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6 hours ago, faatal said:

That appears to be terrain, if so, then that is a core issue with how terrain works, so it may not be something that changes.

I don't know if this is the same type of situation, but the sidewalk blocks surrounding the Poopy Pants Daycare go flush with the surrounding terrain, which is impossible to do if a player were to place blocks in the terrain themself. And if you are to break one of the Poopy Pants sidewalk blocks and replace it with your own, the terrain no longer goes flush. 


Supposedly there's a mod that allows the player to make the terrain go flush with blocks. If I find it I'll edit the post with a link.

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9 hours ago, faatal said:

That appears to be terrain, if so, then that is a core issue with how terrain works, so it may not be something that changes.


Prefab creators can change the density of blocks around the terrain, such that the terrain blocks can be flush with non-terrain blocks. Any chance that ability could be granted to players in game?

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7 hours ago, Arez said:

I don't know if this is the same type of situation, but the sidewalk blocks surrounding the Poopy Pants Daycare go flush with the surrounding terrain, which is impossible to do if a player were to place blocks in the terrain themself. And if you are to break one of the Poopy Pants sidewalk blocks and replace it with your own, the terrain no longer goes flush. 


Supposedly there's a mod that allows the player to make the terrain go flush with blocks. If I find it I'll edit the post with a link.


If what I am thinking about the post is correct, it may be the need for an inexpensive recipe to create
<block name="terrainFillerAdaptive"> PLAYER. This is an extends of <block name="terrainFiller"> DEV
that was created a few alphas back for nearly the same reason. I just went in to test it again at
the poopy daycare.


Its kind of picky though. I dug out a terrain block by an old house that had flat terrain at the
sidewalk dropped on in and it seamlessly replaced it. but i had to dig the terrain block out first
or it just made a clump.


Then i went to the daycare, and dug out a block of terrain that had a divot in it, when I replaced
it, the divot returned, exactly as before.


If a simple recipe were added, to convert clay, dirt, or any form of terrain into  the "adaptive filler"
this might resolve some of the issues, but you would need to replace a damaged block with a complete one
of that type. This is because of the invisible bounding box when using partial.


It actually made me think about the demo FUBAR tried with water in the snow region, maybe this parameter
could help with the hydroform, when dumping water into a hole or container. It just needs to keep its
appearance and attributes.


That may be what the mod does, that you wrote about.

Edited by 4sheetzngeegles
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12 hours ago, Eko said:

Hi Pimps. I want to take this open forum opportunity to express my personal wishes. I am sure all ~6k members of the CP Discord agree, and I am also pretty sure you're already aware of how we feel by looking at the number of people still playing on previous alphas. Yet, you don't seem to care/need the numbers playing your game, or maybe you don't really know how to do it but....




PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THE BOUNCY PHYSICS ON THE STRIPPER ZOMBIESSSSSS fix the the RWG bug. I have barely played since it broke CP, and this is someone with 3k hrs in the game (not trying to one up anyone here please guys dont start an hours war) and someone who has gifted copies of the games to friends, and would do so again.... but i just don't find it worth it without all those extra POIs. Please please please consider this request seriously. I don't even care about A22. Its great that you are progressing, dont get me wrong, but I'd rather play A21 with CP than the full published game with all road map items ticked off. 

EDIT: due to the seriously toxic nature of the forums here (at least, that was my experience back in the day), I wont be responding to any replies unless they are from Pimp staff. Thank you for your understanding. 


...you spent a lot of words leading up to the request but failed to state what the bug you wanted fixing is.  

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9 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:

How can a bug that breaks the  RWG for CP not break the RWG without the CP.  Leads me to believe it is fixable from the CP side?  I guess I am wrong tho lol



Wait? Am I getting that old and out of touch? I can't find the double entendre in this sentence. This is Snowdog correct...our Snowdog I mean?

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20 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:

How can a bug that breaks the  RWG for CP not break the RWG without the CP.  Leads me to believe it is fixable from the CP side?  I guess I am wrong tho lol


CP has so many POIs that they can make custom settlements and experience problems at a numbers-of-POIs scale larger than the rest of us. Indeed, the CP folks operate at a scale larger than TFP. Also, some CP POIs push the boundaries of size and verts/tris. In Spinal Tap terms, the CP goes to 11. :rockon:

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On 11/10/2023 at 11:42 AM, faatal said:

We don't use FindObjectsOfType in any code requiring performance, but yes there are some tools and init code that use it.


