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4 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

those who get offended need to understand that there are rules and bosses and wives .... ooops :)

No offense taken. I have only one wife - and I get it 😀. Appreciate you being on the forum as much as you are.

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2 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

In multi-player I can see the problem but I can't imagine food and water being an issue even on day 1 or even as a new player  if they are on the single player version. the snow biome has a ton of animals for meat, farming  also for food  and water from the lakes and rivers. they do have perks to slow down the rate at which food and water is used.


Honestly I think if the option was there for those people to remove food and water use they would take it out. since a lot of people seem to consider the task of feeding and keeping the character hydrated as tedious and would rather loot and shoot zombies and at that point this game is just a looter shooter and less about survival which seems like its leaning towards more and more each alpha.

I prefer using a club as my initial primary weapon. And I do get hungry. I like the term 'eater beater' as opposed to 'looter shooter'. Try putting some points into iron gut. We may have to in A21.

Soon, very soon we will see.

But I do share your concern about MP. Guess we won't know until its in our face. Stay hopeful.

Edited by Melange (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Melange said:

Dunno how to respond except for "Doh, I should have known"

It's ok, you're not "required" to know anything about TFP team. I honestly was just trying to help with some info I gathered here... I hope I didn't come through as condescending. As you may have seen from previous posts, it's difficult to convey the intended attitude with just text. :confused2::blah: 

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2 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

It's ok, you're not "required" to know anything about TFP team. I honestly was just trying to help with some info I gathered here... I hope I didn't come through as condescending. As you may have seen from previous posts, it's difficult to convey the intended attitude with just text. :confused2::blah: 

No way did I feel you were condescending my man. Sometimes I don't see the obvious. Sometimes I see what is not intended. Its me, nothing else. To convey a meaning with text, and not cause some anxiety or an unintended interpretation? Good luck to all of us in that regard. 


Keep responding. It makes me think.

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16 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

It's only a paradox for people who play in an "unbalanced" (or should I say "unnatural") way.


"It's unnatural because I don't play that way"


Dunno if you've watched any streamers play, but every group I've seen where there's more than 1 or 2 people, has one person who basically always stays home as the den mother role and just cooks / crafts / builds etc and only rare goes out looting and instead just gathers iron and wood and stone etc.


Dunno, the change to me is a weird one. I'm liking 98.7% of the changes for a21, the learn by looting one just instantly strikes me as one that seems wonky. On the surface it seems like it would help build diversity but it seems like it will just clutter the loot table. Like if you are strength build, you are just going to see a bajillion books for swords and spears and things you don't care about. I'm glad they are making it increase the weight to find books you are perked into, but I guess we'll have to see how it feels first hand.



What I really want to know is if A21 finally buffed the Robotic Shotgun ammo to not be arguably the worst thing in the game lol. That change alone would make A21 a blazing success in my eyes haha

Edited by Khalagar (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Khalagar said:

Dunno if you've watched any streamers play, but every group I've seen where there's more than 1 or 2 people, has one person who basically always stays home as the den mother role and just cooks / crafts / builds etc and only rare goes out looting and instead just gathers iron and wood and stone etc.

I'm talking about Single Players who force themselves to play that way. I already said in a previous post that IMO, multiplayer and SP gameplay should have separate balance rules, otherwise it'll always be a war between SP and MP players on how the game should be balanced.


I hope the devs will consider this.

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43 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

I'm talking about Single Players who force themselves to play that way. I already said in a previous post that IMO, multiplayer and SP gameplay should have separate balance rules, otherwise it'll always be a war between SP and MP players on how the game should be balanced.


I hope the devs will consider this.

This is exactly what i try to explain but people prefer ignore my opinion and reject my suggestion. If its you maybe somebody Will understand.

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15 hours ago, Laz Man said:

Edit: However, although things like mining / crafting are not primary, I would love to see unique rewards for those who invest in those activities heavily.  For example, a master crafter would somehow gain a unique / exlusive craft while a master miner can acquire a unique / exclusive ore.

