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KingGen - A Random World Generator for 7 Days to Die


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26 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:



So Khaine is aware of what you found.  He might need more details from you.

No problem, I tried tinkering with the POI list because I realized that a lot of POIs weren't generated by KG. Few of them just needed some allowed Township value, that was not to complicated but apparently no POI with the phrase "cave" in its name will generate aswell.  So the solution is to rename them to something without cave or just remove the "e" from cave.







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2 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

Wait, what? Why am I being tagged? The only caves DF has are part of sphereii-core and not part of the kinggen list.

because I messed up, I for some reason get you and Kingslayer mixed up.  I think it is because you have the GB and he has GM at the end of your user names.


Tagging @KingSlayerGM

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My buddy and I want to have a world that's all snow biome, but every time I try to make one with the CPVANILLAKINGGEN13PREFABLIST, it crashes with the below log message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log
  File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate
  File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime
  File "world.py", line 1301, in run
  File "world.py", line 272, in generate
  File "world.py", line 349, in gen_villages
  File "world.py", line 393, in gen_villages_forest
  File "hub_factory.py", line 79, in gen_hub
  File "city.py", line 46, in __init__
  File "city.py", line 53, in generate
  File "city.py", line 125, in gen_grid
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

It works fine using the Vanilla POI list...

Is it trying to insert POIs or hubs tagged for non-snow biomes?  

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2 hours ago, sonicdeathmnkey said:

My buddy and I want to have a world that's all snow biome, but every time I try to make one with the CPVANILLAKINGGEN13PREFABLIST, it crashes with the below log message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log
  File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate
  File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime
  File "world.py", line 1301, in run
  File "world.py", line 272, in generate
  File "world.py", line 349, in gen_villages
  File "world.py", line 393, in gen_villages_forest
  File "hub_factory.py", line 79, in gen_hub
  File "city.py", line 46, in __init__
  File "city.py", line 53, in generate
  File "city.py", line 125, in gen_grid
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

It works fine using the Vanilla POI list...

Is it trying to insert POIs or hubs tagged for non-snow biomes?  

Try adding snow biome to the ones that don't have snow 

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Hi Kingslayer,

I had an idea for a new feature, thought it would be worth suggesting.

Sometimes after generating a map, I edit and add a few things. When changing POI's, I regenerate the preview.

When it does this, the colour of most POIs change in the preview.png (guessing because most POI are not specific to only 1 biome or sector).

Would it be possible to capture what Kinggen was filtering by at the time, so it could maintain this, either by writing to a separate file, or maybe adding the filter criteria into notes in the prefab xml.

Just a thought.

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Quiet week it seems. . .    So - quick question, if I may.... I believe that the rwgmixer.xml is only used and read by the 7D2D default R/W Generator during the creation of an RWG map, and is not used (at all) by the game when a KingGen-created map is used. . . . .     However - neither the poislist or the prefabs.xml list are formatted in the same manner as the rwgmixer, and perhaps this is because KingGen doesn't use that same format - getting all the needed prefab details from those two files.
      A couple of test games ago, I removed the rwgmixer.xml from the Config folder to see if it had any impact, and it appears not to. The current Prefabs folder contains only the 'CP47-A19.6 KG13+vanilla' download, so my  question is - Is the rwgmixer.xml used anywhere at all, other than when creating a default RWG map? It throws up a red - 'missing file' notification in the startup log, but nothing more significant. 

Edited by paulj_3 (see edit history)
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On 9/19/2021 at 8:12 AM, AndrewT said:

Kingslayer with the new custom map features coming to A20 as well as a new list of POIs in the hundreds, how will KingGen be updated to be compatable with A20? especially considering we will need maps larger than 10k to have lots of the new POIs in one map

You can make 16k maps in kinggen already lol

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hi, i have settings mostly default. only changes are wasteland size=none , number of spawn points increased , number of POI's in the wild = decreased.

using a 12k custom height map and a custom cities map.  I am using a custom citits map because playing with cities =1 and trying to keep the number of towns down just wouldnt work. you couldnt tell the difference between the city and the towns.  ok so i painted areas green 0,255,0 for towns and i am mostly happy with the map. BUT the roads in the towns dont connect! the city is fine, the villiages are fine, asian and farms areas are fine . Its only the towns that are a series of crosses. as per the image. 

the only other changes i made were because the map was getting too flooded and lost its shape. i set water level to 10 cities to 30 and snow at 150

town road issue.png

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Lowering the town 'grid' size will reconnect the roads. I've had a similar problem. 

