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Alpha 18 Party Time!


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See, that's what my group loves about a16 becuase it makes each playthough completely unique. a17 is pretty predictable because you have that guarantee of the perk tree to unlock pretty much everything.


Forge, concrete, steel, workbench, chem set, etc make sense as perk unlocks gated via skill by doing and/or level.


Bicycle makes sense to start spawning in traders inventory at a certain level as a failsafe in case players are unlucky in their looting.


But for everything else, it's just more fun and exciting to have to loot schematics to be able to build tools, items, vehicles, armor, repair weapons, etc. Being able to build guns at all kills the thrill of finding guns, and being able to build guns from a perk even more so.


Yeah, your group, easy if there's more people playing and sharing. What if you play solo? Or on a pvp server? I remember several times doing nothing but loot for a Forge Ahead book. Most annoying thing ever - progress shouldnt be based on looting luck. Hell I still have it in A17 with the beaker.

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You guys must have the worst luck. Out of over a dozen games played in A16, not once did I ever have a problem getting the books I needed. Did it sometimes take a little longer than I would have liked? Sure, but it motivated me to hunt for it and was more satisfying when I finally did. Anyway, now that there are more vehicles, it wouldn't be the end of the world if say you couldn't find a motorcycle book for a while but found a minibike/truck one early, at least you would still have options for vehicles. It was worse before because the minibike was the ONLY vehicle so if you couldn't find the manual, well tough luck.

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You guys must have the worst luck. Out of over a dozen games played in A16, not once did I ever have a problem getting the books I needed. Did it sometimes take a little longer than I would have liked? Sure, but it motivated me to hunt for it and was more satisfying when I finally did. Anyway, now that there are more vehicles, it wouldn't be the end of the world if say you couldn't find a motorcycle book for a while but found a minibike/truck one early, at least you would still have options for vehicles. It was worse before because the minibike was the ONLY vehicle so if you couldn't find the manual, well tough luck.


Agreed, have to hit up those Crack-a-Book towers and Poopy Pants.

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Yeah, your group, easy if there's more people playing and sharing. What if you play solo? Or on a pvp server? I remember several times doing nothing but loot for a Forge Ahead book. Most annoying thing ever - progress shouldnt be based on looting luck. Hell I still have it in A17 with the beaker.


I totally agree that the forge shouldn't be a book. In fact when I mentioned it before as a perk unlock that was a mistake, I think it should be available from the start to be honest.


Either way, please see the rest of my post as I think you might have skimmed it. I agree with you that key items definitely should be perk \ skill unlocked instead of loot:


See, that's what my group loves about a16 becuase it makes each playthough completely unique. a17 is pretty predictable because you have that guarantee of the perk tree to unlock pretty much everything.


Forge, concrete, steel, workbench, chem set, etc make sense as perk unlocks gated via skill by doing and/or level. <---


Bicycle makes sense to start spawning in traders inventory at a certain level as a failsafe in case players are unlucky in their looting.


But for everything else, it's just more fun and exciting to have to loot schematics to be able to build tools, items, vehicles, armor, repair weapons, etc. Being able to build guns at all kills the thrill of finding guns, and being able to build guns from a perk even more so.

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You guys must have the worst luck. Out of over a dozen games played in A16, not once did I ever have a problem getting the books I needed. Did it sometimes take a little longer than I would have liked? Sure, but it motivated me to hunt for it and was more satisfying when I finally did. Anyway, now that there are more vehicles, it wouldn't be the end of the world if say you couldn't find a motorcycle book for a while but found a minibike/truck one early, at least you would still have options for vehicles. It was worse before because the minibike was the ONLY vehicle so if you couldn't find the manual, well tough luck.


I agree with all this. I play solo as well as with a group and I've never had a problem. As you say, it's satisfying to get those rare finds after hunting for them. Unlocking via perks after grinding for xp is about as unsatisfying and predictable as you can get.

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I've already designed nearly 100 perk books. The old perk books will be deleted. The new perk books are not temporary perks, but permanent once you read them. There are collections of books, typically 5 to 8 volumes. Each volume is a unique perk but if you collect the entire set you get a special collector bonus perk that is more OP than the others.


