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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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What may have made us great has also slowed us down and kept us indy looking/performing. I think mining is ok but its not part of the secret sauce, we'd still have mining it just wouldn't be ugly 3d mining. At this point we'd kind of solved it mostly but it could have saved us a lot of time and headaches, allowing us to focus on cool stuff like we are able to now.


This is what drags me to 7 Days in the first place, instead of going to Ark, Rust, Conan or Miscreated. Its the RGW with its surprising POIs behind the next hill or biome. Mine something and its gone. No magically respawning boulders or stone. I want to build my base block by block. Not having to try to clip two wall parts together...


You are doing great. I think most of the people on the forums that are happy, are also silent.

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I knew Khabib would rape Porier. He's a world class sambo master with unorthodox striking, who destroyed two of the guys who beat Porier (bragger and m johnson), and porier had a free ride to the top dodging all the tough guys and never faced a wrestler.


Khabib seems unstoppable. I hope Tony Ferguson gets the next shot. Khabib will most likely win but I dont see any better fights for him. If Mcgregor gets a rematch I will puke.

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I think you once said ( as an idea, thought ) about going there for the sequel.

I would be all in for that. i dont need Voxels neccesarly. I would do miss the underground bases tho.

But as long as you have a decent building system ( you once said you liked Fallout4s for that) im on Board :)


Yeah the main thing is destroyable POIs.

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This is what drags me to 7 Days in the first place, instead of going to Ark, Rust, Conan or Miscreated. Its the RGW with its surprising POIs behind the next hill or biome. Mine something and its gone. No magically respawning boulders or stone. I want to build my base block by block. Not having to try to clip two wall parts together...


You are doing great. I think most of the people on the forums that are happy, are also silent.


Static terrain wouldn't change any of it. We already have magically respawning POIs for quests.

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Khabib seems unstoppable. I hope Tony Ferguson gets the next shot. Khabib will most likely win but I dont see any better fights for him. If Mcgregor gets a rematch I will puke.


Yes that has been the fight to make for years now. Ferguson is an animal but he doesn't have a ton of power in his striking, and has a glass chin of his own. He's dangerous on the ground, but Khabib is an expert and controls everyone on the ground. McBragger will not get a rematch unless somehow Khabib loses, then they pair two losers together.


Bragger has zero good wins at 155, Alavarez was a joke. He only beat DosAnjos and won the title because it was when the USASA started enforcing steroids, and DosAnjos couldn't make the weight cut without steroids. He literally passed out in the locker room 2 minutes before the fight because he was so compromised from a drug free weight cut. Bragger needs to get a good win. He'll probably fight Porier because he beat him before and then he would be eligible for a title fight. They will put it on the same card too just to set up the grudge match.


I'd pick Khabib to beat Ferguson, but it will be his hardest test.

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If I could do it all over again I'd have thrown out the diggable terrain. Alpha 1 could have had static Unity terrain, a simple water plane, ran 30% better, used way less ram, console wouldn't have been so beat down, allowed faster vehicles, looked as good as 18's terrain does now, (Minus the Justin talent) and we wouldn't have wasted energy on mining, cave systems, multiple versions of trees, etc. Mining could have been mining POIs with respawning nuggets like rust/skyrim/subnautica with a nice model. We'd anger 10% and gain 200% new players that don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about deformable terrain and buggy water.


At some point we might release a static terrain option for 7 days just to see the performance gains. IMO most people would run it for the performance gains and better pvp, none of this wimpy underground base business, fight like a man like in TWD. You don't see those guys living in caves/mines.


What may have made us great has also slowed us down and kept us indy looking/performing. I think mining is ok but its not part of the secret sauce, we'd still have mining it just wouldn't be ugly 3d mining. At this point we'd kind of solved it mostly but it could have saved us a lot of time and headaches, allowing us to focus on cool stuff like we are able to now.


Just gotta say that marching cubes is what makes the game what it is. Without digging, the game isn't "adult Minecraft" as it has become to be known. Would the game work with static terrain? Sure. It would, however, lose all the magical moments of digging trenches and creating massive underground bases. Also, the lottery-style digging wondering if you'll find an ore vein would be gone. Mining surface rocks is cool because it's convenient, but I always get warm fuzzies when I start a fresh mine.

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If I could do it all over again I'd have thrown out the diggable terrain. Alpha 1 could have had static Unity terrain, a simple water plane, ran 30% better, used way less ram, console wouldn't have been so beat down, allowed faster vehicles, looked as good as 18's terrain does now, (Minus the Justin talent) and we wouldn't have wasted energy on mining, cave systems, multiple versions of trees, etc. Mining could have been mining POIs with respawning nuggets like rust/skyrim/subnautica with a nice model. We'd anger 10% and gain 200% new players that don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about deformable terrain and buggy water.


