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11 minutes ago, katarynna said:

Fixing what they consider to be exploits of the ai behavior

Lol. I don't think that means what you think it means. 😛


A zombie shouldn't walk through a corn maze  to attack a piece of wall with 2% less HP then the wall directly in front of them. Which the player is standing directly behind. 


A zombie also shouldn't be able to dig 50 feet below the ground with the speed of a formula 1 race car and crash through a double thick brick wall like it was made of drywall.. but hey, if we're giving them the ability to deduce structural integrity to a degree that would make a Civil Engineer jealous.. why not? 🙂


And yes. The fact that I paid for this game, just as you have, gives me every right to criticize core gameplay changes. It's easy to say you have no right to complain because a game is in alpha when it's been in alpha for 7 years. I mean how many alpha releases can you have before the baseball mercy rule kicks in and they just force you to move to beta? 😛


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27 minutes ago, katarynna said:

Many, many people manage to build and defend their buildings just fine.


And no, what I said was they are and have been working towards their vision of the game. It is not a matter of dictating playstyles. It is a matter of finishing the game according to their vision, which includes players having threats to deal with everywhere they are. It is certainly possible that what they have in mind for the release version of the game will not be something you enjoy. That doesn't mean they are targeting you and your playstyle. They are building the game they have had in mind all along.

Hey - this is all friendly criticism. Like I've said numerous times, I love the game.


But if working toward their vision means catering to one play style or penalizing another, they are in fact targeting specific play styles they don't want to see. There are other ways to encourage particular styles without completely invalidating another.


Give higher rewards to those willing to explore and loot more. But let me live in my massive underground complex that I spent 70 hours creating like the mole person I am. 😛

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3 hours ago, Khalagar said:




The game is completely balanced around the second group, you literally can't even function as the first group anymore as of a few alpha ago. You can't build anything end game without materials you are unable to make yourself. So even the players that want to be a den mother and stay at home mining or building are required to go play CoD Zombies and run around shooting stuff to get magic uncraftable parts and springs.



Sure you can.  Run out and wrench cars ... run away from zombies ... sneak in and look cabinets and stuff ... run away from zombies.  It's quite viable.  Even if you want to be a builder you still have to go out and get food.  So get your springs and such while you're getting food.  Or turn the zombies off and loot to your heart's content.  


Even the shooters still need to build something, somewhere to keep their loot and extra ammo.  The builders might have to shoot something at some point otherwise the zombies are gonna eat their house.  


Or, if you're the den mother ... stay at home and send your little minions out to kill things and bring you back stuff.  I do it all the time ... hey guys, while you are looting, bring me back X ... if you discard X and I find out about it, your next batch of food is gonna contain a laxative....


I have had them fetching things like paint and potted plants (why build them when someone can fetch them for you?).


It's all viable ... it's just a matter of how you look at it.


Btw, those king size beds, bed frames and office chairs are all awesome sources of springs.  Up your destructo skill and grab a decent impact driver and you have springs for days ... vault doors and draw bridges galore.

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I'm sorry "Daruma" or w/e your name is.... but if you don't like it... leave... lmfao it's that ez. No need to be rude to TFP when it comes to THEIR game!!!! We are the ones willing to support them and buy their product no matter the state and help keep it moving and progressing because there are aspects of it that we enjoy. It doesn't have to be perfect. As a matter of fact, perfect is boring. We appreciate the fact that after all this time, they are still willing to put their efforts into trying to please as many of us as possible and still show us their vision. NAME ONE GAME IN HISTORY that does not cater to specific play styles!!!! L M F A O.... an argument like that is literally moot....it means nothing to anyone and there would be no reason to find "validity" in such a statement. Are you trying to be "right" about something???? cuz at this point it seems like a pointless argument. LOL  Just enjoy the game and lets encourage TFP and the community! You can put forward suggestions, of course, but enough of the "pointing fingers" and such. Get real bud. Lmfao. Ok that's my rant..... HAVE FUN!!!!!... again "Daruma" HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!

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1 hour ago, bloodmoth13 said:

The problem is that players cannot use the hi res models.

It might not be your problem because you might not care, but its a problem some players have, and they are entitled to think of it as a problem as much as you are entitled to not care.


Its not a big issue for me, im not invested in it personally, but i like to think of possible solutions to problems, so i presented him with a possible solution. The solution i offered would allow players access to the hi res items while restricting them from bogging down servers by building a 50x50 base from nothing but hi res bookshelves. Thats probably what a compromise for that problem will have to look like outside of everyone just getting better hardware.

