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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Don't get me wrong mate, I know that anything we see in the videos is just WIP and not much more than a sneak peek at what MAY be coming.


But... I just can't resist stirring the pot a bit. ;)


Much like poking Roland with a stick, it causes much mirth and a little consternation but in the end it's all just harmless fun.


Yeah, but, poor stick...



So confirmation we are getting sticks back?

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Why though. We have NEVER needed this before? Now all of a sudden zombies need to show damage? I keep hearing "dont mind the bars they are just in here for devs to work on stuff" but yet we KEEP seeing them. I mean if they are going in, nows probably a good time to confirm so I can make plans to remove their coddling nature.


I can think of at least one substantive reason, if your question of why is serious. We didn't have zombies with regenerating health before Alpha 16. Before that, the player knew they were making progress towards killing a zombie, so long as their hits were landing. In A16 and beyond, that's not always true. So one can at least make a case for new UI, in light of there being something new about zombie hit points.

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Don't get me wrong mate, I know that anything we see in the videos is just WIP and not much more than a sneak peek at what MAY be coming.


But... I just can't resist stirring the pot a bit. ;)


Much like poking Roland with a stick, it causes much mirth and a little consternation but in the end it's all just harmless fun.


Don't go bringing up sticks in this forum. That's just a whole different pot to stir.

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I keep the gamma as close to the default as I can stand it, for the sake of not affecting gameplay. But I've given up on the default of 75%, and play at 90%. I don't have to adjust the gamma for any other game. I've always thought the game is too dark, from requiring too many lights to light one's base, to the aesthetics of not seeing texture details on a zombie standing in broad daylight. I still believe we could have a prettier looking game with better performance, without hurting the light-sensitive parts of gameplay.


I turn it down on my newer monitor, which is brighter by default than my older monitor. But I'm trying to get myself in the habit of turning it up when I record, because YouTube videos come out ridiculously dark sometimes. Nobody likes to watch a black screen for more than 5 seconds if they aren't actually the one playing the game.

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That's an interesting perspective but mine is different. To me, adventure games and traditional FPS games start easy and then ramp up difficulty as you gain powers and gear.


Survival games, OTH, start out extremely difficult with your very survival always on the blade of a knife and only after you gain powers and gear does life become easier. This is what helps you feel the progression from "caveman" to "modern" quality of life. For example, you should be on the cusp of dying from starvation because of ineffective gear, food spoilage, and scarcity. IF you survive to the point where you have a farm, refrigeration, and decent hunting gear then the game becomes easier.


For survival games the first week should always be the most difficult part of the game with the greatest risk of death due to zombies, starving, dehydration, exposure, disease being at their greatest.


That's not to say that there shouldn't be new threats introduced later that will challenge the player but I've always viewed survival games as having an inverted difficulty curve.


Mmm, I'm not so sure. It seems to me that any game with an inverted difficulty curve, even a survival game, has the same problem. They're unstable, in that players will 'slide' towards one end or the other. Either a player can't get over the 'hill' or 'wall' of maximum difficulty at the start, and give up because the game is too hard, or, like bloom_meister, they master that initial difficulty and then complain that "there is no mid game or end game content," because everything forever after is too easy. You're left with a fractured community of noobs and veterans, with an eroded middle.


The optimal difficulty curve for a survival game is probably pretty flat, but noisy. Any threat to your survival has to be taken seriously, but they're spread out over different timescales.

  • You need to eat and drink, but thirst must be dealt with in a matter of days, while hunger must be dealt with in a matter of weeks.
  • Hunting and scavenging for food will keep you going in the short term, but soon enough you'll deplete the local resources, so you'd better start plans to start a farm or move.
  • Boarding up the windows should keep the zombies out tonight, but if more of those cops start showing up you'll need something stronger...

...And to keep things interesting, this is all interspersed with more noisy and random parts, like "nuts, I just got infected" and "GAAAH zombie dogs!"

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I tend to subscribe to your thinking CC. Different challenges at each stage. Like in Starvation we added things like plagues and a harsh winter to make farming not a final solution like it is in vanilla.