At some point we might release a static terrain option for 7 days just to see the performance gains. IMO most people would run it for the performance gains and better pvp, none of this wimpy underground base business, fight like a man like in TWD. You don't see those guys living in caves/mines.


What may have made us great has also slowed us down and kept us indy looking/performing. I think mining is ok but its not part of the secret sauce, we'd still have mining it just wouldn't be ugly 3d mining. At this point we'd kind of solved it mostly but it could have saved us a lot of time and headaches, allowing us to focus on cool stuff like we are able to now.


7DTD being a voxel game is one of its strongest selling points and its major factor in what sets it apart from other experiences. I really, really don't think that would be a good idea to remove it. Also very few play this game for PvP, if I wanted to play a base building PvP game I'd play rust. I'm here for an amazing PvE voxel game where I can destroy and build whatever I desire.

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How would building change?


What about pois?


Not being able to mold the terrain to build? That'd be huge!


...and you were saying something about a high GS guy running through a biome and an unfortunate low GS guy behind him getting all of his spawns, and I was pointing out that the same happens in POI's, so there's no difference.

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If I could do it all over again I'd have thrown out the diggable terrain. Alpha 1 could have had static Unity terrain, a simple water plane, ran 30% better, used way less ram, console wouldn't have been so beat down, allowed faster vehicles, looked as good as 18's terrain does now, (Minus the Justin talent) and we wouldn't have wasted energy on mining, cave systems, multiple versions of trees, etc. Mining could have been mining POIs with respawning nuggets like rust/skyrim/subnautica with a nice model. We'd anger 10% and gain 200% new players that don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about deformable terrain and buggy water.


At some point we might release a static terrain option for 7 days just to see the performance gains. IMO most people would run it for the performance gains and better pvp, none of this wimpy underground base business, fight like a man like in TWD. You don't see those guys living in caves/mines.


What may have made us great has also slowed us down and kept us indy looking/performing. I think mining is ok but its not part of the secret sauce, we'd still have mining it just wouldn't be ugly 3d mining. At this point we'd kind of solved it mostly but it could have saved us a lot of time and headaches, allowing us to focus on cool stuff like we are able to now.



I don't play a game for what it could have been, just what it is. Without the diggable terrain, i probaly

wouldn't even considered this game at the first place. If it is any comfort, i haven't even played TWD.


And to fight like a man? How do men really fight? Any way they can , with whatever they think is

best suited for the task. If they could lure someone to fall off a cliff, they'd sure did. Tunnelling, yes.

Charlie did quite good in that manner and in trap construction.


As for mining, i think A11-A13 had the best mining experience, in A12 it was so dangerous i had to

put down a sleeping bag before i went mining (because of the gravel).


And i do not mind if development is slow, as long as those who develop the game have a good time

without too much stress. Rush it and more often then not do we have to flush it.


Whatever, i'm just babbling.

In my left brain there is nothing right, and in the right side there is nothing left. That's how i feel


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Not being able to mold the terrain to build? That'd be huge!


...and you were saying something about a high GS guy running through a biome and an unfortunate low GS guy behind him getting all of his spawns, and I was pointing out that the same happens in POI's, so there's no difference.


Good point, you can't build basements, spike moats, nothing below terrain level. I mean sure you could build foundations and just elevate everything, but that's just not the same. Voxels and 7DTD are intertwined for me.

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Yeah the main thing is destroyable POIs.


Whatever it takes to have New York City as the main map, then I'm all for it!


Edit: A non-destructible underground would keep the trolling down as people could destroy skyscrapers too easy. The underground (subways, sewers, secret locations) would be much more dangerous as the options to cheese them are gone!

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Must Fix, not Might Fix or Maybe Fix. Of course when it gets down and there might be 10 stubborn ones left, we could possible punt them to KS, depending on the issue. Ideally everything gets fixed, Rick is adamant on a smooth launch, and at first I was like "lets get this out there its awesome" I really think we're doing it right now and its worth waiting for and bugs just block the spotlight of how awesome something could be.


I really think if you have say 10 or less MFs by the 20th you should release anyway. I think that's manageable for the experimental build of an alpha. Delaying for another 2 weeks for that number would be pretty silly IMO, pretty unnecessary. Again this is going to be an experimental, the only way someone can access and play it is if they sign up for it in the betas tab.


I mean, what if by the 20th there's only 3 MFs left? Would you hold up release just for those 3?


If you're worried about people complaining regardless of experimental status, you can try what Project Zomboid does. When you release the experimental build, make it only accessible with a passcode on steam, and make the passcode literally say something like "IAcknowledgeThisIsntFinished". Put that passcode in a disclaimer paragraph in your announcement on steam, boom. If you drill it in to your audience they'll remember, I can't say Project Zomboid has ever had a problem with unreasonable experimental testers.