I dont think the rule would be that hard to enforce, land claims cant overlap, we are restricted to one per game atm, and replacing them with junk if the land claim is removed means that the whole base wont collapse if they were being used to support the base.


If you decide you want to give players access to hi res items, then consider this as an option. If not, then dont worry about it. 


You're forgetting about multiplayer servers ... which can have more than one land claim, and allied land claims can overlap.


You presented a possible solution to an issue that doesn't exist. They are not adding the deco items into the game as recipes at this point. 


You may or may not remember the crafting menu lag from before they simplified the crafting menus, but I do ... and I don't see them willingly going back to that because the public outcry over the game crashes caused by too many recipes was waaaaay worse than this little discussion.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion ... and I can even understand it.  (which is why i play on a modded server, so I can have my pretty stuff).  You, too, can play on a modded server and have your pretties.


But it's not going to happen in the vanilla game right now ... so why keep arguing about who is more right?


Girls, you're all pretty.  Can't we just move on now?

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I don't have a dog in the digging zed fight, so take this as you will.


The one thing they _could_ have set them to do that would have had me looking for a pitch fork, they didn't; if zeds chose to dig under your walls and pop up inside your base.

Worth considering that thought for those that really do think TFPs go out of their way to screw the players.

Also I've never had a zed come to my walls, notice I'm in the basement, and then start digging down. They always try to get through the walls, even when the cheapest path would be to dig down then through a basement wall. Guessing, but that likely took extra work to prevent.


When the digging came back I built a couple underground bases with 'roof top' defenses (those still being 10m underground, not on the surface). Design challenge wise it was a fun test. Hint: if anyone decides to build one, consider stacking a few floors on top of each other rather than a sprawling single story bunker.

I also ran a test in a17exp where I was down about 35? blocks from surface, and then just kept tunneling horizontally during horde night. Zeds never came close to catching up. Killing them in the morning was a pain, really needed explosives as they were stuck about 20 blocks down, even though they'd made decent sideways distance.


That said, if it were just a simple snap of the fingers and 'poof!' magically there was a "Zeds can only hear and dig to x meters" slider, then, "snap". All's well :)

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1 minute ago, FileMachete said:

I don't have a dog in the digging zed fight, so take this as you will.


The one thing they _could_ have set them to do that would have had me looking for a pitch fork, they didn't; if zeds chose to dig under your walls and pop up inside your base.

Worth considering that thought for those that really do think TFPs go out of their way to screw the players.

Also I've never had a zed come to my walls, notice I'm in the basement, and then start digging down. They always try to get through the walls, even when the cheapest path would be to dig down then through a basement wall. Guessing, but that likely took extra work to prevent.


When the digging came back I built a couple underground bases with 'roof top' defenses (those still being 10m underground, not on the surface). Design challenge wise it was a fun test. Hint: if anyone decides to build one, consider stacking a few floors on top of each other rather than a sprawling single story bunker.

I also ran a test in a17exp where I was down about 35? blocks from surface, and then just kept tunneling horizontally during horde night. Zeds never came close to catching up. Killing them in the morning was a pain, really needed explosives as they were stuck about 20 blocks down, even though they'd made decent sideways distance.


That said, if it were just a simple snap of the fingers and 'poof!' magically there was a "Zeds can only hear and dig to x meters" slider, then, "snap". All's well :)

I do miss them falling to their deaths and going splat....  i used to have a fun time digging zed splatter holes and then just dancing around the edge and letting them fall in and squish on the bottom.  (Well, me being me, that usually lasted a couple game hours then I'd lose my footing and fall in and go splat too ... but for someone with actual coordination it would be a fun strategy.)

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P.S. - I think proof of age should be required when posting in forums. Lol.

At least we could know who's statements to take with a grain of salt and those who were actually up for serious consideration. Lmfao.

Am I right or am I right? I swear, all this "nit picking" sounds like the tantrums of toddlers at times!  

NOTE TO SNOWFLAKES - Make your own damn game so you can cry at will as much as you want!!!! This is about zombies and survival, not the faint of heart or mind. Get it through your soon to be crushed skulls u numbnuts. Nit pick the f**&#$ nose after you crush it with your club AND ENJOY THAT YOU CAN!!!! Holy hell it's like babysitting around here isn't it?! lmfao.

