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  1. I use this pattern optimized for space: cccccc... cwccwc... cccccc... c = crop, w = water Use scythe to harvest and you get two. Still i find cultivation impractical at least in single player, it just takes too long time and just to get 2 per plant.. if u want more seeds takes 5 to make a seed, and then the food needs a lot of materials... perhaps i havent found the "proper way" either tho
  2. the problem you describing its most likely because having modded files, is he deleting the correct installation? try this: go to steam / 7 days to die, right click properties, browse local files delete everything from that folder now click verify integrity of game files in steam launch game from steam ensure you are all playing the same version and the map you are playing was generated in the same version without mods (generate a new map if there is a any doubt)
  3. Great mod!!! I also got this error when competing a "find the burried suplies" quest using version 5.4.2 (created the map and the save on 5.4.0) pd: i restarted the game and was able to complete the quest without errors
  4. trying it, feels great, very impressive !! i love the customization settings streets connecting cities could be a little more straight/less egdy noise looks like the engennier had parkison
  5. Amazing Mod!!! It does look better AND improves performance... Great!!
  6. you need to eat "blue ice" item
  7. xml says: <property name="PlantGrowing.GrowthRate" value="1560"/> <!-- amount of days for respawn 60 equals 1 day--> so i guess its 26 days if that comment is true
  8. no. its just ~ 11gb for me including launcher files and game files.
  9. for the tower with elevator there is a fast exit (search for the exit letters on the wall) i had my douts when i saw but it works nicely, you dont have to open the hatches
  10. with the changes you propose u will have nothing to do by day 14 (especially for veteran players), those changes from the pimps and ravenshead mod meant to extend the playable time. Maybe in the future someone can think in a better way to do it but for now its the best we got.
  11. Loving the mod ! Great work. pd. i wouldn't change a thing to to the difficulty
  12. thx for the fast reply, yeah was doing option 2, kinda defeats the purpose of the launcher tho, would be nice to have it as a setting or something in the future to have a manual upgrade/sync/copy check/button. Have a nice day!
  13. Great tool Sphereii , it makes our life mush easier. Is there a way to prevent the launcher from copying mod files every launch?
  14. Great mod! probably the best one out there. /bugreport: you can place and repick a single coweb and they count for the emperor of the spiders quest.
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