How about LBD kind of rewards? for example you have all the magazines up to Q5 Stone Axe. If you now also felled 100 Trees you get access to a Q6 craftable Stone Axe. If you got all up to Q5 Iron Pickaxe and destroyed 300 Ores you get access to Q6. Something like this would be nice and couldn't be abused like the old LBD system. I'm not sure about the numbers, but would be fun. Probably won't happen >_> Maybe a Modder who could do this?

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On 8/22/2022 at 10:32 AM, Laz Man said:

Edit: However, although things like mining / crafting are not primary, I would love to see unique rewards for those who invest in those activities heavily.  For example, a master crafter would somehow gain a unique / exlusive craft while a master miner can acquire a unique / exclusive ore.


I think this was a missed opportunity for the vanilla game.    Just in crafting alone, making Q6 equipment a rarity and having a master crafter who can craft those levels would be unique. Looting Q6 equipment became a profit activity that even having the ability to craft them is not much of an impact.

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On 8/22/2022 at 5:29 PM, Matt115 said:

So yeah this is natural way - what are you doing in for example minecraft to get better tools? mining. Terraria? mining. Medieval dynasty? mining. Mining mining mining -  this is just standard : harvesting +looting ---> mining --> a little bit looting ----> mining 


This sounds like an absolute flawed logic.


In minecraft you need to mine because that`s the only way you can get better tools and progress, so you go mining for iron,diamonds etc., in 7dtd you do not need to mine. You mine to get some basic resources, that`s it. I don't understand how someone wants to only gather resources, get 9999 EXP and be done with game without playing it.


Current amount of EXP gained from mining and upgrading blocks is broken as hell, gives way too much for such trivial things. 


Haven`t played your other games so can`t talk about them.

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1 hour ago, v3tro said:


This sounds like an absolute flawed logic.


In minecraft you need to mine because that`s the only way you can get better tools and progress, so you go mining for iron,diamonds etc., in 7dtd you do not need to mine. You mine to get some basic resources, that`s it. I don't understand how someone wants to only gather resources, get 9999 EXP and be done with game without playing it.


Current amount of EXP gained from mining and upgrading blocks is broken as hell, gives way too much for such trivial things. 


Haven`t played your other games so can`t talk about them.

Maybe i wasn't not specific enough : so my "perfect" 7dtd's gameplay  loop would looks like : start + do quest --> looting for "junk" --> place for base ---> hunting, farming , making wall cutting trees at day, mining at night repeat until day 7 ---> hunting for "uncraftable" things like beaker and vehicle resources  per 1-2 days ---> better traps walls, more farms etc until day 7. ---> hunting for another thing using vehicle/doing quests for 1-2 days ----> better traps etc. 

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My stance is just that the person with the most investment  towards a specific thing should have the best version of that specific thing, but that isn't how 7 Days works. Someone has all the mining perks and can craft a sick pickaxe? I bet they have the best one you can get!!! Well actually no, their friend with 0 perks put into mining stuff does, because he just found one in a boss chest that's better than anything the mining dude can craft. The new system doesn't change that issue either, it only further punishes the people who *aren't* ADHD run and gun chain questing.


If you are in a group / online server in general, every single second you spend in your base *not* looting is another second you are behind the people who are, which is pretty weird design for a game with as many non-looting related systems as 7 Days have. Spent a day mining for iron and coal or a day building onto your house? Welp you are now 2+  t4 quests behind your friend who lives in a 5x4 wooden shed, and he found better stuff that furthers the gap and makes it ever harder to catch up


It's a pretty feels bad man moment when games do that, and it happens a LOT if you play with friends in loot driven games like Diablo  / Path of Exile / Borderlands / Monster Hunter etc. Where you are like "GUYS PLEASE go eat lunch or something so I can actually enjoy the game and do the RP crap without getting left behind". It starts to feel like a chore trying to keep up, which is precisely why I'm against all the "Looting is the only thing that matters and only way to progress" changes


I'm not saying the devs have to balance around it entirely, but it would be nice for them to least have it so your perk investment means you will actually be the best at something, since it increases build diversity.

Edited by Khalagar (see edit history)
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ill throw in my few cents

Survival has gotten easy, Sickness from water and food is such a None issue, i think chances of sickness/how harsh they are should go based on difficulty, like you eat rotten meat on normal you going to get sick, eat it on insane and you going to regret it

i like scavenging and crafting, and i like the books idea cuz i don't need to invest into skills just to make a better gun, or pick. but some things should be harder, like weapon parts being needed to fix weapons fully, IMO makes the game harder


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1 hour ago, Khalagar said:

My stance is just that the person with the most investment  towards a specific thing should have the best version of that specific thing, but that isn't how 7 Days works.

