks & so on... book racks.... just about everything youd find in a prefab..... can loot zombies ? Does anyone have any clue as to how this has happened as its a fresh install of 3.1

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Thank you so very much for this great mod.

I appreciate very much how you handled the error in 3.0. Many major software companies with similar problems (and we know there are many) would have said and done little or nothing to fix that. but you spoke honestly to us and worked so hard for a quick fix. And here it is! Thanx


I have to agree 100% with this statement, fantastic work to fix the issues and a great mod to play.


Keep up the good work !! It is fantastic to see so many different variations of gameplay mods for this great game, I salute all of the modder's too for there efforts and if it wasn't for you guys I would not have put in over 2000 hours into this game oops lol :)

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I was, saddly, on day 82 and started getting erros when screamers started screaming. They can spawn without any issue, but once they scream theres a loop error.


Version 3.0 SP


Saddly I have to go to 3.1.

My feedback so far.

Progression is a pain!

At day 82 (50min days) I had 3 classes (finishing farming, had bows and rifles), you notice that the aumount of classes is related to the amount of scrapping those books, I only had one book Scyscraper and a few mini stores, although this is fine.

Bows are overpowered, without a doubt I hardly use guns, the repeating bow is OP, at the level of the sniper rifle, and I can use all those feathers.

Food: pleanty every were, so no issues here, just loot or kill animals, simple, no farming needed if you don´t think wellness is that important (you manage wel with 120).

Electricity: is it a bug or I cant find any car parts???? Didn´t evolve in this one, got stuck on building batteries and engines, don´t have scrap car parts, can´t find them neither by scraping car parts weird.

New zombies: the big and small ones, nice aditions; the skin ones, nice; the terror new ones, slow and lots of HP... they suck; the terror ones are nice, I like them, just hope they would do something different, something that made me fear them. They should spit something (GNoMOD has the fire spiting, nice adition, the Skippy mod had a great zombie development with some exploding if they can´t reach you. Please review this.

NPC they are a pain, mostly avoid them, so its ok but i would improve them, although I didn´t find any nest, and it was removed on 3.1 so... improve it?


Biggest complaint: Tools! At level 87 I have 2 augers, 1 chainsaw and the, forgot the name, 3 electrical hammer, lots of parts... can´t mout them, can´t repair... WTF! Sure progression is slow, but then they shouldn´t appear so soon and so many! And this affects the number of pistols too, too many in my loot boxes, too many bullets (will never craft bullets).

So I think the time you guys spent on researching and adjusting the progression system is affected because you played together in servers, I guess for that case it might be perfect, for Single player... nope.

I'll never craft any ammunition, will never have the schematics for tools (in 82 days I only crafted one minibike and one of the machine guns from vanilla). Thats broken at least on my side.

And the new building, that giant tower... sux in loot and access, the "elevator" is a use once only, to come down you have to open every schaft so going there again is a big no no (I'll use it as a base :D)

Maybe, just maybe it was the seed (Ravenhearst seed sux big time kkk), I'm starting a new one.


keep up with the progress and: NICE JOB!


for the tower with elevator there is a fast exit (search for the exit letters on the wall) i had my douts when i saw but it works nicely, you dont have to open the hatches

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tnx for the mod


i have a question, i downloaded "Ravenhearst_3_1_21DayEdition-master" and "ZombieTextureOverhaul" from the link on the launcher

i unzip the first and place the files on 7dtd folder but i didn't know where the second go(resources.assets.7D2DPatch)

someone can help me?


That's a patch file that the mod launcher can install. You could use a program called xdelta, but it's a bit of a pain.

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Balance seems good so far. Many zombies and

They can be killed in reasonable quantities of shots. Boars are a bit hardened but as expected. Sleeper spawns are much better. We seldom had any in 3.0 when entering new buildings. Haven’t found some of the poi’s I was hoping for and know some were removed but otherwise playing well at this point.

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Do you & this is an educated guess have Low admin priv on your PC..... Run the game with full admin priv & see if you get the eror still...


It was an 'error 40' ;-)

Had started the game 2 times, so was playing 1 game and in the background was running a second 7D2D that blocked the game from using those files :-D

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Have NO clue as to this being a thing but how come every item is set to false for selling to a trader ? I cant sell any gun or item what so ever ?


- - - Updated - - -


50% correct then but wrong issue hahaha


-All craftable items are no longer able to be sold to trader (may be adjusted a bit in future updates)


So i was able to sell cash and some nail gun parts, minibike tyres and a headlight.

Things i was not able to see: Any type of gun (you are able to sell the parts), flashlights, any type of ammo, desktop PC, HD TVs, any type of melee weapon, chainsaw/auger or their parts (only legendary once seem to have a price), electronic and electrical parts/components, engines and as above said any type of material you can craft.

Edited by Vylkodav (see edit history)
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First thank you to everyone for the continued kind words and support. This community is absolutely amazing. What could have been a miserable disaster turned out to be not so bad thanks to you guys. We promise to do way better in the future.


I will hit on some questions a bit later after i get some rest but I wanted to touch on the trader thing. Our intention was not to absolutely kill the economy, but to make it just as challenging as all the other areas in Ravenhearst. Some items will eventually trickle back on as sellable once we gauge how this impacts players options. This part is still a work in progress.


What we did not want was for someone to queue up 100 of something and slam each trader and make bank. We wanted what you FIND to carry value. We may be raising some prices on found loot as well to balance this out. You never know how something will work until you try and we arent going anywhere so this is something we can all figure out together.

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Have NO clue as to this being a thing but how come every item is set to false for selling to a trader ? I cant sell any gun or item what so ever ?


- - - Updated - - -


50% correct then but wrong issue hahaha


IF you Have the Skill to break GUNS or some items down .. then you should be able to sale .. unless you are bugged.


