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Ravenhearst Mod


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Starting to check out the mod - Wow! Using the map viewer to check a seed Jericho - Wow - a lot of large cities as opposed to War of the Walkers generation. Usage went to 28GB of 32.


While starting a new SP game memory went to 28GB again and then dropped to 25.3GB... World Generation is slow, way slow.

As for the "stability/sleeper errors" it would be my guess that it's the Mob-Morpher... Sphereii's Transmogrifier; maybe its related to the very big cities, the sheer numbers of zeds, buildings and such forces the system to constantly write; with this mod probably even more so than ever.


Okay - now I'm near the end of the first day. First thing I don't care for is how making seeds is locked behind a class?!? I mean that should be the basics of survival - and 'everyone' should know it or at least be able to learn it. It would be the same as 'basic' rock tools, everyone should know how to do it. Basic bandages, basic tools, basic farming, basic weapons, basic reading and basic building... From my POV - and from a "vanilla" standpoint when you spawn into the world you have items... How do you explain them... It can only come from being at say like a colony or 'family' - which then begs the question - what did I do to get thrown out or Kicked to the curb?!?

The hitboxes for the bulls needs to be adjusted. Wasted about 10 arrows trying to find it while running away from them lol Went from the pine forrest to the forrest and they look good! But thinking about it again from 'the world as it would probably be' is that there probably should be tonnes of grass, shrubs, etc. But it does look good!

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Cannot get the mod to install. This is my first time using Mod Launcher, but it doesn't seem too difficult. Picked my install folder, un checked EAC, checked launch with steam and force mod d/l. It downloads the mod, then does nothing. Get the following error:


INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - launching: steam://rungameid/251570

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - Error running:steam://rungameid/251570

INFO 1 _7D2DLauncher.frmMain - System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): No application is associated with the specified file for this operation

at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)

at _7D2DLauncher.frmMain.ExecuteCMD(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

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But thinking about it again from 'the world as it would probably be' is that there probably should be tonnes of grass, shrubs, etc. But it does look good!


Some of these things were reduced to help with performance

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Unfortunately these little bumps in the road happen but just know we’re all behind you and the hard work your team have done. If there has to be a restart that’s fine. Take your time and you’ll all get to the bottom of this.

In the meantime, is 2.2 ok to play? Just while this gets sorted and I can play 3.0 again. Thanks :)

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Umm was just about to come & look as to why the save is corrupting lol... :( Ok fresh install 3.0, Everythings fine, Game is running, I shut down the server to copy over the minibike sdx mod #lostbike restarted server back up totally FooBar ...... Not sure whats causing it but this is what happened to me anyway... Ive just installed 2.2 prevsious & after restarting the save for 2.2 is also corrupted which doesnt make sense as it was a fresh install on a new server IP using files that I already know to work..


Not sure if this helps....


Minibike Corrupted the 2.2 install (was able to fix it)


3.0 was corrupted on restart.... so cant really help as to the exact cause... & yeah We all get this MOD for free & as so fully appriate any & all work done on it...

Edited by Tallon (see edit history)
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I have to agree with the general consensus here: if we have to restart, that's fine. We all appreciate and admire the hard work you guys are doing. Also appreciate the transparency and keeping us up to date. Those are things some game devs lack these days *cough* kefir *cough*

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Critique, bitches, complaints


On day 11 or so with the wife and wanted to offer some critique:


-She hated the amount of zombies everywhere. I don't mind it, but some of them are bullet spongey as hell and it's absurd. We agreed that the amount would be fine IF they were reasonably easy to kill like in Vanilla. The amount in cities makes sense, but there seem to be just as many in the wilderness which I don't like.


-The animals are more deadly than the zombies. This is just dumb. She's been killed by more pigs than zombies.


-Zombie crows take more hits to kill than an average walker. Buzzards in Vanilla can usually be shot down with one rifle shot, I don't understand why a smaller weaker animal would take several more shots to kill. This goes along with most of the rest of my points above: why does a wolf take close to 10 point blank Blunderbuss shots to the face to kill?


-Why can't you pour Dirty Water from a plastic bottle into an empty can or jar to boil?


-I like the Ammo Containers that give you any type of ammo you want, it's a good balance when there are (apparently) new calibers and stuff.


