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STILL can't release A20 or even give an ETA?


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We're waiting on ALPHA 20? Still?


Is there any other developer on Steam or indeed the history of PC gaming that has 19 "Alphas" and yet has sold so many copies? Pray do tell - I'd love to know. 


I love this game - I have over 3000 hours on Steam but c'mon this is a total joke.


At this point - "Beta" will be 2025 and "Gold" will be 2029.


This was called "taking the @%$#" 5 years ago....what's it called now? In the time you guys are farting around Grounded is fully released, Conan Exiles is great, No Man's Sky is stellar and even Fallout 76 is a winner.


And don't give me all this nonsense about a "small development team" - Valheim was made with FIVE people. 

Edited by EzunaAranna (see edit history)
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12 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

Read page 147 in the Alpha20 Dev Diary.  Roland gave an update on the status of Alpha 20 deployment.


If they sold a lot of copies and done at least 20 Alphas, they must be doing something right.......


By that logic the fewer Alphas that are released on other games must mean more failure.


O no wait....it means in some cases they're doing it right.


GTA 5 - how many Alphas?

Skyrim - same question?

Diablo 1,2,3 - same question?

Even No Mans Sky - same question?

Valheim - same question?

...and many many more.


No - I've been a Programme Manager in IT for 23 years - one Alpha release is acceptable - then a Beta, then Gold. This would be acceptable in a series of Agile sprints over one year. 


This smacks of lack of direction and ineptitude. 


I will put my house on the fact that if any Alpha on Steam could charge at most £5 we'd have seen a Gold release, fully tested and optimised years ago.


Laziness, lack of direction and ineptitude - end of story. Only in the gaming industry could this practice be gotten away with....and so many paying customers excusing this behaviour.


In MY industry - Fintech - miss a deadline and I can't pay my mortgage end of story.



Edited by EzunaAranna (see edit history)
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13 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

Then start up your own gaming company so you can show TFP the error in their ways.


Grow up - I'm doing very well in my own industry thank you.


TFP couldn't afford to hire me and if they did there would be a serious refocus on delivering to agreed deadlines.


Go back in line with the other flag waving fanbois and wait another 4 years for "gold", all the while excusing a complete lack of accountability.


The problem is that there is no legally binding contract with SLA's and penalties for broken delivery dates. Believe me - there will come a day when even shoddy "gaming" companies are bound by regulation and legally binding clauses that stop criminal behaviour. This is one of the last remaining industries in which it is acceptable to shaft customers and still get away with it.


If you don't know what that previous paragraph means then I'd suggest you focus more on your school studies....


Even on a basic child like level - if YOU think that 19 "Alphas" whilst charging money is acceptable over many years - then YOU need serious help. PLEASE show me any other game with this level of Alphas and Betas COMBINED and I'll donate £100 to your chosen charity right now.

Edited by EzunaAranna (see edit history)
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Why are you comparing games with teams in the hundreds and budgets in the 100 millions?


For someone as smart as yourself, you should realize there have never been deadlines they agreed to.


You need to stop snorting that Adderall and take a chill pill dude. lol


You are comparing Apples to Oranges. Sure they both grow on trees and are fruit, but that is where the similarities end.


Honestly rants like your's do absolutely nothing helpful and I feel should ensure you are the last one in queue when the update drops.



Edited by warmer (see edit history)
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Another goddamn @%$#-talker. Im not gonna hold anything, im gonna get modded for sure but i dont care.


Yeah Valheim has been developed with 5 guys. And 7DTD was started by only two brothers 8 years ago, after a Thanksgiving dinner. Look at what they've accomplished. They build up a fully destructible voxel world from ground zero, at a time during which the technology wasnt at the same level than what's available for the Valheim Crew.


What does it @%$#ing matter if the game is on Alpha XYZ? The game is still doing good 8 years later, its maintained and updated with additional content. Name me some others that are still performing after such a long time.


I dont get why you're @%$#ing and whining and going on a tantrum about its state. Is the game functional? Yes. Is it available for us to play? Yes. So relax your sphincters. Oh ok, we dont have A20 yet. But the game's still available nonetheless. Id tend to agree with you if the game wasnt available at all, after having been promised to be released but being held off countless times. Now, yeah, id be concerned too.