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4 minutes ago, Pegasus said:

I do miss them falling to their deaths and going splat....  i used to have a fun time digging zed splatter holes and then just dancing around the edge and letting them fall in and squish on the bottom.  (Well, me being me, that usually lasted a couple game hours then I'd lose my footing and fall in and go splat too ... but for someone with actual coordination it would be a fun strategy.)

heh heh, yeah, I did a few of those as well. I liked to set up electric fences a couple blocks down from the top, create a slight angle by having one post on the central base but then angle across the gap to a post recessed into the outer wall, so they wouldn't wind up standing on the posts, then it was like an electricfied falling zed meteor storm. :devilish:

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3 hours ago, Daruma said:

A lot of the folks who funded the kickstarter seem to disagree with you. Google it. They're kinda all over the place. 


I  haven't been asking for polygon coffee makers. I ask devs to not make sweeping changes that break the reason I bought the game. And if that's where it's going, I'm fine with that. I'll move on. The issue is a lot of people (again, Google it) saw the 'bug' of zombies not being able to dig like a backhoe as a game mechanic - not a bug. And to those, it's sudden addition seems like the devs playing a bad joke - not fixing a bug. 


7 Days is a mediocre shooter. As more than one review points out and PC Gamer puts very well, "The combat feels like an early Elder Scrolls game. There's lots of clicking and flailing without ever feeling like you're making any contact with the thing you are flailing at." And I know that is an article from 2016, but seeing as the game is still in alpha and has been since 2013, I think it should have some bearing.


It's an amazing building/crafting survival game with the potential to be the best in the genre. It's just my opinion, but it should stick to it's strengths. 

The combat has been improved and completely redone from scratch since 2016, so whatever was written then is irrelevant.

What does zombies digging have to do with shooting or building mechanics? So, don't  focus on what sucks and improve what is already good/ I don't see the logic. Sorry but we want all aspects of the game to feel polished and well done, focusing on what sucks is the right call, and is done so what is the problem?

All I'm really seeing is some people got mad zombies can dig to their base. Yet you can mod that out in 2 seconds or just not have hordes at all. People are always mad about something, but we have to make the game how we envisioned it. It just so happens the engine we started with had building done already but very poor combat/ai so obviously we had to improve those things.

4 hours ago, Khalagar said:


The game is not centered around builders. There's basically two main groups of players, those that want to build and mine and play "Adult Minecraft", and those that want to play "Survival builder CoD Zombies" and run around shooting stuff.


The game is completely balanced around the second group, you literally can't even function as the first group anymore as of a few alpha ago. You can't build anything end game without materials you are unable to make yourself. So even the players that want to be a den mother and stay at home mining or building are required to go play CoD Zombies and run around shooting stuff to get magic uncraftable parts and springs.


The current approach is basically focused on the looter shooter types, with a bit of builder stuff on the side if it fits, but the actual balance is 100% on the run and gun players. You can function completely without being a builder or crafter at all and never doing more than making a wood block with a bed and storage chest on it and doing nothing but missions and run and gun 24/7. You can't do the same without cheat mode if you just plan to build and mine and stuff. There's not a single craftable only item that I know of that can't be found in loot or bought from a trader, but like 90% of the end game stuff is uncraftable without loot only items.


Not weighing in on the rest of your message or opinions, just saying, you are of the wrong mindset right off the bat, like a lot of people on this forum which is what causes the disgruntlement and friction. People keep asking for coffee pots and more paint options and builder items, because they are of the Adult Minecraft group of players, but they aren't the target market at the moment and don't realize that.


Might change in the future, might not, just depends on how the market statistics go. Builders very well might be in the minority, or just might not be the target market at all even if they are in the majority.

More hyperbole. You can craft everything in the game without looting. Sell your ingots and crafted things, ores to the trader for parts or guns, then scrap them and build top end stuff. Most stuff is crafted via mining and a bit of salvaging, which I don't see why going down the road and harvesting cars is such an inconvenience. Sorry you can't sit at bedrock and be the end game guru and hand out candy to your friends without working for it at least a little bit.

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5 hours ago, Tmodloader said:

Will lower tiers give lesser rewards than higher tiers generally?

The current system is way more interesting in choices in my opinion. However having some increased range in the stats of tools when you craft them might be more fun. So instead of crafting 7000 stone axes to get a better one you would craft several at times if you get bad rolls. Maybe that's a bad idea though, just thinking it might end up being fun. You could find a top tier weapon with lower stats than a lower tier on rare occasions which will make finding that perfect weapon much more interesting than just finding quality 1-6 and how many mods you can fit. Only thing is higher tier stuff would have to be a noticeable step up on average in terms of stats so that RNG does weigh in favor of it being an upgrade. Right now I vaguely remember seeing some people argue that lower tier stuff may be better in particular with snipers.