Regarding your water and city height issue. It sounds like your map is effectively too 'dark' making it low. Try using the 'brightness' tool on your whole map, in your graphics editing software, to increase the base level of the terrain to nearer 60,60,60. Or you could drop a black layer underneath your map, then slowly make your map more transparent, slowly exposing the black layer, until it brings the brightness down sufficiently.

Just a couple of random ideas. I hope something there helps. 

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8 minutes ago, Tallman Brad said:

Lowering the town 'grid' size will reconnect the roads. I've had a similar problem. 

Regarding your water and city height issue. It sounds like your map is effectively too 'dark' making it low. Try using the 'brightness' tool on your whole map, in your graphics editing software, to increase the base level of the terrain to nearer 60,60,60. Or you could drop a black layer underneath your map, then slowly make your map more transparent, slowly exposing the black layer, until it brings the brightness down sufficiently.

Just a couple of random ideas. I hope something there helps. 

cheers Brad, i will try the grid size.  

the  map probably is too dark but i have no issues with generation with the 10,30 settings.  the map is lifted out of tangram, it is Tasmania the smallish island below victoria in Australia...

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On 9/20/2021 at 11:30 AM, paulj_3 said:

quick question, if I may.... I believe that the rwgmixer.xml is only used and read by the 7D2D default R/W Generator during the creation of an RWG map, and is not used (at all) by the game when a KingGen-created map is used


Correct. Only the built-in RWG uses the rwgmixer.xml file.


On 9/20/2021 at 11:30 AM, paulj_3 said:

neither the poislist or the prefabs.xml list are formatted in the same manner as the rwgmixer, and perhaps this is because KingGen doesn't use that same format - getting all the needed prefab details from those two files.


Correct. The build-in RWG is willing and able to read POI XML files and binary files to collect information about each POI related to placement such as zoning, size, rotation, offset, and more. Generators like KingGen and NitroGen prefer to have all of that pre-processed into one data file. You use a tool to build that file, assemble that file manually, or edit a file produced by their tool.


On 9/20/2021 at 11:30 AM, paulj_3 said:

Is the rwgmixer.xml used anywhere at all, other than when creating a default RWG map?


Not that I'm aware of, but POI lists only appear to be about 1/3 of that file. I suppose it is possible some part of a running game needed info about biomes, stamper nodes, and whatever else is down there.

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First off, thank you for this awesome tool. I am having a small issue where every map seems to only put populated areas (cities/towns) in the desert biome. I am trying to create an 8K map that is mostly flat with huge connected cities. I have set city/town size to large, city/town number to "lots", and mountains to none.  I've generated about 20 maps so far and it looks like the generator specifically targets the desert biome for populated areas and the forest is mostly empty.


Is there a setting I'm missing or would I have to use a "Custom cities maps" file to do this?


Another small question: Is there a place where I can see a showcase/collection of awesome generated KG maps?

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I love this map generator. I have one saved that I use often, but I'm getting to know it too well. When I try to generate a new one, I've been getting error messages though. The latest one is below and I'm wondering if someone could help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? I'm trying to use custom POIs and I'm assuming this is the issue because it works fine when trying to generator a map with vanilla POIs.


"Discarded 992 lines in POIs list:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log
  File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate
  File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime
  File "world.py", line 1301, in run
  File "world.py", line 69, in __init__
  File "hub_factory.py", line 14, in __init__
Exception: Cannot find default hubs"

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2 hours ago, AndrewT said:

I know im currently using one but what i meant was considering the huge sizes of new upcoming POIs we may need more than just 10k map sizes in vanilla game.

Argh in vanilla tfp would have to keep it to a default size. Who knows what the remaining alphas have tho maybe we get more size options. 

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