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Alpha 18 Party Time!


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Hey, i love the voxel thing too, don't get me wrong... Just understand folks that it has a really high cost, and it's why we cant have zombies dying to 1 headshot from the start, and why greens have to be spammed around later on. How else is the game supposed to be hard if you can only have 10 zombies on screen before the FPS takes a big dump?


So yeah, at this point- keep the voxels and go MORE into fallout like direction with super mutants to do battle with. Get more interesting with it, have really freaky mutated zombies with all sorts of cool powers. We'll call it the Z-MEN Starring MOLEVERINE.


I don't think it has to be an either/or trade-off.


Back in A10, I had rejigged the XML's to create truly massive numbers of zombies, and the game ran perfectly fine (3 player server), voxels and all.

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Anything that allows for world building and restoration. The rebuilding of society, to some degree, esp in single player. Colony building in the "field of dreams" sense, where if you build something, people will show up. Some may not be friendly (bandits), but others may want to assist you and construct small bases of their own, help defend yours (within reason, so that they're not doing it all for you), even have the Traitor Joel's folks come and set up nearby once you're sufficiently along in the process and so on.


Specialization in crafting (a gunsmith, weaponsmith, construction expert, etc) with associated perks or benefits. For example, a gunsmith can add 1 extra slot to firearms, a construction expert is able to make blocks with additional durability, and so on. Other specialized content could be cooking perks that extend the duration of being full or even adding temporary stat increases, such as a +1 to Strength.


Tons of new armor and weapons. Can't have enough of those. :)

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procedurally generated zombies. all different. all sorts of stats from weak to strong, slow to fast, small to big, smart to dumb. add in switches for irradiated, feral, regen, special attacks whatever.

include appearance - but dont link abilities to appearance - that removes too much surprise.


difficulty settings could govern overall level of difficulty and or randomness range. a z with 95% percentile in this and that would put the wind up you. imagine coming across a slow dopey nurse type zombie that can one shot you at level 100. that would shake stuff up ill bet.

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Better water physics/ water system. Like water that will flow through a ditch you dig ( i know it does a little but not nearly in a useful way), rainwater collection , sand and coal filtration, maybe plumbing and pumps for the electric system.


More lighting options .


More paints , particularly some that just look like fresh , clean paint.


Expanded farming system. Maybe irrigation ( to go along with water systems) . More crops ( I mean wheat in particular , its a freaking staple crop, and we don't need a gluten free apocalypse) . Maybe grow lamps for indoor farms ( or subterranean ones) . Chicken coops would be nice .


More trash items to scrap, Maybe the occasional blow up doll , any such gag items.


Maybe a radio , with multiple uses . Say maybe survivor radio ,ala modern fallout games , with one of the pimps as the dj, where we can also get weather reports and the occasional wandering horde warning. Could also be used to generate a lot of heat , to lure z's into traps .


Working ovens/stoves/grills. Some foods could be gated behind better cooking stuff.


Waffles .


Tailoring station for making clothes out of cloth. Might require finding a sewing kit , or various baubles to craft better stuff .


A bag of self adhesive googly eyes.


Id still like to see the trainable animals added to game .


Npc's that join your camp, and provide either buffs or resources . Can die if you let the zeds get to em . Maybe you cant use the workbench and such and just walk away unless you have a npc at base to do the actual crafting (makes more sense that an automated stone arrow maker you can just walk away from )

Would make base building even more important . Would probably have to have an npc class bed item that doesn't get set as your spawn point.

Maybe they require buildings with certain items in them to do their jobs . Like maybe Miner Jerry needs a small building with a bed , chest , campfire , and workstation close to a designated mining spot to do his job. And you have to stop by to pick up resources and defend him from a horde from time to time.

Maybe integrate Ham radios or cb's into this system so they can tell you they need help.


Thats it for now.

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- Main storyline, spanning the entire map of locations to visit at your own pace (why you are here, what is your objective, what evil befell Navezgane, etc etc).


Can improve on this with different preset starts based on character profile presets.

E.g. you are parachuted in by military, but lose most of your gear except what's on you, some flashlight, 9mm pistol, a clip worth of bullets, military rations and a can of water. Now you need to visit a bunch of military bases all over the map, gather some intel, radio some data, etc etc


- NPC survivors, ranging from Mad Max style bandits/raiders, to friendlies.


Give player the ability to be Paragon or Renegade, e.g. wrestle control of raider camps and become a Khan warlord to terrorize the survivors/NPCs VS help the survivors knight-in-shining-armor-style and destroy the raider camps.


- Perform at least basic optimization pass.

I walk by the lake, 60 fps.

I build a huge fortress near that lake, 60 fps.

I put 4 torches at the base of the fortress, 37 fps.