Here are a couple sets:

Night Stalker Books

Night stalker Vol 1 Do 5% more sneak damage at night.

Night stalker Vol 2 Sneak 5% better at night.

Night stalker Vol 3 Knives do 5% more damage at night.

Night stalker Vol 4 Never encumbered at night.

Night stalker Vol 5 Bows do 5% more damage at night.

Night stalker Vol 6 Gain 5% more xp from sneak kills at night

Night Stalker Collection Perk Do an extra 50% sneak damage to sleeping victims at night.

Lucky looter Books

Lucky looter Vol 1 Find more dukes in loot

Lucky looter Vol 2 Find more ammo in loot

Lucky looter Vol 3 Find more brass in loot

Lucky looter Vol 4 Find more books in loot

Lucky looter Vol 5 Find more food in loot

Lucky looter Vol 6 Find more medical items in loot

Lucky Looter Collector Perk Find more mods in loot



Best news this year! Any of this going to make A17.x ?

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Yeah, your group, easy if there's more people playing and sharing. What if you play solo? Or on a pvp server? I remember several times doing nothing but loot for a Forge Ahead book. Most annoying thing ever - progress shouldnt be based on looting luck. Hell I still have it in A17 with the beaker.


I feel similar.


It is not things being base on loot luck that is the problem though - that works just fine. It is VITAL things being based on luck. Basically, don't include vehicles (or at least up to the minibike), tools, basic foods, forge etc and things are fine.

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See, that's what my group loves about a16 becuase it makes each playthough completely unique. a17 is pretty predictable because you have that guarantee of the perk tree to unlock pretty much everything.


Forge, concrete, steel, workbench, chem set, etc make sense as perk unlocks gated via skill by doing and/or level.


Bicycle makes sense to start spawning in traders inventory at a certain level as a failsafe in case players are unlucky in their looting.


But for everything else, it's just more fun and exciting to have to loot schematics to be able to build tools, items, vehicles, armor, repair weapons, etc. Being able to build guns at all kills the thrill of finding guns, and being able to build guns from a perk even more so.


I agree with you. I think the more we are made to rely on scavenging, the more exciting and different each playthrough will be. I also don't mind if it takes me a while to find what I want. For me it was usually the crossbow schematic. I knew if I kept hitting bookstores, I'd find it eventually, but sometimes it took a while, and as a result I tried other weapons, and experienced a different play style. For me RNG is a better way to extend* gameplay because you can play without a vehicle or your favourite weapon for an extended time. When you do find it, it's a particularly joyous occasion, and feels like you got a reward.


* The current way to extend gameplay seems to be to downgrade your initial abilities so that you spend a lot of time feeling like an absolute invalid who can barely walk, struggling to get yourself back to normal so you can actually start playing. My husband stopped playing the game because of the new stamina hunger system. I battled through it (hating every second of the induced asthma and punishment for dying), but eventually quit as well when I realised how intelligent the AI was. These are the specific deal-breakers for us. I hope A18 is playable for us again, because I was a huge fan girl of previous iterations of this game.

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Yes I didn't like how book stores felt worthless for the most part. If you find a mod schematic you probably can't craft it yet, and the other perk books felt confusing or worthless, I'd always sell them if I could stare at them in my inventory long enough.


I hope to add some old novels that always give xp so the filler books are always useful to anyone.


i miss being able to use schematics to learn the pattern, instead of needing it in the actual recipe.

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BUILD MENU FOR BLOCKS where you can select the shape (like in EGS)!


EGS type blocks sound great. Maybe you have to own some item or station to craft them.



Did someone already ask for a nuclear power station POI that once you fix it, you can have free power.

-The catch would be its packed full of radiated zombies (of course) and you need a full rad suit to survive in the POI (until you fix it).

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Ok, I'll chime in...


1.) First problem with a17 play wise we are encountering is if you have wights, exploding cops, and irradiated sleepers in a poi, you can toss stealth out the window. You can't do enough silent damage to them without waking the rest of the sleepers, so the only way to even try to complete a sleeper clear quest is to drop a bedroll on property once you start it so when you die, you'll respawn without leaving the area.. except that was nerfed in 17.2


Either quest clear sleepers need to not include those types of zeds, or we need higher capability firepower with silencer capability. We are seeing about day 40 give or take where we can no longer complete any clearing quest. Maybe some special crossbow arrows or higher tier regular arrows would make them viable later game?


