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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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Tbh, the part where some zeds surround a trader in which we are doing something and they can climb on each other to get our asses is pretty entertaining. I used one trader, to clean a small military spot between my base and the trader (with T2 melee weapons, and a pipe pistol, day 4 on warrior difficulty). Few of them hopped in the trader compound and there was a lot of jumping and fighting, hiding for stamina also.


It is a nice touch, as Roland said it would really be cool to have these places being destroyable, but not till the point where Trader Someone stays in the middle of some town or city with only his desk and doing its stuff, surrounded by the ruins of his lifetime build spot. Could be an option in the menu, too. 


Or make them fully destroyable with notification that some horde event is heading on their way, to keep them alive and be able to get to late game stages and to The Duke. Or if unable to do it, a repair mission, to keep them surviving, cuz we would need them for stuff. 

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16 hours ago, Kalex said:


No, it isn't what I am referring to. For example, on my waypoint list there are 5 entries for the same Trader Jen - the one auto-added when I first approached the trader and the other 4 from shared quests that for various reasons did not get completed and got removed from the quest log. And I cannot delete the extraneous 4 entries. No matter which of the 5 I try to delete, I get the na-na-you-cant-do-that sound and the waypoint is not removed,

I actually have this in my game, though it's a continuation game of b317 so I can't comment on a clean save doing this.  In my game, I have 2 waypoints for each trader and can't remove the duplicates.  All custom waypoints I've added only have one copy.

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I think I have found a small bug in the questing system, when doing T1 quests we keep getting (3 player server) getting Joe's USA as a clear location we have done it a total of 5 times now between the 3 of us.


We do get other ones but this one keeps coming up.


Anyone else getting something similar?

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Hi guys, everyone. Maybe I'm asking this question pretty early)) and before the release of the game, it is still possible for at least 5 years, if not more. But is it still planned to release a collector's edition of 7 days to die on the release of the game?
2) And the second question. Are there any roving merchants or simple survivors planned in future alphas to talk to or rob them? Or is it possible at least with the addition of mods? Thanks for your attention

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I have an idea for an extra option at the trader. Don't know if somebody ever posted this idea on this forum... but... here it goes.


When I have made a base at some town, at some point you also go to other towns with other traders and quest there a bit.

At some point you have a lot of stuff you want to bring back to your base, but does it all fit for one trip? Most of the time for me, it's a no...


Now for the idea.

Wouldn't it be great if you could send a package (for dukes of course) with your stuff to another trader (one this is much closer to your base)? Or vise versa, if you want to move your base, send all your stuff to the trader where you want to start your new base.


And let's say it takes at least a full ingame day for it to arrive?

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@Annihilatorza This might occur because there isn't a big variety of "questable" tier1 pois in the area around that trader?

Tier1 quests are - as far as I know - limited to a certain distance around the trader compound. You will never see a tier1 quest which is several kilometers away, like the tier5 ones tend to be. Tier1 will be around only a few hundred meters (I don't know the exact maximum distance though)

But it might be the case in your world, that this repetitive option is just decided by the low number of available pois.

You should get more variety when you get to the next tier...although also that depends on how many pois there are.

Just take a look at the map (maybe take a "roundabout" to make all the area around the trader visible), and then you can check if my assumption could be true.

If it is, then just do enough quests to get the first "open trade route" quest, and move over to the next trader, who then hopefully will be in a more "populated" area.

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On 7/17/2023 at 2:53 PM, hiemfire said:


From standing drop to the ground, do a push up, then hop up to full standing. Usually done with rapid jogging in place between cycles.

Now for the challenge. Can Meganoth do the dropping to the ground and hopping to full standing parts of the burpee as instantaneously as the zombies can?


Thats the unedited video I want to see. 😜

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Well, I fixed that problem for Jen in 1 of the 4 different games that I playing ... In this game Poor Jen is unprotected except by me ... Had them try a couple time to get in ... but me and my trusty gun took care of that problem.

Everyone Have a Great even or Day depending on where you are. The OldGamer 😌

Even cleaned up her compound for her.

7 Days to Die Screenshot 2023.07.17 -

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9 hours ago, Roland said:

Now for the challenge. Can Meganoth do the dropping to the ground and hopping to full standing parts of the burpee as instantaneously as the zombies can?


Thats the unedited video I want to see. 😜


Naturally I do the burpees synchronous with the zombies to get my perfect headshots. 😁


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10 minutes ago, gamebandit said:

i can't find glass jars to put water in


I'd think you'd know this, but jars (at least filling them) have been eliminated in this alpha.


11 minutes ago, gamebandit said:

im not finding any murky water in the world.


Streams, fountains, puddles, lakes, rivers....all contain murky water to drink. You can't take it (maybe with a bucket?), but you can drink it at a risk of dysentery. Vitamins now protect against this, and more seem to drop, so eat some and hydrate up to like 300 ;)


13 minutes ago, gamebandit said:

I fail to understand why  a glass jar would disappear after use.


Game balance. The need to make survival at least a little challenging. The alternative would have been to carve out a separate encumbrance system for water containers.




