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Trader missions distance reduction please


Mission Distance need to be adjusted?  

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    • I think traders should use closer unused POI's first before further POI's
    • I think there is nothing wrong with the distance of POI's missions

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OK so I have been playing for a long time and it feels like traders missions in Alpha 19 are getting farther away and not using the POI's around them. Nine times out of ten the missions is over +1 KM from the Trader which takes you out of the area/town that the trader is currently located. While you travel to this mission you will pass many untouched POI's that are of equal Tier as the mission you are on. I have even had one recently that took me right next door to another trader who's missions sent me right back to the other trader I started from. I just want to do missions in the POI's closest to the Trader first before being sent out of town. It sucks to get to your first trader on day one and all the missions are nearly 2 km away. Does anyone know how to adjust this distance issue?

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I like them the way they are. Too close and people will be doing five a day. Far means exploring the map and finding POIs you can clear without a quest. 

For quests that are close to 2km away I make a whole day of it by looting places along the way. Then I do the quest and spend the night there and travel back the next day creating chests as needed to keep from being over-burdened. 

if you make the radius up to 2 km then you get a variety. If you make the radius up to 500m then it will always be the same. 

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If you really want to make sure, quests are not too far away, -and want a quicker game in general - you could make a relatively flat map with only one mega city, and no other settlement.

This way all the quest POIs will be relatively close by.

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1 minute ago, Damocles said:

If you really want to make sure, quests are not too far away, -and want a quicker game in general - you could make a relatively flat map with only one mega city, and no other settlement.

This way all the quest POIs will be relatively close by.

Or you can just open creative menu 😂

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On 7/6/2020 at 1:43 AM, Roland said:

I like them the way they are. Too close and people will be doing five a day. Far means exploring the map and finding POIs you can clear without a quest. 

You are correct sir in the earlier levels that would happen allowing you to do up to five quests in a day and still time left over for other things like building.  Yet as your tiers go up you will find that properly completing a mission takes much longer. Playing back and forth between two traders because neither one gives missions within their own area makes no sense unless you have already hit all the POI's in a town via mission already.  

Explain to me why have a trader in the western town give missions in the eastern town and the eastern trader gives mission in the western town but yet both traders are within the same faction make any logical sense?

I silly in big picture of it all. I would just rather have missions given from the trader who is in the same city as the missions. 



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This is so much better. I don't know how many playthroughs I did in alpha 18 where I only found one traider or two traiders.

I like the long 1.8 km quests because that is how I find new towns. It's not that bad on a bicycle. I only take them when I feel like exploring.


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1 minute ago, ElCabong said:

This is so much better. I don't know how many playthroughs I did in alpha 18 where I only found one trader or two traders.

I like the long 1.8 km quests because that is how I find new towns. It's not that bad on a bicycle. I only take them when I feel like exploring.



With the new Trader to Trader quests you don't need to have 1.8 km quests to find new places. 

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2 minutes ago, Longbeard said:


With the new Trader to Trader quests you don't need to have 1.8 km quests to find new places. 

Not all of the towns I find using my fetch or clear quest missions have traders. you only get a new trader quests when you level up and that's getting longer as the experience curve flattens.

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OK I think this point has gotten derailed. I just want to see the traders offer the POI's closest (that have not been used) before selecting locations further away. 


Example: if you enter into a town at low level (tier 1) then trader will give you Mission POI's going out from their location selecting the closest unused POI's first. As you work though them then the missions send you further away and further. IF the town has only 6 Tier 1 locations then your missions will get further away after you 6th mission, until it reaches the distance limit of the Trader or the tier is increase. 


This would work like any other common Openworld RPG. missions are close for the start but get further out and longer to complete. 


I don't know why people think that this would take away the 1-2 km mission forever...

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I think MM had a great idea compromise in the dev diary.  All tier 1s being closer while higher tiers could be farther.


This change would ease in the new player better.


I personally dont think it needs to be changed but wouldnt mind madmole idea either.

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My first game, most early quest is within 300m from the trader.

My second game, most early quest is 1.2km away.

I realize this is also a RWG issue. In my second game the world has more T5 POI within the starting area. This may have make it harder to find a closer location for early quest.

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I don't mind the longer trips, as Roland said, I make a day trip out of it, the other day I spent the night in the strip club next to the trader waiting for daylight to go out and sell, then do my mission and go home.


But it would be nice if the quests were.








Still show the longer distance quests but have an assortment up close too.  Too many times it's been:








For my quest options, and that's T1 quests.

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14 minutes ago, Darthjake said:

I don't mind the longer trips, as Roland said, I make a day trip out of it, the other day I spent the night in the strip club next to the trader waiting for daylight to go out and sell, then do my mission and go home.


But it would be nice if the quests were.








Still show the longer distance quests but have an assortment up close too.  Too many times it's been:








For my quest options, and that's T1 quests.

I like that idea. Would also like to be able to do some tier one and two quests every once in awhile even though you have access to the higher tiers.

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And at low level (before Pack Mule or lots of pockets or a vehicle), a 1.2km quest turns into a 4.8km journey since you have to go back out there to collect all the loot you couldn't carry home the first time. I have three "LOOT" markers on my map now - places where I emptied a quest POI and dropped a chest which is still half-full of loot. I am like a Pokemon Master of salvage, though - Gotta Wrench It All!


So what I'm saying is, I think we should get less loot from quest POIs*.


*I am not saying that

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Now that each trader is supposed to eventually send you off to a new trader, I think it makes even more sense to have a trader give you local jobs to do.  Maybe not every one, but I'd say the bulk of them could be justifiably local for the trader's self-interest of security.

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I agree that the lower tier quests should give things relatively close, while the higher ones send you farther away (and presumably, send you into more dangerous areas).  Personally, when i hit the trader, I take the quests that are closest to me first.  I almost never take a quest that's 1km or farther away, until i have reliable transportation.  It just takes too long to hoof it 1.8 miles and back, especially since I try to complete them in the same day they're given.  Granted, that's a personal preference/limitation, but it at least makes sense to me.

To piggyback on Roland's point about people just taking all short distance quests,  the most immediate fix would be limiting people on the number of quests they can take per day, at least initially.  Putting perks into Daring Adventurer, for a hypothetical example, could give the player additional quests they could complete per day, or see the rewards you can get before setting out.  This gives you some incentive to choose a quest that would yield more useful loot, and add additional functionality to perks (or perks that could be added later on).  If a player had a choice of 1 quest to undertake, it would make which one they pick all the more meaningful.

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Swath77 your idea would work if the game had many more POIs of higher level further away but in the way that's designed you have a mix of POIs throughout the whole map. So you could not push someone for their way for higher levels. this would only result in repeating the same POIs further out. Now to play off of what you said, if traders never repeated the POIs in their range be it five six or seven kilometers then there would be a large amount of POIs which they can select from picking the closest one first then picking further ones away after using the close ones first. This would then allow you to complete quests quickly but the more you do the further you will have to go out because the system will not allow you to do the same POI over and over until you have completed all the other POIs of that tier within range of the trader.

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