I won't mention rwg fixes because they are a work in progress, BUT as much as I wasn't fond of the plains, we need more biome diversity. Maybe the percent of tree types can be adjusted for two different forest biomes, like the old pine biome, or plains can come back in some fashion? Or there could be two desert biomes, one with the larger cactus, and another with something else?


I don't know if the island thing is going to actually be a thing, but the a 17.2 maps with it are WAY too small. You can cross them in a day walking, which kills the need for the minibike, motorcycle and gyro. Those are later end game goals, and with tiny maps, theres no incentive to go past the minibike. I have games that take up 60 gb on our systems.. I don't care about a map that takes up hd space, or takes a half hour to generate so long as it includes a good mix of pois, a good spread of them on the map, and its something we'll play for a month or so.


RWG is the main long term draw for 7d2d.. Once you know where most things are in navezgane, theres no real reason to play it again.


Play to your strengths.


I *really* miss caves and the talked about underground mines or cave pois. That could tie into the comment about more biomes.. its more to explore. We loved them in minecraft, and have been looking forward to them returning since what, a14?


The new farming mods add a LOT or great later game gameplay, as do many of the recent mods. Why not take a page from Ark, buyout the best from the best, and add them as options in the game? You already have a simple system in place to add mods, and it wouldn't take much work to make them a featured part of the game.


The enhancement recipes from jayick's farming mod are something we are SO looking forward to unlocking during out current play, and his livestock and extra workstations and recipes add a ton of diverse gameplay.


Guppy's police car, ambulance, and firetruck with working lights are SO cool!!!, some of Mumphy's new zombie reskins, and maunx's pedal gyro, hell bike and monowheel would be great add ons that don't really change gameplay balance.


I know mod support is planned after gold, but its a huge asset that you can leverage now.


I'd also like to see user created pois be added to the list when we create new RWG on our own systems. if that was in place, then there could be a thread here and a later repository of user created buildings. Later development could have the names tied to new trader quests fetch and clear quests.


Can the traders get some extra line voicework? Acknowledging a player's survival skills after not dying during a horde night, or smack talking them for dying during one would give them some more life. Maybe even new lines for succeeding in a fetch or clear quest could be added, and lines acknowledging the failure of a failed quest?


There's SO much more, but this has already gotten too lengthy.


In a nutshell, we need 8k or bigger worlds, more biomes/caves, rwg user poi support, more npc tlc, and start looking at more support for the community mods that are being created.

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How about some sort of item 'grinder'? Haven't seen a post mention this sort of idea yet. Since the Devs.. or whoever in charge seems to like seeing the game take longer to get through to whatever player-side end stage, how about an automated machine we can toss whatever into, like Brass. Have it not take up those precious four queue slots while back at a player's base. The resulting items shouldn't need their own separate recipes or anything, just whatever they would scrap down into, or if a firearm or more complex item, give the grinder another purpose : you can, or will get more items out of it? Just a thought.


7 Days to Die already has a lot of grinding, and its not all terrible. Bit monotonous at times, yeah. So maybe give people some more enjoyable grinding ( pun intended ) to this game.


Some have noted more uses for electricity, so more useful machines with a bit of automation could be one.

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How about some sort of item 'grinder'? Haven't seen a post mention this sort of idea yet. Since the Devs.. or whoever in charge seems to like seeing the game take longer to get through to whatever player-side end stage, how about an automated machine we can toss whatever into, like Brass. Have it not take up those precious four queue slots while back at a player's base. The resulting items shouldn't need their own separate recipes or anything, just whatever they would scrap down into, or if a firearm or more complex item, give the grinder another purpose : you can, or will get more items out of it? Just a thought.


7 Days to Die already has a lot of grinding, and its not all terrible. Bit monotonous at times, yeah. So maybe give people some more enjoyable grinding ( pun intended ) to this game.


Some have noted more uses for electricity, so more useful machines with a bit of automation could be one.