-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

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1 hour ago, gamebandit said:

I keep dying of thirst because i can't find glass jars to put water in and im not finding any murky water in the world.  I fail to understand why  a glass jar would disappear after use. It wouldn't even do that in the real world


Murky water in jars are all over the place.  If you can't find them, you are not looking in the right spots


Murky water loot locations:

  • Coffee Makers
  • Soda Fountains
  • Liquor Piles
  • Broken Dew Collectors
  • Backpacks
  • Toilets
  • Water cooler
  • Chem piles
  • Dumpsters
  • Food piles


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3 hours ago, gamebandit said:

I keep dying of thirst because i can't find glass jars to put water in and im not finding any murky water in the world.  I fail to understand why  a glass jar would disappear after use. It wouldn't even do that in the real world

One comment account, most likely just a troll. :)

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3 hours ago, gamebandit said:

I keep dying of thirst because i can't find glass jars to put water in and im not finding any murky water in the world.  I fail to understand why  a glass jar would disappear after use. It wouldn't even do that in the real world

It is just an icon, like the gas cans and bowls of stew we can make.  It represents a serving size of water.

Read 1 forge ahead book, now you know how to make a dew collector.  Bring 1 pot back to your base, now you can boil murky water into clean water at your campfire.  Do quests, now you have cash to buy food/drink/water filter for a dew collector.  Loot everything, and bring back what is important.


And before you ask, the fun pimps found out most cans are either tin or aluminum, neither of which are used in recipes, so no use for empty cans anymore lol.

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On 7/17/2023 at 10:30 AM, Riamus said:

I said nothing about game progression on its own.  I said that crafting does not in any way keep up with gamestage progression for me.  And if you read the forum, you'll see a variety of experiences.  For some people, crafting outpaces gamestage.  For others, it's far lower than gamestage.  And for others, it's just about right.  There are many factors at play there, including RNG, perks chosen (including how many different perks are chosen as too many will reduce the rate at which certain perked magazines drop), how much looting you do compared to other gamestage progression like mining, and more.

I don't use bows so maybe they don't show the circle the way firearms do.  But they work the same way.  The circle will reduce the longer you aim until it reaches the minimum radius.  That usually only takes a couple seconds, though I haven't actually timed it and am just estimating.  Even then, the area where a shot can go is larger than the crosshair itself and it is placed randomly anywhere within that circle.  When aiming at a head that is more than around a few meters away, this circle area is going to be larger than the head, allowing for shots to occasionally go wide.  The further they are, the greater the chance of that.  And if you shoot immediately instead of aiming, you have an even larger circle so will have a greater chance of missing.  Now, there is what seems to be a bug where shooting a zombie that is right next to you might not hit them and it is assumed by players that it's caused by the weapon being past the collision hitbox, though I don't know if that's been confirmed.  The basic wooden bow will have a far greater chance to miss than a better bow, which makes sense.  I don't know if arrow type matters as well but I don't believe so.


As far as difference between guns and bows, I think the only difference is no drop for guns.  That and there is of course different effective ranges and maximum ranges.  So I don't know what might cause these misses for you.

The time you invest perk point in your weapon of choice you can keep easily with the gamestage at max difficulty.


If a player choice to limit itself not using perks on weapons is a player choice not a game progression problem.


The magazine system give a steady progression with the gamestage used with the perks tied to the magazine systems.


This is the difference between a stable progression with the difficulty system and the unbalanced unstable progression of traders/quests rewards and loot.

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1 hour ago, Sephiroth87xz said:

The time you invest perk point in your weapon of choice you can keep easily with the gamestage at max difficulty.


If a player choice to limit itself not using perks on weapons is a player choice not a game progression problem.


The magazine system give a steady progression with the gamestage used with the perks tied to the magazine systems.


This is the difference between a stable progression with the difficulty system and the unbalanced unstable progression of traders/quests rewards and loot.

You are making assumptions again.  I put points into weapon perks and magazines do not keep up with my game stage.  I'm not sure why that is so hard to grasp.  Crafting only work for some people who play a specific way or in a specific sized group.  Crafting does not keep up for everyone.  If it works for you, that is lucky for you.  It doesn't for many others.

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On 7/16/2023 at 7:34 PM, 4sheetzngeegles said:

Faatal I have a question.


I play sp, offline, and like to explore, the only thing that makes it seem long is the
stamina-exertion running from one city to the next and back again, I do sometimes use
the bicycle, motorized vehicles i use very late game.


The question I wanted to ask, Is it possible to have the food, stamina, be tied into events
instead of just with movement? By this i mean, if a player is taking a cross map jaunt, but
is not engaged in crafting and/or not set to positive on the ai awareness meter, can these
be made temporarily inactive.


When a player, would do any action other than running, it would activate. If not made

completely inactive, then the prequalifiers could possibly be added to a CVAR to adjust

and lower usage for times of minimal interactivity.

That just adds complexity and we want food to be consumed with whatever you are doing in the game.

On 7/14/2023 at 11:59 PM, Arma Rex said:

Exciting. I assume then a good chunk of the work on bandits has been complete, or is there other features that are shaping up nicely that would lend to an earlier release date?

What features will be released in any specific alpha is not a given. A22 is planned to be short duration with targeted features.

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6 hours ago, faatal said:

What features will be released in any specific alpha is not a given. A22 is planned to be short duration with targeted features.

Somewhat vague, but I appreciate the progress update. What I gather from that is if those features aren't done, alpha 22 will be delayed til it's polished and those features are already being worked on so confidence is good. Almost a content lock for certain alphas as we slowly approach gold.

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4 hours ago, SMiThaYe said:

Somewhat vague, but I appreciate the progress update. What I gather from that is if those features aren't done, alpha 22 will be delayed til it's polished and those features are already being worked on so confidence is good. Almost a content lock for certain alphas as we slowly approach gold.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is normal that a new alpha is already being worked on while the older alpha just came out and still receives updates. Does not prevent long cycles per se.


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