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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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After reading all this, looks like what they understand as a MF and what we think is a MF is WAYYYY off......


If you change you graphics settings back and forth you eventually at all textures to be black with black shadows (different hue black shadows)...


Yes FPS is annoying to complain about, but when the Hype train is driven by someone who says performance is a HUGE increase the whole time its being driven, and then when it finally stops to pick up the general public and not just the VIP, well then the train goes slower, people notice that the tables in the dining cart were really never that clean, and the food is abysmal.


Point being: Hype train should of never left the station without a proper inspection


Don't include me in your "we" as I feel this .0 experimental is quite good. I've found little that's worth even mentioning from balance etc. perspectives, let alone anything broken. Our FPS is decent, all things considered, though like everyone else I'd love to see it be even better. In a16 and earlier I played windowed at about 1200x800 to keep performance good. We're running all full-screen now and even the weakest computer in the room is doing ok.

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After reading all this, looks like what they understand as a MF and what we think is a MF is WAYYYY off......


If you change you graphics settings back and forth you eventually at all textures to be black with black shadows (different hue black shadows)...


Yes FPS is annoying to complain about, but when the Hype train is driven by someone who says performance is a HUGE increase the whole time its being driven, and then when it finally stops to pick up the general public and not just the VIP, well then the train goes slower, people notice that the tables in the dining cart were really never that clean, and the food is abysmal.


Point being: Hype train should of never left the station without a proper inspection


They didn't catch this issue. If they did, I'm sure it would have been a MF.

I agree that the A18e should've been hyped less. Hype is for the general public, and the general public doesn't test things and is not really interested in doing so. They see shiny, they want to play said shiny. But no use to keep rehashing it now.


Besides the initial performance (and my own testing indicates increased performance indoors and with lots of zombies!), this is a great alpha so far. I expect it to go to stable sooner than previous alpha's :)

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Re: The mining helmet talk.


Since we can mod a light onto other helms, trying to determine if using a mining helmet has any other advantages.


Any advantages to using a mining helmet besides the light?



If no one knows of any advantages, maybe make the mining helmet have almost zero armor BUT the helmet grants +(something) to mining AND the light does not generate as much heat signature as a normal helmet modded light.


Would just be good to see:


1. Mining helmets useful

2. Unique purpose

3. Not used for armor purposes (so the player has to make a choice)

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I was running 17.4 on GTX 760 with med/high settings 2560x1440 34-45fps. Alpha 18 laughed at me and called me a scrub even at minimum settings 1920x1080. So I literally went out and bought a RTX 2070 super ($600.00 /w tax) the day it released and now I'm running max settings 4k and rarely dropping below 60 fps.


I may starve to death in real life, but I'll be well fed in game. :p

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They didn't catch this issue. If they did, I'm sure it would have been a MF.

I agree that the A18e should've been hyped less. Hype is for the general public, and the general public doesn't test things and is not really interested in doing so. They see shiny, they want to play said shiny. But no use to keep rehashing it now.


Besides the initial performance (and my own testing indicates increased performance indoors and with lots of zombies!), this is a great alpha so far. I expect it to go to stable sooner than previous alpha's :)


Hyped less? Other than the video Madmole posted and the streamer weekend what hyping did they do? Most of the hyping I saw was people screaming 'release the kracken' on the message boards. Personally I think that because so many people jumped all over installing an experimental build says something about the previous work of the Pimps that leads to such a dedicated fevor from the players in trust that the Pimps are building a good game.

While they could have found a way to test on wider range of systems or managed to limit the experimental to a smaller group of people at first, I have no complaints about how things have been handled so far.

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They didn't catch this issue. If they did, I'm sure it would have been a MF.

I agree that the A18e should've been hyped less. Hype is for the general public, and the general public doesn't test things and is not really interested in doing so. They see shiny, they want to play said shiny. But no use to keep rehashing it now.