-MOST of the new zombies look pretty good, some of them have real bad skins though. I'd be willing to help with this (I'm a digital illustrator). The lack of stagger animations on the Skeleton zombies (and a few others) makes it impossible to tell if they're even taking damage. The crawling zombies are badass, especially when they sneak up on you through the grass. The mascots are fun to hunt down, but way too bullet spongey of course.


-Temperature fluctuates too much. Not sure if this is an issue with making the biomes larger or whatever, but I've entered a city when it's 20 degrees then 3 blocks down the road it's 110.


-I haven't seen too many of the recipes, but some of them seem locked for no other reason than making the game artificially difficult. For example the rain catcher, a tarp with some supports that would be made with sticks and tarp in a survival situation, requires forged iron and an advanced crafting table. There is no logical reason for this that I can see.


-There should probably be a recipe for twine. If you're going for realism then you should be able to turn a ♥♥♥♥-ton of cloth or leather/ leather strips into twine.


Other than those gripes, I'm loving the mod so far. I like the slower progression, the map gen is pretty great (aside from the lack of water which I understand is intentional?), and the new POIs are cool. We're setting up our base in one of the Hobbit houses in a valley and building a cobblestone wall around the perimeter. I also like the different crafting stations, especially the more realistic survival take on crafting gunpowder and ammo, as well as the farming stuff.

Edited by Axebeard (see edit history)
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Hey Jaxx, couple questions if you dont mind me asking:


1.- Is the water bucket limitation fixed on 3.0? i mean can i grab water with a bucket and drop it somewhere else?

2.- How do you milk the cows, i found a bucket, but the tooltip speaks of a milk bottle, is it like on starvation that you smack the cow with the bucket for milk? and if it is like that, do we tame the cow? hit it with the bucket in the wild? dead cow?, please enlighten us there.



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First thing I don't care for is how making seeds is locked behind a class?!? I mean that should be the basics of survival - and 'everyone' should know it or at least be able to learn it. It would be the same as 'basic' rock tools, everyone should know how to do it. Basic bandages, basic tools, basic farming, basic weapons, basic reading and basic building...


once you loot (or craft after finding the schematic for) the hoe, or the sickle; the non farmer can use them to harvest a mix of seeds and plants from crops. perhaps one day they would gain the knowledge to unlock the full potential.

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I like the quests, classes, new skills system etc. Not so keen on the new zombies [some look just... not good. Some animations are wonky], nor on the density of them. I just can't make any headway. Even the domestic animals are damn dangerous and soak up arrows.


Also finding the flattened map a bit boring. Not seeing any landscape features at all any more.


and lets not mention twine... I'll literally die of filth before I find enough to make a towel... let alone anything else.

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can someone please tell me how to craft any kind of storage? Game tells me I need a recipe for storage chest....


If you follow the tutorial quest line it will teach you about basic storage and even give you the materials automatically - but if you wanted to skip to building storage then the first one is "Cardboard Box".

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can someone please tell me how to craft any kind of storage? Game tells me I need a recipe for storage chest....


I have only done this with trash but others have said it works with other containers. If you destroy trash it will give you the container so you can lay it down and use for temporary storage that is lockable. Not a lot of slots but will do until you can make one larger.

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can someone please tell me how to craft any kind of storage? Game tells me I need a recipe for storage chest....


Check your skills list. I believe it's in tools. There should be a skill you can unlock to build better storage. But in the beginning, you're stuck with cardboard boxes and grabbing storage items in the world.


Hey Jaxx, couple questions if you dont mind me asking:


1.- Is the water bucket limitation fixed on 3.0? i mean can i grab water with a bucket and drop it somewhere else?



Jax mentioned he would not be letting that happen in any version. Considers it too exploity.

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Check your skills list. I believe it's in tools. There should be a skill you can unlock to build better storage. But in the beginning, you're stuck with cardboard boxes and grabbing storage items in the world.




Jax mentioned he would not be letting that happen in any version. Considers it too exploity.


So what's the water bucket for then?

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Hi Jax and team


Firstly I'd just like to say I'm absolutely loving this mod! I haven't come across any problems so far apart from two quests that when you read them, don't show in your quest lists. One is where you have to do some brewing and the other is the misunderstood artist. I had the item for that so I still recieved the reward.