[ I was at Trader and Could not sale Full shotguns to him low level .. BUT was able to break them down and sale as parts (they are worth more parts anyway .. but it's a time thing) ] .. Just a thought.


There is some balancing needed .. but all good and I had No problem with tree stumps (some can not be harvested) part of the game.


Have Fun and Enjoy ... the Old Gamer .. :02.47-tranquillity:

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Please stop, just please stop....im getting long and hairy balls of all your bitching


So for the love of god, stop...stop...my balls are getting to a length where i get blue toenails if i drop my underwear from reading 'Constructive Criticism' that is comparing the MOD to RL stuff.


Thx for letting me blow out some steam ;-)


LMAO :tickled_pink:

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I was JUST coming here to ask about the traders.... glad it was addressed. Jax, maybe you could lock selling certain items behind barter? I hate leaving behind an hdtv or a level 76 shotgun because they're worthless. So maybe you have to hit level 10 barter to sell guns, level 20 to sell tvs, computers, etc? Idk just an idea.

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I just realized most of my complaints about the zombie HP from 3.0 were because I had the difficulty cranked up. 3.1 on Nomad is only slightly harder than vanilla, so that's cool.


Anyway, here's a thing that I'm not sure is even related to this mod, but hey who the hell knows:

Some zombies show up as crawlers to one player and regular walkers to others. I really only play online with my girlfriend in the same house as me, so I have no idea if anyone has even noticed this yet.



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I have found most zombies, not all for sure to be double duty. Since the update we have had and insane amount of sleepers and incredibly hard to kill zombies. I suspect that is an intended tweak with this mod. It isn't impossible but will present challenges. Should you desire to try an online option let me know via pm. We updated and are pleased but things are a bit more difficult for us than before.

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Best mod. I could go on and on about all the epic things and I only have 1 gripe, this trader thing.


The level 30 secret stash makes you grind hard before using the trader effectively, the 7 day restock cycle and the amount of weapons in the traders inventory makes selling whole guns nearly impossible as it is. This also means that you have to have amazing rng to get the gun volumes to be able to dismantle the guns. These changes alone make the trader tough.


Add the latest update...the trader is dead to me, Joel needs to market to other survivors because he just does not want my goooooods.


I repeat. Best mod ever!

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**Patch 3.1.1 Release Patch Notes Release Date 04/7/2018**


-Added Sell Value back to all guns


-Reduced Pistol Sell Price


-Lowered Gamestage Multiplier


-Added More German Translation


-Removed Unneeded Commas from Blocks.xml


-Slightly raised Stamina Drain on Pitchfork.


This hotfix does NOT require any restarts or wipes and will not break anything in your game. It is recommended to upgrade to this because of the gamestage fix. Gamestages were going up punishingly fast for players who had zero deaths.

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I just realized most of my complaints about the zombie HP from 3.0 were because I had the difficulty cranked up. 3.1 on Nomad is only slightly harder than vanilla, so that's cool.


Anyway, here's a thing that I'm not sure is even related to this mod, but hey who the hell knows:

Some zombies show up as crawlers to one player and regular walkers to others. I really only play online with my girlfriend in the same house as me, so I have no idea if anyone has even noticed this yet.




I think Jax is using a version of SphereII's transmogrifier code that randomizes zeds walktype, spped etc. , and the syncing of walktypes between players has been challenging. We thought this was fixed, but perhaps Jax is using an older version of the code, or the sync fix didnt work as well as thought.

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I have a question about the inventory Lists and how theres still a delay.

I'm curious.. the inventory lists are all preset to one file.. a .txt or a /.log for instance, right?


After a while those accumulate and each time its accessed takes time to read and display.. well.. what if that list and any new ones were compiled and parsed into Itemlist1, Itemlist2 .. etc so any Build-able items are in Itemlist2; all weapons are in Itemlist1 all foodstuffs are in Itemlist3 so to speak.. That would remove the delay completely.. and only cause a SLIGHT delay when the instruction to choose which file to use is chosen.


Admittedly, I havent coded in gaming for quite some time.. but is this a possibility?

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Timo, I'm not a dev either. What I've heard/read about the delay is that it's checking to see if ingrediants are in player inventory to craft the recipes in the selected list.


Seems the reason it does that is so it can list craftable (all ingrediants avail) recipes at the top of the list, even, or I guess especially, when that list may be 10 pages long.


This is also, apparently, the culprit as to why crafting speed is itself effected. Each time an item is crafted, while the crafting window is open, the player inventory changes, so the 'list' is re-parsed against ingrediants.


Just how I understand it. May be totally off base, if so hopefully someone will correct me.


Edit: (lightbulb) no idea if possible but _could_ the 'check for ingrediants>sort list' loop be turned off?


I for one would happily disable that auto check/sort if it meant no menu delays...

Edited by FileMachete (see edit history)
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Timo, I'm not a dev either. What I've heard/read about the delay is that it's checking to see if ingrediants are in player inventory to craft the recipes in the selected list.


Seems the reason it does that is so it can list craftable (all ingrediants avail) recipes at the top of the list, even, or I guess especially, when that list may be 10 pages long.


This is also, apparently, the culprit as to why crafting speed is itself effected. Each time an item is crafted, while the crafting window is open, the player inventory changes, so the 'list' is re-parsed against ingrediants.


Just how I understand it. May be totally off base, if so hopefully someone will correct me.


Edit: (lightbulb) no idea if possible but _could_ the 'check for ingrediants>sort list' loop be turned off?


I for one would happily disable that auto check/sort if it meant no menu delays...


It's fairly accurate. There's nothing we can do about it in the curretn version, however, we believe it'll be fixed in A17.

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