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Who is Kuosimodo


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Disclaimer: This is not a witchtrial or an attempt at doxxing.
This is purely speculative fun because this has haunted me basicially ever since 2017 :D
So if this is considered harrassment or worse doxxing, please delete it immediately.

Well there isn't an "off-topic" channel, so I'll just theorize here :D
We are talking about

An incredibly active user. At least when I am posting stuff.
Sadly you can not write him/her private messages, otherwise I would have done so already.
I am pretty sure I have never gotten a thumbs up from him, no matter what I critiqued. I think it all started in A17.
Basicially everything I posted was downvoted or "PrimeFacepalm"ed by him or it didn't get any reaction.

He gives answers from a mod an upvote, even if they are factually wrong.
Also people that defend the game are getting upvotes.

If there was a counter of how many emotes I got... AT LEAST half of the downvotes and "prime" emotes will be by him.

He never posts, so it is pretty obvious, that it is a 2nd account of either a mod or Fun Pimp Staff.
If I was a betting man I'd say it is probably MM himself, because I got to know most of the staff in general discussions pretty well in the years of me @%$#ting on many many stupid changes (many of them actually got changed lateron... so I wasn't even wrong a lot of the time by TFPs staff, even if answers at the time were rejecting my message :D) and I bet he wants to give his opinion, but doesn't want ppl to see that the face of the company just upvotes TFP propaganda xD (Propaganda just meaning positive message about a thing, not necessarily lying)

I mean I don't know many of the staff, because not a lot are in the general discussions, or I simply haven't interacted with them in the last few years.
But I can't see any of them doing it... the ones I could see would be Sylen and Gazz, but both just straight up tell you when they disagree :D



Anyone wanna try to uncover this conspiracy?
Who is he/she? What are his/her goals? Are the illuminati behind it?

Have fun xD

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3 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

He gives answers from a mod an upvote, even if they are factually wrong.


5 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

He never posts, so it is pretty obvious, that it is a 2nd account of either a mod or Fun Pimp Staff.


Possible but not probable. I did a joke second account a few years back and could only bear the inconvenience of maintaining it for a very short time. It sucked big time. I know for sure that Madmole does not care enough about criticisms to do something like this and he is extremely busy right now creating the newest feature that you will hate to be on here downvoting and upvoting all the posts that Kuosimodo does.


I agree that it is probably a second account but that is just because I personally could not be as active and limit myself to emotes...lol.

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19 minutes ago, Roland said:

Possible but not probable. I did a joke second account a few years back and could only bear the inconvenience of maintaining it for a very short time. It sucked big time.

Yeah I couldn't manage that either.


19 minutes ago, Roland said:

I know for sure that Madmole does not care enough about criticisms to do something like this

Ouch. I know it is contextual... but just reading it hurts my fanboy soul xD

19 minutes ago, Roland said:

and he is extremely busy right now creating the newest feature that you will hate to be on here downvoting and upvoting all the posts that Kuosimodo does.

Huh... I mean... there ARE a lot of things that I praised over the years :D
But negative feedback gets waaaay more attention. So when I say something positive, it basicially goes unnoticed



But when I critique something, I need to reiterate everything 50 times, leading to up to 10+ pages so it feels like all I do is hate.

Enough of that 😛 I had listed a few mods that I knew were not responsible and one thing I wrote about you was "nice, but sometimes a very snarky, sarcastic comment will slip his fingers" Good to know you still have your edge ^^

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8 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

Huh... I mean... there ARE a lot of things that I praised over the years :D


I was only half joking. Madmole really is designing a new feature that I think will polarize the players. Should be a storm of opinions around here once he reveals it. I don't know whether you will like it or not. :)

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26 minutes ago, outhous said:

Found this on reddit but don't know if they are related... most searches just turn up Quasimodo.




Lots of people seem to have that pseudonym, but for example the steam user kuosimodo is clearly not our kuosimodo as he has no 7D2D on his playlist. google translate language identification says it is a lithuanian word but it doesn't know a translation so I'm a bit sceptical about that result. But a lot of people having that pseudonym seem to be from scandinavian countries and lithuania isn't far away, so I would say the chance for him living in or originating from that general location is high.


