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3 minutes ago, iamnuff said:

The fact that the Blunderbuss is useful again makes me happy, but it does kinda shoehorn early players into having to use shotguns, which is a problem. 

I hope A20 adds a pipe pistol and maybe a rifle, along with fixing the primitive bow so it doesn't suck so much. 


That way in the early-game we'd have ranged weapons for almost every build available in the 'stone age' 

Getting ammo for them would be a pain. Maybe if they all use something like blunderbuss ammo, which can be made without needing lead or brass? 

Oh, and blunderbuss ammo scrapping to paper instead of gunpowder feels like an oversight. The gunpowder is definately the most valuable ingredient in there. 


No idea what the stone-age intelligence weapons are going to be.

Neither electrocution or robots lend-themselves well to caveman tech-levels. 


Probably you missed the announcement that makeshift pipe weapon will appear in A20 as T0 weapons, including a pipe shotgun that will replace the blunderbuss

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28 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Probably you missed the announcement that makeshift pipe weapon will appear in A20 as T0 weapons, including a pipe shotgun that will replace the blunderbuss

I didn't see the announcement, but I sorta assumed. You can tell by how the game treats the blunderbuss that it's being used as a T0 gun, and it wouldn't make sense for it to be the only gun that has a t0 version. 

Honestly, the blunderbuss makes a fine pipe-shotgun. I don't see any reason to change it. 


Sure, you could make it look less 'pirate' and more 'scrap-pipes assembled into something resembling a modern shotgun' but... I find it charming. 

Plus, muzzle-loading pebbles and gunpowder is probably the most primitive you could possibly make a shotgun. 

And again, i wonder what sort of 'pipe turret' will show up for the intelligence skill-tree. 


... actually, now I kinda just want to get a pipe as a weapon. 

Not a pipe-anything, just a pipe. 



Craft it from two pipes and maybe a bit of scrap-iron?

It's probably two-handed, so it wouldn't count as a club. Could maybe replace the stone sledge with it. Or have the stone sledge and the lead-pipe be sidegrades.


Edited by iamnuff (see edit history)
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29 minutes ago, iamnuff said:

The fact that the Blunderbuss is useful again makes me happy, but it does kinda shoehorn early players into having to use shotguns, which is a problem. 

I hope A20 adds a pipe pistol and maybe a rifle, along with fixing the primitive bow so it doesn't suck so much. 


That way in the early-game we'd have ranged weapons for almost every build available in the 'stone age' 

Getting ammo for them would be a pain. Maybe if they all use something like blunderbuss ammo, which can be made without needing lead or brass? 

Oh, and blunderbuss ammo scrapping to paper instead of gunpowder feels like an oversight. The gunpowder is definately the most valuable ingredient in there. 


No idea what the stone-age intelligence weapons are going to be.

Neither electrocution or robots lend-themselves well to caveman tech-levels. 


As Meganoth said in A20 it's already been confirmed that the Blunderbuss and its ammo are going away. In it's place will be a T0 pipe gun for each of the attributes that will use normal ammo. Such as a pipe pistol using 9mm, pipe shotgun using shells, pipe rifle and a pipe machine gun using 7.62, lastly we will hopefully get something for Intellect but that is not confirmed yet. The basic plan is to ensure that from day one everyone will have access to a basic crude gun no matter the build you intend to go with.

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On 9/18/2020 at 10:45 AM, Danidas said:

I've been playing a lot with the Stun Baton as of late and it's amazing how over looked it is. As it's boarder line OP, especially with Tech Junkie Volume 6 to get a 25% chance to charge it on each hit and 50% on power attacks. Which makes it trivial to stun lock your target and even keep multiple targets stun locked as you beat them to death. As for damage and time to kill it is actually really good despite its low stated damage due to the shock dps.


However it is plainly obvious why it is so over looked as its listed damage is so low and the games electric shock special effect is way over the top to a boarder line annoying level. Which both effectively drive people away from the weapon to more comfortable options with bigger numbers like the Club or even Axe. 


It would be awesome if the electric effect was toned down a bit and even better if the electric dps was listed in the weapon description to show it's true damage.

I love to send them flying with my stun baton with the stun repulsor mod in it.

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1 minute ago, Danidas said:

As Meganoth said in A20 it's already been confirmed that the Blunderbuss and its ammo are going away. In it's place will be a T0 pipe gun for each of the attributes that will use normal ammo. Such as a pipe pistol using 9mm, pipe shotgun using shells, pipe rifle and a pipe machine gun using 7.62, lastly we will hopefully get something for Intellect but that is not confirmed yet. The basic plan is to ensure that from day one everyone will have access to a basic crude gun no matter the build you intend to go with.