I thought Gazz said it already is this way, player crafted items have random stats, at least once you get to iron.

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3 hours ago, Daruma said:

More to my point, recent Reddit quote from someone returning to the game after the current patch:


"Are zombies still omniscient with PhDs in Civil Engineering and Physics?"


Edited to add a few more quoted criticisms:


"It used to be a fun crafting/survival game with zombies. Now it's a scramble-to-survive run-and-shoot against corpse-like meth heads."


"In what universe can an uncoordinated, brainless, reanimated corpse hone in on an underground dwelling survivor and dig through stone to find them?"


"Hmmm.. we could go through the portcullis on a headfirst charge, oorrr we COULD run around to the back left corner, hit the rampart by the mountain, knock it over and do a triple back flip off the side to gain entrance on the roof. THEN we could GPS to exactly 0.234455/-1.340499 and dig through the roof! That will land us in the hallway where we can attack that pesky human from behind!"


^ Lol. I feel like I'm reading Tumblr memes, but it's about craziness of the upgraded zombie AI. 😛


"I stopped playing as soon as zombies started digging. Zombies shouldn't be able to dig. And if I want to build an underground complex to avoid them I should be perfectly capable of that. Having the developer intentionally make them dig to counter player builds feels like the developer is intentionally playing the game against us by changing the rules."


And probably the most valid criticism:


"I've gotten the impression that the devs only added the ability to build because other games have it, but want to turn it into more of a run and shoot."


So... it's definitely not just me. And I wouldn't try to lock it down to 2% of the community either. 


Funny, I could post thousands of positive reviews about the direction the game is going in. Sorry but people fall in love with various incomplete versions along the way and then they get mad. I don't care, neither should you because we're headed where we need to.  Turn horde night off, problem solved. Mod in a damage multiplier of 0 to dirt on zombies, problem solved. I just don't see the fuss when there are easy ways to have the same type of game. Did you just like the zombies beating the dirt above your base or something? I don't understand how turning off hordes is different than them incapable of digging.

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5 hours ago, Khalagar said:

The game is not centered around builders. There's basically two main groups of players, those that want to build and mine and play "Adult Minecraft", and those that want to play "Survival builder CoD Zombies" and run around shooting stuff.

In Minecraft you can't have everything without ever leaving your house and the attached mine.

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3 hours ago, Junuxx said:

Why does the game need a 14000 tri coffee pot though?

To look good next to the 30,000 polygon soda machine.

2 hours ago, Roland said:

Except it wasn’t a sudden addition. Digging zombies was in the game from the start. It was gone for a few alphas and then returned.  Digging zombies have been in more alphas since Kickstarter than they haven’t been. 

Google it!

Exactly. Be thankful they arne't swiss cheesing under your fort like before.

2 hours ago, Roland said:

Doesn’t matter what the percentage is. It’s just a big group of people who have the wrong idea of what the game is and thought that the unfinished state was representative of the game.


Turn zombies off and now the game is a fun building game where your creations are safe. 

I wasn’t trying to invalidate any criticism. I was trying to correct your inaccurate representation of why zombies dig in the game today. I thought I was very straightforward about that. 

The other criticisms are valid in that they surely represent disappointments with the game. They also show a lack of understanding about what type of game this was going to be. 

I watch the kickstarter video and see Alpha 19+. The spirit of the game hasn't changed since its inception.

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Someone literally said they want to be in their bunker and sit out horde night and the beauty of that is: You absolutely can!

Turn off horde nights and you can even play the game during that time and feel all smug about having outsmarted all those zombie fools with your superior game option skills! =P

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2 hours ago, Daruma said:

Lol. News flash...its still unfinished. 😛 And people have that idea because that's how the game was billed. And yeah - the percentage of users with that mindset does kind of matter.  


And I don't want to turn the zombies off. That skates around the entire point. Myself and a lot of other people enjoyed building bases to ride out hordes. Expanding those bases. Tunneling from those bases to other resources rich areas to avoid the onslaught. That's what was fun for us. Don't build the support structure correctly? Cave in and you lose all your hard work. 


There have been additions and removals from the game seemingly to counter specific gameplay styles. Styles that were valid.  That has the effect of alienating people with those gameplay styles. That's literally all I'm saying. And I'm not a 2% minority. 