Does the WB not already serve this purpose? As well as the forge (you did specifically mention brass which the forge breaks down and gives you more of.

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Does the WB not already serve this purpose? As well as the forge (you did specifically mention brass which the forge breaks down and gives you more of.


That's true, it does. You can scrap things in the workbench and the forge does process brass ( I should of used a different example, but chose Brass because generally it seems to take a while to scrap, which bogs down the item queue ). Was thinking a way to get more out of items that can't be broken down with a wrench. Guns are just more than a few mechanical parts when me make them ourselves after all. I know its relatively easy to get those other pieces elsewhere, so it was just a thought. Electricity only has a few uses currently. Turrets, traps and alarms.. unless I'm missing something.


Would of said I'd like to see food spoilage in A18, but I don't think it'll be there yet.

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See, that's what my group loves about a16 becuase it makes each playthough completely unique. a17 is pretty predictable because you have that guarantee of the perk tree to unlock pretty much everything.


Forge, concrete, steel, workbench, chem set, etc make sense as perk unlocks gated via skill by doing and/or level.


Bicycle makes sense to start spawning in traders inventory at a certain level as a failsafe in case players are unlucky in their looting.


But for everything else, it's just more fun and exciting to have to loot schematics to be able to build tools, items, vehicles, armor, repair weapons, etc. Being able to build guns at all kills the thrill of finding guns, and being able to build guns from a perk even more so.


A17 is different but it doesn't mean you can't have different playthroughs.


Do I find a wrench early on or not. Do I find Steel. If so I can wrench cars and make dukes - Trading Playthrough.


Don't find wrenches or Steel but find a hoe. I'll grow food and hunt - Living off the land playthrough.


Don't find anything - Have to go up the Int Tree.


Find some armor early on - Go STR and Melee. No crafting just loot.


There are more variations but it can be just as satisfying as A16 but in a different way.


- - - Updated - - -


Ok, I'll chime in...


1.) First problem with a17 play wise we are encountering is if you have wights, exploding cops, and irradiated sleepers in a poi, you can toss stealth out the window. You can't do enough silent damage to them without waking the rest of the sleepers, so the only way to even try to complete a sleeper clear quest is to drop a bedroll on property once you start it so when you die, you'll respawn without leaving the area.. except that was nerfed in 17.2


Either quest clear sleepers need to not include those types of zeds, or we need higher capability firepower with silencer capability. We are seeing about day 40 give or take where we can no longer complete any clearing quest. Maybe some special crossbow arrows or higher tier regular arrows would make them viable later game?


Can't disagree with what you are saying but it's not an A17 problem. It's not intended. It's a bug that is causing irradiated and harder mobs appearing sooner than they should and it's been stated it will be fixed.


Ideally you should have enough perks and gear that by the time you get irradiated you can deal with them.

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Can't disagree with what you are saying but it's not an A17 problem. It's not intended. It's a bug that is causing irradiated and harder mobs appearing sooner than they should and it's been stated it will be fixed.


Ideally you should have enough perks and gear that by the time you get irradiated you can deal with them.


I think they already fixed it. I do not notice radiated in experimental until after I am competent enough to take them out.

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That's true, it does. You can scrap things in the workbench and the forge does process brass ( I should of used a different example, but chose Brass because generally it seems to take a while to scrap, which bogs down the item queue ). Was thinking a way to get more out of items that can't be broken down with a wrench. Guns are just more than a few mechanical parts when me make them ourselves after all. I know its relatively easy to get those other pieces elsewhere, so it was just a thought. Electricity only has a few uses currently. Turrets, traps and alarms.. unless I'm missing something.


Would of said I'd like to see food spoilage in A18, but I don't think it'll be there yet.


I don't really have any issues with the item queue at all because WB is really easy to produce and 4 slots gives you plenty of production unless you are not planning things out. As far as things like guns, I agree that you should get more than a few mech parts when scrapping something that takes so many mats to produce. Would not mind having a scrapping bench where scrapping higher items like guns would yield more than a single base component type. Not a bad idea.


And yes, we need way more to do with electricity. I find that it is really underwhelming in a general sense.

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