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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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They were told the same as I've said here that this weekend is looking good and hasn't been ruled out and we will know for sure as soon as Rick makes the official announcement. They've decided to hedge their bets and possibly get first scoop. If it turns out to be true then they win and if it turns out to be next weekend then...oopsie!!





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3 minutes ago, Roland said:

lol...those streamers are risking egg on the face just to be first to announce. It's not official until Rick announces.

that'd be right!  Just when it looks like it's gonna rain... :(

Same every year... You get all excited for the rain then poof the clouds dissipate and you are left just a little more peeved.

It's gotta rain sometime right?


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2 minutes ago, Roland said:

They were told the same as I've said here that this weekend is looking good and hasn't been ruled out and we will know for sure as soon as Rick makes the official announcement. They've decided to hedge their bets and possibly get first scoop. If it turns out to be true then they win and if it turns out to be next weekend then...oopsie!!






Do I sense a ban hammer coming their way if they are incorrect? ;)

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6 minutes ago, Roland said:

They were told the same as I've said here that this weekend is looking good and hasn't been ruled out and we will know for sure as soon as Rick makes the official announcement. They've decided to hedge their bets and possibly get first scoop. If it turns out to be true then they win and if it turns out to be next weekend then...oopsie!!







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3 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


Yes, and it was your prerogative to follow suit. That's your responsibility. It's your risk, sure, but if it comes to bite you in the ass...

Have you ever thought about not being a negative nancy for once? Cos you do that a lot.

I recommend trying it. Or just don't reply to me. Because you're negative most of the time you do.

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3 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

Have you ever thought about not being a negative nancy for once? Cos you do that a lot.

I recommend trying it. Or just don't reply to me. Because you're negative most of the time you do.


You're right, and I give you apologies. I do not wish for us to be on negative terms with one another, so I retract my previous statement, and any past ones I've made.

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24 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:


In fairness Capp00 did it before me ;)


Very much resisting the urge to needle Capp00 a little bit. 😅
TBH, were I in the creator headspace right now, I'd be super eager to let my audience know, "ZOMG, A20 is almost here! SQUEE!"

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17 hours ago, Roland said:

Things seem promising for either this weekend or next but until an official announcement is made by The Fun Pimp it is just hopes and crossed fingers. 


Did you mean to use "pimp" in the singular? I thought that both Joel and Richard Huenink are still actively involved; however, I seem to recall that Christian Lang fell off my Pimp radar a while ago.

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We haven't seen the "Smells like fresh A21" meme from @Laz Man yet. Can't happen until Laz does his part.


2 minutes ago, mprojekt said:


Did you mean to use "pimp" in the singular? I thought that both Joel and Richard Huenink are still actively involved; however, I seem to recall that Christian Lang fell off my Pimp radar a while ago.


Rick Huenink is "The Fun Pimp" here on the forums. 


I made no typo. :)

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

They were told the same as I've said here that this weekend is looking good and hasn't been ruled out and we will know for sure as soon as Rick makes the official announcement. They've decided to hedge their bets and possibly get first scoop. If it turns out to be true then they win and if it turns out to be next weekend then...oopsie!!


They can push it! The integration streamings look so good that even I am starting to not hate the feature . There are bugs. But the overall experience looks quite ok.

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7 minutes ago, Roland said:

Rick Huenink is "The Fun Pimp" here on the forums. 


I made no typo. :)


AH! My bad. I did panic a little when I saw the prior comment and images of headlines about the break-up of a favorite rock band had flashed through my mind.

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