That's as far as I'm willing to go with snooping, but it seems to rule out quite a few people Vik was suspecting 😉

Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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7 minutes ago, meganoth said:

That's as far as I'm willing to go with snooping, but it seems to rule out quite a few people Vik was suspecting 😉

Your attempts at leading me astray won't work, devil!
My name is often assumed to be polish, because Raz- is a very common first syllible for names over there.



36 minutes ago, outhous said:

Found this on reddit but don't know if they are related... most searches just turn up Quasimodo.



I can not make ANY connection between the behaviour of our kuisimodo and the reddit one :D
The reddit one seems to be super nice ^^ and he actually posts stuff and relies :D

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50 minutes ago, Roland said:

Madmole really is designing a new feature that I think will polarize the players. Should be a storm of opinions around here once he reveals it.

Good! I hope this polarize enough of a lot of toxic pricks away from the game, who think they're entitled to anything from the Pimps, notably all of those who constantly cry and moan on the 7DTD Facebook page at the second the Pimps advertise a t-shirt or a coaster...

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1 hour ago, Roland said:



Possible but not probable. I did a joke second account a few years back and could only bear the inconvenience of maintaining it for a very short time. It sucked big time. I know for sure that Madmole does not care enough about criticisms to do something like this and he is extremely busy right now creating the newest feature that you will hate to be on here downvoting and upvoting all the posts that Kuosimodo does.


I agree that it is probably a second account but that is just because I personally could not be as active and limit myself to emotes...lol.

i remember when some people was thinking that i'm your second account XD.

Well Kuosimodo is like of the legends of our community like Snow dog

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Kuosimodo is not Madmole.
Madmole almost always disagrees with my thoughts (until a couple alphas go by and the thought ends up in game anyway).
Kuosimodo seems to agree with the majority of my posts.
Kuosimodo will likely agree with this one.
Madmole will likely disagree with this: 


(until a couple alphas go by and the thought ends up in game anyway)


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3 hours ago, n2n1 said:

I know who it is, (i even talked to him in PM), but i won't say who it is ;)

That seems to imply it is a 2nd account, since you would have written "I know that person" or something.
But it implies that there is "another" name that is more well known.

Well. This might be a decisive clue!
*puts sherlock hat on*
We will need to follow the clues!

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Kuosimodo is nothing more than a coward. He/she judges everyone while staying in the shadows because he/she can't handle being judged. I have zero respect for ppl like that. If I ever find out what this person's primary account is... you can be sure I'll judge every single one of his/her posts the same way mine got judged.


This user is pretty much the only user to have ever given my posts a negative emote... and a good quarter of them are getting them now no matter how factually correct and well written they might be. A lot of the times, I wonder if his/her reactions are just randomized because they make no sense.


To any moderator reading this... insulting/disrespecting an account that barely exists (no character at all) or an unknown primary account, is that still breaking the rules? It'd be like insulting a ghost.

4 hours ago, n2n1 said:

I know who it is, (i even talked to him in PM), but i won't say who it is ;)

Technically, by saying that, you just confirmed that this user does in fact have a 2nd account which gives the moderators full rights to delete that 2nd account since it breaks rule #1.

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It´s not like the mods need a proof from members other than checking if there is profiles with the same IP. At least in the forums where i was mod it was easy af to check for multiple accounts.


If it really is a 2nd account from someone (sorry, i don´t trust random posts claiming the know it @n2n1) i doubt it´s someone from the dev team. Devs are imo to busy to go trouhg pretty much every topic and post.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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On 3/21/2022 at 8:55 AM, Viktoriusiii said:

Disclaimer: This is not a witchtrial or an attempt at doxxing.
This is purely speculative fun because this has haunted me basicially ever since 2017 :D
So if this is considered harrassment or worse doxxing, please delete it immediately.

Well there isn't an "off-topic" channel, so I'll just theorize here :D
We are talking about

An incredibly active user. At least when I am posting stuff.
Sadly you can not write him/her private messages, otherwise I would have done so already.
I am pretty sure I have never gotten a thumbs up from him, no matter what I critiqued. I think it all started in A17.
Basicially everything I posted was downvoted or "PrimeFacepalm"ed by him or it didn't get any reaction.

He gives answers from a mod an upvote, even if they are factually wrong.
Also people that defend the game are getting upvotes.

If there was a counter of how many emotes I got... AT LEAST half of the downvotes and "prime" emotes will be by him.