Besides the initial performance (and my own testing indicates increased performance indoors and with lots of zombies!), this is a great alpha so far. I expect it to go to stable sooner than previous alpha's :)


yea Ill have to get a screen shot, i was changing all my settings rather fast, and after a few changes, terrain went black.

changed it more, then buildings went black, changed some more and the poof! everything was black. I was afraid to change more in fear of slenderman coming into my office or something

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I was running 17.4 on GTX 760 with med/high settings 2560x1440 34-45fps. Alpha 18 laughed at me and called me a scrub even at minimum settings 1920x1080. So I literally went out and bought a RTX 2070 super ($600.00 /w tax) the day it released and now I'm running max settings 4k and rarely dropping below 60 fps.


I may starve to death in real life, but I'll be well fed in game. :p


how did you get it to stay so high? I have a rtx 2080 so basically the same as a 2070 super, yet had SOOO many issues, It may be cause im 21:9 at 3440x1440 though


- - - Updated - - -


I was running 17.4 on GTX 760 with med/high settings 2560x1440 34-45fps. Alpha 18 laughed at me and called me a scrub even at minimum settings 1920x1080. So I literally went out and bought a RTX 2070 super ($600.00 /w tax) the day it released and now I'm running max settings 4k and rarely dropping below 60 fps.


I may starve to death in real life, but I'll be well fed in game. :p


or that I have gsync on as well...help me senpai

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Hyped less? Other than the video Madmole posted and the streamer weekend what hyping did they do? Most of the hyping I saw was people screaming 'release the kracken' on the message boards. Personally I think that because so many people jumped all over installing an experimental build says something about the previous work of the Pimps that leads to such a dedicated fevor from the players in trust that the Pimps are building a good game.

While they could have found a way to test on wider range of systems or managed to limit the experimental to a smaller group of people at first, I have no complaints about how things have been handled so far.


Hyped in the sense of having 100+ excited streamers showing the content and keep mentioning it'll be available to the rest of us on Monday. Then you see people casually handing out instructions how to Opt-in to experimental builds. The whole intent of the experimental is completely being overlooked that way.


I agree with what it says about the previous work of the pimps, though :)

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I actually love the new farming and food poisoning. Makes both something to worry/think about. Higher tier foods are sought after and each seed you find is special. I found two golden rod seeds and I was happy as a clam. It's not food spoilage but it's still a food sink so that's pretty good.


Yeah when everyone was going on and on about needing food spoilage I was like hmm no the real problem is you can get too much food, but we can't make it too scarce because of multiplayer. That simmered in the back of my mind and when we got around to rewriting food poisoning to be more than a 15 second annoyance like in A17 the aha moment came to mind and an evil grin formed on my face :) It plays quite nice, every time I take a bite to eat now I feel like a zombie might hit me from behind now, that tense feeling of wondering what might happen is a nice touch.


As with everything there is a way out of it, vitamins are useful now. I might even save up sham sandwiches and take a vitamin and eat them all at once just to fill up safely :)


I haven't heard one peep about the farm boxes, as I said I had an ace up my sleeve, which is the best survival game on the planet.

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yea Ill have to get a screen shot, i was changing all my settings rather fast, and after a few changes, terrain went black.

changed it more, then buildings went black, changed some more and the poof! everything was black. I was afraid to change more in fear of slenderman coming into my office or something


If this happens, execute "mem" in the F1 console and see if it helps. If it does it means unused textures have filled up your GPU memory.


I think it may be because i have an AMD CPU, heard Intel works wonders better with unity over AMD Processors


Got AMD CPU and GPU and have no FPS problems. (But black display problems on linux when I turn up graphic features). Who knows, it isn't really clear what triggers the bug

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You didn't respond to my long feedback so ill try to keep it shorter this time. :)


- The digging quest: insta spawn of zeds out of nowhere when picking up the stash.

always happens the same way, predictable and immersion breaking. will u consider removing that spawn entirly, or having some random 0-#number of sleeping zeds be buried next to the stash that rise if u dig them up while looking for the stash, or having the zombies already be in the area when u reach it so u need to clear it before u start digging?


- Resource Nodes: resource nodes on the surface are literally everywhere.

nodes can be abundant underground where its not visible and u have to dig search for it, that`s great. but for exploration`s sake, i would like finding a new surface ore to feel special. can we make them more rare with higher harvest for balance? (at least in SP?)