But that's not the case. You claim to have been working in the business for so many years and id expect someone of your status to be way more indulgent toward independent devs like the Pimps. You talk @%$# like they're not delivering enough according to your elitist standards, but what the hell do you know? Faatal himself mentioned he logged 73 hours last week only. Im pretty sure the rest of the staff is busting its ass off as much as him.


Then when you're being told off by BFT2020 above, you rely back to calling the community who supports the Pimps flag waving fanboys who dont know crap as much as you, your Highness...


Nah, you're just as toxic as the other entitled dicks on the 7DTD Facebook page. You claim you love the game? Allow me to suspect this is bull@%$#, with the tone you adopt here.

Edited by Kyonshi (see edit history)
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13 minutes ago, warmer said:

Why are you comparing games with teams in the hundreds and budgets in the 100 millions?


For someone as smart as yourself, you should realize there have never been deadlines they agreed to.


You need to stop snorting that Adderall and take a chill pill dude. lol


You are comparing Apples to Oranges. Sure they both grow on trees and are fruit, but that is where the similarities end.


Honestly rants like your's do absolutely nothing helpful and I feel should ensure you are the last one in queue when the update drops.




Valheim - team of 5

No Mans Sky - team of under 10


Get your facts right then "LMAO"


Time for YOU to stop snorting the "Fanboi any crap will do" pill I think...


Anyway I've said my piece and won't get into an argument - you've school tomorrow so don't want to keep you up too late ;)

Edited by EzunaAranna (see edit history)
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Hello Games : have falsely advertised a game with features and mechanics that werent in the final product, like coop features, large variety of different creatures, world size and the impossibility to come across the same location another player saw first. All of this from the mouth of the founder himself, and all of this has been proven wrong. Hello Games @%$#ed up so much they had to work a crapton harder to bring back the sinking ship afloat to an acceptable level.


The Fun Pimps : have met the Kickstarter objectives in almost their entirety so far. Never falsely advertised the game and still doing great 8 years later.


Please shut up.

Edited by Kyonshi (see edit history)
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I am sure that a successful program manager like you always consider scale and resources when comparing development schedules of different games / companies:

  • GTA 5 was in development for 3 years and had 1000 people on the development project.   It was developmed by Rockstar.  It was not offered at any time to play to the mass public prior to final release.
  • Skyrim was in development for 3 years by Bethesda and had 100 people on it, it also used the same engine from Fallout 3 so a lot of the work was already done.  It was not offered at any time to play to the mass public prior to final release.
  • Diablo 3 started develoment in 2001 and was released in 2012 by Blizzard.  It was not offered at any time to play to the mass public prior to final release. 

I thought this was appropriate




I got over 3000 hours playing this game, and just recently started to mod the game myself.  If that makes me a fanboy, I will wear that with pride!  

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1 hour ago, EzunaAranna said:


By that logic the fewer Alphas that are released on other games must mean more failure.


O no wait....it means in some cases they're doing it right.


GTA 5 - how many Alphas?

Skyrim - same question?

Diablo 1,2,3 - same question?

Even No Mans Sky - same question?

Valheim - same question?

...and many many more.


No - I've been a Programme Manager in IT for 23 years - one Alpha release is acceptable - then a Beta, then Gold. This would be acceptable in a series of Agile sprints over one year. 


This smacks of lack of direction and ineptitude. 


I will put my house on the fact that if any Alpha on Steam could charge at most £5 we'd have seen a Gold release, fully tested and optimised years ago.


Laziness, lack of direction and ineptitude - end of story. Only in the gaming industry could this practice be gotten away with....and so many paying customers excusing this behaviour.


In MY industry - Fintech - miss a deadline and I can't pay my mortgage end of story.



.... you know that GTA 5 skyrim diablo was release as "full" version not in early access?  what's more- cod vanguard looks like alpha (zombie mode is so poorly) , cyberpunk was @%$# etc so you see- now matter how big company is don't expect you will get something "modern" fast

32 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

I am sure that a successful program manager like you always consider scale and resources when comparing development schedules of different games / companies:

  • GTA 5 was in development for 3 years and had 1000 people on the development project.   It was developmed by Rockstar.  It was not offered at any time to play to the mass public prior to final release.
  • Skyrim was in development for 3 years by Bethesda and had 100 people on it, it also used the same engine from Fallout 3 so a lot of the work was already done.  It was not offered at any time to play to the mass public prior to final release.
  • Diablo 3 started develoment in 2001 and was released in 2012 by Blizzard.  It was not offered at any time to play to the mass public prior to final release. 

