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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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1 hour ago, FramFramson said:


*drives on top*


*hears sudden crumbling sound*


I could see Laz Man doing something like that to us ;)


I'd be all for it!

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On 5/23/2024 at 10:09 PM, Old Crow said:

So basically.. Rick shouldn't have said experimental was shooting for end of May.

Features being worked on right up to an experimental is the norm.

Experimental was shooting for end of May and earlier dates before that.

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24 minutes ago, faatal said:

Features being worked on right up to an experimental is the norm.

Experimental was shooting for end of May and earlier dates before that.


Alright you got five more days then. j/k


Thanks for explaining things!

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On 5/23/2024 at 11:09 PM, Old Crow said:


So basically.. Rick shouldn't have said experimental was shooting for end of May.

The thing with Richard is that he gets very excited about giving us the latest and greatest updates as soon as possible, and I don't blame him. I would also want people to experience the hard work the team has put into this amazing game.

I've being playing since A10.1 and have now 15,665 hrs played on Steam. I've been following the game through the forum and SteamDb and I will say that, there was never a time when a new alpha would release near the estimated date posted or mentioned. Those dates are just that, estimates; so to be taken with a grain of salt.

If they work on it longer, then it will be even better.


Many thanks to the full TFP team for making a game that I still love after all these years.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/23/2024 at 11:09 PM, Old Crow said:


So basically.. Rick shouldn't have said experimental was shooting for end of May.


Everyone has gotten excited, then shot and missed. If you can't accept that, then you are a very bad partner.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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14 hours ago, Space4Ace said:

The thing with Richard is that he gets very excited about giving us the latest and greatest updates as soon as possible, and I don't blame him. I would also want people to experience the hard work the team has put into this amazing game.

I've being playing since A10.1 and have now 15,665 hrs played on Steam. I've been following the game through the forum and SteamDb and I will say that, there was never a time when a new alpha would release near the estimated date posted or mentioned. Those dates are just that, estimates; so to be taken with a grain of salt.

If they work on it longer, then it will be even better.


Many thanks to the full TFP team for making a game that I still love after all these years.

15, 000 hours, WTF :D

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Posted (edited)

Hello @Faatal, this is Dmitry wanted to ask I used to remember in the old version of 7 days to die there were quests or magazines of killing zombies, animals!For example, I found a quest and there were animal kills (kill one moose, kill one chicken, pig, and so on) for these quests they gave experience and chips!Please tell me when it will be added again?Thank you in advance!

Edited by Дмитрий (see edit history)
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13 hours ago, TWORDY said:

He has been keeping the game minimized in his office for all of those years 😉 

Ok then, I won't tell you that also played mods that are not counted on Steam hours played. I also played on the Xbox One... Yes, I actually bought an Xbox One X so I could play 7 Days to Die with my brother, who at the time didn't have a good PC. I later put together a brand new PC for myself and gave my brother the older one, which was still fine to play 7 Days to Die. My brother now as 7,223 hours played on Steam, not counting the many hours he played on Xbox before.


I don't have much of a life since my wife died some years ago. That's when I got into PC games again and bought a new PC at the time, the one I later gave my brother.

I bought Alien: Isolation as my very first Steam game and, not too long after, I took a chance on 7 Day to Die and never looked back. Those two games are my all time favorites.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Space4Ace said:

Ok then, I won't tell you that also played mods that are not counted on Steam hours played. I also played on the Xbox One... Yes, I actually bought an Xbox One X so I could play 7 Days to Die with my brother, who at the time didn't have a good PC. I later put together a brand new PC for myself and gave my brother the older one, which was still fine to play 7 Days to Die. My brother now as 7,223 hours played on Steam, not counting the many hours he played on Xbox before.


I don't have much of a life since my wife died some years ago. That's when I got into PC games again and bought a new PC at the time, the one I later gave my brother.

I bought Alien: Isolation as my very first Steam game and, not too long after, I took a chance on 7 Day to Die and never looked back. Those two games are my all time favorites.

Good man good man, I'm sorry for your lost

12 hours ago, HB_H4wk said:

How about adding a time setting to all lights in the editor to reduce gpu usage during the day?

How about just Less GPU uses period!  I really hope those optimizations are good

Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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If i could afford to retire i would have way more than the 3000 hrs that steam says i have...i seem to only play on the weekends now. that will change with 1.0 im sure...  i probably have another 1000 hrs playing this game with an eyepatch and peg leg before i saw the light and gladly bought it..  


condolences on your loss Space4Ace..

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7 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

How about just Less GPU uses period!

Actually the client needs to utilize the GPU more than it does currently. IIRC some GPU features are still being handled through the CPU because they haven't been properly optimized for the GPU yet.

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16 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Actually the client needs to utilize the GPU more than it does currently. IIRC some GPU features are still being handled through the CPU because they haven't been properly optimized for the GPU yet.



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2 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:


Less CPU would be better.. Load up that GPU FFS! lol

How did I mess this up! Lmao I ment cpu

39 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Actually the client needs to utilize the GPU more than it does currently. IIRC some GPU features are still being handled through the CPU because they haven't been properly optimized for the GPU yet.

I ment cpu

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3 hours ago, Doomofman said:

First dev stream is Friday 9pm CT


They used to be on Thursdays, right? 


Either way, hype


I think it was Wednesdays, but for us in Europe it was 4am Thursday. (GMT +1)

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