I facepalm.

- Get rid of traders, they have literally no sense in this environment, this is not Fallout with established economy 50 years after bombs fell.

Can put a trader into survivors/friendlies NPC camp, with basic gear/food, not Q6 items.


- Vending machines from old world should accept old world cash, casino tokens make no sense

- Don't reload vending machines, it has no sense (who the ♥♥♥♥ is going around refilling them in apocalypse?)

- Remove dumb immersion-breaking stuff, which is not supposed to be at zombie-virus infested environment.


All of this is related to the game not having even the basics of storyline/setting/scenario/logic

This is extremely immersion-breaking addition to the game. I would rather reinstall and suffer through Fallout 4 now, at least the world makes more sense.


- Learn by Doing system with basic gating (no forge on day 1 and cement on day 7, but less pigeonholing into zombie killing for exp).


- Recipe books back, new journals with short time buffs are useless trash.


- Fix loot tables, risk vs rewards, gamestage leaving player with only glowing zombies, make zombie act like zombies and not super-intelligent homing missiles), etc etc etc


Just please... dont put random useless ♥♥♥♥ into the game like blunderbuss, minibikes and traders just because.

Think about game setting and environment first.

Tbh I don't give a ♥♥♥♥, I had my fun with this game 2 years back, just coming around from a habit.

As soon as Cyberpunk is out, I am gone.

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Find a way to combine current skill system with learn-by-doing. Is this a survival game or a role playing game? The current system is cool, but doesn't exactly feel like "survival" when the point of survival is to avoid zombies.


Horde night is cool, but it needs work. Every 7 days is just tedious. I get that some people really enjoy that game style, but personally I prefer no horde, and a more constant 24/7 type of threat, like nightmare speed zombies with no daylight at all. Having said that, allow an option to set the length of the horde event rather than using the equation: 24 - daylighthours = hordehours. I set the horde to 0 zombies and the speed to walk, and since I use 0 daylight, I get a 24 hour period of walking zombies to give myself a break from real apocalypse conditions. (Blood moon is shiny compared to 0 daylight, so I justify it by saying it distracts the zombies. W/E IMO way more fun than dealing with a horde every 7 days.) More options than this for horde night though. Maybe consider adding a random range in which it chooses the night. Leave the first horde night on day 7, but make all following hordes land somewhat randomly around 7 day intervals. A zombie apocalypse running on clockwork doesn't sit right with me, and is also boring.


In order to play on a "high difficulty" there should be more options on the zombies. Increasing health of zombies to increase game difficulty is lame. LAME. I said it. LAME. That doesn't make it difficult. It makes it tedious. There should be options for speed, damage, health (even tho it's lame), amount of zombies, heat map multiplier, noise multiplier, individual settings for zombie types...


On that note: What's with all the vultures? They're zombies, but they are procreating at a high rate because of all the dead bodies? Did they procreate then die afterward? I find it hard to believe that a zombified animal could fly... really? Bring back the bees. Vomiting vultures? Cops are ok, but this is really pushing a lack of imagination here. I will never respect the current vultures. Nope.


Can anyone say .50 cal? Come on. Maybe some AR-15s, and bullets that can pierce. (Example, in RL AR-15 pierces, AK doesn't.)


Also different bullet calibers use different bullet casings... Not a big deal, just something that irritates me. Try to put a 9mm case on a .762 bullet in RL.


Fishing... for real. This should have been in A1.


Swords? I mean ♥♥♥♥... I have 4 in my house right now. Who doesn't use a sword in a zombie apocalypse? What country is this? What?


More focus on PvP and/or WAY more endgame content. The gun and armor mods are a good start. This game needs clans, and clan wars over resources, and unique items that give clans a reason to raid each other.


NPC factions that you can gain and lose points in. And like was mentioned by an earlier poster, set some traders to use factions.


Vending machines (also mentioned by someone else) shouldn't refill (unless at a trader) or take tokens (at all).


Zombie loot should be appropriate to zombie type (also mentioned by another poster) like it use to be... Why did that go away? Nurses give meds, workers give wrenches... It made sense, and it's not like those things need to be held back from the player until a certain point or anything. That stuff is day 1 content anyway.


Chicken coops. Pig pens. (also mentioned) Make them generate a lot of heat.


Bring caves back.


Bring parts quality back for vehicles. At least the engines, wheels, and batteries... That was a good system. (also mentioned)


Way Way Way more melee weapon options. WAY MORE.


A push to get zombies off you, possibly knock them down. Must use medium-heavy weapons with 2 hands. Using a pistol or knife would be useless.


Change the drop item button to a yell button that wakes up all the zombies nearby. :) I usually just smack the front door, but yelling would be cooler.