I thought this was appropriate




I got over 3000 hours playing this game, and just recently started to mod the game myself.  If that makes me a fanboy, I will wear that with pride!  

Well skyrim was even in development for longer time- they made story, arts theme, some props etc and after F3 they started to full working on skyrim

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We got an ETA of November. Wich got changed to first part of december. So it´s useless anyways. It´s done when it´s done. I will never understand how someone can be that mad about a game taking it´s time. 


You appear to be an adult and if you aren´t terminally ill (i really hope you aren´t) or really old,  i don´t see why it matters so much to you.


But telling others to grow up while using terms like fanboy and bragging how much better you are than TFP acutally sounds like the opposite tbh.


Also, criminal behaviour? Really? That smells a lot like trolling tbh. Especially seeing no mans sky as an example used against TFP. That´s the best example that a developer should actually take their time instead of rushing a release. Or are you actually too young to know what a disaster the release of no mans sky was?

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, EzunaAranna said:

I love this game - I have over 3000 hours on Steam but c'mon this is a total joke.


If you actually do love it as it is then what is the problem? If you really do have 3000 hours then you can't complain that its been torture. You've obviously gotten your money's worth. Why is the label "done" so important to you if you already love and have played this game the equivalent of 125 full days? That's a little over 4 months of your life of playing 7 Days to Die with no sleep and no breaks.


I could see someone who tried it for a few hours and hated it because they couldn't stand the unfinished nature of it being very upset that it hasn't been finished yet and for those 10 guys, my heart really goes out to them and I feel bad that they've had it sitting in their library uninstalled for years just waiting for a finished version that they can bear playing and get their money's worth-- but that's not you obviously. You love it. 


In fact when school gets out you'll probably play it some more once all your homework is done. Don't stay up too late. It'll make you cranky. ;) 


Edited by Roland
misspellings like a young schoolboy! (see edit history)
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I'm sad that one day it will end. 


These days it's a growing trend that even after full release, many games continue with updates. This past year, a bunch of my older games have been getting updates, which have been dormant and "complete" for a very, very long time. I find it pretty amazing. So, maybe I shouldn't be sad.  

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2 hours ago, EzunaAranna said:

Seriously? yes


We're waiting on ALPHA 20? Still? we??


Is there any other developer on Steam or indeed the history of PC gaming that has 19 "Alphas" and yet has sold so many copies? Pray do tell - I'd love to know.  sure there is but i wont do your work to reveal them because i dont play them. i know its not the answer you demanded.


I love this game - I have over 3000 hours on Steam but c'mon this is a total joke. glad you liked the joke... oh and i have over 13k hrs and i know a lot of other players with more.


At this point - "Beta" will be 2025 and "Gold" will be 2029. There ya go folks.. we have some dates now!


This was called "taking the @%$#" 5 years ago....what's it called now? In the time you guys are farting around Grounded is fully released, Conan Exiles is great, No Man's Sky is stellar and even Fallout 76 is a winner. in your opinion, not everybody else may think the same.


And don't give me all this nonsense about a "small development team" - Valheim was made with FIVE people.  so basically youre telling everyone to shut up because you dont want excuses.


i had to do it. sorry. :) 


but my question to you is... how are you helping here ranting when according to you, tfp has been doing this for years.?

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I can empathize with the OPs comparisons however the key difference here is the game is a form for entertainment like no other.


All of those other small team games are great and all but very different from 7d2d.


Although the game has had many alphas, it has been playable all throughout.  Hell they probably could of chopped the game into several released paid titles/DLC if they really wanted to but they havent (exception was console...lol)


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8 hours ago, EzunaAranna said:



We're waiting on ALPHA 20? Still?


Is there any other developer on Steam or indeed the history of PC gaming that has 19 "Alphas" and yet has sold so many copies? Pray do tell - I'd love to know. 


I love this game - I have over 3000 hours on Steam but c'mon this is a total joke.


At this point - "Beta" will be 2025 and "Gold" will be 2029.


This was called "taking the @%$#" 5 years ago....what's it called now? In the time you guys are farting around Grounded is fully released, Conan Exiles is great, No Man's Sky is stellar and even Fallout 76 is a winner.