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Codename: Conventional Ralston


Me - simple minded as i am - typed that into google, and one of the first hits was an interview with somebody called "Stuart Ralston"

He's just some cook who created a fish meal with broccoli sauce, and probably doesn't even know there's a game called "7d2d".


...but guess what, there's a picture of him, and that guy is the 100% pure prototype meme for (quoting Roland):

"No one is going to get this one. heheheh...."

He must be Rolands long lost twin or something


Here you go and take a look yourselves:


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The problem is level 200 dude drives through on his motorcycle and some guy on foot behind him gets to deal with the high level enemies that spawned in his wake.


Well obviously I don't know what's going on under the hood with GS leveled enemies, but if it's largely a stats thing then the enemy stats could dynamically shift based on the level of the player that they are currently targeting, rather than who spawns them

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Well obviously I don't know what's going on under the hood with GS leveled enemies, but if it's largely a stats thing then the enemy stats could dynamically shift based on the level of the player that they are currently targeting, rather than who spawns them

That wouldn't be enough. What if there's more than one player targeting the same Z simultaneously?

It would have to be that the code checks who's bullet (or club, whatever) takes the actual hit.

I'm not a programmer, but it sounds to me like a hell of real-time calculations, because the hitpoints/damage dealt to the Z would have to be constantly checked and adjusted, according to the player's level who is hitting the Z at the current exact moment.

Again, no deep knowledge in coding here, but sounds complicated to impossible.

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I really think if you have say 10 or less MFs by the 20th you should release anyway. I think that's manageable for the experimental build of an alpha. Delaying for another 2 weeks for that number would be pretty silly IMO, pretty unnecessary. Again this is going to be an experimental, the only way someone can access and play it is if they sign up for it in the betas tab.


If you're worried about people complaining regardless of experimental status, you can try what Project Zomboid does. When you release the experimental build, make it only accessible with a passcode on steam, and make the passcode literally say something like "IAcknowledgeThisIsntFinished". Put that passcode in a disclaimer paragraph in your announcement on steam, boom. If you drill it in to your audience they'll remember, I can't say Project Zomboid has ever had a problem with unreasonable experimental testers.


There is another solution: wait patiently for developers to decide when their baby is ready to be served with the right vegetables and spices ^^.

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The problem is level 200 dude drives through on his motorcycle and some guy on foot behind him gets to deal with the high level enemies that spawned in his wake.


Couldn't you make it so higher level zombies despawn once the higher level player leaves the area?

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If I could do it all over again I'd have thrown out the diggable terrain. Alpha 1 could have had static Unity terrain, a simple water plane, ran 30% better, used way less ram, console wouldn't have been so beat down, allowed faster vehicles, looked as good as 18's terrain does now, (Minus the Justin talent) and we wouldn't have wasted energy on mining, cave systems, multiple versions of trees, etc. Mining could have been mining POIs with respawning nuggets like rust/skyrim/subnautica with a nice model. We'd anger 10% and gain 200% new players that don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about deformable terrain and buggy water.


At some point we might release a static terrain option for 7 days just to see the performance gains. IMO most people would run it for the performance gains and better pvp, none of this wimpy underground base business, fight like a man like in TWD. You don't see those guys living in caves/mines.


What may have made us great has also slowed us down and kept us indy looking/performing. I think mining is ok but its not part of the secret sauce, we'd still have mining it just wouldn't be ugly 3d mining. At this point we'd kind of solved it mostly but it could have saved us a lot of time and headaches, allowing us to focus on cool stuff like we are able to now.


You make a good point. I would probably still be playing and creating custom POIs even minus the static terrain. On the flip side you would probably lose some players who love the mining aspect. Perhaps it would have been better to save deep mining and underground threats as an expansion pack to the main game so it gets proper love and attention where right now it seems like an afterthought or hinderance.

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I thought they lasted all night. Its possible they got chopped up or destroyed. If they don't last all night, then its fine, I'll just have to start looting them in between killing or let it despawn.


Those are som really terrible choices to make. 1.) leave your base and get rewarded for surviving a 7 day horde 2.) play like a normal base defense and lose 80% of the rewards. (either by despawn or destroying the loot).


You sure you cant have a mechanic so that the land claim block just loots the bags in its area or something? (of course i know easier said than done)

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There is another solution: wait patiently for developers to decide when their baby is ready to be served with the right vegetables and spices ^^.


True, I'm doing that already. But I think there's a certain point of compromise where adding two extra weeks of dev time for just a few MFs seems like a waste of time. Also no one's considering that no matter how polished your baby is there will be bugs at launch. There are too many PC/Mac/Linux (is it on linux? not sure) setups to take into account, it's inevitable that a chunk of people are going to have problems at release. Less MFs help, yes, but it's important to keep in mind that a true bug free launch is kind of impossible. I think even the most unreasonable, demanding consumers understand that. Especially when they have to activate the alpha in the beta tab.

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