Hey, at least on console it can't get better.. but it won't get any worse. 😛

"ride out hordes"

What was to ride out? You were 100% safe. You can turn off hordes and get the same experience.

"Don't build the support structure correctly? Cave in and you lose all your hard work. "That hasn't changed at all.


"There have been additions and removals from the game seemingly to counter specific gameplay styles. Styles that were valid." No there hasn't been. We work to remove cheesy exploits so it is not possible to be safe without a lot of work. We're not sitting here scheming against certain player archtypes. We are players too and build, farm, and play the game probably more than 99% of you guys. What feels cheap to us, feels cheap so we try to address it in a way that seems fair and good for the spirit of a survival game. It needs to be hard to survive the hordes, not dig 3 meters and put a frame over your head and you are at end game.

Again mod it or turn off hordes. You don't have to disable zombies completely to get that old play style back, you simply turn off hordes.

Why are you seemingly trying to counter specific gameplay options? :D


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On 7/30/2020 at 3:29 PM, q123 said:

@faatal: you've mentioned in the dev stream with lathan a performance problem on your side (huge frame drop, where may be a terrain texture wasn't loaded). I too suffer from this from time to time.


I've testet the new console commands and both times when it happends

Gfx st forceload

solved the issue for me 😀


Just fyi (in case you need feedback).


Update: happend right now again - and this time forceload wasn't helping. Maybe it was just luck last time... :(

I'm already done with those performance changes.


gfx st x are streaming commands and forceload is a Unity debug option that just makes streaming textures load, which would not help if a texture was slow because it is in system RAM.


Friday I actually disabled streaming when texture quality is less than Full, since both features are doing a similar reduction in textures and due to what seems to be a Unity bug were not working correctly with each other leading to blurrier streamed textures.


Testers found that some FPS drops were actually biome particles, so today I fixed that:

Fixed Particles in snow and desert cause major FPS drops (balanced sand, smoke and snow particle rates to a reduced max count of 150).
Changed "Water Particles" video quality option to "Particles", which now also decreases world particle count.

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4 minutes ago, Gazz said:

Someone literally said they want to be in their bunker and sit out horde night and the beauty of that is: You absolutely can!

No idea if things have changed, 'range' wise since a17, but if you were something like 50+ blocks underground the zeds couldn't path to you. So wouldn't even need to turn off the horde.


Random: I keep meaning to try this late game, and keep forgetting to; pretend those 6 engines in the genie are all 350ci small blocks and -reallllly- up the juice to the electric fencing. Grab a chair and some sweet tea and enjoy the night air while all the zeds go zzzzAP! 😎

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25 minutes ago, Gazz said:

In Minecraft you can't have everything without ever leaving your house and the attached mine.


I have to admit, I felt like a dinosaur when I tried playing modern Minecraft so I'm pretty out of date on it. Back in my day it was just a game where you dug and built stuff, now it's got magic and villages and villagers and apparently dragons?!



51 minutes ago, madmole said:

You can craft everything in the game without looting. Sell your ingots and crafted things, ores to the trader for parts or guns, then scrap them and build top end stuff.


Have I mentioned I basically do not have RNG, I believe I was cursed from birth. I have to max all the trader perks to have any chance at seeing anything I actually need, and even then it's a crap shoot. Freaking junk parts just don't exist for me, every run I've done in A19 I get a full Junk Turret as a reward before I've ever even seen a Junk Sledge or gotten enough parts to craft one. Junk parts scarcity (for me at least) are like 90% of the reason I loathe the "parts" system honestly


Unrelated but while talking about crafting, there's one thing I saw someone mention once on the forum that's really stuck with me and I think raised a good point. Armor crafting could really use a re-work, because of the way your perk scales with it. By the time you can craft level 5 leather or cloth armor, you can just craft level 5 Military armor instead.


It would make a lot more sense if the perk unlocked higher level lower tier armor faster. For example, 2 points in your armor perk would let you craft level 5 Cloth Armor, level 2 Leather armor, and level 0 or level 1 max Military armor. The actual numbers would have to be thought about, to decide if level 5 cloth armor is equal to level 2 leather and level 1 military armor etc, but you get the point.


Not sure how hard that would be to  code, but it would make armor crafting . . .actually a thing. Currently, I've not crafted a single piece of armor since like A16 or when ever the perk overhaul was, there's just no reason to craft armor yourself when you can find it easier and when you are punished for crafting lower tier armor instead of crafting a higher tier item that's the same quality. Like why would you craft level 3 Cloth armor when you unlock level 3 Leather Armor at almost the same time, and can find the materials for it just as easily?   The perks differentiating armor tiers to grant higher quality options for lower tier armors earlier would actually make the armor perks appealing early game, or appealing at all tbh.

