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Dire wolves spawning on me on Day 2, happened twice.

Space Beans

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Just started playing the game, was looting a house near my campfire and bedroll at around midday on Day 2 when a dire wolf ran through the front door, cornered me, and needless to say ripped me apart.


Switched from the pregen to a new randomly generated save file, and day 2 during the night, a Dire Wolf spawned near my mine that i was digging overnight. 


Is this game taking the @%$#? what are the odds of this happening?


And why does the screen randomly go from being light to super dark when moving around some houses?

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Dire wolfes can spawn at night even in freshly started games, night is dangerous. The dire wolf that attacked you around midday should not have happened except if you were in or near one of the more dangerous biomes like the snow or wasteland biome. Or less likely the dire wolf was a remnant of the previous night (it would have had to be near you for the whole morning otherwise it would have despawned).


In the first few nights you should always have a safe location near you for events like this though many of the nights dangers you can outrun.


Other games without a fully destructable and changeable world just let a designer tag any space with a flag whether it is indoors or not. A game like this with fully destructible world needs to find out by some heuristic if a space is inside or not. Since 7D2D needs all the CPU cycles it can get to support minimum spec PCs the heuristic needs to be very simple. The result is some wonky light changes, but mostly it works.




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Okay, i guess this was a good lesson to learn early in the game, I gotta be more careful and always be ready to fight a dire wolf to the death 😄


Though i was planning on trying to never die, i think im going to have to accept a few deaths here and there. i dont think i can beat a dire wolf wearing plant fibre clothes and a lv 1 wooden club. Not until i get gud anyway.


And thanks for the info regarding the lighting, makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

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15 minutes ago, Space Beans said:

Okay, i guess this was a good lesson to learn early in the game, I gotta be more careful and always be ready to fight a dire wolf to the death 😄


Though i was planning on trying to never die, i think im going to have to accept a few deaths here and there. i dont think i can beat a dire wolf wearing plant fibre clothes and a lv 1 wooden club. Not until i get gud anyway.


And thanks for the info regarding the lighting, makes a lot of sense when you think about it.


Np. Yeah the world is dangerous :) Little tip if you're unprepared, you can run away from them especially at night if you have the stamina. Use trees/boulders to break line of sight and sneak away. Of course, spotting them before they aggro on you is the best way 

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tid bit - dont make the mistake believing its completely safe during the day either, as far as lions and bears and dogs and wolves and coyotes and snakes and vultures and an occasional feral to boot. :) anything can happen in this game... just dont throw a bone at the bear (you have to give him a jar of honey)


if that is not exciting enough, when you get a20 when time comes... turn on feral sense and make them jog or run or sprint at day. we dont need 1000s more zombies.. we just needed feral sense and its here (or will be). :)

Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, meganoth said:

Dire wolfes can spawn at night even in freshly started games, night is dangerous. The dire wolf that attacked you around midday should not have happened except if you were in or near one of the more dangerous biomes like the snow or wasteland biome. Or less likely the dire wolf was a remnant of the previous night (it would have had to be near you for the whole morning otherwise it would have despawned).


In the first few nights you should always have a safe location near you for events like this though many of the nights dangers you can outrun.


Other games without a fully destructable and changeable world just let a designer tag any space with a flag whether it is indoors or not. A game like this with fully destructible world needs to find out by some heuristic if a space is inside or not. Since 7D2D needs all the CPU cycles it can get to support minimum spec PCs the heuristic needs to be very simple. The result is some wonky light changes, but mostly it works.




That is correct. If they spawn at day, then the player is close to a dangerous biome OR the dire wolfs are a remnant from the previous night. Normal wolfs, on the other hand, can spawn at day on day one. It's just that they are very rare.

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But the game count it for you ! 😞

I did serveral hardcore run too. And i notice it is the best not to fight at the beginning.

Wood spikes are you friend then, you can run backwards and place them before dog's and wolfs they chase you.

They will slow down them on a hit, and at last dog's get killed pretty fast with the spikes, a dire wolf would need alot more.

But the bad thing you don't get kill count/xp from spike kills.


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2 hours ago, Canute said:

But the bad thing you don't get kill count/xp from spike kills.



Tell that to the dead guy with a little more XP 😁. If you take the game serious then staying alive must be the top priority and anything else is just gravy.


Yeah sure, somehow you still die sometimes and by some miracle are alive again. But you don't know why and you don't know if this will happen again next time. Next time could be the last.




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13 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

... lions and bears and dogs and wolves and coyotes and snakes and vultures and an occasional feral to boot. :) anything can happen in this game... 

hold on.

bears, check

dogs, check

wolves, check

coyotes, check

snakes, check

vultures, check


lions?? did i miss something?

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When you're just starting, the best thing to do is work on your base at night. Harvest lots of wood and those blue boxes are full of cobblestones too because you can upgrade wood to stone with them. It's not a good idea to go mining or harvesting anything at night at the beginning.


I had two direwolf spawn on me during the day and I posted a rant about it. That rarely happens but it can. It only happened to me once.

Edited by ElCabong (see edit history)
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I work under the premise that if I am out after I hear the night sting/sfx to indicate you are in deep $h!t if you stay outside, I deserve what I get if I am not hidden or being fairly quite. That to me has always been part of what I like about this game. 

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I had a wolf on me within 30min of spawning in on an island I made in a lake on a custom heightmap. Even in such an isolated spot, they show up. lol. This is one reason I ALWAYS run around with 6 wood frames on me. I have saved myself 100's of time by climbing up something quickly using wood frames. VERY useful when you first start out and run into a bear! 

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2 hours ago, warmer said:

 This is one reason I ALWAYS run around with 6 wood frames on me. I have saved myself 100's of time by climbing up something quickly using wood frames. VERY useful when you first start out and run into a bear! 

Just 6?  Damn dude.  I can't live without at least 250+ in my first hotbar slot.

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