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The drone looks nice, but...


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1 hour ago, Roland said:

3) The drone will not auto heal you if you already have medicine in your system when you drop below 50 of your maximum health. It will wait until all the current medicine is used up before administering another dose.


4) The drone takes the bandages before it takes the first aid kits if both are in its inventory no matter what order they are arranged.

I feel there should be a preference at a certain margin.
Like <50HP use medkit.
<30HP use painkillers


But seeing how they don't even treat afflictions automaticially, I guess that is too complicated 😕

But thx a lot for testing all this! 🥳

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2 hours ago, Roland said:


Crafting one yourself is unlikely to be the only way to get one. There are plenty of tier 3 items that come into the player's possession long before the player could craft those items and some are things that player may NEVER be able to craft on their own. I'm trolling a bit but not much. This really is just the first iteration.


Why is it that all the people who are the loudest critics of how TFP always redo and redo and redo features-- all of a sudden are certain that this first implementation is going to be the final implementation? (Now THAT was a troll ;) )


This is true, I am sure they will expand on the drone. Honestly? can the drone keep up with a vehicle? cuz if not that kinda defeats the purpose of using it as a mobile storage container.


As for why people are critics about that Roland its because the game hasn't really... gone anywhere since a 9 or 10. Yes, we got some new items, graphical updates or poi's ,but hasn't gone much farther. I mean steel has been the final tier for 5+ years, we need something above it several mods do this including new ores to mine etc. My problem is TFP keeps redoing how the game is played and its been going downhill since after a16.4, progression was the best in a16.4, it just needed to be tweaked. Also the stat system does not stop level gating, its even worse now, as perks are gated behind stats, So you have even more gates blocking them. so they went backwards. Wanna use say pistols but had no plans to spec in agi? grats your always crap with them unless you pass the Agi stat gate to get the perk(s). I'd rather it just be a level gate, at least then once you meet the level your free to choose what you want.


TFP basically turned 1 gate into 5, since we now have 5 stats that gate perks, instead of just a level requirement. Check out Darkness Falls, its a good combo of level gating and action skill gating. Like blunt perk, you can get levels of it at 1, 10, 20, 40 then 60 blunt skill, and each 20 skill on the 1's like 21, it adds more to it. Bascially the weapon skills aren't level locked, while stuff like crafting tier IS level locked. 


Undead legacy is more vanilla it has the stat system, but, the power of each perk is split 50% from the one from stats and 50% from an action skill for using the item group, so even if you don't get the stat/perks you can at least be 50% more effective with them from just leveling the action skill, you need both however to gain the full effect. This way is best and closest to what TFP has, as at least you can still be somewhat good with a item group without having to invest in the stat. Mind you for full power you need the stat+perk+action skill, but its better than vanilla where its either the perk+stat or nothing.

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4 hours ago, Scyris said:

Honestly? can the drone keep up with a vehicle? cuz if not that kinda defeats the purpose of using it as a mobile storage container.


Yes. It either keeps up or teleports back in behind you. Either way when you get out of your car the drone will be zipping up to you very soon afterward.


4 hours ago, Scyris said:

As for why people are critics...

Blah blah blah Scyris. You take any and every thread and try to turn it to your same agenda of trying to return to the past. Please start your own thread to talk about how you believe TFP has gone wrong and leave over trying to derail other people's threads. This thread is purely about the drone. It has nothing to do with level gating and progression and how the game is worse since A10.  Glad you feel passionate but start your own thread.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, Scyris said:

TFP basically turned 1 gate into 5, since we now have 5 stats that gate perks, instead of just a level requirement.

Apologies for a bad practice if I respond. I am somehow partially responsible for the current state of a progression system.


What "kills it" at least for the players who have been playing for years is a "class system" consisting of 5 playstyles mostly. In previous "LBD" progression system any action has been attributed to a given skill. With the current division of skillsets, the player is more strictly obliged to certain pathways. This simple fact seems like a downgrade rather than an upgrade. 


I just wanted to "end spam crafting", but solving one issue spawned another one called "5 main attributes" instead of one nicely done "skill tree". After all those years "Excel rubrics" is still present. 


I only suggested a "skill point system". Thanks to that solution, players have been given chance to excel at any skill, no matter what weapon they used or getting accomplished activity and so on - to me, such an option seemed like an upgrade rather than a downgrade of the progression system back then. 


To me, it`s completely irrelevant whether attributes grant 3% of this or 10% of that. There has to be only a sense of progression and something that keeps players busy. A system that possibly grants as much freedom of choice as possible, right? At the end of the day all stubborn players will level up at everything, but I don`t see a reason why the devs should make life more complicated with "5 main attributes/classes".


So coming back to a drone...

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a distraction mod or mode would be cool. you could point to an area and it could hover out of reach and play loud music attract/distract.


I expected myself not to like it, but honestly found it pretty believable based on current available tech. I didn't want this to become a sci fi game with a crazy flying auto turret. The abilities they gave it already feels realistic, so for me its a win.

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Well I, for one, am very grateful that the last two years were spent creating this impressive specimen with a totally hilarious teddy bear head attachment. Not only that, but because of all the hard work on localizations, I can play the game with my Taiwanese friends who don't speak English.


The auger sound effect, indestructible shopping carts and out-of-sync co-op player animations are completely unimportant compared to localization and drones. I am grateful to have the opportunity to play this game!