So you're saying that if I invest a lot of time into looting, I should have the best loot?


1 hour ago, Khalagar said:

Someone has all the mining perks and can craft a sick pickaxe? I bet they have the best one you can get!!! Well actually no, their friend with 0 perks put into mining stuff does, because he just found one in a boss chest that's better than anything the mining dude can craft. The new system doesn't change that issue either, it only further punishes the people who *aren't* ADHD run and gun chain questing.

So now you want to NERF other people's enjoyment of one part of the game, only so that you can better enjoy YOUR preferred part of the game?


1 hour ago, Khalagar said:

I'm not saying the devs have to balance around it entirely, but it would be nice for them to least have it so your perk investment means you will actually be the best at something, since it increases build diversity.

That's how it works now and will work even better in A21. If you invest your points in shotguns, you'll get better at shooting with shotguns.

If you invest your efforts into learning how to CRAFT shotguns, you'll be better at CRAFTING shotguns.


Your logic is flawed, sorry. If someone is a great blacksmith, he doesn't necessarily get to be a great swordsman!

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5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

My stance is just that the person with the most investment  towards a specific thing should have the best version of that specific thing, but that isn't how 7 Days works. Someone has all the mining perks and can craft a sick pickaxe? I bet they have the best one you can get!!! Well actually no, their friend with 0 perks put into mining stuff does, because he just found one in a boss chest that's better than anything the mining dude can craft. The new system doesn't change that issue either, it only further punishes the people who *aren't* ADHD run and gun chain questing.


Punish them how? I assume you are playing co-op. Then tell me what is your plight being 5 levels behind ADHD dude?


5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

If you are in a group / online server in general, every single second you spend in your base *not* looting is another second you are behind the people who are, which is pretty weird design for a game with as many non-looting related systems as 7 Days have. Spent a day mining for iron and coal or a day building onto your house? Welp you are now 2+  t4 quests behind your friend who lives in a 5x4 wooden shed, and he found better stuff that furthers the gap and makes it ever harder to catch up


I thought a day mining would put you slightly in front of any of the ADHD guys with xp gain, at least once you have adequate SexRex and tools. Building on the house, sure, that is a lost day for xp unless you specifically try to upgrade blocks like mad.


If they bring back the better tools while you mine then you get the same as them: xp and better equipment 


5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

It's a pretty feels bad man moment when games do that, and it happens a LOT if you play with friends in loot driven games like Diablo  / Path of Exile / Borderlands / Monster Hunter etc. Where you are like "GUYS PLEASE go eat lunch or something so I can actually enjoy the game and do the RP crap without getting left behind". It starts to feel like a chore trying to keep up, which is precisely why I'm against all the "Looting is the only thing that matters and only way to progress" changes


Where was it written that you don't get xp anymore for mining? And why are you looking at statistics of your friends levels instead of just enjoying the game?


I am usually not the miner in our group and often the AGI guy who also builds the horde base. By mid-to end-game the other guys are usually 5-10 levels in front of me, and the miner maybe 8-15. And it so happens that I still die less than most of them. Which I consider the only real number determining the success in this game.



5 hours ago, Khalagar said:


I'm not saying the devs have to balance around it entirely, but it would be nice for them to least have it so your perk investment means you will actually be the best at something, since it increases build diversity.


Are you not the best miner of the group if you invest into mining? Don't you go through iron ore like butter and open a 7000 HP chest without breaking a sweat?


The game is still supporting a mass of play styles. There are groups who just craft and do some housekeeping in the night while the miner digs below. And there are groups who continually quest. And there are groups where someone tries to be housekeeper, doing only mining and farming. There are groups that even divide out the looting to the PER player. It is impossible to make the game give everyone the same xp unless the game ignores what you do and gives out xp just for existing (like Rolands 0xp mod did).


But I agree with you that quests should give less xp and bounty. That was nerfed, but then boosted again with the reputation rewards, it needs a nerf again.