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Fix player movement, bring back run backwards and run strafe, why would you even remove these? it's so cheesy like trying to get a gotcha moment, ahaha you ran in to a house, every house, with 30 zombies in it and now you can't move around and defend yourself! HA HA GOTTEM HE'S DED! - ultimate cheese


Remove the damn enemy spawns in EVERY FREAKING BUILDING! wtf? this should be like a 1/10 thing let the guy think he stands a chance, give him some motivation to actully enter POIS instead of reasons to avoid them.


REMOVE or give the option to disable digging zombies, another cheesy ass fix to a problem that never existed except for in the mind of a few


Fix the underground glitch, fix entities falling through the ground, optimize, etc...


Give players more options to play as they see fit, you know, what made this game stand out froom the crowd. This used to be the funnest damn game I have ever played besides quake in 1997, the way it stands now I have uninstalled it and have zero desire to play.

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the way it stands now I have uninstalled it and have zero desire to play.


I just don't get this sort of attitude. You've got access to all the previous versions back to Alpha 8 (5 even if you follow Red's links), so if A17 in its current state isn't your cup of tea, why completely install the game? (Assuming you really did). Just seems like you're cutting your nose off to spite your face.

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Remove the damn enemy spawns in EVERY FREAKING BUILDING! wtf? this should be like a 1/10 thing let the guy think he stands a chance, give him some motivation to actully enter POIS instead of reasons to avoid them.


Yeah I agree. There are really no jump scares anymore after the first few POI's because you learn to expect zombies anywhere and everywhere. It is no longer a surprise.


An example of a game with great jump scares is The Forest (at least, last time I played it). You'd hear all sorts of sounds in a nice dark cave expecting a jump scare, for a good 30 minutes exploring, only to not see anything hostile, then you'd be like whew, seems safe after all. Then BAM they get you lol. Dead space is another great example. You know they're gonna get you, but you have no idea when or where, and often get trolled by "fake" jump scares.

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I just don't get this sort of attitude. You've got access to all the previous versions back to Alpha 8 (5 even if you follow Red's links), so if A17 in its current state isn't your cup of tea, why completely install the game? (Assuming you really did). Just seems like you're cutting your nose off to spite your face.


I think the reason there is the want to uninstall from some is because going back to a previous alpha feels like playing last years Call of Duty. I use this example because it hits home to me. I have been a die hard CoD fan/player since CoD4. Love playing online. I put the series away because of the exo-suits. If I wanted to play Halo, I would play Halo. I did not keep playing the previous version because the developers moved away from what I liked. It pissed me off. I know it wasn't personal, yet I still felt they killed the game. Now instead of me getting to play new content, I have to stay on the old stuff everyone moved on from. Childish, I know, but the lobbies died too. Same thing with 7DTD. I could go back to A16.4, but then I wouldn't get any of the cool new stuff. A16.4 lobbies are probably less(?) because people either left the game completely, or moved on to A17+. I came back to CoD for WW2 and loved it, back to "boots on the ground"! Then came Black Ops 4, bought it, hated it, won't play it. Just like people that say they played A10-13 then skipped A15-16, now love A17. It's all "ebb and flow". People will come, people will go, people will return, others will leave again. When the game goes gold, the devs will know if they made the right choice in direction.

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Give players more options to play as they see fit, you know, what made this game stand out froom the crowd. This used to be the funnest damn game I have ever played besides quake in 1997, the way it stands now I have uninstalled it and have zero desire to play.


Amen to that.

The game used to have unique concept, learn by doing, freedom of action.

Now it's just... ♥♥♥♥ty Fallout clone I guess.

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NPCs to help with settlements or gathering


Legendary gear with random stats, so you're always looking for better gear.


Zip line "oh ya"


Learn by doing, it's fine we can advance skills by killing zombies but you should also be able to advance the skill by performing the skill.


Less ambushes, as others pointed out when you come to expect them around every corner there is no surprise factor any more.

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Give players more options to play as they see fit, you know, what made this game stand out froom the crowd.


Amen to that.

The game used to have ...freedom of action.


I'm curious about what actions or playstyles you would like to engage in but cannot because the game doesn't let you. What is the linear path along which you are being forced to tread?

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Fix player movement, bring back run backwards and run strafe, why would you even remove these? it's so cheesy like trying to get a gotcha moment, ahaha you ran in to a house, every house, with 30 zombies in it and now you can't move around and defend yourself! HA HA GOTTEM HE'S DED! - ultimate cheese


Please, no. No longer being able to speed run backward is a modification that I have been waiting for a long time. Same for the side steps.


An armor that really protect you from damage

Still in game. Just buy the corresponding skills.