Yeah, like i said. This being the basic plan was obvious from a19, but I like the blunderbuss. Both for it's looks and it's ammo. 

It makes it a lot easier to scrounge up some ammo to use your t0 weapon when you don't need a forge to melt down brass and lead, or a workbench to assemble it into bullets. 


But conversely, the weapon itself is so slow and hard to use that making yourself huge piles of this primitve ammo isn't a good use of resources, because eventually you'll graduate to t1 and all that ammo will be wasted. 


If we kept primitive ammo for pistols, shotguns and rifles, they all used the same basic ingredients and scrapped to gunpowder (and were craftable in your basic inventory) then we'd be able to make do for a while on that alone, without having to scrounge up any proper bullets. 


Then again, A19 made ammo-loot quite a bit more common, though I don't remember finding much on the first week. 

I managed to get a stack of 9mm and a handgun ready by day 5, so I was able to hold off the horde with it, because a blunderbuss never would have worked. 

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11 minutes ago, iamnuff said:


Yeah, like i said. This being the basic plan was obvious from a19, but I like the blunderbuss. Both for it's looks and it's ammo. 

It makes it a lot easier to scrounge up some ammo to use your t0 weapon when you don't need a forge to melt down brass and lead, or a workbench to assemble it into bullets. 


But conversely, the weapon itself is so slow and hard to use that making yourself huge piles of this primitve ammo isn't a good use of resources, because eventually you'll graduate to t1 and all that ammo will be wasted. 


If we kept primitive ammo for pistols, shotguns and rifles, they all used the same basic ingredients and scrapped to gunpowder (and were craftable in your basic inventory) then we'd be able to make do for a while on that alone, without having to scrounge up any proper bullets. 


Then again, A19 made ammo-loot quite a bit more common, though I don't remember finding much on the first week. 

I managed to get a stack of 9mm and a handgun ready by day 5, so I was able to hold off the horde with it, because a blunderbuss never would have worked. 

I think what they are going for is to make guns common but ammo for said guns less common to limit their use. Similar to what happened with Power Armor in Fallout 4 and 76 where they give you the armor left and right but what you need to power/use it was rare to prevent you from always using it until you advanced far enough to over come the rarity.


Also note that in A19 the Traders and their quests are not tied to Game Stage. Which A20 will fix that by limiting Trader inventory and quest rewards to at most slightly better then what you can find in random POI loot. So getting nearly a full stack of ammo for doing a simple task will be a thing of the past.

Edited by Danidas (see edit history)
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16 minutes ago, Kalex said:

I love to send them flying with my stun baton with the stun repulsor mod in it.


The Yeet is fun, but the sound-effect is way too loud, and the visual effect is near blinding. 

Also, you can't even get a stun-baton until steel-tier loot starts dropping or being sold at the trader, because it requires parts to build. 


Personally, i'm looking forwards to seeing the other tiers of stun-batons when they finally come out. 

Originally I was thinking of 'stone age' as like... actual stone-age. Cavemen and stuff, but if the blunderbuss (and probably pipe guns) are going to need pipes to craft, then it's pretty much expected that you have to get a wrench before you can build anything, right?

Use the wrench on a toilet to get pipes, then look for glue and cloth to make duct-tape for your pipe-gun, right? 


But if you have a wrench, you can get electrical parts, so you could have electrical tools at t0, so long as you don't need forged iron to make it. 

The forge should be the gatekeeper for iron tools and then the crucible the gatekeeper for steel tools. 


I want a little home-made taser for primitive. Like a fist-sized battery with copper prongs sticking out of the front.

Then maybe the stun baton for iron, and some super-cool looking sword or axe or spiked mace with lightning pouring out of it for steel tier. 


The baton looks kinda lame. I want the final option to look as cool as the new steel-tier axe. I want something that lives up to the name "The Electrocutioner" and hits dudes like Mjölnir.


Edit: I like the idea of putting burning shaft on the stun-baton for double status-effects, but the fire-effect is really ugly, and makes it hard to see. 

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4 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

Microsoft certainly has one major advantage, the only advantage that matters really, over Sony and Nintendo, and that's money. Microsoft is a trillion dollar company, while Sony does not even make the top 50. (I'm unsure about Nintendo.) If they wanted, assuming Amazon or Google don't get them first, I can certainly see Microsoft eventually purchasing studios such as CD Projekt Red, Rockstar, among many others.