Hope this helps!



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Damage sponges


Just a small note for people who saying zombies are damage sponges.


Yes, they are! Several times during version 2 (2.07 and 2.11) zombie health was increased. Then it was increased more for 3.0, especially for feral, radiated, and feral radiated zombies. However player DPS stayed the same. All weapons deal the same damage, all bonus multipliers are the same, all skills give the same bonus with each level.


As it stands, zombie health went up by 3 times on average vs vanilla (counting only zombies that exist in both). And animal health went up by 2.3. Examples:

Entity			Vanilla	RH 3.0	Change
animalBoar		90	385	4.2778
animalChicken		10	35	3.5000
animalZombieBear	2400	2385	0.9938

zombieArleneFeral	200	985	4.9250
zombieBiker		600	1385	2.3083
zombieBurnt		80	485	6.0625
zombieFatCop		700	1385	1.9786
zombieFemaleFat		300	985	3.2833
zombieMarleneFeral	250	985	3.9400
zombieSteveCrawler	120	485	4.0417
zombieUtilityWorker	200	985	4.9250


Also there are appears to be an issue with registering head-shots on zombies, especially from above.

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Jax, thank you very much for the straight forward ownership & communication; it is -greatly- appreciated!


Just hit lvl 20 on day 12, 120m days. One death due to infection. On day 6 lowered difficulty to one below default. Hid in a hole for horde night, first time I've ever done that :tickled_pink:.


On spongeyness: guessing that the game mechanics are such that it's really the only way to balance for z's to be noticiably tougher further along. Can say that w Bow class I can now take down most regular z's w 2 shots, at lowered difficulty. Will up diff when start one-shotting.


Progression seems slower than even RH 2.2. I don't have anything resembling a real base yet and I'd normally have a quite decent 7x7 pole defense starter w a couple rows of spikes that could survive horde night by now.


Really like the 'friendly' animal changes. Saw a commotion and went to see; found a cow fighting a z, pretty funny. Then apparently got too close and Ms. Cow decided she didn't like the looks of me, "woot woo! Shag it scooby!" Mad Cow indeed!




Would like to see a twine crafting recipe. Maybe a buyable perk at lvl 30? Rationale: fairly easy to make in rl. After the first 20-30 lvls it's not really gating anything anymore (that I know of so far) but due to the Messy debuff you either lose a slot to wet towels or to twine. Adding a recipe that just used grass could open a slot. (hit a couple grass to make twine & a curtain or scrap your shirt for the cloth to make a towel)

Though honestly Towels have always bothered me a bit. Wouldn't 'Cloth' & murky/clean water work just fine? Totally agree w the mechanic of getting messy, it's just the how you 'clean up' bit that seems a bit convoluted.


Armor: don't have a great suggestion to offer, wish I did. The gating behind lvls, hmm. You have to get hit to lvl, but we're really trying to -not- get hit, but you can't make even starter armor unless you've been hit quite a bit. At lvl 20 I'm only lvl 2 so now I need to intentionally let the z's smack me, or use points/books... (which I'd, of course, rather use in other ways. Thanks for adding in the Armor books though!)

Every other 'skill' lvls while doing something positive.


Possible issues:


4-part Books/Schematics: found all four for Pistols, no tip on where to craft them. Assuming it's at the research table?


Advanced Forge: I placed, then picked up and turned 90d and placed again, so that may have somehow caused it, but it now sounds like it's on all the time and there are two fire sprites always visible as well.


Few things I've learned so far:


Note: some may consider these spoilers.


This isn't vanilla or even 2.2. Be willing to let go of your preconceptions and consider adjusting settings so that you have fun playing. Heck, if you're a Server Admin consider having an Easter Egg hunt and double loot for an hour as an event.


There are a number of new bunker POI's. One in particular (the larger one w bunk beds) could make a great base for an entire playthrough.


Water is harder to find; bump it up on your priority list early game. Loot all eggs. (-thank you- for changes to eggs!)


If you have good desert skills consider the advantages to building in that biome.


Finally; still loving the grass/tree/damn-shrubs!! changes. The great new POIs. Terrain gen. Z models. Complexity! Difficulty! Mod Launcher!!