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5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

My stance is just that the person with the most investment  towards a specific thing should have the best version of that specific thing, but that isn't how 7 Days works. Someone has all the mining perks and can craft a sick pickaxe? I bet they have the best one you can get!!! Well actually no, their friend with 0 perks put into mining stuff does, because he just found one in a boss chest that's better than anything the mining dude can craft. The new system doesn't change that issue either, it only further punishes the people who *aren't* ADHD run and gun chain questing.


Why are you focusing ONLY on the quality of tool? That`s your mistake and where you are wrong. A person with the most investment towards specific thing does have a better version of that specific thing. If you are perked into mining then you get better bonuses when you mine, period. What does it matter if the guy with 0 perks in mining have better tool if you are still better at mining with your worse tool? Eventually you will get the same tool and you will be best miner in server. I can`t see any punishment.


5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

If you are in a group / online server in general, every single second you spend in your base *not* looting is another second you are behind the people who are, which is pretty weird design for a game with as many non-looting related systems as 7 Days have. Spent a day mining for iron and coal or a day building onto your house? Welp you are now 2+  t4 quests behind your friend who lives in a 5x4 wooden shed, and he found better stuff that furthers the gap and makes it ever harder to catch up


This "problem" exists only if you min-max or play PVP which, I think, is not the main focus of this game. PVE and enjoying game with your friends is, so in this case - why does it matter what others do and how they choose to progress? You want to stay at home building pretty base or mine, then you can do and the friends that want to loot can do that. 


They are different things and you have pros and cons for both of them. If you stay home making better base then you are left with better, prettier base. You choose to spend day mining for nitrate and coal? - Now you are miles ahead of a looting player when it comes to bullets. Player who choose to loot can get better tools/weapons, but they are behind on resources you got mining so now they are behind you... 


I spend lots of days building and improving electricity in my base and don`t think that I`m behind someone who is looting. In fact I see it as opposite, I don`t need to loot as much if I secure my base well enough.


5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

It's a pretty feels bad man moment when games do that, and it happens a LOT if you play with friends in loot driven games like Diablo  / Path of Exile / Borderlands / Monster Hunter etc. Where you are like "GUYS PLEASE go eat lunch or something so I can actually enjoy the game and do the RP crap without getting left behind". It starts to feel like a chore trying to keep up, which is precisely why I'm against all the "Looting is the only thing that matters and only way to progress" changes


Not sure you can compare these games, they are totally different.


For me looting, building and mining goes hand in hand to one another, you still need to do all of them. 


Before magazines you still couldn't just mine, stay at base and get everything you need, you needed to go out and get resources for your better tools. How is this different to this new magazine(learn be looting(?)) system? You are still going out searching for resources only now you are searching for magazines also.. + if you perk into your skill then you should get more of those books, so should be fine.


This new system seems amazing because now you are not "forced" to perk anywhere just to unlock some basic recipes. No more spending 1 point for forge, 1 point for bicycle, 1 point for cooking, 1 point for first aid bandages etc.. 


I am not a die-hard fan and there have been things I miss from old alphas, but if testers and developers are saying this works great then I trust them until I can test it myself and only then I would give constructive criticism instead of speculating. 

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until this gets into the hands of others we wont know how good or bad this system is. I don't see the logic of those who say they will be behind those who go out and loot since in terms of perks or abilities if you are a resources gatherer that's perked into those abilities you will obviously gather more stuff than say someone who is specialized into killing zombies, you both may have the same quality weapons and tools but are built for different purposes and that's no different than in any RPG. now if you want to be a jack of all trades then make your character that way. End of the day this is a survival game and in most survival games you have to go out and loot in some form or another and specialize into combat, resource gathering or crafting otherwise just go into creative mode and spawn in all the junk you don't feel like going out to loot and turn this into a farming sim where you stay at base and just craft and farm up food.


The only side who I will defend on this is the crafter. No reason at all for us to be able to loot amazing quality items from these buildings and not be able to craft them if we go heavy into being a master crafter.  Honestly the only time we should be able to find some amazing quality end game items should be from boss type Bandit loot bags, The end game quality items needs to feel special and not like the current tier 5 to tier 6 nonsense. where we just spam run a tier 4 or 5 quest and boom best stuff in game after a 30 minute quest.  honestly thanks to the trader and how fast quests can be done Crafting for end game has become pointless in the same way Farming has become pointless unless of course you are in Multiplayer which as usual most of the games problems stem from.