And don't give me all this nonsense about a "small development team" - Valheim was made with FIVE people. 

Lol and if gold is 2029 awesome means we will have e lots more stuff to play with.  


Sweet I was worried we were nearing the end

Edited by stallionsden (see edit history)
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I'm not a big fan of the huge Alpha cycles TFP have been moved in. In fact TFP (or at least Joel) has stated, that the first really long Alpha release (I think it was A16) takes that long because the development tools will get some updates to speed up Alpha release cycles. But it did not change the release cycle. BUT I think the Alphas have become much bigger, more content, more features, more improvements. 

And for me it is quite fine: I paid 10 €, for a game I have 100s of hours played (think most of all games in my life beside some MMOs like WOW, SWTOR or LOTRO and maybe Crusader Kings2/EU4). And every Alpha is some sort of a "NEW" game for me with a lot of things to discover. 
I work as a Software Dev myself. And I "love" the guys which make bull @%$# software because of a manager who says that the deadline must be kept in any case. So much crappy software out there because of that attitude. Spend some more time and some more money und you will get a good product. And as long as TFP still sales 1000s of copies they can make 100 Alphas instead of a unfinished GOLD game, where you have to buy a DLC for every crappy extension. 

So keep calm, take a breath and enjoy the waiting with some other games from small developer teams.

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10 hours ago, EzunaAranna said:


By that logic the fewer Alphas that are released on other games must mean more failure.


O no wait....it means in some cases they're doing it right.


GTA 5 - how many Alphas?

Skyrim - same question?

Diablo 1,2,3 - same question?

Even No Mans Sky - same question?

Valheim - same question?

...and many many more.


No - I've been a Programme Manager in IT for 23 years - one Alpha release is acceptable - then a Beta, then Gold. This would be acceptable in a series of Agile sprints over one year. 


This smacks of lack of direction and ineptitude. 


I will put my house on the fact that if any Alpha on Steam could charge at most £5 we'd have seen a Gold release, fully tested and optimised years ago.


Laziness, lack of direction and ineptitude - end of story. Only in the gaming industry could this practice be gotten away with....and so many paying customers excusing this behaviour.


In MY industry - Fintech - miss a deadline and I can't pay my mortgage end of story.



and all the games yu listed are from multi billion dollar companies so not even close to a fair comparision

10 hours ago, EzunaAranna said:


Valheim - team of 5

No Mans Sky - team of under 10


Get your facts right then "LMAO"


Time for YOU to stop snorting the "Fanboi any crap will do" pill I think...


Anyway I've said my piece and won't get into an argument - you've school tomorrow so don't want to keep you up too late ;)

how about GTA and diablo and skyrin that have hundreds WTF did you even include them hardly fair

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3 hours ago, Laz Man said:

I can empathize with the OPs comparisons however the key difference here is the game is a form for entertainment like no other.


All of those other small team games are great and all but very different from 7d2d.


Although the game has had many alphas, it has been playable all throughout.  Hell they probably could of chopped the game into several released paid titles/DLC if they really wanted to but they havent (exception was console...lol)


i dont empathize with OPs comparisions he is saying TFP with less than 50 total workers should be doing the equal work of blizzard that has 1000+ workers in the same amount of time and blizzard prob has a $2b budget per year

Altho i will say the last alpha update we got was borderline pre covid bologna

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As far as I am concerned, TFP could put A20 off until 2022 and I would not lose any sleep because of that...


...probably because I was already losing sleep due to tiptoeing about like a frightened mouse, in nightmare mode, through the hallways of the Ostrich Hotel and trying desperately not to wake a radiated wight.


I've got some number over 5000 hours of enjoyment from 7Days and I can't seem to quit it any more than I can quit my ritual, morning coffee. I most definitely feel like I've gotten my money's worth and then some. While I do have minor complaints, most of these issues have been resolved, thanks to all the work that TFP does in each release.


My main gripe is that sometimes, at uncivilized hours in the night, TFP's brilliant game has scared me so much that I wondered whether I piddled.


For an incomplete game, 7Days has provided me thousands of hours of rip-snorting fun that hundreds of other games could not or that were abandoned by their creators before they fixed even half the major bugs plaguing their supposedly "finished" product.

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