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On 10/10/2021 at 2:36 AM, Viktoriusiii said:

There are things called "drones" that the military uses since like... 2010? Maybe earlier? :D

ya and they have a 66' wingspan and weigh almost 5000lbs.


Not remotely a similar comparison. We don't have consumer sized weapon equiped drones. The military ones are 2x the size of a Cessna

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1 hour ago, warmer said:

ya and they have a 66' wingspan and weigh almost 5000lbs.


Not remotely a similar comparison. We don't have consumer sized weapon equiped drones. The military ones are 2x the size of a Cessna


The ones we KNOW about out... ;)

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3 hours ago, Boidster said:


I will name mine "Boob".



sorry :D


1 hour ago, warmer said:

ya and they have a 66' wingspan and weigh almost 5000lbs.


Not remotely a similar comparison. We don't have consumer sized weapon equiped drones. The military ones are 2x the size of a Cessna

I also don't know of any small turrets that shoot junk at motion detected targets. Even less so that can differentiate between friendly and hostile :D
Honestly, a shooting drone is more believable than a zombie outbreak 😛
I mean... we have both, but lets not get political xD

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On 10/8/2021 at 5:48 PM, Roland said:

Hopefully there will be more to it at some point. Even being able to send it back to your base to deliver items to a special container it is linked to. That way you could keep exploring a large POI and every 5-10 minutes the drone would return for you to transfer more loot for it to take back to your base ,dump, and return.



I am hoping this is something they have been thinking of. I would have liked to have something like it since I saw this video.



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2 hours ago, warmer said:

ya and they have a 66' wingspan and weigh almost 5000lbs.


Not remotely a similar comparison. We don't have consumer sized weapon equiped drones. The military ones are 2x the size of a Cessna

To be fair, the drone in 7D2D also is not a consumer sized weapon equiped drone  😉

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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as im concerned, i may fiddle around with the drone, out of curiosity. This said, i dont think i'll use it that much in my regular playthroughs. But for perma-death, it will become a game changer for sure and i'll be glad to have it around.

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On 10/11/2021 at 1:53 PM, warmer said:

ya and they have a 66' wingspan and weigh almost 5000lbs.


Not remotely a similar comparison. We don't have consumer sized weapon equiped drones. The military ones are 2x the size of a Cessna



And from even earlier.....


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22 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Context is everything. We were talking about the drones in the US operations around the world, and consumer sized drones. Those guys are the size of a large dishwasher. 

Point of comparison is the drone in game. That's probable 18" across or so. But I do give you that yes they exists, just not in the form we were discussing.

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On 10/9/2021 at 3:26 AM, Jost Amman said:

I doubt it'll ever be possible (unless they limit the range) since you could send it to points on the map where the chunks have been unloaded because you're too far away. :ohwell:


Just place the drone's contents into an accumulator that doesn't actually dump its contents until someone enters the target chunk. You would need to do a calculation for how long the drone would be tied up for the round-trip, but even a rough estimate would be fine for most people. 
We don't actually need to witness the drone opening the dumpster lid, and in the majority of cases nobody would be around to see it.



-Arch Necromancer Morloc

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9 hours ago, warmer said:

Context is everything. We were talking about the drones in the US operations around the world, and consumer sized drones. Those guys are the size of a large dishwasher. 

Point of comparison is the drone in game. That's probable 18" across or so. But I do give you that yes they exists, just not in the form we were discussing.


Nitpicking your nitpick: ViktoriusIII, who you replied to, talked about "military" without specifying the country and I know he is not from the US. Though his reference of 2010 is a bit early for the current turkish drones, they exist now and represent current tech as well as any drone developed by US military


Both drones shown in the articles are the first generation of a new weapon class. I'm sure you can shrink that format measureably with time, especially if you trade away range and caliber to decrease mass and size. Look at the US drone, it still uses a normal assault rifle made for a human! Once this weapon class is in mass production it will use tailormade weapons.




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1 hour ago, meganoth said:


Nitpicking your nitpick: ViktoriusIII, who you replied to, talked about "military" without specifying the country and I know he is not from the US. Though his reference of 2010 is a bit early for the current turkish drones, they exist now and represent current tech as well as any drone developed by US military




We are talking about US military drones and the drones currently in game. I mean we can keep widening the goal posts to include anything you want, but everyone in the original exchange understood the context. loL


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2 hours ago, warmer said:

We are talking about US military drones and the drones currently in game. I mean we can keep widening the goal posts to include anything you want, but everyone in the original exchange understood the context. loL



I'm sure you can show me a quote that shows that everyone, especially ViktoriusIII who seems to be the only one mentioning "military" at all was talking about US drones, right? 😉


The argument was about what current tech is (for drones) and what is Scifi tech. Now if the turkish military has shown such a drone I'm sure the US military won't call it Scifi tech either. So there are no goal posts moved unless you think the turkish military is decades ahead in drone tech.


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6 hours ago, meganoth said:


I'm sure you can show me a quote that shows that everyone, especially ViktoriusIII who seems to be the only one mentioning "military" at all was talking about US drones, right? 😉


The argument was about what current tech is (for drones) and what is Scifi tech. Now if the turkish military has shown such a drone I'm sure the US military won't call it Scifi tech either. So there are no goal posts moved unless you think the turkish military is decades ahead in drone tech.


uhhh we were talking about drones in active military use in 2010 that were common knowledge.

Maybe you can show anything other than US Drones in active use in 2010. OR maybe you can ask ViktoriusIII which ones they were referring to. lol

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