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11 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

So you're saying that if I invest a lot of time into looting, I should have the best loot?


Yeah definitely, for the best general loot. Get tons of ammo and generic stuff, and have a higher chance to get good stuff like solar panels and perk relevant stuff like Q6 weapons you have the perks for or engines if you have the salvage perks etc


11 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

So now you want to NERF other people's enjoyment of one part of the game, only so that you can better enjoy YOUR preferred part of the game?


No? Where did any part of my post say that? The part you quoted was about them changing it from *the current* system which screws over one play style for no real reason


11 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

That's how it works now and will work even better in A21. If you invest your points in shotguns, you'll get better at shooting with shotguns.

If you invest your efforts into learning how to CRAFT shotguns, you'll be better at CRAFTING shotguns.


I like how you changed your wording to make it misleading, Invest Points changed into invest efforts to muddy the waters.  9/10 job you'd make a good greasy politician.


In A21 investing your perks into shotguns won't give you a better chance at finding a Q6 shotgun than the dude who invested into snipers. Investing in the perk makes you more likely to find magazines, but even that is still RNG and we've had no confirmation that you can ever craft Q6 at any point, which means the entire magazine line is basically pointless compared to just investing in loot / quest rewards and getting a Q6 instead of dicking around trying to craft a Q5


8 hours ago, meganoth said:


Punish them how? I assume you are playing co-op. Then tell me what is your plight being 5 levels behind ADHD dude?


You get left behind and can't keep up with them in games. They will out gear you and be doing T5 quests while you are running around with a mix of cloth and leather armor and a taped together shotgun


Too many other quotes to reply to, ain't nobody got time for that even when I'm typing on company time lol

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16 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

You get left behind and can't keep up with them in games. They will out gear you and be doing T5 quests while you are running around with a mix of cloth and leather armor and a taped together shotgun


I don't care to respond to the rest of the conversation but this point struck me. What kind of group are you playing with that doesn't help each other out and share loot? If you're "stuck at home" and your friends are all out partying, surely they'd bring back some good loot for you? If not, get better friends.

Edited by jorbascrumps
typo (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Zombieforlife said:

The 2 main things I am hoping for in A21 is:

- The ability to build a standard base with defenses and be able to withstand a late game horde. I don't want to monkey around with tricks to exploit AI. Problem is you are forced to do this because late game Z's will "demolish" your base rather quickly. Devs, build a steel based base with whatever defenses you want and with a late game horde it should have some damage but not so much that you are spending all week rebuilding. And you aren't being over run every time. That is the measure I am looking for. No pathfinding gimics. people can still do that if they want. But it shouldn't be required.

- Decor: I should be able to add medic equipment, sat, electronics, computers, fridges, toolboxes etc. to my base without needing a mod. Without hacking. I'm tired of building cool bases that are empty. You can have traders sell these items so they don't require crafting. In fact different traders can sell different types of decor items. Gives me something to spend my dukes on and makes my base cool. Being able to build a good looking base was a key to Valheims huge success and exposure on social media. Beautiful player bases is great for exposure and marketing.

You can make a thin concrete plate to go over the standard block and then upgrade it to steel or just make a steel plate and this gives you an added measure of toughness that in my experience gives you all the protection you need in late game defense.

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15 hours ago, Khalagar said:

My stance is just that the person with the most investment  towards a specific thing should have the best version of that specific thing, but that isn't how 7 Days works.


Where I disagree with your stance is that if the way you want things were true then the game would be 100% deterministic and every time you played it would always be the same result. 7 Days doesn't work like that and therefore you have variation across several playthroughs even if you choose the same progression path for your character because random factors may reward you with a purple tool perfectly fitted for you or it may not and you'll have to survive with what you've got. We can determine our success to a point but not everything and I think that part that is out of our control is great for replayability-- especially since you can be successful with a fully modified blue weapon in which you are fully perked. Nobody needs a purple anything even if they might want one.


