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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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so much to learn from the whole experience with 7 days. So many "not to do's" with a few good things along the way. This one alpha took over one year... Also I thought the fun pimps wanted to be better at connecting with their fan base? its like a crazy girl friend! Few weeks they are messaging you like crazy and then it is as if they died lol

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you're right Kobalt, 28 yrs on, this my 2nd marriage (the 1st forgot the love and honor part and shared it with others).


9K+ hours and she definitely encourages it as i leave her alone while i am testing.



@Prisma501... your hammer is sighted perfectly. :)


The key to a good marriage: don't try to control the every little thing about the other person, and understand that sometimes they need to be left alone.

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he said we are in bug fixing peroid in 28 of may and he never said hoped he said we can experct probebly exp release *sometime* in july

the lack of communication and the dry of news is just bad at any game joel hasn t post in the forums for almost 1 month this is really worrying some of us


Stop beingt a petulant child. Even Ronald is tired of you.

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I've got a recommendation - only post new features, pics, videos, and ESTIMATED completion dates (when available) and delete the rest of the forum. Some of us quietly peruse these pages because new info is added or a few people actually discuss ideas for the game. By and large, it's a free for all for any random chucklenuts to troll the audience (some intentionally, others unintentionally because they haven't been following closely) often casting shade on a development team that is either tired of reading these complaints or are incredibly tolerant. But rather than let that post die, a horde of normally on-message, entertaining people start flaming on the trolls (or the people that feel they're entitled to something for investing in an alpha product).</rant>


Roland, are there any features that haven't made the page 1 list? I'm not asking what they are, just if they exist. -SiP


Obvious troll is obvious.

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You didnt hear the post, the new unity and graphics broke a lot and not expected till mid September early October. Time to dream of the days when you thought you would already be playing it. I stopped playing till it drops and dont like most games so dont really have anything to play until then.


I saw the post but where is the mid-September early October part?


You're not projecting are you? Or spreading false information?

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Wow. That is just a messed up comparison.


$400-$1200 for a FINISHED product vs $25 for 1000's of hours of gaming 'experience' with an alpha?


Do you know what Jax is doing / has done? He has taken a lot of energy and tons of resources (people, marriage?, time, etc.) and FOCUSED it into a freaking incredible MOD. Because he CAN (get it? instead of complaining...), and because TFP lets him (us).


If there ever is an apocalypse, I pray I have the fortune to be around people like Jax, Guppy, Khaine (and so many others) who will be proactive about finding things to do to help themselves and others, and hopefully not so many people sitting around a campfire they did nothing to help build complaining about how hungry they are.


"It took you 8 hours to bring us a rabbit? Why can't you bring us a bear in 4?"


Kobalt gets it. First thank you for the awesome compliments. Second is my mod better than Vanilla? Nope. Do i know MORE than the Pimps. Hell NOPE. But do i sit around and whine about how im so bored and i need things to do because i cant haz alpha 17 today! Nope I dont. I went out and DID something not only for myself but for others. Guppy went out and did something. Khaine went out and did something and now we have 3-6 long term mods actively keeping everyone busy and happy until 17 drops.


Sometimes you need to be part of the solution and NOT the problem. Oddly enough i sort of know where the Pimps are coming from. I do this for free, and it takes up a huge amount of personal time yet there are a certain section of people who will message me and ask for dates and complain when I am taking too long. Entitlement in gaming knows NO bounds.

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You know..... I added the release date because Madmole said "July" and then I changed it to August when it was apparent that July wasn't going to happen so that people who were considering starting a new game could know they could go for it and have some time in their world.


But, I can see that those of us who are patient don't really need a release date anyway and the rest who aren't patient are going to whine and moan and complain and see promises and contracts and feel entitlements and....it is just so exhausting.


So, I'm calling it. Madmole made a mistake when he said "July". He thought it could be done by then but it turns out that the graphics upgrade for the Unity update had some issues that have caused delays. So I really have no idea if it is going to be August or September or later at this point and in listening to the devs they really are supremely unconcerned. They are working relentlessly on getting it done but they really don't feel any pressure to get it done by a certain date. They just live by the mantra: It's done when it's done. From their perspective you guys all have A8 - A16 you can play with while you're waiting not to mention mods or even other games.


So that's what I'm going to emulate. No more estimated dates, no more hp bars. It's done when it's done.


You can't handle that? Then go play another game and take a break from the forums. Nothing you or anyone could post is going to change a single thing about their schedule.


please fix this message on the main page. so much noise has been done. you have hurt some people, with your fake dates

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Yeh..1st world problems hurt so much...


see what happens when you replace the amazing progress bar?! Do you see?! You get people who can't understand what tentatively means, or what an estimation is. The troll in me would just put "maybe tomorrow"

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please fix this message on the main page. so much noise has been done. you have hurt some people, with your fake dates


I would imagine these same people melt to goo at an ACTUAL problem if one were to arise.


#FakeDates = custom_hero's Friday Nights


I just KNOW thats getting edited but YOLO!

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this is how you take an overwhelmingly positive community and make it toxic. "here you go FORTNITE. here is money and players, we don't want them anymore" this game will be completely forgotten about in 6 months if it takes that long. prove me wrong.


That's a simple thing to prove. Come on back in 6 months and see for yourself. Til then? You won't be missed.

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A17-E will be done when it's done.




Ok December might be too early probably closer to January now last time that was said it was months.

Good Ol' Fun Pimps We can count on you to be months late why do you even bother with dates just don't post about it until your close within a few months.

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this is how you take an overwhelmingly positive community and make it toxic. "here you go FORTNITE. here is money and players, we don't want them anymore" this game will be completely forgotten about in 6 months if it takes that long. prove me wrong.


Ok, so that means I have to playing Fortnite? :( damnit TFP! Look what you did!

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see what happens when you replace the amazing progress bar?! Do you see?! You get people who can't understand what tentatively means, or what an estimation is. The troll in me would just put "maybe tomorrow"


I'd put something like "A17 experimental has dropped. PM Ronald for the steam beta key and password."



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A17-E will be done when it's done.




Ok December might be too early probably closer to January now last time that was said it was months.

Good Ol' Fun Pimps We can count on you to be months late why do you even bother with dates just don't post about it until your close within a few months.


XP will be out sooner than that, it's close so just enjoy the summer & when Fall approaches it should be out. The Stable build will be done late Dec. to Feb...Trust me...

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MM gameplay-> Spider Meme -> Stream Blitz ->-> Release Candidate -> A17-E


Does this stuff even matter anymore, Just stop giving dates. That has been the Policy since this game came out so why do we keep coming up with all these mind games on Release Dates. I agree with everyone else just quit giving dates out.

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It's not possible to get rid of... Just see post above...


Is futile! ;)


They're like ♥♥♥♥ing weeds. The craziest part is that those people seem to enjoy inflicting their misery upon us.


Nothing was deleted—just moved. Same thing that has been done for several alphas now whenever the dev diary goes too far off topic and release date nagging in the dev diary is against the rules so those posts have been moved to a new thread in off topic where the discussion may continue if people need to vent.


I never even knew about that! Maybe somebody could tell me what the hell rep is while we're explaining things about this forum. Is rep like the points on "Whose Line is it Anyway"?


I would imagine these same people melt to goo at an ACTUAL problem if one were to arise.


#FakeDates = custom_hero's Friday Nights


I just KNOW thats getting edited but YOLO!


At least I got to see it unedited, and even got to make a copy! It's more difficult to track down all the copies. Roland doesn't have time to read through and moderate 25000 posts...does he?

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