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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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The Great Sharknado, from the year of 2017. Only Joel saw it , but who knows.


As far as the guys that are a bit bored and grumpy about the speed of releases, well. How often you see something good comes fast. It takes time, appreciate the efford of the people who support and create the game.

We are so many that want it to be ready already, but it is not how it works. Goood stuff takes time. End.

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I have been playing since A5, and while I know they want to take it from Alpha to Beta with this release, and these things take time to do, and they would like us to be patient, it's causing many to lose interest in the game. I know my entire group that I have played this game with since A5 (around 20 of us at the start), none of us play it anymore. A16 is beyond old and boring even on the hardest settings and playing different modded versions.


Putting up an xp bar and health bar that barely ever moves, is just dragging it out and is more of a turn off than getting excited for a game that has been my favorite game for years now, that I pretty well avoid anymore for lack of new content and the fact that they have been working on it since July 2017.


And everyone can jump on my "Opinion" and what I've seen over the years all they want, but there are plenty out there who feel the same as me. They would have been better off to make two major updates than take the better half of a year to make one new game. I almost never never check for updates anymore and like many have dedicate my time to other games.


Since A5? and you post this? shouldn't you.. ya know, know better? Yeah, you've got your opinions and that you've seen things (i have too! i saw a flying bird!)


How many times did you make a post with the same gist while waiting for a new update? since A6? A7?

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I almost never never check for updates anymore and like many have dedicate my time to other games.


And believe it or not. TFP advise exact this.

There is no way to attract a player during EA Development 100% for years to the same game.


Go play smething different and check the Diary only from time to time. We all know since last fall that A17 will come not before summer

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They're working their asses off, including holidays, that's for darn tootin :)



Most people stop playing the current Alpha after a while, then we see a wave of new and old players surface again once there is a new update.

That's usually how it is, isen't it?


Can't speak for everyone ofcourse, but I at least follow this recipe...

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I have been playing since A5, and while I know they want to take it from Alpha to Beta with this release, and these things take time to do, and they would like us to be patient, it's causing many to lose interest in the game. I know my entire group that I have played this game with since A5 (around 20 of us at the start), none of us play it anymore. A16 is beyond old and boring even on the hardest settings and playing different modded versions.


Putting up an xp bar and health bar that barely ever moves, is just dragging it out and is more of a turn off than getting excited for a game that has been my favorite game for years now, that I pretty well avoid anymore for lack of new content and the fact that they have been working on it since July 2017.


And everyone can jump on my "Opinion" and what I've seen over the years all they want, but there are plenty out there who feel the same as me. They would have been better off to make two major updates than take the better half of a year to make one new game. I almost never never check for updates anymore and like many have dedicate my time to other games.


You should know better then than to come onto the forums and rant then.

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I have been playing since A5, and while I know they want to take it from Alpha to Beta with this release, and these things take time to do, and they would like us to be patient, it's causing many to lose interest in the game. I know my entire group that I have played this game with since A5 (around 20 of us at the start), none of us play it anymore. A16 is beyond old and boring even on the hardest settings and playing different modded versions.


Putting up an xp bar and health bar that barely ever moves, is just dragging it out and is more of a turn off than getting excited for a game that has been my favorite game for years now, that I pretty well avoid anymore for lack of new content and the fact that they have been working on it since July 2017.


And everyone can jump on my "Opinion" and what I've seen over the years all they want, but there are plenty out there who feel the same as me. They would have been better off to make two major updates than take the better half of a year to make one new game. I almost never never check for updates anymore and like many have dedicate my time to other games.


So you think them taking 3 or 4 months to do the switchover to the new version of Unity and then releasing an update that visually was identical to A16 would have been accepted?


The goal of Alpha is to make a better game. If in TFP's opinion, they needed a long delay between 16.4 and 17 to make that happen, then none of us know enough about what they have been working on to say they were wrong. If you think because you played since A5 that gives you some great insight, you are wrong. New Alphas aren't meant to keep the playerbase hyped up and playing the game non-stop for years at a time. They hope that happens but that isn't the goal. Eacj new Alpha is to get their game closer to release. Let them decide the best way to do that.

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And believe it or not. TFP advise exact this.

There is no way to attract a player during EA Development 100% for years to the same game.


Go play smething different and check the Diary only from time to time. We all know since last fall that A17 will come not before summer


I recently subscribed to Humble Bundle's monthly deal. The price is right for a budget gamer. You usually get at least one major title with some DLC each month, plus a bunch of random Indie games. They also have their pay-what-you-want bundles which usually don't go above US$20.00 for the top level of the bundle.


I get my bundles, install a few of the games, play them and realize they aren't as much fun for me as 7 Days to Die, and I go back to 7 Days to Die until I get burned out again. I find I've gotten so used to this game that it's hard for me stomach games with too much railroading or required NPC interaction. Some NPC interaction is good, but some games consist almost entirely of dialogue.

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Right... Well not that I wanna RIP on Empyrion or anything, but I really just needed something until A17 hits.

Did Fallout 4 fully already...



Well ok, fully is a strong word... Let's say 80% and I'm not lying :)


OK, if you only did Fallout 4 once you should do it three more times.

-All three main endings.

-Then one game using the Deliverance pistol and the 44 magnum from the assassin guy (forgot his name)

THAT my friend is the completely OP... ROTFL... FACE STOMP. Fire the Deliverance in Vats until your out, then switch to the 44 and fire with the flashing auto critical which resets all your vats points and switch back to the Deliverance! If you min/maxed your stats and perks you can not be killed by anything!


Do it for the lol :)

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I know better from playing games , doing beta and alpha testing for so many games over the last 20 years...

I love this game , but I keep my play to a bare minimum . I am at just over 300 hours even still...I only play when a new alpha comes

out since...A6...I will play normally till day 22-50 , but lately my play times have extended the last few alphas to day 80 or so...I like to test

things out , see whats new , mess around with it all , get into building bases and other stuff...then just log out and wait till the next alpha...


So many other things to play...work on my own Unity single man project...go out , you know...outside where there is no ceiling! <gasp>

I do not want to burn myself out on this game before it is even feature complete and released officially...had done that to a few games when

I was younger and learned my lesson...

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Instead of having tinting using up a mod slot, why not just add a special mod slot that can only hold weapon tints?


That is exactly the way of it. There is 1 special mod slot for tinting and up to 5 slots for other mods. However, because the devs are so nice they will allow you to fill the special mod slot for tinting with any other mod you wish which is nice for those who don't care if their gun is red or blue or yellow or fluorescent brown.

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Endless Space

Civilization in Space.... but at least for me Boring (Cant have fun in Civilization too, played it too much, so maybe a subjective meaning)


I tried Endless Space a while back and my main gripe with it is that the maps are small. The biggest maps are small. The "Endless" in the title refer to an ancient civilization, not the size of the game maps. It's pretty decent other than the cramped feel to everything. That killed it for me. The genre really needs a new contender.


Oh, and as for your other post about Space Engineers being on sale...for sandbox play (creative) it's kind of interesting but it's either a total yawner or intensely frustrating in survival depending on the settings you choose, and there are aspects that feel like early alpha still, but it is an interesting stab at voxels in space. Anyone bored with the current 7DTD alpha is advised to at least take a look at Space Engineers.

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