Original post:




We'll probably use random event system instead for dig quests, you may or may not get a visit from a game staged something.


Nodes are fine, some seeds takes 5 miles of walking to find what you want, others you are tripping over them, and its not meant to be hard, its meant to be a time sink which it is. Also with multiplayer to consider other people need their own private mines.

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Leave the damage the same on glancing blows and just add ragdoll to them. Heavy weapons should at least be able to knock them over, even if it doesn't hurt.


The new club swing is in and its glorious. He's starting on the sledge now.

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Game's really fun, performance outside is a bit better now that I disabled SSAO (I also have medium settings, 16:9 resolution lower than native, no AA). Indoors are still running amazing.


I'm getting my ass kicked in the game, when I'm playing on the newly lower default difficulty. Zombies, animals, infection, starvation, food poisoning all are beating me up. It is very fun however, I still only managed to die only once, but there were A LOT of times when I was really near death. It was super hard to get fed and not thirsty after vomiting from eating yucca fruit, I have finally managed to get full and not thirsty at all by drinking some vitamins and eating lots of yucca fruit.


This is definitely an Alpha where the survival mechanics get to shine, I rarely had to care about starvation and food poisoning, and now I have to. 7 Days to Die is a really, really good game now. Can't seem to escape the Desert, Burnt Forest and Wasteland, but hopefully I will soon find a Forest. And there's so much to do I still didn't manage to do a single quest, and I'm halfway through Day 4 now.


Snakes are kind of hard to hit, however, and they clip a lot into blocks, not sure if this is a bug so not putting in a bug report about this.


There were also some minor visual bugs and prop hitbox issues, but I think these will get fixed. Bull skulls getting destroyed into pebbles looks weird, these might need a different destroy animation.

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I am with Tetrameth, and not just on the FPS ranting. Should include those being super disrespectful and massive multiple posts that are not on topic. (Same for the bug reporting forum as well.)


And, I can try to be like Madmole, although I have not received any 'investment income' to offset my 'respect' 'filter'.


Hah, let em have it, and speak through my old unfiltered soul :)

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For months, practically on a daily basis, people have been begging for release. These people especially better not be complaining right now.


The way I see it, TFP is just as anxious and excited about showing the shiny as players are to get the shiny.


Some people are not going to understand what it means to opt into an experimental version and they will leave bad reviews. I haven't yet seen TFP care that much about them.... ever. If they don't care, then why should we worry about them? I'm sure they want the game to be successful, but if they are confident in where it is headed, then these reviews matter even less. What they do seem to care about the most right now is clearing the issues so everyone can enjoy the shiny. It's not like they are going to leave the game in its current state, so why so much debate over this?


Most of those streamers regularly stream 7D2D. If there was no streamer weekend, they would be streaming it right now and we would be in the same boat. The only difference would have been a delay of 3 days for all of these posts, 3 days for those same exact reviews.

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I'd be fine if mines worked the same way, perk into demo and you get a percentage of exp when they kill something. Thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it.


We can look into it, once the dust settles. I would love to hear boom and see some xp popup while drinking coffee and mining :)

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Yeah when everyone was going on and on about needing food spoilage I was like hmm no the real problem is you can get too much food, but we can't make it too scarce because of multiplayer. That simmered in the back of my mind and when we got around to rewriting food poisoning to be more than a 15 second annoyance like in A17 the aha moment came to mind and an evil grin formed on my face :) It plays quite nice, every time I take a bite to eat now I feel like a zombie might hit me from behind now, that tense feeling of wondering what might happen is a nice touch.


As with everything there is a way out of it, vitamins are useful now. I might even save up sham sandwiches and take a vitamin and eat them all at once just to fill up safely :)


I haven't heard one peep about the farm boxes, as I said I had an ace up my sleeve, which is the best survival game on the planet.



I been lucky in my recent game and I have tons of food. Tins a plenty, then wolves and pigs showed up and one town alone has provided over 150 meat.


Day 9 and not been sick once yet.


I may be fine for the next 30 days maybe beyond not sure... :)

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