It's a good move on both Microsoft's and Bethesda's parts though. I can only see a beneficial outcome coming from this, if it's that noticeable at all. We might just end up with another Minecraft situation.

I dont think Rockstar, one of the only game studios that never let his fans down (Regarding GTA), would sell the company to anyone, they hold the holy grail of GTA since they created it and will not need to be purchased by anyone for the next... decade, if they keep theyr game up to date - or the new GTA up to date... it will stay as it is. Guaranteed.

You couldve named tons of studios, but rockstar, NAH :D

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1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

Wait thats real!

Just 2 minutes of Googleing turned up many kits for it. So it's definitely a real thing that you can either buy a kit for from a surprising large amount of sites or Macgyver your own with some common parts.


Edited by Danidas
Removed link to one of the kits. (see edit history)
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8 minutes ago, Roland said:

I like this, I like this. The dev diary being used for its intended purpose and any discussions relating to the alpha can be deposited in its own separate official thread. Since nothing is changing technically, I'll be packing my suitcase and moving on over. :) Good job Roland, honestly this should have been done ages ago. (I know, I'm the one to talk, yadda yadda yadda.) Although @Roland, while I agree with this decision, it'll need to be enforced, otherwise in about 48 hours it'll all be for naught. Perhaps the closure of all discussion outside of TFP staff and mods for this thread is in order, and we could all migrate over to the link you provided?


See y'all on the other side. :)

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On 9/17/2020 at 3:56 AM, zWolfer said:

This forum is so full of kids, old kids.. but im glad im still have my arguments and some of you just wanna make fun with it, maybe you're all just kids playing a game, idk

I agree. It's really off-putting. I'm kind of horrified that its happening, but also don't think there's much that can be done about it at present. 19 stable is out, and a new discussion hasn't been created. Perhaps the devs are run off their feet at the moment and will create a thread when they have more time to listen to our suggestions. Personally, I'm going to hold off any further ideas i get and wait to see for now.

On 9/16/2020 at 9:44 PM, Roland said:

You think I don’t know the rules for this thread let alone the whole forum and that I just go off assumptions based upon emotional outbursts by Madmole and never have direct conversations with him where he says, “Roland, let’s try and do a better job keeping the mod talk out of the dev diary”?

When you say that sometimes a mod brings better balance, what you mean is that a mod sometimes makes the game feel better and more fun FOR YOU. 

But by all means keep bring up mods in this thread and see what happens...

Is there an actual rule list on this type of thread? Community guidelines? Just for future reference. I Don't want to stir the pot, but at the same time I feel that there are a lot of disrespectful comments going on here and its rather unwelcoming. I'm not one to let others walk all over me or be rude for no reason so that's why I'm asking. If it was you who moderated the offensive comment from earlier, thank you for listening. Not much you can really do about these "jokers" though. Just in case any of those said "jokers" read this - what you are doing is pushing people away from giving their opinions, which might have helped the devs. Please just try to remember that some people might feel pushed out due to your behavior.

As for your response, Roland - I apologize. I now realize that my comment came across as if I were questioning your knowledge and effort in moderating this sub. I more meant to highlight that I have not seen any official rule book for this thread. Mods sometimes have specialty areas and whatnot and I guessed that this thread didn't have any different rules to the rest of the forum in general. Maybe if you wrote a short list of extra rules, specific to this topic? It might cut down on the amount of posts you have to manually moderate. ACTUALLY!! If I cast my mind back to before the release of 19 EXP I think there were a list of rules for posting here, but it got buried and hardly anyone followed the rules anyway?? I believe one of the rules there was not to argue over other people's ideas? Is that list no longer in force? This is my memory, which is shoddy sometimes, so apologies if I got that wrong. Anyway, my idea to cut back on your workload would be a stickied rules section for posting here. It would be awesome if people did actually try to follow the rules. I remember thinking it was nice that the devs wanted to hear ideas without having xyz person jump up and down complaining that it would ruin their experience. (That's what the reacts are supposed to be for, am I right?) Because at the end of the day, all we can do is give our opinion on things that "sometimes makes the game feel better and more fun FOR YOU." See what I did there, lol. This is precisely why we are here... But I misunderstood you earlier. It seems that I can talk about features I've seen in mods, but from the standpoint of them being possibly implemented like any other idea/opinion put forth on here. So... just don't mention you got the idea from a mod, right? Anyway, sorry I was rude, not my intention there. 