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I'm curious about what actions or play styles you would like to engage in but cannot because the game doesn't let you. What is the linear path along which you are being forced to tread?


Currently I am unable to pursue my life-long dream of owing a Zombie-Apocalypse Charter Fishing company. No fish, no boats, no ho's.

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Currently I am unable to pursue my life-long dream of owing a Zombie-Apocalypse Charter Fishing company. No fish, no boats, no ho's.


Ah yes, the old no-fishing pathway. Truly a hard road to walk.


Alas, fishing has never been on the to do list so if it ever gets into the base game it will be a huge and welcome surprise.

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I would LOVE to be able to pull a "John Dorie" (That's Dorie like the fish with an IE and not a Y ) and stand by a water source and fish, put down my rod, kill a Zombie and then resume fishing, but even if it eventually only becomes crafting fishing traps on the workbench with cloth and iron, placing them by the water and returning the next day, it would still be a fantastic addition to resource/food management system still in development.



I will bet there are more than a few ideas the Devs have in mind that we have yet to hear about, and I for one can't wait.

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Learn by doing, it's fine we can advance skills by killing zombies but you should also be able to advance the skill by performing the skill.


In my mind, using skills should advance one or more corresponding main stats, while skill points should only be used to buy the skills under those stats. It's a simple, yet rewarding solution that still allows you to place points in specific things as long as the player meets the requirements.

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Remove the damn enemy spawns in EVERY FREAKING BUILDING! wtf? this should be like a 1/10 thing let the guy think he stands a chance, give him some motivation to actully enter POIS instead of reasons to avoid them.


100% ... I have no problem dealing with a house full of zombies on any difficulty because I spec Agility/Cardio right away, BUT, yea... It seems like there are way less outdoor zombies now, and having guaranteed zombies in every single house, shack, and camp leaves zero surprise, zero fear, and also means if a player places a bedroll in a house, since no zombies spawn, anyone who enters that house automatically can assume that there is a bedroll, and possibly someone's base/stash nearby.


Have some houses with no zombies, have some houses with 1 zombie, whatever. The players have a desire for massive hordes of zombies, not massive amounts of sleeping ai that doesn't activate until you enter their house. It doesn't even make sense that there are 20 zombies in every house, scattered around evenly so that there are 2-4 zombies in just about every room. And let me repeat myself... In EVERY house, in ALMOST EVERY room.


The main hub town was cool as ♥♥♥♥ because it was set up like an actual city grid, and there were zombies everywhere on the streets. It was ♥♥♥♥ing great. I like the new town layout, but without the old hub city... it leaves a lot to be desired.


I don't know why outdoor spawns can't be handled in a similar way to indoor spawns. Use sleeping (or simple) ai that only fully activates when in range of the player. It's not that hard to code. I can gather a train of zombies and overload the game by pulling them out of houses probably easier than I could by running around outdoors trying to gather them up.


If A17 was a zombie movie, I'd be like, what the ♥♥♥♥ is going on in this movie? Why are all the zombies sleeping and evenly distributed among dwellings? Where did all these vultures come from?

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Basicly my Wishes can splitt up in different Areas of the game:

(++) indicates that it has been metioned allready by others.


More gameplay/build options:


New Talents

New Zeds and Boss Zeds like Behemoth (++)

New Rare Matrials - Diamond - Smaragd - Gold - Silver - Copper

These Matrials can be used for better gear, better tools and new Items

Train tracks + Trains as a transport vehicles (Electrical with batteries or Classic Coal trains)

fish, fishing rods, rafts (++)

ziplines (++)

Expanded electricity + New Items (++)

More mods for Weapongs and vehicles! (++)

More Quest types and group Quest


Higher variety to our World feeling


Underwater biome - Plants + Wild life

Dsungel Biome - Plants + Wild life

More Seeds like Strawberry, Peach, Apple, Coconut and more (++)

More wildlife

More sience items

More Building Items - Again more custom options to style your home and world!!

More Furniture for Playerhome (++)

breed Animals (Chicken, Rabbit, Cow, Pig) (++)

POI Train terminals/stations, goods yards, maintenence yards, tracks (++)

A port area on the edge of a wide river/lake/sea/ocean with port industry, containers, cranes, docks, container ships, possible passenger liner/dock. Skin diving equipment for water exploration (++)

Larger military base army/navy/airforce, random choice per map (++)

some clean looking textures (++)



Quality of Life


electric wire relay reduced energy cost to 0.1 or 0

buff timers should be stackable. 30s of some buffs are just to weak

Trader Quest - 1.2km in which direction? Add the direction of the Quest

Solar banks increased chance at vendor or quest reward

garage doors rotate by 45 degree

Some changes to cooking, the old wellness was way better (++)

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