Thank you to all who've made this greatness possible.

Edited by FileMachete (see edit history)
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How do you use that bucket? I tried holding it and using it on a cow corpse but got nothing.



I honestly have no idea yet other than it would appear to need to be used with the black and white cow. Brown and white chased a buddy all over the map for about 15 minutes until he turned it into steak lol...



Just a small note for people who saying zombies are damage sponges.


Yes, they are! Several times during version 2 (2.07 and 2.11) zombie health was increased. Then it was increased more for 3.0, especially for feral, radiated, and feral radiated zombies. However player DPS stayed the same. All weapons deal the same damage, all bonus multipliers are the same, all skills give the same bonus with each level.


As it stands, zombie health went up by 3 times on average vs vanilla (counting only zombies that exist in both). And animal health went up by 2.3. Examples:

Entity			Vanilla	RH 3.0	Change
animalBoar		90	385	4.2778
animalChicken		10	35	3.5000
animalZombieBear	2400	2385	0.9938

zombieArleneFeral	200	985	4.9250
zombieBiker		600	1385	2.3083
zombieBurnt		80	485	6.0625
zombieFatCop		700	1385	1.9786
zombieFemaleFat		300	985	3.2833
zombieMarleneFeral	250	985	3.9400
zombieSteveCrawler	120	485	4.0417
zombieUtilityWorker	200	985	4.9250


Also there are appears to be an issue with registering head-shots on zombies, especially from above.


Yes, Jax confirmed this as far as them being more difficult as an intended change. After a few days it becomes a bit more manageable. The hit boxes need improving as was noted in other posts but the reasons are beyond my pay grade. That’s being addressed along with some other things.


All in all this is a great mod. One of only a couple I play now. Hopefully Jax is chilling today and enjoying some time to himself. I’ve heard saves are an issue but have not noticed that yet but we’re only about 10 days in so might not have reached the point where it happens.


I’ve no doubt this will continue to be better and better.

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Just a small note for people who saying zombies are damage sponges.


Yes, they are! Several times during version 2 (2.07 and 2.11) zombie health was increased. Then it was increased more for 3.0, especially for feral, radiated, and feral radiated zombies. However player DPS stayed the same. All weapons deal the same damage, all bonus multipliers are the same, all skills give the same bonus with each level.


As it stands, zombie health went up by 3 times on average vs vanilla (counting only zombies that exist in both). And animal health went up by 2.3. Examples:

Entity			Vanilla	RH 3.0	Change
animalBoar		90	385	4.2778
animalChicken		10	35	3.5000
animalZombieBear	2400	2385	0.9938

zombieArleneFeral	200	985	4.9250
zombieBiker		600	1385	2.3083
zombieBurnt		80	485	6.0625
zombieFatCop		700	1385	1.9786
zombieFemaleFat		300	985	3.2833
zombieMarleneFeral	250	985	3.9400
zombieSteveCrawler	120	485	4.0417
zombieUtilityWorker	200	985	4.9250


Also there are appears to be an issue with registering head-shots on zombies, especially from above.


So is there an easy way to adjust the damage-sponginess of all of the enemies and animals at once or would I need to go through line by line and change each one? Is there a global value that changes it? Is it based on difficulty? I haven't looked into modding 7d2d yet so I really have no idea. I just know everything is accessible through XML which is nice.

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So is there an easy way to adjust the damage-sponginess of all of the enemies and animals at once or would I need to go through line by line and change each one? Is there a global value that changes it? Is it based on difficulty? I haven't looked into modding 7d2d yet so I really have no idea. I just know everything is accessible through XML which is nice.


On our server we are at the lowest setting which helped. With only a few of us it was hard and not fun but scaled back it’s better, They’re tough but beatable with low end weapons.

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Hey guys, apologies for this not being an entirely ravenhearst-related question, but if ANYONE can answer, it's this group:

I'm going on a long plane trip soon. I want to bring my gaming laptop and play 7dtd (preferably w/ ravenhearst). Is there a way to play this offline? Vanilla and/or mod (through mod launcher)?


Forgive my noob status! I was great with computers 10 years ago lol. I just recently switched to pc from console SOLELY to play 7dtd

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