He never posts, so it is pretty obvious, that it is a 2nd account of either a mod or Fun Pimp Staff.
If I was a betting man I'd say it is probably MM himself, because I got to know most of the staff in general discussions pretty well in the years of me @%$#ting on many many stupid changes (many of them actually got changed lateron... so I wasn't even wrong a lot of the time by TFPs staff, even if answers at the time were rejecting my message :D) and I bet he wants to give his opinion, but doesn't want ppl to see that the face of the company just upvotes TFP propaganda xD (Propaganda just meaning positive message about a thing, not necessarily lying)

I mean I don't know many of the staff, because not a lot are in the general discussions, or I simply haven't interacted with them in the last few years.
But I can't see any of them doing it... the ones I could see would be Sylen and Gazz, but both just straight up tell you when they disagree :D



Anyone wanna try to uncover this conspiracy?
Who is he/she? What are his/her goals? Are the illuminati behind it?

Have fun xD

You're not the only one he hates, you can be sure. 

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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21 minutes ago, Fox said:

Kuosimodo is nothing more than a coward. He/she judges everyone while staying in the shadows because he/she can't handle being judged. I have zero respect for ppl like that. If I ever find out what this person's primary account is... you can be sure I'll judge every single one of his/her posts the same way mine got judged.


This user is pretty much the only user to have ever given my posts a negative emote... and a good quarter of them are getting them now no matter how factually correct and well written they might be. A lot of the times, I wonder if his/her reactions are just randomized because they make no sense.


To any moderator reading this... insulting/disrespecting an account that barely exists (no character at all) or an unknown primary account, is that still breaking the rules? It'd be like insulting a ghost.

Technically, by saying that, you just confirmed that this user does in fact have a 2nd account which gives the moderators full rights to delete that 2nd account since it breaks rule #1.

WO! Calm down :D
I didn't want them to be called out like that xD
Maybe they are shy, maybe just too lazy to write anything themself... who knows. Doesn't have to be cowardess.
(I know that using they/them as a neutral third person is real, it just feels sooo wrong xD)

I also don't want him to get deleted or anything.
I just want a friendly goosechase.
Who knows, maybe this post will get him to finally reveal himself :D
I am sure he has his reasons.

*dark and mysterious music starts playing*
Just... have fun help us uncover this dark secret that lingers over this forum like a dark cloud of unknowing.
Like a spider that has spun its net all around the fly.

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8 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

It´s not like the mods need a proof from members other than checking if there is profiles with the same IP. At least in the forums where i was mod it was easy af to check for multiple accounts.


If it really is a 2nd account from someone (sorry, i don´t trust random posts claiming the know it @n2n1) i doubt it´s someone from the dev team. Devs are imo to busy to go trouhg pretty much every topic and post.

I vaguely remember there being a way to check user IP.


And ya, definitely not a dev or support team or even a mod. It's probably just a random user I may have banned years ago back when I was moderating and came back when steam link was removed.

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On 3/21/2022 at 5:02 PM, bachgaman said:

You're not the only one he hates, you can be sure.

WO there! 🤠

I really didn't want him to be insulted.
I disagree with that person on basicially every issue. And I don't think its fair... but no need to call names. Who knows, maybe there is a good reason for this behaviour :)

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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1 minute ago, Matt115 said:

Damn now i'm confused : first time i see post of Fox and n2n1 and i don't remember them from any topic.  This sounds like strange crossover 

That's cuz I rarely post in General... I mainly just help ppl in support sections.

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1 minute ago, Fox said:

I vaguely remember there being a way to check user IP.


And ya, definitely not a dev or support team or even a mod. It's probably just a random user I may have banned years ago back when I was moderating and came back when steam link was removed.

Well this not true either his account is from 2017. 

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2 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

WO there! 🤠

I really didn't want him to be insulted.
I disagree with that person on basicially every issue. And I don't think its fair... but no need to call names. Who knows, maybe there is a good reason for this behaviour :)

I've tried PMing this user many times... trying to get this person to stop reacting to my posts (no matter if it was positive or not), and I got no response and no change in reactions this user would give me. I even tried getting a moderator involved... nothing really came of it other than a longer delay before it started back up again. The word coward is the only word that comes to mind. It may be insulting... but a spade is a spade and an apple is an apple.

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