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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. What's a better cave tool than a rocket launcher?
  2. Steam support atm would be premature considering TFP still hasn't finished adding in their mod support.
  3. Large than man sized entities and pathing seem to be their white whale, I don't see it happening anytime soon. I believe that's why they dropped the abonimati...er, behemoth.
  4. The replacematerial XML property no longer works correctly due to a simple arrangement of children on *some* of the zombies, are there plans for uniformity in bone set up so things like the old system for radiating a zed will still work?
  5. I mean, I like the idea; re-release the game with all patches included on a physical disk, but the messaging is *horrible*. Imagine what a digital purchaser or a previous owner is going to think when they read "includes patches"; since people tend to read what they want to be true, they're going to think the game will be a newer, better version than they one they already have, even if they themselves have the latest patch. Whole thing has been a clusterfuss, I don't even any of the parties involved, nor do I blame TFP for the kerfuffle, but damn I hope they learned some lessons from it. 😃
  6. It's definitely clear why the messaging gets lost.
  7. I'm so confused. I get that there is no "new" content, so what you said is technically correct, but if I recall correctly the original question was whether or not this copy was needed in order to get future updates? ... I don't even own a console, so I have no dog in this, but the messaging is unclear.
  8. Yeh, it def wasn't one of your vids that I saw (and still refuse to link especially since it's bogus).
  9. Can a pimp confirm that: 1 - there will be a re-release of the console coming imminently 2 - that re-purchasing the game will be required to receive forthcoming updates? I was just watching a YT on it (I won't link it just in case it's false information) and that was the implication... Thanks!
  10. They will, you will just lose out on distant terrain, since it's not actually sending the files to you, it's just building the world based on what prefabs the SERVER has.
  11. So if you go into a t5 building on day 1, you'll get low level easy zeds. Lots of them, but still easy... If you go into it at day 100, you'll get the higher level zeds. The sleeper volumes have game stage modifiers. Doing shotgun messiah in the early days is much easier than in the later days. Cheesey design imo, which is *why* I m-word. I believe mm mentioned at some point relatively recently that they're going back to biome based dangers, something the poi tile system will definitely allow for, so that'll be great. Imagine if the poi was only in the wasteland and had a level 1 or 2 radiation on it... Then you wouldn't be *able* to cheese it.
  12. I loot higher tier buildings at lower levels to cheese the stupid gamestage system.
  13. Well this has been an interesting conversation... I agree with everyone. ... K, have you tried just that dmt code by itself against 19.8, without the other bits and pieces?
  14. How can they fit, when he himself is deeply hidden in there?
  15. As someone who's made/played an m-word that has mobile storage that follows you, it's "meh" at best, game play wise... by this point, you're already swimming in abilities to assist you in this endeavor. A vehicle outside (or a chest or whatever) that you can throw stuff in seems to have the same net effect. Hopefully we can do cool things with it like pull up the mini map and send it places, or add mods to it that add features like warning, attacking, etc...
  16. Likely won't get many responses here, try the request thread.
  17. ...he literally gave you three solutions... none of which had to do with coding.
  18. "Um" was said about a million times. Probably. I missed it.
  19. It's great the PC is still getting updates, but what about conso... Hahahaha ...I kid I kid. 9pm you say? Might remember to say hi.
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