We already do object and data pooling. Our object pool is more advanced than Unity's.


Vector math is even faster if you change the individual variables directly (x y z), which is what we do in our higher frequency code.



Thank you for the response Faatal. I made my own pool for testing as well. Not a huge fan of what Unity has. I noticed you had a few pools for things but one in specific stood out as missing so I did some trial and error.


Indeed, I prefer to directly change the vectors. I wondered why you sometimes do that and sometimes dont. Makes a lot of sense. Appreciate the info.

I did some experiments with transform pooling. You are instantiating them off the entity class when you spawn an entity. I could not get it stable with all of the entity types but falling trees and players were easy to achieve. At the point it instantiates, I had the main thread check for a pooled one, if none exist it ran it like normal but then started a job in the unity job system to pool an extra 25. This cut down the runtime and improved performance when spawning entity. I was able to pool them by their entity class name but ran in to very random crashing, particularly when trying to pool entity like zombies. Some things could not be stored at all such as the transform for falling blocks or snakes and animals. I know the typical thing is to store game objects but in this case, you are instantiating a transform which is slow. Honestly I am not sure on the limits of multi thread safety and unity api calls, even if run through the job system.

I tried to store the transform of entity after use instead of destroy the game object/transform. This does work but there are a lot of components attached to the game object within the transform. If you try to reuse the transform, the components will get doubled up from the entity spawn process and zombies with dismemberment become an issue.

As a side note I noticed you mentioned wanting to improve game performance to someone else on the forum. I have been working on an optimizer for the game. I have managed to get the players and non players in a dedicated server to update multi threaded for various portions of the game code. Offloaded work from the main thread to improve stability. Improved chunk sync for players. Increased the rate and stability of block collapse. Removed some bloat that was not needed since clients already send certain things to the dedi server. Vehicle response and general movement is smoother.

It appears to improve the single player client side performance as well. Tests are just starting on that.

Player capacity and zombie capacity are dramatically increased in dedicated servers. Rough numbers so far show 40-60 players and up to 300 zombies at a 60 fps target depending on hardware. If all goes well, I will try and get it out to the public before christmas. Would you have any interest in what I am doing? I dont want to step over my bounds or on any bodies feet.

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Regarding terrain density next to blocks, I noticed something a while back.  It was with one of ZZTong's POI that I decided to convert into a base in game.  As part of that, I dug a couple holes on the inside of a couple corners to put on some underground relays.  When I filled those in with terrain, the terrain was flush with the blocks.  I don't know how or why and didn't really look into it but it seems maybe there is something that can cause it to work?

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5 hours ago, Riamus said:

Regarding terrain density next to blocks, I noticed something a while back.  It was with one of ZZTong's POI that I decided to convert into a base in game.  As part of that, I dug a couple holes on the inside of a couple corners to put on some underground relays.  When I filled those in with terrain, the terrain was flush with the blocks.  I don't know how or why and didn't really look into it but it seems maybe there is something that can cause it to work?

That is from us prefabbers doing the density fix. What happens is the terrain gets pulled inside of the edge blocks.


Nothing in game.


If you fly into a edge block you can see the terrain inside the block

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10 hours ago, stallionsden said:

That is from us prefabbers doing the density fix. What happens is the terrain gets pulled inside of the edge blocks.


Nothing in game.


If you fly into a edge block you can see the terrain inside the block

I get that for POI design, but would that affect a terrain block I place in game?  I didn't think it would.  The density you do as a POI designer affects the terrain blocks you place, not the building blocks, right?

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6 hours ago, Riamus said:

I get that for POI design, but would that affect a terrain block I place in game?  I didn't think it would.  The density you do as a POI designer affects the terrain blocks you place, not the building blocks, right?


In the Prefab Editor, we're applying some setting (density?) to something like the foundation blocks of the building, saying an adjacent terrain block is to extend into the foundation block by some amount. If you're placing terrain next to that foundation, I'll bet the setting persists.


Page 400, eh?

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