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When it comes to zombies digging down to me, I welcome it to be honest, keeps me on my toes, what I do after they dig down to me, which has yet to happen for some reason is I simply fill the hole with concrete, easy fix, they will dig more dirt, i fill the holes, eventually I will be safe underground unless all i get are demolishers.


Looting has been kind to me so far, all i did was put lucky looter to 3 and have goggles on with +4, never needed to perk farther in, and i have found almost everything, all i have left to find and get a taste of is the auto shotgun haha.


I can't wait to see what next game you guys have in mind to make, is it going to follow the survival ways of 7 days to die, except maybe be scifi or space bound, or will it be a different kind of zombie game.


The only thing i look forward to in the future is more stuff to rip apart haha.

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4 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


I have to admit, I felt like a dinosaur when I tried playing modern Minecraft so I'm pretty out of date on it. Back in my day it was just a game where you dug and built stuff, now it's got magic and villages and villagers and apparently dragons?!




Have I mentioned I basically do not have RNG, I believe I was cursed from birth. I have to max all the trader perks to have any chance at seeing anything I actually need, and even then it's a crap shoot. Freaking junk parts just don't exist for me, every run I've done in A19 I get a full Junk Turret as a reward before I've ever even seen a Junk Sledge or gotten enough parts to craft one.


Unrelated but while talking about crafting, there's one thing I saw someone mention once on the forum that's really stuck with me and I think raised a good point. Armor crafting could really use a re-work, because of the way your perk scales with it. By the time you can craft level 5 leather or cloth armor, you can just craft level 5 Military armor instead.


It would make a lot more sense if the perk unlocked higher level lower tier armor faster. For example, 2 points in your armor perk would let you craft level 5 Cloth Armor, level 2 Leather armor, and level 0 or level 1 max Military armor. The actual numbers would have to be thought about, to decide if level 5 cloth armor is equal to level 2 leather and level 1 military armor etc, but you get the point.


Not sure how hard that would be to  code, but it would make armor crafting . . .actually a thing. Currently, I've not crafted a single piece of armor since like A16 or when ever the perk overhaul was, there's just no reason to craft armor yourself when you can find it easier and when you are punished for crafting lower tier armor instead of crafting a higher tier item that's the same quality. Like why would you craft level 3 Cloth armor when you unlock level 3 Leather Armor at almost the same time, and can find the materials for it just as easily?   The perks differentiating armor tiers to grant higher quality options for lower tier armors earlier would actually make the armor perks appealing early game, or appealing at all tbh.

Leather armor requires a lot more resources, sewing kits, leather, and a workbench. Cloth armor is made with just cloth and duct tape, no work bench. I make it the first night with once I find a cooking pot.

1 minute ago, Phoenixshade35 said:

When it comes to zombies digging down to me, I welcome it to be honest, keeps me on my toes, what I do after they dig down to me, which has yet to happen for some reason is I simply fill the hole with concrete, easy fix, they will dig more dirt, i fill the holes, eventually I will be safe underground unless all i get are demolishers.


Looting has been kind to me so far, all i did was put lucky looter to 3 and have goggles on with +4, never needed to perk farther in, and i have found almost everything, all i have left to find and get a taste of is the auto shotgun haha.


I can't wait to see what next game you guys have in mind to make, is it going to follow the survival ways of 7 days to die, except maybe be scifi or space bound, or will it be a different kind of zombie game.


The only thing i look forward to in the future is more stuff to rip apart haha.

Yeah and I hate to admit it, but pathing only goes so far. You can STILL be 100% safe under ground if you bunker under a tall mountain. You can also nerd pole to the skybox and be 100% safe, they can't path that far unless you nerd pole up the tallest mountain.

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My horde base and my loot/heat base are the same thing.  I haven't done that in a long time and it turns out that hoard nights are more fun for me now, as I have to do something to protect my loot!


Defending a base that covers the entire limits of a claim block in SP required some thought but I would say its the strongest fortress I've ever built.  Building it, however, was almost too much effort for one player, but its amazing what one can do when he's a stubborn son-of-a-gun!  Isn't that right, MM?  😉


Edit: Also, there is no cheese or exploits, unless using the tendancy of zombies trying to get closer to the player is one.  But no zombie ramps, pits, or even spikes!

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