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From first page mate


Every biome remastered for Unity 2017

Game Engine update to Unity 2017


I accept all the digs about checking the first page! lol I saw it there, but my friend and I got into an argument today about whether everything on that list was going to be in A17 or if only the items that had dates next to them (he said the dates mean they're finished) will be included . I disagreed.... but I wanted to try and figure out if I was right! :)

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I accept all the digs about checking the first page! lol I saw it there, but my friend and I got into an argument today about whether everything on that list was going to be in A17 or if only the items that had dates next to them (he said the dates mean they're finished) will be included . I disagreed.... but I wanted to try and figure out if I was right! :)


No worries mate.

I believe that if it is on the list then it is included in A17

The dates may be when they where added to the ever growing list

I think your mate owes you a beer :)

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Why though. We have NEVER needed this before? Now all of a sudden zombies need to show damage? I keep hearing "dont mind the bars they are just in here for devs to work on stuff" but yet we KEEP seeing them. I mean if they are going in, nows probably a good time to confirm so I can make plans to remove their coddling nature.


My take on it, the boss zombies could heal faster than you can damage them if your weapon/skill are too low and you may die thinking you almost will win.


But I now like the option idea on hit bars. I think some will turn bars on after their first strong boss fight. :)

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Well thing is, we really DON'T know what the "end product" will be; I'm assuming they're not staying, some are assuming they are, but the end will likely be something in the middle, (snip)


So, what has changed to make TFP think Hit Bars are a good idea? BOSSES!


Maybe a boss zombie is "Zombie Bear" strength, with one or two random "super" qualities. "Rapid healing buff" or "Extra large HP pool" would throw off even an experienced player and they would die thinking they are about to win.


Might be to stop rage quitting. Option for hit bars in Boss fights only will be a topic after we start playing maybe. :)


Edit: I hope I didnt spoil any surprises.

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I accept all the digs about checking the first page! lol I saw it there, but my friend and I got into an argument today about whether everything on that list was going to be in A17 or if only the items that had dates next to them (he said the dates mean they're finished) will be included . I disagreed.... but I wanted to try and figure out if I was right! :)


As the list grew, people wanted to be able to pick out what was added most recently. So Roland started appending the date for every line he added. Their policy this time around is to basically only announce things that will definitely go into A17.

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I accept all the digs about checking the first page! lol I saw it there, but my friend and I got into an argument today about whether everything on that list was going to be in A17 or if only the items that had dates next to them (he said the dates mean they're finished) will be included . I disagreed.... but I wanted to try and figure out if I was right! :)


Everything on the first page is confirmed. It was suggested to me to start adding the date whenever I added something so things that have no dates were added before I started including a date but they are just as legit as the items with a date.


You win.

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So I seen that a piece of grass was preventing Madmole from hitting a zombie. This reminded me of another annoying aspect of grass; acting as a block. Why is this even a thing? The countless times I've been putting blocks down only for them to place on top of grass and come crashing down is crazy.


Also how about snapping the ground to a player made block so we don't have that weird gap in between, to make it more flush.


Just QoL stuff.

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So, what has changed to make TFP think Hit Bars are a good idea? BOSSES!


Maybe a boss zombie is "Zombie Bear" strength, with one or two random "super" qualities. "Rapid healing buff" or "Extra large HP pool" would throw off even an experienced player and they would die thinking they are about to win.


Might be to stop rage quitting. Option for hit bars in Boss fights only will be a topic after we start playing maybe. :)


Edit: I hope I didnt spoil any surprises.


Something like this, is what I try to keep in mind...


The game reportedly has changed quite a bit. Many of the systems have been changed, including the vehicle, gun and AI systems. Not to mention the new zombie boss characters.


It is very had to appreciate these changes from MMs videos, as he's focused on giving us general information and some gameplay.

And the systems are probably not even completely done yet.


This is why it's a little premature to hate on any one feature, as we can't know the finished context.


Now, we can discuss if it is TFPs own fault that this "gate" is running...

They could be more "on" on this forum, or keep the moderators in the inside loop at least.


But who am I to question TFPs design process/running of their company.

It's going well for them as far as I can tell...

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