15 hours ago, Khalagar said:

If you are in a group / online server in general, every single second you spend in your base *not* looting is another second you are behind the people who are, which is pretty weird design for a game with as many non-looting related systems as 7 Days have.


Its only weird if you think that TFP is focusing on competitive PVP multiplayer gameplay and trying to balance the game to that. But that isn't the focus. The focus is on friends or family getting together and playing together. Who cares if your son finds a better weapon than you? Why do you have to keep up or get ahead of your friend? These concerns are only valid if you are playing the game to kill other players on the server or compete with them to see who can race fastest to top levels of everything. You can play that way but it isn't within the scope of the default game. The devs are building a game where it doesn't matter at all whether  you are behind or ahead of other people in the server. There are no bonus points for reaching the top first. If you get to level 50 by day 8 and I get to level 50 by day 22 that is okay.


15 hours ago, Khalagar said:

Welp you are now 2+  t4 quests behind your friend who lives in a 5x4 wooden shed, and he found better stuff that furthers the gap and makes it ever harder to catch up


And we are trying to catch up because.....? This "problem" is unsolvable anyway. Even if TFP came up with the perfect system to make sure two friends stay close in level to each other, one of those friends might not be able to play for a week of rl and now suddenly the other one is 2+ t4 quests ahead and finding better stuff. There is no way to end such disparities and that's fine because in PvE it doesn't matter in the least if someone is ahead and someone else is behind.


15 hours ago, Khalagar said:

It's a pretty feels bad man moment when games do that, and it happens a LOT if you play with friends in loot driven games like Diablo  / Path of Exile / Borderlands / Monster Hunter etc. Where you are like "GUYS PLEASE go eat lunch or something so I can actually enjoy the game and do the RP crap without getting left behind". It starts to feel like a chore trying to keep up, which is precisely why I'm against all the "Looting is the only thing that matters and only way to progress" changes


That feeling comes from within yourself and is not generated by a game. I play with people who I know and like and sometimes they are ahead and I don't feel any of the anxiety you are describing. The only thing that comes up in that regard is me telling them to not give me all their hand-me-downs which are better than my primary gear because I want to do it on my own. (Okay, I might take a pump action shotgun if it is offered, sue me). You tell them to go eat lunch so you can catch up. How can developers work into their balance negotiations between players to play more or less often to keep them from progressing faster or slower than each other? 


I just think you are too concerned about your progress compared to others. If it were a PvP server, I would understand it, but from your posts it seems like you are playing with friends you know and you aren't killing each other. So.....why the concern over relative progress?

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3 hours ago, Khalagar said:
15 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

So now you want to NERF other people's enjoyment of one part of the game, only so that you can better enjoy YOUR preferred part of the game?


No? Where did any part of my post say that? The part you quoted was about them changing it from *the current* system which screws over one play style for no real reason


17 hours ago, Khalagar said:

Someone has all the mining perks and can craft a sick pickaxe? I bet they have the best one you can get!!! Well actually no, their friend with 0 perks put into mining stuff does, because he just found one in a boss chest that's better than anything the mining dude can craft. The new system doesn't change that issue either, it only further punishes the people who *aren't* ADHD run and gun chain questing.


From this part, I thought you implied that you want TFP to NERF the looting rewards for the "looter guy", otherwise the "miner guy" would be "punished" for just mining.

Did I get it right?


P.S.: I won't reply to the other stuff because I don't want to "overload" you with too many replies (since you said you don't have much time to answer).

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6 hours ago, Blake_ said:

@Roland can you tell us more about the perks that are filling the "crafting gap" that magazines opened? It would be quite exciting to be able try out new things brought up by those new additions. The best part of magazines is that there will be more of that "perky stuff" for us to play with.

I mean, I believe madmole is on that with the team at the moment, right?


Roland may be tight-lipped, but I have no such reservations and a secret inside source. So I can tell you about one new perk:


"Bookworm Level 1:" "Reading is second nature to you. Read books and magazines 30% faster."


Oh, and here is how they changed Living of the Land:


"Living of the Land 1:" "Double the harvest of wild or planted crops. Crouch down and use your 
keen eyesight to find the tracks of your own farm plots
.\nFarm plots cost 30% less to craft."



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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