PS: I didn't mean MM emotional outbursts lol I just meant maybe he told one or two people off or something. I don't want MM thinking I think he's emotionally unstable.... That's our job as players. We are the ones who get to have meltdowns over xyz minor game change!


On 9/17/2020 at 4:12 AM, Adam the Waster said:

we understood you're argument. its just that you brought up "Toxic masculinity" *snip*


no need to bring in toxic masculinity...    




It was me who said that - and it was about something completely different. Something along the lines of real men something something. I don't want to bring it up because the mods listened (thank you) and removed it, or the poster did (again, thank you). I was just trying to keep discussions civil and not personal attacky. Even if people are joking, it can sometimes feel a bit cliquey, you know? So anyway, this guy had nothing to do with the toxic masculinity comment. 

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On 9/16/2020 at 10:07 PM, zWolfer said:

@madmole yes, this is a criticism... Who is the guy who design the zombies? Why is it that all we have are mostly white zombies, strong males, weak and/or sexualized females.. There are a lot of zombies but only the screamer is "correct" and theres's one asian and the hungry female.. I mean, come on, I know its a game but let do this in a good way....

Geez stop there. There's no end to whining about this sort of thing.  7DTD is not a representation of real life and in real life white people can't pop out black babies or choose the gender of their baby or decide if he/she is gonna be a gym junkie. Maybe you need to create your own game with an algorithm for fair spawning too. by the way there are no Australian aboriginals, no Amazonians to name a few of the other thousands of possible groupings.

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1 hour ago, Jost Amman said:

And that's the end of the Elder Scrolls series... :Cry:

You the corpse of the creation engine 3.0, maybe now they will move off of the game byro engine which they have been using since Oblivion which came out in 2006.


Its a utter nightmare to work in and use, crashes all the time and unstable as anything.

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2 hours ago, Annihilatorza said:

You the corpse of the creation engine 3.0, maybe now they will move off of the game byro engine which they have been using since Oblivion which came out in 2006.


Its a utter nightmare to work in and use, crashes all the time and unstable as anything.

The only thing that the Creation Engine lacks is good physics which are directly inherited from Gamebryo. That's the origin of all the whining. Floating  entities, weird spasms, glitches and animation and ragdoll handling, stability problems ... all physics. In rendering and texture handling would be up to date if it wasn't for that single MOST IMPORTANT problem : it lacks good physics. Hell even Source Engine had better default physics than Gamebryo.


Edit: After seing Roland's post, I believe this is heavily off topic. We need news to keep this going though.

Edited by Blake_ (see edit history)
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@Jost Amman It's certainly not the end of the Elder Scrolls series, Microsoft has already addressed this. However, they hinted that Starfield will most likely be a Gamepass exclusive title, and in general it'll be a game-by-game basis on which games head to other platforms and which ones do not. An interesting development is that Bethesda will be keeping their name under their games and won't be replaced by Microsoft in that regard, so I suspect that a good chunk of their games will be released on all platforms, with the majority of the profits heading directly to Microsoft. Will they all receive timed exclusivity on Gamepass? Possibly.


Also, surprisingly enough, Microsoft is honoring Bethesda's deal to keep Ghostwire Tokyo and Deathloop as PS5 (and PC?) exclusives for a limited time before they head to other platforms, assumingly Gamepass.


It's not the end of the Elder Scrolls like I said, just a slight changing of the guard. :) And if Microsoft pulls a fat one, well, we can tell them to stop and inform them that they have violated the law. ;)

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3 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

@Jost Amman It's certainly not the end of the Elder Scrolls series, Microsoft has already addressed this. However, they hinted that Starfield will most likely be a Gamepass exclusive title, and in general it'll be a game-by-game basis on which games head to other platforms and which ones do not. An interesting development is that Bethesda will be keeping their name under their games and won't be replaced by Microsoft in that regard, so I suspect that a good chunk of their games will be released on all platforms, with the majority of the profits heading directly to Microsoft. Will they all receive timed exclusivity on Gamepass? Possibly.


Also, surprisingly enough, Microsoft is honoring Bethesda's deal to keep Ghostwire Tokyo and Deathloop as PS5 (and PC?) exclusives for a limited time before they head to other platforms, assumingly Gamepass.


It's not the end of the Elder Scrolls like I said, just a slight changing of the guard. :) And if Microsoft pulls a fat one, well, we can tell them to stop and inform them that they have violated the law. ;)

I'm worried about the Microsoft transition because probably the Elder Scrolls will become very bland considering how MS handles game development. Look at what they did with the SoD series, SoD 2 is just more of the same. I was hoping for something more but Microsoft won't "risk" trying new things, if you know what I mean (money first!).

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8 hours ago, Eko said:

I agree. It's really off-putting. I'm kind of horrified that its happening, but also don't think there's much that can be done about it at present. 19 stable is out, and a new discussion hasn't been created. Perhaps the devs are run off their feet at the moment and will create a thread when they have more time to listen to our suggestions. Personally, I'm going to hold off any further ideas i get and wait to see for now.

Is there an actual rule list on this type of thread? Community guidelines? Just for future reference. I Don't want to stir the pot, but at the same time I feel that there are a lot of disrespectful comments going on here and its rather unwelcoming. I'm not one to let others walk all over me or be rude for no reason so that's why I'm asking. If it was you who moderated the offensive comment from earlier, thank you for listening. Not much you can really do about these "jokers" though. Just in case any of those said "jokers" read this - what you are doing is pushing people away from giving their opinions, which might have helped the devs. Please just try to remember that some people might feel pushed out due to your behavior.


These are the forum rules. In addition there is the Dev Diary, which is considered Madmoles blog where he imposes his own off-topic rules when some discussion is going on and on. Lots of stuff is off-topic in Dev Diary but allowed somewhere else.


The "jokers" are probably ok with pushing people away from giving their opinions, when it is different from theirs, so your appeal isn't really working.


8 hours ago, Eko said:

As for your response, Roland - I apologize. I now realize that my comment came across as if I were questioning your knowledge and effort in moderating this sub. I more meant to highlight that I have not seen any official rule book for this thread. Mods sometimes have specialty areas and whatnot and I guessed that this thread didn't have any different rules to the rest of the forum in general. Maybe if you wrote a short list of extra rules, specific to this topic? It might cut down on the amount of posts you have to manually moderate. ACTUALLY!! If I cast my mind back to before the release of 19 EXP I think there were a list of rules for posting here, but it got buried and hardly anyone followed the rules anyway?? I believe one of the rules there was not to argue over other people's ideas? Is that list no longer in force? This is my memory, which is shoddy sometimes, so apologies if I got that wrong. Anyway, my idea to cut back on your workload would be a stickied rules section for posting here. It would be awesome if people did actually try to follow the rules. I remember thinking it was nice that the devs wanted to hear ideas without having xyz person jump up and down complaining that it would ruin their experience. (That's what the reacts are supposed to be for, am I right?) Because at the end of the day, all we can do is give our opinion on things that "sometimes makes the game feel better and more fun FOR YOU." See what I did there, lol. This is precisely why we are here... But I misunderstood you earlier. It seems that I can talk about features I've seen in mods, but from the standpoint of them being possibly implemented like any other idea/opinion put forth on here. So... just don't mention you got the idea from a mod, right? Anyway, sorry I was rude, not my intention there. 

PS: I didn't mean MM emotional outbursts lol I just meant maybe he told one or two people off or something. I don't want MM thinking I think he's emotionally unstable.... That's our job as players. We are the ones who get to have meltdowns over xyz minor game change!


It was me who said that - and it was about something completely different. Something along the lines of real men something something. I don't want to bring it up because the mods listened (thank you) and removed it, or the poster did (again, thank you). I was just trying to keep discussions civil and not personal attacky. Even if people are joking, it can sometimes feel a bit cliquey, you know? So anyway, this guy had nothing to do with the toxic masculinity comment. 


There is no rule to not argue other ideas. If you post here you have to endure that others post their dissent or agreement. If they get personal you can report them and moderators will intervene, but don't expect a friendly welcome by dissenters if you post controversial opinions. Biting sarcasm and irony are not forbidden and the internet is a rough place.


The rule to not mention mods isn't about Madmole getting heart attacks whenever someone mentions a mod, it is good practice to not let forum users change the subject. (which is vanilla A19 in the dev diary). That you like a feature or change in some mod better is not a reason for that feature being implemented in vanilla. The only reason to change vanilla is if something isn't working correctly in vanilla. They will look for the solution themselves, because their solution will likely be different (they have other constraints than the mod author). Mention the mod if you like, but TFP will simply not care.



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